# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-24 11:04+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-11-25 12:53+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: ca\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 3.0\n"

#: api.py:113 api.py:211
msgid "No domain found matching the query"
msgstr "No trobem cap domini que coincideixi amb la teva consulta"

#: api.py:125
msgid "No object found matching the query"
msgstr "No trobem cap objecte que coincideixi amb la teva consulta"

#: api.py:178
msgid "No mailbox found matching the query"
msgstr "No trobem cap bústia que coincideixi amb la teva consulta"

#: forms.py:65 forms.py:99
msgid "The two password fields didn’t match."
msgstr "Les contrasenyes introduïdes no coincideixen."

#: forms.py:68 forms.py:103
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Contrasenya"

#: forms.py:73 forms.py:108
msgid "Password confirmation"
msgstr "Confirma la contrasenya"

#: forms.py:76 forms.py:111
msgid "Enter the same password as before, for verification."
msgstr "Introdueix la mateixa contrasenya per verificar-la."

#: mixins.py:14
msgid "Domains & websites"
msgstr "Dominis i llocs web"

#: mixins.py:15
msgid "Mails"
msgstr "Correus"

#. Translators: This message appears on the page title
#: mixins.py:16 views.py:296
msgid "Mailing lists"
msgstr "Llistes de correu"

#. Translators: This message appears on the page title
#: mixins.py:17 models.py:147 views.py:480
msgid "Databases"
msgstr "Bases de dades"

#: mixins.py:18
msgid "SaaS"
msgstr "SaaS"

#: models.py:148
msgid "Description details for databases page."
msgstr "Consulta la configuració de les teves bases de dades."

#. Translators: This message appears on the page title
#: models.py:235 views.py:185
msgid "Mail addresses"
msgstr "Adreces de correu"

#: models.py:236
msgid "Description details for mail addresses page."
msgstr "Consulta aquí totes les adreces de correu que tens actives."

#: models.py:311
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "Bústia de correu"

#: models.py:312
msgid "Description details for mailbox page."
msgstr "Aquí trobaràs el detall de les bústies de correu que tens actives."

#: models.py:337
msgid "Mailing list"
msgstr "Llista de correu"

#: models.py:338
msgid "Description details for mailinglist page."
msgstr "Consulta aquí els detalls de les teves llistes de correu."

#: models.py:364
msgid "Software as a Service (SaaS)"
msgstr "Software as a Service (SaaS)"

#: models.py:365
msgid "Description details for SaaS page."
msgstr ""
"Si tens algun servei SaaS (Software as a Service) contractat, aquí trobaràs "
"els seus detalls de configuració."

#: templates/auth/login.html:59
msgid "Log in"
msgstr "Accedeix"

#: templates/auth/login.html:67
msgid "Forgot your password? Click here to recover"
msgstr "Has oblidat la teva contrasenya? Fes click aquí per recuperar-la"

#: templates/auth/login.html:77
msgid "Forgot your password?"
msgstr "Has oblidat la teva contrasenya?"

#: templates/auth/login.html:83
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Send an email to <a href=\"mailto:%(support_email)s\">%(support_email)s</a> "
"including your username and we will provide instructions."
msgstr ""
"Envia un correu a <a href=\"mailto:%(support_email)s\">%(support_email)s</a> "
"indicant el teu nom d’usuari/a i t’explicarem què fer."

#: templates/musician/address_check_delete.html:7
#, python-format
msgid "Are you sure that you want remove the address: \"%(address_name)s\"?"
msgstr ""
"Estàs segur/a que vols esborrar l’adreça de correu: \"%(address_name)s\"?"

#: templates/musician/address_check_delete.html:8
#: templates/musician/mailbox_check_delete.html:11
msgid "WARNING: This action cannot be undone."
msgstr "AVÍS: Aquesta acció es irreversible."

#: templates/musician/address_check_delete.html:9
#: templates/musician/address_form.html:15
#: templates/musician/mailbox_check_delete.html:12
#: templates/musician/mailbox_form.html:25
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Esborrar"

#: templates/musician/address_check_delete.html:10
#: templates/musician/address_form.html:11
#: templates/musician/mailbox_change_password.html:11
#: templates/musician/mailbox_check_delete.html:13
#: templates/musician/mailbox_form.html:20
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancel·lar"

#: templates/musician/address_form.html:12
#: templates/musician/mailbox_change_password.html:12
#: templates/musician/mailbox_form.html:21
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Desar"

#: templates/musician/addresses.html:15
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Correu electrònic"

#: templates/musician/addresses.html:16
msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Domini"

#. Translators: This message appears on the page title
#: templates/musician/addresses.html:17 templates/musician/mail_base.html:22
#: views.py:325
msgid "Mailboxes"
msgstr "Bústies de correu"

#: templates/musician/addresses.html:18
msgid "Forward"
msgstr "Redirecció"

#: templates/musician/addresses.html:38
msgid "New mail address"
msgstr "Nova adreça de correu"

#: templates/musician/base.html:60
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Configuració"

#: templates/musician/base.html:63 templates/musician/profile.html:6
msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Perfil"

#. Translators: This message appears on the page title
#: templates/musician/base.html:64 templates/musician/billing.html:6
#: views.py:163
msgid "Billing"
msgstr "Factures"

#: templates/musician/base.html:72
msgid "Log out"
msgstr "Surt"

#: templates/musician/billing.html:7
msgid "Billing page description."
msgstr "Consulta i descarrega les teves factures."

#: templates/musician/billing.html:19
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Número"

#: templates/musician/billing.html:20
msgid "Bill date"
msgstr "Data de la factura"

#: templates/musician/billing.html:21 templates/musician/databases.html:17
#: templates/musician/domain_detail.html:17
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipus"

#: templates/musician/billing.html:22
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Total"

#: templates/musician/billing.html:23
msgid "Download PDF"
msgstr "Descarrega el PDF"

#: templates/musician/components/table_paginator.html:15
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Prèvia"

#: templates/musician/components/table_paginator.html:29
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Següent"

#: templates/musician/dashboard.html:6
msgid "Welcome back"
msgstr "Hola de nou!"

#: templates/musician/dashboard.html:8
#, python-format
msgid "Last time you logged in was: %(last_login)s"
msgstr "El darrer cop que vas accedir va ser el dia: %(last_login)s"

#: templates/musician/dashboard.html:10
msgid "It's the first time you log into the system, welcome on board!"
msgstr "És el primer cop que accedeixes, et donem la benvinguda!"

#: templates/musician/dashboard.html:29
msgid "Notifications"
msgstr "Notificacions"

#: templates/musician/dashboard.html:33
msgid "There is no notifications at this time."
msgstr "No tens cap notificació."

#: templates/musician/dashboard.html:40
msgid "Your domains and websites"
msgstr "Els teus dominis i llocs web"

#: templates/musician/dashboard.html:41
msgid "Dashboard page description."
msgstr ""
"Aquest és el teu panell de gestió, des d’on podràs consultar la configuració "
"dels serveis que Pangea t’ofereix."

#: templates/musician/dashboard.html:56
msgid "view configuration"
msgstr "veure la configuració"

#: templates/musician/dashboard.html:63
msgid "Expiration date"
msgstr "Data de venciment"

#: templates/musician/dashboard.html:70
msgid "Mail"
msgstr "Correu"

#: templates/musician/dashboard.html:73
msgid "mail addresses created"
msgstr "adreces de correu creades"

#: templates/musician/dashboard.html:78
msgid "Mail list"
msgstr "Llista de correu"

#. Translators: This message appears on the page title
#: templates/musician/dashboard.html:83 views.py:489
msgid "Software as a Service"
msgstr "Software as a Service"

#: templates/musician/dashboard.html:85
msgid "Nothing installed"
msgstr "No tens res instal·lat"

#: templates/musician/dashboard.html:90 views.py:57
msgid "Disk usage"
msgstr "Ús del disc"

#: templates/musician/dashboard.html:107
msgid "Configuration details"
msgstr "Detalls de configuració"

#: templates/musician/dashboard.html:114
msgid "FTP access:"
msgstr "Accés FTP:"

#. Translators: domain configuration detail modal
#: templates/musician/dashboard.html:116
msgid "Contact with the support team to get details concerning FTP access."
msgstr ""
"Escriu-nos a <a href=“mailto:%(support_email)s”>%(support_email)s</a> per "
"saber com accedir al FTP."

#: templates/musician/dashboard.html:125
msgid "No website configured."
msgstr "No hi ha cap web configurada."

#: templates/musician/dashboard.html:127
msgid "Root directory:"
msgstr "Directori arrel:"

#: templates/musician/dashboard.html:128
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Tipus:"

#: templates/musician/dashboard.html:133
msgid "View DNS records"
msgstr "Veure registres DNS"

#: templates/musician/databases.html:21
msgid "associated to"
msgstr "associada a"

#: templates/musician/databases.html:34
msgid "No users for this database."
msgstr "No hi ha persones usuàries d’aquesta base de dades."

#: templates/musician/databases.html:45
msgid "Open database manager"
msgstr "Obre el gestor de bases de dades"

#. Translators: database page when there isn't any database.
#. Translators: saas page when there isn't any saas.
#: templates/musician/databases.html:58 templates/musician/saas.html:49
msgid "Ooops! Looks like there is nothing here!"
msgstr "Mmmh, sembla que aquí no hi ha res!"

#: templates/musician/domain_detail.html:5
msgid "Go back"
msgstr "Tornar"

#: templates/musician/domain_detail.html:7
msgid "DNS settings for"
msgstr "Configuració DNS per a"

#: templates/musician/domain_detail.html:8
msgid "DNS settings page description."
msgstr "Consulta aquí la teva configuració DNS."

#: templates/musician/domain_detail.html:18
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Valor"

#: templates/musician/mail_base.html:6 templates/musician/mailinglists.html:6
msgid "Go to global"
msgstr "Totes les adreces"

#: templates/musician/mail_base.html:10 templates/musician/mailinglists.html:9
msgid "for"
msgstr "per a"

#: templates/musician/mail_base.html:18 templates/musician/mailboxes.html:16
msgid "Addresses"
msgstr "Adreces de correu"

#: templates/musician/mailbox_change_password.html:5
#: templates/musician/mailbox_form.html:24
msgid "Change password"
msgstr "Canvia la contrasenya"

#: templates/musician/mailbox_check_delete.html:7
#, python-format
msgid "Are you sure that you want remove the mailbox: \"%(name)s\"?"
msgstr "Estàs segur/a que vols esborrar la bústia de correu: \"%(name)s\"?"

#: templates/musician/mailbox_check_delete.html:9
msgid ""
"All mailbox's messages will be <strong>deleted and cannot be recovered</"
msgstr ""
"Tots els missatges <strong>s'esborraran i no es podran recuperar</strong>."

#: templates/musician/mailbox_form.html:9
msgid "Warning!"
msgstr "Atenció!"

#: templates/musician/mailbox_form.html:9
msgid ""
"You have reached the limit of mailboxes of your subscription so "
"<strong>extra fees</strong> may apply."
msgstr ""
"Has assolit el límit de bústies de correu de la teva subscripció, les noves "
"bústies poden implicar <strong>costos addicionals</strong>."

#: templates/musician/mailbox_form.html:10
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Tancar"

#: templates/musician/mailboxes.html:14
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"

#: templates/musician/mailboxes.html:15
msgid "Filtering"
msgstr "Filtrat"

#: templates/musician/mailboxes.html:27
msgid "Update password"
msgstr "Actualitza la contrasenya"

#: templates/musician/mailboxes.html:43
msgid "New mailbox"
msgstr "Nova bústia de correu"

#: templates/musician/mailinglists.html:34
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Actiu"

#: templates/musician/mailinglists.html:36
msgid "Inactive"
msgstr "Inactiu"

#: templates/musician/profile.html:7
msgid "Little description on profile page."
msgstr "Canvia les teves dades d’accés i opcions de perfil des d’aquí."

#: templates/musician/profile.html:11
msgid "User information"
msgstr "Informació d’usuari/a"

#: templates/musician/profile.html:21
msgid "Preferred language:"
msgstr "Llenguatge preferit:"

#: templates/musician/profile.html:35
msgid "Billing information"
msgstr "Informació de facturació"

#: templates/musician/profile.html:49
msgid "payment method:"
msgstr "mètode de pagament:"

#: templates/musician/profile.html:60
msgid "Check your last bills"
msgstr "Consulta les teves darreres factures"

#: templates/musician/saas.html:18
msgid "Installed on"
msgstr "Instal·lat a"

#: templates/musician/saas.html:29
msgid "Service info"
msgstr "Informació del servei"

#: templates/musician/saas.html:30
msgid "active"
msgstr "actiu"

#: templates/musician/saas.html:37
msgid "Open service admin panel"
msgstr "Obre el panell d’administració del servei"

#. Translators: This message appears on the page title
#: views.py:41
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Panell de gestió"

#: views.py:66
msgid "Traffic"
msgstr "Tràfic"

#: views.py:97
msgid "Mailbox usage"
msgstr "Ús d’espai a la bústia de correu"

#. Translators: This message appears on the page title
#: views.py:112
msgid "User profile"
msgstr "El teu perfil"

#. Translators: This message appears on the page title
#: views.py:170
msgid "Download bill"
msgstr "Descarrega la factura"

#: views.py:283
msgid "Address deleted!"
msgstr "S’ha suprimit l’adreça de correu"

#: views.py:285 views.py:422 views.py:469
msgid "Cannot process your request, please try again later."
msgstr ""
"Ara no podem processar la teva petició, torna a intentar-ho una mica més "
"tard sisplau"

#: views.py:420
msgid "Mailbox deleted!"
msgstr "S’ha suprimit la bústia de correu"

#: views.py:467
msgid "Password updated!"
msgstr "S’ha actualitzat la contrasenya"

#. Translators: This message appears on the page title
#: views.py:497
msgid "Domain details"
msgstr "Detalls del domini"

#. Translators: This message appears on the page title
#: views.py:523
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Accés"

#~ msgid "mail address left"
#~ msgstr "adreces de correu per activar"

#~ msgid "Aliases"
#~ msgstr "Àlies"

#~ msgid "Type details"
#~ msgstr "Detalls de cada tipus"

#~ msgid "databases created"
#~ msgstr "bases de dades creades"

#~ msgid "Username"
#~ msgstr "Nom d’usuari/a"