update mailbox trafic

This commit is contained in:
Jorge Pastor 2024-03-11 18:31:07 +01:00
parent d29ffa900d
commit 1724309769
1 changed files with 53 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -524,6 +524,10 @@ class PostfixMailscannerTraffic(ServiceMonitor):
end_date = int(end_datetime.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'))
months = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec')
months = dict((m, '%02d' % n) for n, m in enumerate(months, 1))
users = {{}}
sends = {{}}
register_imap_traffic = False
register_pop_traffic = False
def inside_period(month, day, time, ini_date):
global months
@ -538,9 +542,25 @@ class PostfixMailscannerTraffic(ServiceMonitor):
date = str(year) + month + day
date += time.replace(':', '')
return ini_date < int(date) < end_date
users = {{}}
sends = {{}}
def search_username(pattern, users, line):
match = pattern.search(line)
if not match:
return None
username = match.groups(1)[0]
if username not in users.keys():
return None
return username
def search_size(line, users, username, pattern):
month, day, time, req_id = line.split()[:4]
if inside_period(month, day, time, users[username][0]):
group = req_id.split('<')[-1][:-2]
matches = pattern.search(line)
if not matches:
return None, None
return group, matches
return None, None
def prepare(object_id, mailbox, ini_date):
global users
@ -555,6 +575,12 @@ class PostfixMailscannerTraffic(ServiceMonitor):
sasl_username_pattern = re.compile(r'sasl_username=([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+)')
size_pattern = re.compile(r'size=(\d+),')
pop_username_pattern = re.compile(r' pop3\(([^)].*)\)')
pop_size_pattern = re.compile(r'size=(\d+)')
imap_username_pattern = re.compile(r' imap\(([^)].*)\)')
imap_size_pattern = re.compile(r"in=(\d+) out=(\d+)")
for maillog in maillogs:
with open(maillog, 'r') as maillog:
@ -563,12 +589,8 @@ class PostfixMailscannerTraffic(ServiceMonitor):
if 'sasl_username=' in line:
# si el usuario es uno de los elegidos y el rango de tiempo es correcto
# recoge el id de grupo
match = sasl_username_pattern.search(line)
if not match:
username = match.groups(1)[0]
if username not in users.keys():
username = search_username(sasl_username_pattern, users, line)
if username is None:
month, day, time, __, __, req_id = line.split()[:6]
@ -588,6 +610,28 @@ class PostfixMailscannerTraffic(ServiceMonitor):
if id in sends[k].keys():
sends[k][id] += int(match.groups(1)[0])
# pop trafic
if register_pop_traffic:
if 'pop3(' in line and 'size' in line:
username = search_username(pop_username_pattern, users, line)
if username is None:
group, matches = search_size(line, users, username, pop_size_pattern)
if group is not None and matches is not None :
sends[username][group] = int(matches.groups(1)[0])
# imap trafic
if register_imap_traffic:
if 'imap(' in line and 'out=' in line:
username = search_username(imap_username_pattern, users, line)
if username is None:
group, matches = search_size(line, users, username, imap_size_pattern)
if group is not None and matches is not None :
value = int(matches.group(1)) + int(matches.group(2))
sends[username][group] = value
except IOError as e: