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2023-07-09 07:51:51 +00:00
from django.utils.text import format_lazy
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy
def get_chunks(porders, ini, end, ix=0):
if ix >= len(porders):
return [[ini, end, []]]
order = porders[ix]
ix += 1
bu = getattr(order, 'new_billed_until', order.billed_until)
if not bu or bu <= ini or order.registered_on >= end:
return get_chunks(porders, ini, end, ix=ix)
result = []
if order.registered_on < end and order.registered_on > ini:
ro = order.registered_on
result = get_chunks(porders, ini, ro, ix=ix)
ini = ro
if bu < end:
result += get_chunks(porders, bu, end, ix=ix)
end = bu
chunks = get_chunks(porders, ini, end, ix=ix)
for chunk in chunks:
chunk[2].insert(0, order)
return result
def cmp_billed_until_or_registered_on(a, b):
1) billed_until greater first
2) registered_on smaller first
if a.billed_until == b.billed_until:
# Use pk which is more reliable than registered_on date
elif a.billed_until and b.billed_until:
return (b.billed_until-a.billed_until).days
elif a.billed_until:
return (b.registered_on-a.billed_until).days
return (b.billed_until-a.registered_on).days
class Interval(object):
def __init__(self, ini, end, order=None):
self.ini = ini
self.end = end
self.order = order
def __len__(self):
return max((self.end-self.ini).days, 0)
def __sub__(self, other):
remaining = []
if self.ini < other.ini:
remaining.append(Interval(self.ini, min(self.end, other.ini), self.order))
if self.end > other.end:
remaining.append(Interval(max(self.ini,other.end), self.end, self.order))
return remaining
def __repr__(self):
return "<ini:{ini}/end:{end}>".format(
def intersect(self, other, remaining_self=None, remaining_other=None):
if remaining_self is not None:
remaining_self += (self - other)
if remaining_other is not None:
remaining_other += (other - self)
result = Interval(max(self.ini, other.ini), min(self.end, other.end), self.order)
if len(result)>0:
return result
return None
def intersect_set(self, others, remaining_self=None, remaining_other=None):
intersections = []
for interval in others:
intersection = self.intersect(interval, remaining_self, remaining_other)
if intersection:
return intersections
def get_intersections(order_intervals, compensations):
intersections = []
for compensation in compensations:
intersection = compensation.intersect_set(order_intervals)
length = 0
for intersection_interval in intersection:
length += len(intersection_interval)
intersections.append((length, compensation))
return sorted(intersections, key=lambda i: i[0])
def intersect(compensation, order_intervals):
# Intervals should not overlap
compensated = []
not_compensated = []
unused_compensation = []
for interval in order_intervals:
compensated.append(compensation.intersect(interval, unused_compensation, not_compensated))
return (compensated, not_compensated, unused_compensation)
def apply_compensation(order, compensation):
remaining_order = []
remaining_compensation = []
applied_compensation = compensation.intersect_set(order, remaining_compensation, remaining_order)
return applied_compensation, remaining_order, remaining_compensation
def update_intersections(not_compensated, compensations):
# TODO can be optimized
compensation_intervals = []
for __, compensation in compensations:
return get_intersections(not_compensated, compensation_intervals)
def compensate(order, compensations):
remaining_interval = [order]
ordered_intersections = get_intersections(remaining_interval, compensations)
applied_compensations = []
remaining_compensations = []
while ordered_intersections and ordered_intersections[len(ordered_intersections)-1][0]>0:
# Apply the first compensation:
__, compensation = ordered_intersections.pop()
(applied_compensation, remaining_interval, remaining_compensation) = apply_compensation(remaining_interval, compensation)
remaining_compensations += remaining_compensation
applied_compensations += applied_compensation
ordered_intersections = update_intersections(remaining_interval, ordered_intersections)
for __, compensation in ordered_intersections:
return remaining_compensations, applied_compensations
def get_rate_methods_help_text(rate_class):
method_help_texts = [
format_lazy('{}' * 4, *['<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;', method.verbose_name, ': ', method.help_text])
for method in rate_class.get_methods().values()
prefix = gettext_lazy("Algorithm used to interprete the rating table.")
help_text_items = [prefix] + method_help_texts
return format_lazy(
'{}' * len(help_text_items),