WIP: cálculo de impacto ambiental #59

pedro wants to merge 91 commits from feature/f31-device-enviromental-impact into main
11 changed files with 148 additions and 36 deletions
Showing only changes of commit bd4f6b7d56 - Show all commits

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from evidence.models import Annotation
from lot.models import LotTag
from device.models import Device
from device.forms import DeviceFormSet
from environmental_impact.calculator import get_device_environmental_impact
from environmental_impact.algorithms.algorithm_factory import FactoryEnvironmentImpactAlgorithm
if settings.DPP:
from dpp.models import Proof
from dpp.api_dlt import PROOF_TYPE
@ -111,11 +111,16 @@ class DetailsView(DashboardView, TemplateView):
enviromental_impact_algorithm = FactoryEnvironmentImpactAlgorithm.run_environmental_impact_calculation(
enviromental_impact = enviromental_impact_algorithm.get_device_environmental_impact(
'object': self.object,
'snapshot': self.object.get_last_evidence(),
'lot_tags': lot_tags,
'impact': get_device_environmental_impact(self.object),
'impact': enviromental_impact,
'dpps': dpps,
return context

View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from .dummy_calculator import DummyEnvironmentalImpactAlgorithm
from .algorithm_interface import EnvironmentImpactAlgorithm
class AlgorithmNames():
Enum class for the different types of algorithms.
DUMMY_CALC = "dummy_calc"
algorithm_names = {
DUMMY_CALC: DummyEnvironmentalImpactAlgorithm()
class FactoryEnvironmentImpactAlgorithm():
def run_environmental_impact_calculation(algorithm_name: str) -> EnvironmentImpactAlgorithm:
return AlgorithmNames.algorithm_names[algorithm_name]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Invalid algorithm name. Valid options are: " +
", ".join(AlgorithmNames.algorithm_names.keys()))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from functools import lru_cache
from device.models import Device
from environmental_impact.models import EnvironmentalImpact
class EnvironmentImpactAlgorithm(ABC):
def get_device_environmental_impact(self, device: Device) -> EnvironmentalImpact:

View file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
from device.models import Device
from .algorithm_interface import EnvironmentImpactAlgorithm
from environmental_impact.models import EnvironmentalImpact
class DummyEnvironmentalImpactAlgorithm(EnvironmentImpactAlgorithm):
def get_device_environmental_impact(self, device: Device) -> EnvironmentalImpact:
# TODO Make a constants file / class
avg_watts = 40 # Arbitrary laptop average consumption
co2_per_kwh = 0.475
power_on_hours = self.get_power_on_hours_from(device)
energy_kwh = (power_on_hours * avg_watts) / 1000
co2_emissions = energy_kwh * co2_per_kwh
return EnvironmentalImpact(co2_emissions=co2_emissions)
def get_power_on_hours_from(self, device: Device) -> int:
# TODO how do I check if the device is a legacy workbench? Is there a better way?
is_legacy_workbench = False if device.last_evidence.inxi else True
if not is_legacy_workbench:
storage_components = device.components[9]
str_time = storage_components.get('time of used', -1)
str_time = ""
uptime_in_hours = self.convert_str_time_to_hours(str_time, is_legacy_workbench)
return uptime_in_hours
def convert_str_time_to_hours(self, time_str: str, is_legacy_workbench: bool) -> int:
if is_legacy_workbench:
return -1 # TODO Power on hours not available in legacy workbench
multipliers = {'y': 365 * 24, 'd': 24, 'h': 1}
return sum(int(part[:-1]) * multipliers[part[-1]] for part in time_str.split())

View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
from dataclasses import dataclass
from device.models import Device
class EnvironmentalImpact:
carbon_saved: float = 0.0
co2_emissions: float = 0.0
def get_device_environmental_impact(device: Device) -> EnvironmentalImpact:
avg_watts = 40 # Arbitrary laptop average consumption
power_on_hours = get_power_on_hours_from(device)
energy_kwh = (power_on_hours * avg_watts) / 1000
# CO2 emissions based on global average electricity mix
co2_per_kwh = 0.475
co2_emissions = energy_kwh * co2_per_kwh
return EnvironmentalImpact(co2_emissions=co2_emissions)
def get_power_on_hours_from(device: Device) -> int:
storage_components = device.components[9]
str_time = storage_components.get('time of used', -1)
uptime_in_hours = convert_str_time_to_hours(str_time)
return uptime_in_hours
def convert_str_time_to_hours(time_str: str) -> int:
multipliers = {'y': 365 * 24, 'd': 24, 'h': 1}
return sum(int(part[:-1]) * multipliers[part[-1]] for part in time_str.split())

View file

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
from dataclasses import dataclass
from django.db import models
# Create your models here.
class EnvironmentalImpact:
carbon_saved: float = 0.0
co2_emissions: float = 0.0

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
from django.test import TestCase
# Create your tests here.

View file

View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
from unittest.mock import patch
import uuid
from django.test import TestCase
from device.models import Device
from environmental_impact.models import EnvironmentalImpact
from environmental_impact.algorithms.dummy_calculator import DummyEnvironmentalImpactAlgorithm
from evidence.models import Evidence
class DummyEnvironmentalImpactAlgorithmTests(TestCase):
@patch('evidence.models.Evidence.get_doc', return_value={'credentialSubject': {}})
@patch('evidence.models.Evidence.get_time', return_value=None)
def setUp(self, mock_get_time, mock_get_doc):
self.device = Device(id='1')
evidence = self.device.last_evidence = Evidence(uuid=uuid.uuid4())
evidence.inxi = True
evidence.doc = {'credentialSubject': {}}
self.algorithm = DummyEnvironmentalImpactAlgorithm()
def test_get_power_on_hours_from_legacy_device(self):
# TODO is there a way to check that?
@patch('evidence.models.Evidence.get_components', return_value=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, {'time of used': '1y 2d 3h'}])
def test_get_power_on_hours_from_inxi_device(self, mock_get_components):
hours = self.algorithm.get_power_on_hours_from(self.device)
hours, 8811, "Inxi-parsed devices should correctly compute power-on hours")
@patch('evidence.models.Evidence.get_components', return_value=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, {'time of used': '1y 2d 3h'}])
def test_convert_str_time_to_hours(self, mock_get_components):
result = self.algorithm.convert_str_time_to_hours('1y 2d 3h', False)
result, 8811, "String to hours conversion should match expected output")
@patch('evidence.models.Evidence.get_components', return_value=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, {'time of used': '1y 2d 3h'}])
def test_environmental_impact_calculation(self, mock_get_components):
impact = self.algorithm.get_device_environmental_impact(self.device)
self.assertIsInstance(impact, EnvironmentalImpact,
"Output should be an EnvironmentalImpact instance")
expected_co2 = 8811 * 40 * 0.475 / 1000
self.assertAlmostEqual(impact.co2_emissions, expected_co2,
2, "CO2 emissions calculation should be accurate")

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
from environmental_impact.algorithms.algorithm_factory import FactoryEnvironmentImpactAlgorithm
from django.test import TestCase
from environmental_impact.algorithms.dummy_calculator import DummyEnvironmentalImpactAlgorithm
class FactoryEnvironmentImpactAlgorithmTests(TestCase):
def test_valid_algorithm_name(self):
algorithm = FactoryEnvironmentImpactAlgorithm.run_environmental_impact_calculation(
self.assertIsInstance(algorithm, DummyEnvironmentalImpactAlgorithm,
"Factory should return a DummyEnvironmentalImpactAlgorithm instance")
def test_invalid_algorithm_name(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):