# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import json import uuid import hashlib import argparse import configparser import requests from datetime import datetime ## Legacy Functions ## def convert_to_legacy_snapshot(snapshot): snapshot["sid"] = str(uuid.uuid4()).split("-")[0] snapshot["software"] = "workbench-script" snapshot["version"] = "dev" snapshot["schema_api"] = "1.0.0" snapshot["settings_version"] = "No Settings Version (NaN)" snapshot["timestamp"] = snapshot["timestamp"].replace(" ", "T") snapshot["data"]["smart"] = snapshot["data"]["disks"] snapshot["data"].pop("disks") snapshot.pop("code") snapshot.pop("erase") ## End Legacy Functions ## ## Utility Functions ## def logs(f): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as err: print(err) return '' return wrapper @logs def exec_cmd(cmd): return os.popen(cmd).read() @logs def exec_cmd_erase(cmd): print(cmd) return '' # return os.popen(cmd).read() def gen_code(): uid = str(uuid.uuid4()).encode('utf-8') return hashlib.shake_256(uid).hexdigest(3) ## End Utility functions ## SNAPSHOT_BASE = { 'timestamp': str(datetime.now()), 'type': 'Snapshot', 'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'code': gen_code(), 'software': "EreuseWorkbench", 'version': "0.0.1", 'data': {}, 'erase': [] } ## Command Functions ## ## Erase Functions ## ## Xavier Functions ## def erase_basic(disk): """ Basic Erasure https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=917935 Settings for basic data erasure using shred Linux command. A software-based fast non-100%-secured way of erasing data storage. Performs 1 pass overwriting one round using all zeros. Compliant with NIST SP-800-8y8. In settings appear: WB_ERASE = EraseBasic WB_ERASE_STEPS = 1 WB_ERASE_LEADING_ZEROS = False """ cmd = f'shred -vn 1 /dev/{disk}' return [exec_cmd_erase(cmd)] def erase_baseline(disk): """ Baseline Secure Erasure Settings for advanced data erasure using badblocks Linux software. A secured-way of erasing data storages, erase hidden areas, checking the erase sector by sector. Performs 1 pass overwriting each sector with zeros and a final verification. Compliant with HMG Infosec Standard 5 Baseline. In settings appear: WB_ERASE = EraseSectors WB_ERASE_STEPS = 1 WB_ERASE_LEADING_ZEROS = True WB_ERASE_1_METHOD = EraseBasic WB_ERASE_1_STEP_TYPE = 0 WB_ERASE_2_METHOD = EraseSectors WB_ERASE_2_STEP_TYPE = 1 """ result = [] cmd = f'shred -zvn 0 /dev/{disk}' result.append(exec_cmd_erase(cmd)) cmd = f'badblocks -st random -w /dev/{disk}' result.append(exec_cmd_erase(cmd)) return result def erase_enhanced(disk): """ Enhanced Secure Erasure Settings for advanced data erasure using badblocks Linux software. A secured-way of erasing data storages, erase hidden areas, checking the erase sector by sector. Performs 3 passes overwriting every sector with zeros and ones, and final verification. Compliant with HMG Infosec Standard 5 Enhanced. In settings appear: WB_ERASE = EraseSectors WB_ERASE_LEADING_ZEROS = True WB_ERASE_1_METHOD = EraseBasic WB_ERASE_1_STEP_TYPE = 1 WB_ERASE_2_METHOD = EraseBasic WB_ERASE_2_STEP_TYPE = 0 WB_ERASE_3_METHOD = EraseSectors WB_ERASE_3_STEP_TYPE = 1 """ result = [] cmd = f'shred -vn 1 /dev/{disk}' result.append(exec_cmd_erase(cmd)) cmd = f'shred -zvn 0 /dev/{disk}' result.append(exec_cmd_erase(cmd)) ## creo que realmente seria asi (3 pases y una extra poniendo a ceros): # shred -zvn 3 /def/{disk} # tampoco estoy seguro que el badblocks haga un proceso de verificacion. cmd = f'badblocks -st random -w /dev/{disk}' result.append(exec_cmd_erase(cmd)) return result ## End Xavier Functions ## def ata_secure_erase_null(disk): cmd_baseline = f'hdparm --user-master u --security-erase NULL /dev/{disk}' return [exec_cmd_erase(cmd_baseline)] def ata_secure_erase_enhanced(disk): cmd_enhanced = f'hdparm --user-master u --security-erase-enhanced /dev/{disk}' return [exec_cmd_erase(cmd_enhanced)] def nvme_secure_erase(disk): cmd_encrypted = f'nvme format /dev/{disk} --ses=1' return [exec_cmd_erase(cmd_encrypted)] ## End Erase Functions ## @logs def get_disks(): disks = json.loads( exec_cmd('lsblk -Jdo NAME,TYPE,MOUNTPOINTS,ROTA,TRAN') ) return disks.get('blockdevices', []) @logs def gen_erase(all_disks, type_erase, user_disk=None): erase = [] for disk in all_disks: if user_disk and disk['name'] not in user_disk: continue if disk['type'] != 'disk': continue if 'boot' in disk['mountpoints']: continue if not disk['rota']: # if soport nvme erase erase.append(nvme_secure_erase(disk['name'])) elif disk['tran'] in ['ata', 'sata']: # if soport ata erase if type_erase == 'basic': erase.append(ata_secure_erase_null(disk['name'])) elif type_erase == 'baseline': erase.append(ata_secure_erase_null(disk['name'])) elif type_erase == 'enhanced': erase.append(ata_secure_erase_enhanced(disk['name'])) else: # For old disks if type_erase == 'basic': erase.append(erase_basic(disk['name'])) elif type_erase == 'baseline': erase.append(erase_baseline(disk['name'])) elif type_erase == 'enhanced': erase.append(erase_enhanced(disk['name'])) return erase @logs def exec_smart(disk): cmd = f'smartctl -x --json=cosviu /dev/{disk}' return json.loads(exec_cmd(cmd)) @logs def smartctl(all_disks, disk=None): if disk: return exec_smart(disk) data_list = [] for disk in all_disks: if disk['type'] == 'disk': data = exec_smart(disk['name']) data_list.append(data) return data_list ## End Command Functions ## # TODO permitir selección # TODO permitir que vaya más rápido def get_data(all_disks): lshw = 'sudo lshw -json' hwinfo = 'sudo hwinfo --reallyall' dmidecode = 'sudo dmidecode' data = { 'lshw': exec_cmd(lshw), 'disks': smartctl(all_disks), 'hwinfo': exec_cmd(hwinfo), 'dmidecode': exec_cmd(dmidecode) } return data def gen_snapshot(all_disks): snapshot = SNAPSHOT_BASE.copy() snapshot['data'] = get_data(all_disks) return snapshot def save_snapshot_in_disk(snapshot, path): snapshot_path = os.path.join(path, 'snapshots') filename = "{}/{}_{}.json".format( snapshot_path, datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H_%M_%S"), snapshot['uuid']) try: if not os.path.exists(snapshot_path): os.makedirs(snapshot_path) print(f"workbench: INFO: Created snapshots directory at '{snapshot_path}'") with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(snapshot)) print(f"workbench: INFO: Snapshot written in path '{filename}'") except Exception as e: try: print(f"workbench: WARNING: Attempting to save in actual path. Reason: Failed to write in snapshots directory:\n {e}.") fallback_filename = "{}/{}_{}.json".format( path, datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H_%M_%S"), snapshot['uuid']) with open(fallback_filename, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(snapshot)) print(f"workbench: INFO: Snapshot written in fallback path '{fallback_filename}'") except Exception as e: print(f"workbench: ERROR: Could not save snapshot locally. Reason: Failed to write in fallback path:\n {e}") # TODO sanitize url, if url is like this, it fails # url = '' def send_snapshot_to_devicehub(snapshot, token, url): headers = { f"Authorization": "Basic {token}", "Content-Type": "application/json" } try: requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(snapshot), headers=headers) print(f"workbench: INFO: Snapshot sent to '{url}'") except Exception as e: print(f"workbench: ERROR: Snapshot not remotely sent. URL '{url}' is unreachable. Do you have internet? Is your server up & running?\n {e}") def load_config(config_file="settings.ini"): """ Tries to load configuration from a config file. """ config = configparser.ConfigParser() if os.path.exists(config_file): # If config file exists, read from it print(f"workbench: INFO: Found config file in path: '{config_file}'.") config.read(config_file) path = config.get('settings', 'path', fallback=os.getcwd()) # TODO validate that has http:// start url = config.get('settings', 'url', fallback=None) token = config.get('settings', 'token', fallback=None) # TODO validate that the device exists? device = config.get('settings', 'device', fallback=None) erase = config.get('settings', 'erase', fallback=None) legacy = config.get('settings', 'legacy', fallback=None) else: print(f"workbench: ERROR: Config file '{config_file}' not found. Using default values.") path = os.path.join(os.getcwd()) url, token, device, erase, legacy = None, None, None, None, None return { 'path': path, 'url': url, 'token': token, 'device': device, 'erase': erase, 'legacy': legacy } def parse_args(): """ Parse config argument, if available """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Optional config loader for workbench.") parser.add_argument( '--config', help="Path to the config file. Defaults to 'settings.ini' in the current directory.", default="settings.ini" # Fallback to 'settings.ini' by default ) return parser.parse_args() def main(): vline='\n___________\n\n' print(f"{vline}workbench: START\n") # Parse the command-line arguments args = parse_args() # Load the config file, either specified via --config or the default 'settings.ini' config_file = args.config config = load_config(config_file) # TODO show warning if non root, means data is not complete # if annotate as potentially invalid snapshot (pending the new API to be done) if os.geteuid() != 0: print("workbench: WARNING: This script must be run as root. Collected data will be incomplete or unusable") all_disks = get_disks() snapshot = gen_snapshot(all_disks) if config['erase'] and config['device'] and not config.get("legacy"): snapshot['erase'] = gen_erase(all_disks, config['erase'], user_disk=config['device']) elif config['erase'] and not config.get("legacy"): snapshot['erase'] = gen_erase(all_disks, config['erase']) if config.get("legacy"): convert_to_legacy_snapshot(snapshot) save_snapshot_in_disk(snapshot, config['path']) if config['url']: send_snapshot_to_devicehub(snapshot, config['token'], config['url']) print(f"\nworkbench: END{vline}") if __name__ == '__main__': main()