Fixes on bills

This commit is contained in:
Marc Aymerich 2015-07-13 11:31:32 +00:00
parent 03f03328b8
commit e1eda7a7d5
12 changed files with 192 additions and 58 deletions

View file

@ -444,8 +444,19 @@ def comma(value):
return value
# payment/bill report allow to change template using a setting variable
# Payment transaction stats
# Payment transaction stats, graps over time
# order stats: service, cost, top profit, etc
# TODO remove
reporter.stories_filed = F('stories_filed') + 1
In order to access the new value that has been saved in this way, the object will need to be reloaded:
Colaesce('total', 'computed_total')
# case on payment transaction state ? case when trans.amount >

View file

@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ function install_requirements () {
# Install a more recent version of wkhtmltopdf (0.12.2) (PDF page number support)
wget -O ${wkhtmltox}
wget -O ${wkhtmltox}
dpkg -i ${wkhtmltox}
# Make sure locales are in place before installing postgres

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.db import transaction
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect
from django.utils import translation
from django.utils import translation, timezone
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.translation import ungettext, ugettext_lazy as _
@ -134,7 +134,9 @@ def download_bills(modeladmin, request, queryset):
return response
bill = queryset.get()
pdf = bill.as_pdf()
return HttpResponse(pdf, content_type='application/pdf')
response = HttpResponse(pdf, content_type='application/pdf')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="%s.pdf"' % bill.number
return response
download_bills.verbose_name = _("Download")
download_bills.url_name = 'download'
@ -290,7 +292,7 @@ amend_bills.verbose_name = _("Amend")
amend_bills.url_name = 'amend'
def report(modeladmin, request, queryset):
def bill_report(modeladmin, request, queryset):
subtotals = {}
total = 0
for bill in queryset:
@ -301,11 +303,54 @@ def report(modeladmin, request, queryset):
subtotals[tax] = subtotal
subtotals[tax][1] += subtotal[1]
total += bill.get_total()
total += bill.compute_total()
context = {
'subtotals': subtotals,
'total': total,
'bills': queryset,
'currency': settings.BILLS_CURRENCY,
return render(request, 'admin/bills/report.html', context)
return render(request, 'admin/bills/bill/report.html', context)
def service_report(modeladmin, request, queryset):
services = {}
totals = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
now =
if queryset.model == Bill:
queryset = BillLine.objects.filter(bill_id__in=queryset.values_list('id', flat=True))
# Filter amends
queryset = queryset.filter(bill__amend_of__isnull=True)
for line in queryset.select_related('order__service').prefetch_related('sublines'):
order, service = None, None
if line.order_id:
order = line.order
service = order.service
name = service.description
active, cancelled = (1, 0) if not order.cancelled_on or order.cancelled_on > now else (0, 1)
nominal_price = order.service.nominal_price
name = '*%s' % line.description
active = 1
cancelled = 0
nominal_price = 0
info = services[name]
except KeyError:
info = [active, cancelled, nominal_price, line.quantity or 1, line.compute_total()]
services[name] = info
info[0] += active
info[1] += cancelled
info[3] += line.quantity or 1
info[4] += line.compute_total()
totals[0] += active
totals[1] += cancelled
totals[2] += nominal_price
totals[3] += line.quantity or 1
totals[4] += line.compute_total()
context = {
'services': sorted(services.items(), key=lambda n: -n[1][4]),
'totals': totals,
return render(request, 'admin/bills/billline/report.html', context)

View file

@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class ClosedBillLineInline(BillLineInline):
display_description.allow_tags = True
def display_subtotal(self, line):
subtotals = ['  ' + str(line.subtotal)]
subtotals = [' ' + str(line.subtotal)]
for subline in line.sublines.all():
return '<br>'.join(subtotals)
@ -112,9 +112,11 @@ class BillLineAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
'description', 'bill_link', 'display_is_open', 'account_link', 'rate', 'quantity', 'tax',
'subtotal', 'display_sublinetotal', 'display_total'
actions = (actions.undo_billing, actions.move_lines, actions.copy_lines,)
list_filter = ('tax', ('bill', admin.RelatedOnlyFieldListFilter), 'bill__is_open')
list_select_related = ('bill',)
actions = (
actions.undo_billing, actions.move_lines, actions.copy_lines, actions.service_report
list_filter = ('tax', 'bill__is_open', 'order__service')
list_select_related = ('bill', 'bill__account')
search_fields = ('description', 'bill__number')
account_link = admin_link('bill__account')
@ -139,9 +141,7 @@ class BillLineAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
qs = super(BillLineAdmin, self).get_queryset(request)
qs = qs.annotate(
(F('subtotal') + Coalesce(F('sublines__total'), 0)) * (1+F('tax')/100)
computed_total=(F('subtotal') + Sum(Coalesce('sublines__total', 0))) * (1+F('tax')/100),
return qs
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ class BillAdmin(AccountAdminMixin, ExtendedModelAdmin):
'fields': ('html',),
list_prefetch_related = ('transactions',)
list_prefetch_related = ('transactions', 'lines__sublines')
search_fields = ('number', 'account__username', 'comments')
change_view_actions = [
actions.manage_lines, actions.view_bill, actions.download_bills, actions.send_bills,
@ -211,7 +211,8 @@ class BillAdmin(AccountAdminMixin, ExtendedModelAdmin):
actions = [
actions.manage_lines, actions.download_bills, actions.close_bills, actions.send_bills,
actions.amend_bills,, actions.close_send_download_bills,
actions.amend_bills, actions.bill_report, actions.service_report,
change_readonly_fields = ('account_link', 'type', 'is_open', 'amend_of_link', 'amend_links')
readonly_fields = ('number', 'display_total', 'is_sent', 'display_payment_state')
@ -236,10 +237,10 @@ class BillAdmin(AccountAdminMixin, ExtendedModelAdmin):
num_lines.short_description = _("lines")
def display_total(self, bill):
return "%s &%s;" % (round(bill.computed_total or 0, 2), settings.BILLS_CURRENCY.lower())
return "%s &%s;" % (bill.compute_total(), settings.BILLS_CURRENCY.lower())
display_total.allow_tags = True
display_total.short_description = _("total")
display_total.admin_order_field = 'computed_total'
display_total.admin_order_field = 'approx_total'
def type_link(self, bill):
bill_type = bill.type.lower()
@ -309,8 +310,8 @@ class BillAdmin(AccountAdminMixin, ExtendedModelAdmin):
def get_inline_instances(self, request, obj=None):
inlines = super(BillAdmin, self).get_inline_instances(request, obj)
if obj and not obj.is_open:
return [inline for inline in inlines if not isinstance(inline, BillLineInline)]
return [inline for inline in inlines if not isinstance(inline, ClosedBillLineInline)]
return [inline for inline in inlines if type(inline) != BillLineInline]
return [inline for inline in inlines if type(inline) != ClosedBillLineInline]
def formfield_for_dbfield(self, db_field, **kwargs):
""" Make value input widget bigger """
@ -327,9 +328,10 @@ class BillAdmin(AccountAdminMixin, ExtendedModelAdmin):
qs = super(BillAdmin, self).get_queryset(request)
qs = qs.annotate(
(F('lines__subtotal') + Coalesce(F('lines__sublines__total'), 0)) * (1+F('lines__tax')/100)
(F('lines__subtotal') + Coalesce('lines__sublines__total', 0)) * (1+F('lines__tax')/100),
), 0),
qs = qs.prefetch_related(
Prefetch('amends', queryset=Bill.objects.filter(is_open=False), to_attr='closed_amends')

View file

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class SelectSourceForm(forms.ModelForm):
super(SelectSourceForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
bill = kwargs.get('instance')
if bill:
total = bill.get_total()
total = bill.compute_total()
sources = bill.account.paymentsources.filter(is_active=True)
recharge = bool(total < 0)
choices = [(None, '-----------')]

View file

@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ msgstr "Factura"
msgid "Amendment invoice"
msgstr "Factura rectificative"
msgstr "Factura rectificativa"
msgid "Fee"

View file

@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ class Bill(models.Model):
raise TypeError("Unknown state")
ongoing = bool(secured != 0 or created or processed or executed)
total = self.get_total()
total = self.compute_total()
if total >= 0:
if secured >= total:
return self.PAID
@ -202,15 +202,6 @@ class Bill(models.Model):
'amend_of': _("Type %s requires an amend of link.") % self.get_type_display()
def get_total(self):
if not self.is_open:
return round(self.computed_total or 0, 2)
except AttributeError:
self.computed_total = self.compute_total()
return self.computed_total
def get_payment_state_display(self):
value = self.payment_state
return force_text(dict(self.PAYMENT_STATES).get(value, value))
@ -332,33 +323,44 @@ class Bill(models.Model):
def compute_subtotals(self):
subtotals = {}
lines = self.lines.annotate(totals=(F('subtotal') + Coalesce(F('sublines__total'), 0)))
lines = self.lines.annotate(totals=F('subtotal') + Sum(Coalesce('sublines__total', 0)))
for tax, total in lines.values_list('tax', 'totals'):
subtotal, taxes = subtotals.get(tax) or (0, 0)
subtotal += total
subtotals[tax] = (subtotal, round(tax/100*subtotal, 2))
return subtotals
subtotals[tax] += total
except KeyError:
subtotals[tax] = total
result = {}
for tax, subtotal in subtotals.items():
result[tax] = (subtotal, round(tax/100*subtotal, 2))
return result
def compute_base(self):
bases = self.lines.annotate(
bases=Sum(F('subtotal') + Coalesce(F('sublines__total'), 0))
bases=F('subtotal') + Sum(Coalesce('sublines__total', 0))
return round(bases.aggregate(Sum('bases'))['bases__sum'] or 0, 2)
def compute_tax(self):
taxes = self.lines.annotate(
taxes=Sum((F('subtotal') + Coalesce(F('sublines__total'), 0)) * (F('tax')/100))
taxes=(F('subtotal') + Coalesce(Sum('sublines__total'), 0)) * (F('tax')/100)
return round(taxes.aggregate(Sum('taxes'))['taxes__sum'] or 0, 2)
def compute_total(self):
totals = self.lines.annotate(
totals=Sum((F('subtotal') + Coalesce(F('sublines__total'), 0)) * (1+F('tax')/100))
return round(totals.aggregate(Sum('totals'))['totals__sum'] or 0, 2)
if 'lines' in getattr(self, '_prefetched_objects_cache', ()):
total = 0
for line in self.lines.all():
line_total = line.compute_total()
total += line_total * (
return round(total, 2)
totals = self.lines.annotate(
totals=(F('subtotal') + Sum(Coalesce('sublines__total', 0))) * (1+F('tax')/100)
return round(totals.aggregate(Sum('totals'))['totals__sum'] or 0, 2)
class Invoice(Bill):
@ -410,11 +412,6 @@ class BillLine(models.Model):
def __str__(self):
return "#%i" %
def compute_total(self):
""" Computes subline discounts """
return self.subtotal + sum([ for sub in self.sublines.all()])
def get_verbose_quantity(self):
return self.verbose_quantity or self.quantity
@ -434,6 +431,17 @@ class BillLine(models.Model):
return ini
return "{ini} / {end}".format(ini=ini, end=end)
def compute_total(self):
total = self.subtotal or 0
if hasattr(self, 'subline_total'):
total += self.subline_total or 0
elif 'sublines' in getattr(self, '_prefetched_objects_cache', ()):
total += sum( for subline in self.sublines.all())
total += self.sublines.aggregate(sub_total=Sum('total'))['sub_total'] or 0
return round(total, 2)
# def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
# super(BillLine, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
# if self.bill.is_open:

View file

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
{% load i18n utils %}
<title>Transaction Report</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<style type="text/css">
@page {
size: 11.69in 8.27in;
table {
max-width: 10in;
font-family: sans;
font-size: 10px;
table tr:nth-child(even) {
background-color: #eee;
table tr:nth-child(odd) {
background-color: #fff;
table th {
color: white;
background-color: grey;
.item.column-created, .item.column-updated {
text-align: center;
.item.column-amount {
text-align: right;
.footnote {
font-family: sans;
font-size: 10px;
<table id="summary">
<tr class="header">
<th class="title column-name">{% trans "Services" %}</th>
<th class="title column-active">{% trans "Active" %}</th>
<th class="title column-cancelled">{% trans "Cancelled" %}</th>
<th class="title column-nominal-price">{% trans "Nominal price" %}</th>
<th class="title column-number">{% trans "Quantity" %}</th>
<th class="title column-number">{% trans "Profit" %}</th>
{% for service, info in services %}
<td class="item column-name">{{ service }}</td>
<td class="item column-amount">{{ info.0 }}</td>
<td class="item column-amount">{{ info.1 }}</td>
<td class="item column-amount">{{ info.2 }}</td>
<td class="item column-amount">{{ info.3 }}</td>
<td class="item column-amount">{{ info.4 }}</td>
{% endfor %}
<td class="item column-name"><b>{% trans "TOTAL" %}</b></td>
<td class="item column-amount"><b>{{ totals.0 }}</b></td>
<td class="item column-amount"><b>{{ totals.1 }}<b></td>
<td class="item column-amount"><b>{{ totals.2 }}<b></td>
<td class="item column-amount"><b>{{ totals.3 }}<b></td>
<td class="item column-amount"><b>{{ totals.4 }}<b></td>
<div class="footnote">
* Custom lines

View file

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
<div id="total">
<span class="title">{% trans "TOTAL" %}</span><br>
<psan class="value">{{ bill.get_total }} &{{ currency.lower }};</span>
<psan class="value">{{ bill.compute_total }} &{{ currency.lower }};</span>
<div id="bill-date">
<span class="title">{% blocktrans with bill_type=bill.get_type_display.upper %}{{ bill_type }} DATE{% endblocktrans %}</span><br>
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
{% endfor %}
<span class="total column-title">{% trans "total" %}</span>
<span class="total column-value">{{ bill.get_total }} &{{ currency.lower }};</span>
<span class="total column-value">{{ bill.compute_total }} &{{ currency.lower }};</span>
{% endblock %}

View file

@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
<th class="title column-cancelled">{% trans "Cancelled" %}</th>
<th class="title column-nominal-price">{% trans "Nominal price" %}</th>
<th class="title column-number">{% trans "Number" %}</th>
<th class="title column-number">{% trans "Profit" %}</th>
{% for service, info in services %}
@ -49,7 +48,6 @@
<td class="item column-amount">{{ info.1 }}</td>
<td class="item column-amount">{{ info.2 }}</td>
<td class="item column-amount">{{ info.3 }}</td>
<td class="item column-amount">{{ info.2|mul:info.3 }}</td>
{% endfor %}
@ -57,10 +55,8 @@
<td class="item column-amount"><b>{{ totals.0 }}</b></td>
<td class="item column-amount">{{ totals.1 }}</td>
<td class="item column-amount">{{ totals.2 }}</td>
<td class="item column-amount">{{ totals.3 }}</td>
# TODO calculate profit better: order.get_price() for everyperiod / metric, etc