* scape strings before executing scripts in order to prevent exploits: django templates automatically scapes things. Most important is to ensuer that all escape ' to "
* Don't store passwords and other service parameters that can be changed by the services i.e. mailman, vps etc. Find an execution mechanism that trigger `change_password()`
* abort transaction on orchestration when `state == TIMEOUT` ?
* use format_html_join for orchestration email alerts
* enforce an emergency email contact and account to contact contacts about problems when mailserver is down
* add `BackendLog` retry action
* webmail identities and addresses
* use Code: https://github.com/django/django/blob/master/django/forms/forms.py#L415 for domain.refresh_serial()
* Permissions .filter_queryset()
* env vars instead of multiple settings files: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/config-vars ?
* for list virtual_domains cleaning up we need to know the old domain name when a list changes its address domain, but this is not possible with the current design.
* env ORCHESTRA_MASTER_SERVER='test1.orchestra.lan' ORCHESTRA_SECOND_SERVER='test2.orchestra.lan' ORCHESTRA_SLAVE_SERVER='test3.orchestra.lan' python manage.py test orchestra.apps.domains.tests.functional_tests.tests:AdminBind9BackendDomainTest
* Pangea modifications: domain registered/non-registered list_display and field with register link: inconsistent, what happen to related objects with a domain that is converted to register-only?
* Make one dedicated CGI user for each account only for CGI execution (fpm/fcgid). Different from the files owner, and without W permissions, so attackers can not inject backdors and malware.
* In most cases we can prevent the creation of files for the CGI users, preventing attackers to upload and executing PHPShells.
* Make main systemuser able to write/read everything on its home, including stuff created by the CGI user and secondary users
* Prevent users from accessing other users home while at the same time allow access Apache/fcgid/fpm and secondary users (x)
* public_html/webapps directory with root owner and permissions
* resource min max allocation with validation
* mailman needs both aliases when address_name is provided (default messages and bounces and all)