#!/bin/sh set -e set -u # DEBUG set -x check_app_is_there() { if [ ! -f "./manage.py" ]; then usage fi } deploy() { # detect if existing deployment (TODO only works with sqlite) if [ -f "${program_dir}/db/db.sqlite3" ]; then echo "INFO: detected EXISTING deployment" ./manage.py migrate else # move the migrate thing in docker entrypoint # inspired by https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/django-with-docker-and-docker-compose-python-part-2-8415976470cc echo "INFO detected NEW deployment" ./manage.py migrate INIT_ORG="${INIT_ORG:-example-org}" INIT_USER="${INIT_USER:-user@example.org}" INIT_PASSWD="${INIT_PASSWD:-1234}" ADMIN='True' PREDEFINED_TOKEN="${PREDEFINED_TOKEN:-}" ./manage.py add_institution "${INIT_ORG}" # TODO: one error on add_user, and you don't add user anymore ./manage.py add_user "${INIT_ORG}" "${INIT_USER}" "${INIT_PASSWD}" "${ADMIN}" "${PREDEFINED_TOKEN}" if [ "${DEMO:-}" = 'true' ]; then ./manage.py up_snapshots example/snapshots/ "${INIT_USER}" fi fi } runserver() { PORT="${PORT:-8000}" if [ "${DEBUG:-}" ]; then ./manage.py runserver${PORT} else # TODO #./manage.py collectstatic true if [ "${EXPERIMENTAL:-}" ]; then # TODO # reloading on source code changing is a debugging future, maybe better then use debug # src https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12773763/gunicorn-autoreload-on-source-change/24893069#24893069 # gunicorn with 1 worker, with more than 1 worker this is not expected to work #gunicorn --access-logfile - --error-logfile - -b :${PORT} trustchain_idhub.wsgi:application true else ./manage.py runserver${PORT} fi fi } main() { program_dir='/opt/devicehub-django' cd "${program_dir}" deploy runserver } main "${@}"