2017-06-09 08:28:44 +00:00
import re
import sys
import textwrap
import time
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import requests
2023-10-24 16:59:02 +00:00
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
2017-06-09 08:28:44 +00:00
from orchestra.contrib.orchestration import ServiceController
from orchestra.contrib.resources import ServiceMonitor
from . import ApacheTrafficByName
from .. import settings
class NextCloudAPIMixin(object):
def validate_response(self, response):
request = response.request
context = (request.method, response.url, request.body, response.status_code)
2023-09-27 18:53:43 +00:00
# sys.stderr.write("%s %s '%s' HTTP %s\n" % context)
2017-06-09 08:28:44 +00:00
if response.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
raise RuntimeError("%s %s '%s' HTTP %s" % context)
root = ET.fromstring(response.text)
statuscode = root.find("./meta/statuscode").text
if statuscode != '100':
message = root.find("./meta/status").text
request = response.request
context = (request.method, response.url, request.body, statuscode, message)
raise RuntimeError("%s %s '%s' ERROR %s, %s" % context)
def api_call(self, action, url_path, *args, **kwargs):
BASE_URL = settings.SAAS_NEXTCLOUD_API_URL.rstrip('/')
url = '/'.join((BASE_URL, url_path))
2023-10-24 16:59:02 +00:00
response = action(url, headers={'OCS-APIRequest':'true'}, verify=False, *args, **kwargs)
2017-06-09 08:28:44 +00:00
return response
def api_get(self, url_path, *args, **kwargs):
return self.api_call(requests.get, url_path, *args, **kwargs)
def api_post(self, url_path, *args, **kwargs):
return self.api_call(requests.post, url_path, *args, **kwargs)
def api_put(self, url_path, *args, **kwargs):
return self.api_call(requests.put, url_path, *args, **kwargs)
def api_delete(self, url_path, *args, **kwargs):
return self.api_call(requests.delete, url_path, *args, **kwargs)
def create(self, saas):
data = {
'userid': saas.name,
'password': saas.password
self.api_post('users', data)
def update(self, saas):
key: email|quota|display|password
value: el valor a modificar.
Si es un email, tornarà un error si la direcció no te la "@"
Si es una quota, sembla que algo per l'estil "5G", "100M", etc. funciona. Quota 0 = infinit
"display" es el display name, no crec que el fem servir, és cosmetic
data = {
'key': 'password',
'value': saas.password,
self.api_put('users/%s' % saas.name, data)
def get_user(self, saas):
'quota' =>
'free' (en Bytes)
'relative' (en tant per cent sense signe %, e.g. 68.17)
'total' (en Bytes)
'used' (en Bytes)
response = self.api_get('users/%s' % saas.name)
root = ET.fromstring(response.text)
ret = {}
for data in root.find('./data'):
ret[data.tag] = data.text
ret['quota'] = {}
for data in root.find('.data/quota'):
ret['quota'][data.tag] = data.text
return ret
class NextCloudController(NextCloudAPIMixin, ServiceController):
Creates a wordpress site on a WordPress MultiSite installation.
You should point it to the database server
verbose_name = _("nextCloud SaaS")
model = 'saas.SaaS'
default_route_match = "saas.service == 'nextcloud'"
doc_settings = (settings,
def update_or_create(self, saas, server):
self.api_get('users/%s' % saas.name)
except RuntimeError:
if getattr(saas, 'password'):
if getattr(saas, 'password'):
def remove(self, saas, server):
self.api_delete('users/%s' % saas.name)
def save(self, saas):
# TODO disable user https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues/12601
self.append(self.update_or_create, saas)
def delete(self, saas):
self.append(self.remove, saas)
class NextcloudTraffic(ApacheTrafficByName):
__doc__ = ApacheTrafficByName.__doc__
verbose_name = _("nextCloud SaaS Traffic")
default_route_match = "saas.service == 'nextcloud'"
doc_settings = (settings,
log_path = settings.SAAS_NEXTCLOUD_LOG_PATH
class NextCloudDiskQuota(NextCloudAPIMixin, ServiceMonitor):
model = 'saas.SaaS'
verbose_name = _("nextCloud SaaS Disk Quota")
default_route_match = "saas.service == 'nextcloud'"
resource = ServiceMonitor.DISK
delete_old_equal_values = True
def monitor(self, user):
context = self.get_context(user)
self.append("echo %(object_id)s $(monitor %(base_home)s)" % context)
def get_context(self, user):
context = {
'object_id': user.pk,
'base_home': user.get_base_home(),
return replace(context, "'", '"')
def get_quota(self, saas, server):
user = self.get_user(saas)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
user = self.get_user(saas)
context = {
'object_id': saas.pk,
'used': int(user['quota'].get('used', 0)),
sys.stdout.write('%(object_id)i %(used)i\n' % context)
def monitor(self, saas):
self.append(self.get_quota, saas)