-- Defined the email of user \set email 'user@example.org' -- save dhids and uuids of snapshots copy( select d.devicehub_id as dhid, sp.uuid from usody.action_with_one_device as one join usody.action as ac on ac.id=one.id join usody.device as d on d.id=one.device_id join usody.snapshot as sp on sp.id=one.id join common.user as u on u.id=ac.author_id where u.email=:'email' and not sp.uuid is null and not d.devicehub_id is null ) to '/var/lib/postgresql/dhids.csv' with (format csv, header, delimiter ';', quote '"'); -- save lots and types copy( select distinct l.name, 'Incoming' from usody.transfer as t join usody.lot as l on l.id=t.lot_id join common.user as u on u.id=l.owner_id where u.email=:'email' and t.user_to_id=u.id and l.owner_id=u.id ) to '/var/lib/postgresql/lot_incoming.csv' with (format csv, header, delimiter ';', quote '"'); copy( select distinct l.name, 'Outgoing' from usody.transfer as t join usody.lot as l on l.id=t.lot_id join common.user as u on u.id=l.owner_id where u.email=:'email' and t.user_from_id=u.id and l.owner_id=u.id ) to '/var/lib/postgresql/lot_outgoing.csv' with (format csv, header, delimiter ';', quote '"'); copy( select distinct l.name, 'Temporary' from usody.lot as l left join usody.transfer as t on t.lot_id=l.id join common.user as u on u.id=l.owner_id where u.email=:'email' and l.owner_id=u.id and t.lot_id is null ) to '/var/lib/postgresql/lot_temporary.csv' with (format csv, header, delimiter ';', quote '"'); -- save devices in lots copy( select l.name as lot_name, d.devicehub_id as dhid from usody.lot_device as ld join usody.lot as l on l.id=ld.lot_id join usody.device as d on d.id=ld.device_id join common.user as u on u.id=ld.author_id where u.email=:'email' ) to '/var/lib/postgresql/devices-lots.csv' with (format csv, header, delimiter ';', quote '"');