import logging import textwrap from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from orchestra.apps.orchestration import ServiceController from orchestra.apps.resources import ServiceMonitor #from orchestra.utils.humanize import unit_to_bytes from . import settings from .models import Address # TODO # TODO # TODO mount the filesystem with "nosuid" option logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MailSystemUserBackend(ServiceController): verbose_name = _("Mail system users") model = 'mailboxes.Mailbox' def save(self, mailbox): context = self.get_context(mailbox) self.append(textwrap.dedent(""" if [[ $( id %(user)s ) ]]; then usermod %(user)s --password '%(password)s' --shell %(initial_shell)s else useradd %(user)s --home %(home)s --password '%(password)s' fi mkdir -p %(home)s chmod 751 %(home)s chown %(user)s:%(group)s %(home)s""") % context ) if hasattr(mailbox, 'resources') and hasattr(mailbox.resources, 'disk'): self.set_quota(mailbox, context) def set_quota(self, mailbox, context): context['quota'] = mailbox.resources.disk.allocated * mailbox.resources.disk.resource.get_scale() #unit_to_bytes(mailbox.resources.disk.unit) self.append(textwrap.dedent(""" mkdir -p %(home)s/Maildir chown %(user)s:%(group)s %(home)s/Maildir if [[ ! -f %(home)s/Maildir/maildirsize ]]; then echo "%(quota)iS" > %(home)s/Maildir/maildirsize chown %(user)s:%(group)s %(home)s/Maildir/maildirsize else sed -i '1s/.*/%(quota)iS/' %(home)s/Maildir/maildirsize fi""") % context ) def delete(self, mailbox): context = self.get_context(mailbox) self.append('mv %(home)s %(home)s.deleted' % context) self.append(textwrap.dedent(""" { sleep 2 && killall -u %(user)s -s KILL; } & killall -u %(user)s || true userdel %(user)s || true groupdel %(user)s || true""") % context ) def get_context(self, mailbox): context = { 'user':, 'group':, 'password': mailbox.password if else '*%s' % mailbox.password, 'home': mailbox.get_home(), 'initial_shell': '/dev/null', } return context class PasswdVirtualUserBackend(ServiceController): verbose_name = _("Mail virtual user (passwd-file)") model = 'mailboxes.Mailbox' # TODO related_models = ('resources__content_type') ?? needed for updating disk usage from DEFAULT_GROUP = 'postfix' def set_user(self, context): self.append(textwrap.dedent(""" if [[ $( grep "^%(user)s:" %(passwd_path)s ) ]]; then sed -i 's#^%(user)s:.*#%(passwd)s#' %(passwd_path)s else echo '%(passwd)s' >> %(passwd_path)s fi""") % context ) self.append("mkdir -p %(home)s" % context) self.append("chown %(uid)s:%(gid)s %(home)s" % context) def set_mailbox(self, context): self.append(textwrap.dedent(""" if [[ ! $(grep "^%(user)s@%(mailbox_domain)s\s" %(virtual_mailbox_maps)s) ]]; then echo "%(user)s@%(mailbox_domain)s\tOK" >> %(virtual_mailbox_maps)s UPDATED_VIRTUAL_MAILBOX_MAPS=1 fi""") % context ) def generate_filter(self, mailbox, context): self.append("doveadm mailbox create -u %(user)s Spam" % context) context['filtering_path'] = settings.MAILBOXES_SIEVE_PATH % context filtering = mailbox.get_filtering() if filtering: context['filtering'] = '# %(banner)s\n' + filtering self.append("mkdir -p $(dirname '%(filtering_path)s')" % context) self.append("echo '%(filtering)s' > %(filtering_path)s" % context) else: self.append("rm -f %(filtering_path)s" % context) def save(self, mailbox): context = self.get_context(mailbox) self.set_user(context) self.set_mailbox(context) self.generate_filter(mailbox, context) def delete(self, mailbox): context = self.get_context(mailbox) self.append("{ sleep 2 && killall -u %(uid)s -s KILL; } &" % context) self.append("killall -u %(uid)s || true" % context) self.append("sed -i '/^%(user)s:.*/d' %(passwd_path)s" % context) self.append("sed -i '/^%(user)s@%(mailbox_domain)s\s.*/d' %(virtual_mailbox_maps)s" % context) self.append("UPDATED_VIRTUAL_MAILBOX_MAPS=1") # TODO delete context['deleted'] = context['home'].rstrip('/') + '.deleted' self.append("mv %(home)s %(deleted)s" % context) def get_extra_fields(self, mailbox, context): context['quota'] = self.get_quota(mailbox) return 'userdb_mail=maildir:~/Maildir {quota}'.format(**context) def get_quota(self, mailbox): try: quota = mailbox.resources.disk.allocated except (AttributeError, ObjectDoesNotExist): return '' unit = mailbox.resources.disk.unit[0].upper() return 'userdb_quota_rule=*:bytes=%i%s' % (quota, unit) def commit(self): context = { 'virtual_mailbox_maps': settings.MAILBOXES_VIRTUAL_MAILBOX_MAPS_PATH } self.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ [[ $UPDATED_VIRTUAL_MAILBOX_MAPS == 1 ]] && { postmap %(virtual_mailbox_maps)s }""") % context ) def get_context(self, mailbox): context = { 'name':, 'user':, 'password': mailbox.password if else '*%s' % mailbox.password, 'uid': 10000 +, 'gid': 10000 +, 'group': self.DEFAULT_GROUP, 'quota': self.get_quota(mailbox), 'passwd_path': settings.MAILBOXES_PASSWD_PATH, 'home': mailbox.get_home().rstrip('/'), 'banner': self.get_banner(), 'virtual_mailbox_maps': settings.MAILBOXES_VIRTUAL_MAILBOX_MAPS_PATH, 'mailbox_domain': settings.MAILBOXES_VIRTUAL_MAILBOX_DEFAULT_DOMAIN, } context['extra_fields'] = self.get_extra_fields(mailbox, context) context['passwd'] = '{user}:{password}:{uid}:{gid}::{home}::{extra_fields}'.format(**context) return context class PostfixAddressBackend(ServiceController): verbose_name = _("Postfix address") model = 'mailboxes.Address' related_models = ( ('mailboxes.Mailbox', 'addresses'), ) def include_virtual_alias_domain(self, context): self.append(textwrap.dedent(""" [[ $(grep "^\s*%(domain)s\s*$" %(virtual_alias_domains)s) ]] || { echo "%(domain)s" >> %(virtual_alias_domains)s UPDATED_VIRTUAL_ALIAS_DOMAINS=1 }""") % context) def exclude_virtual_alias_domain(self, context): domain = context['domain'] if not Address.objects.filter(domain=domain).exists(): self.append('sed -i "/^%(domain)s\s*/d" %(virtual_alias_domains)s' % context) def update_virtual_alias_maps(self, address, context): # Virtual mailbox stuff # destination = [] # for mailbox in address.get_mailboxes(): # context['mailbox'] = mailbox # destination.append("%(mailbox)s@%(mailbox_domain)s" % context) # for forward in address.forward: # if '@' in forward: # destination.append(forward) destination = address.destination if destination: context['destination'] = destination self.append(textwrap.dedent(""" LINE="%(email)s\t%(destination)s" if [[ ! $(grep "^%(email)s\s" %(virtual_alias_maps)s) ]]; then echo "${LINE}" >> %(virtual_alias_maps)s UPDATED_VIRTUAL_ALIAS_MAPS=1 else if [[ ! $(grep "^${LINE}$" %(virtual_alias_maps)s) ]]; then sed -i "s/^%(email)s\s.*$/${LINE}/" %(virtual_alias_maps)s UPDATED_VIRTUAL_ALIAS_MAPS=1 fi fi""") % context) else: logger.warning("Address %i is empty" % self.append('sed -i "/^%(email)s\s/d" %(virtual_alias_maps)s' % context) self.append('UPDATED_VIRTUAL_ALIAS_MAPS=1') def exclude_virtual_alias_maps(self, context): self.append(textwrap.dedent(""" if [[ $(grep "^%(email)s\s" %(virtual_alias_maps)s) ]]; then sed -i "/^%(email)s\s.*$/d" %(virtual_alias_maps)s UPDATED_VIRTUAL_ALIAS_MAPS=1 fi""") % context) def save(self, address): context = self.get_context(address) self.include_virtual_alias_domain(context) self.update_virtual_alias_maps(address, context) def delete(self, address): context = self.get_context(address) self.exclude_virtual_alias_domain(context) self.exclude_virtual_alias_maps(context) def commit(self): context = self.get_context_files() self.append(textwrap.dedent(""" [[ $UPDATED_VIRTUAL_ALIAS_MAPS == 1 ]] && { postmap %(virtual_alias_maps)s; } [[ $UPDATED_VIRTUAL_ALIAS_DOMAINS == 1 ]] && { /etc/init.d/postfix reload; } """) % context ) self.append('exit 0') def get_context_files(self): return { 'virtual_alias_domains': settings.MAILBOXES_VIRTUAL_ALIAS_DOMAINS_PATH, 'virtual_alias_maps': settings.MAILBOXES_VIRTUAL_ALIAS_MAPS_PATH } def get_context(self, address): context = self.get_context_files() context.update({ 'domain': address.domain, 'email':, 'mailbox_domain': settings.MAILBOXES_VIRTUAL_MAILBOX_DEFAULT_DOMAIN, }) return context class AutoresponseBackend(ServiceController): verbose_name = _("Mail autoresponse") model = 'mail.Autoresponse' class MaildirDisk(ServiceMonitor): """ Maildir disk usage based on Dovecot maildirsize file """ model = 'mailboxes.Mailbox' resource = ServiceMonitor.DISK verbose_name = _("Maildir disk usage") def prepare(self): super(MaildirDisk, self).prepare() current_date = self.current_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z") self.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ function monitor () { awk 'BEGIN { size = 0 } NR > 1 { size += $1 } END { print size }' $1 || echo 0 }""")) def monitor(self, mailbox): context = self.get_context(mailbox) self.append("echo %(object_id)s $(monitor %(maildir_path)s)" % context) def get_context(self, mailbox): context = { 'home': mailbox.get_home(), 'object_id': } context['maildir_path'] = settings.MAILBOXES_MAILDIRSIZE_PATH % context return context class PostfixTraffic(ServiceMonitor): """ A high-performance log parser Reads the mail.log file only once, for all users """ model = 'mailboxes.Mailbox' resource = ServiceMonitor.TRAFFIC verbose_name = _("Postfix traffic usage") script_executable = '/usr/bin/python' def prepare(self): mail_log = '/var/log/mail.log' context = { 'current_date': self.current_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"), 'mail_logs': str((mail_log, mail_log+'.1')), } self.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ import re import sys from datetime import datetime from dateutil import tz def to_local_timezone(date, tzlocal=tz.tzlocal()): # Converts orchestra's UTC dates to local timezone date = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z') date = date.replace(tzinfo=tz.tzutc()) date = date.astimezone(tzlocal) return date maillogs = {mail_logs} end_datetime = to_local_timezone('{current_date}') end_date = int(end_datetime.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')) months = {{ "Jan": "01", "Feb": "02", "Mar": "03", "Apr": "04", "May": "05", "Jun": "06", "Jul": "07", "Aug": "08", "Sep": "09", "Oct": "10", "Nov": "11", "Dec": "12", }} def inside_period(month, day, time, ini_date): global months global end_datetime # Mar 19 17:13:22 month = months[month] year = end_datetime.year if month == '12' and end_datetime.month == 1: year = year+1 date = str(year) + month + day date += time.replace(':', '') return ini_date < int(date) < end_date users = {{}} delivers = {{}} reverse = {{}} def prepare(object_id, mailbox, ini_date): global users global delivers global reverse ini_date = to_local_timezone(ini_date) ini_date = int(ini_date.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')) users[mailbox] = (ini_date, object_id) delivers[mailbox] = set() reverse[mailbox] = set() def monitor(users, delivers, reverse, maillogs): targets = {{}} counter = {{}} user_regex = re.compile(r'\(Authenticated sender: ([^ ]+)\)') for maillog in maillogs: try: with open(maillog, 'r') as maillog: for line in maillog.readlines(): # Only search for Authenticated sendings if '(Authenticated sender: ' in line: username =[0] try: sender = users[username] except KeyError: continue else: month, day, time, __, proc, id = line.split()[:6] if inside_period(month, day, time, sender[0]): # Add new email delivers[id[:-1]] = username # Look for a MailScanner requeue ID elif ' Requeue: ' in line: id, __, req_id = line.split()[6:9] id = id.split('.')[0] try: username = delivers[id] except KeyError: pass else: targets[req_id] = (username, None) reverse[username].add(req_id) # Look for the mail size and count the number of recipients of each email else: try: month, day, time, __, proc, req_id, __, msize = line.split()[:8] except ValueError: # not interested in this line continue if proc.startswith('postfix/'): req_id = req_id[:-1] if msize.startswith('size='): try: target = targets[req_id] except KeyError: pass else: targets[req_id] = (target[0], int(msize[5:-1])) elif proc.startswith('postfix/smtp'): try: target = targets[req_id] except KeyError: pass else: if inside_period(month, day, time, users[target[0]][0]): try: counter[req_id] += 1 except KeyError: counter[req_id] = 1 except IOError as e: sys.stderr.write(e) for username, opts in users.items(): size = 0 for req_id in reverse[username]: size += targets[req_id][1] * counter.get(req_id, 0) print opts[1], size """).format(**context) ) def commit(self): self.append('monitor(users, delivers, reverse, maillogs)') def monitor(self, mailbox): context = self.get_context(mailbox) self.append("prepare(%(object_id)s, '%(mailbox)s', '%(last_date)s')" % context) def get_context(self, mailbox): return { # 'mainlog': settings.LISTS_MAILMAN_POST_LOG_PATH, 'mailbox':, 'object_id':, 'last_date': self.get_last_date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"), }