import os import textwrap from django.template import Template, Context from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from orchestra.contrib.orchestration import ServiceController, replace from . import WebAppServiceMixin from .. import settings class PHPBackend(WebAppServiceMixin, ServiceController): verbose_name = _("PHP FPM/FCGID") default_route_match = "webapp.type.endswith('php')" MERGE = settings.WEBAPPS_MERGE_PHP_WEBAPPS def save(self, webapp): context = self.get_context(webapp) self.create_webapp_dir(context) self.set_under_construction(context) if webapp.type_instance.is_fpm: self.save_fpm(webapp, context) self.delete_fcgid(webapp, context) elif webapp.type_instance.is_fcgid: self.save_fcgid(webapp, context) self.delete_fpm(webapp, context) def save_fpm(self, webapp, context): self.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ fpm_config='%(fpm_config)s' { echo -e "${fpm_config}" | diff -N -I'^\s*;;' %(fpm_path)s - } || { echo -e "${fpm_config}" > %(fpm_path)s UPDATED_FPM=1 } """) % context ) def save_fcgid(self, webapp, context): self.append("mkdir -p %(wrapper_dir)s" % context) self.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ wrapper='%(wrapper)s' { echo -e "${wrapper}" | diff -N -I'^\s*#' %(wrapper_path)s - } || { echo -e "${wrapper}" > %(wrapper_path)s if [[ %(is_mounted)i -eq 1 ]]; then # Reload fcgid wrapper pkill -SIGHUP -U %(user)s "^%(php_binary)s$" || true fi } """) % context ) self.append("chmod 550 %(wrapper_dir)s" % context) self.append("chmod 550 %(wrapper_path)s" % context) self.append("chown -R %(user)s:%(group)s %(wrapper_dir)s" % context) if context['cmd_options']: self.append(textwrap.dedent(""" cmd_options='%(cmd_options)s' { echo -e "${cmd_options}" | diff -N -I'^\s*#' %(cmd_options_path)s - } || { echo -e "${cmd_options}" > %(cmd_options_path)s [[ ${UPDATED_APACHE} -eq 0 ]] && UPDATED_APACHE=%(is_mounted)i } """ ) % context ) else: self.append("rm -f %(cmd_options_path)s" % context) def delete(self, webapp): context = self.get_context(webapp) if webapp.type_instance.is_fpm: self.delete_fpm(webapp, context) elif webapp.type_instance.is_fcgid: self.delete_fcgid(webapp, context) self.delete_webapp_dir(context) def delete_fpm(self, webapp, context): # Better not delete a pool used by other apps if not self.MERGE: self.append("rm -f %(fpm_path)s" % context) def delete_fcgid(self, webapp, context): # Better not delete a wrapper used by other apps if not self.MERGE: self.append("rm -f %(wrapper_path)s" % context) self.append("rm -f %(cmd_options_path)s" % context) def prepare(self): super(PHPBackend, self).prepare() # Coordinate apache restart with php backend in order not to overdo it self.append('echo "PHPBackend" >> /dev/shm/restart.apache2') def commit(self): self.append(textwrap.dedent(""" if [[ $UPDATED_FPM -eq 1 ]]; then service php5-fpm reload fi # Coordinate apache restart with Apache2Backend # FIXME race condition locked=1 state="$(grep -v 'PHPBackend' /dev/shm/restart.apache2)" || locked=0 echo -n "$state" > /dev/shm/restart.apache2 if [[ $UPDATED_APACHE -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ $locked == 0 ]]; then service apache2 reload else echo "PHPBackend RESTART" >> /dev/shm/restart.apache2 fi elif [[ "$state" =~ .*RESTART$ ]]; then rm /dev/shm/restart.apache2 service apache2 reload fi """) ) super(PHPBackend, self).commit() def get_options(self, webapp): kwargs = {} if self.MERGE: kwargs = { 'webapp__account': webapp.account, 'webapp__type': webapp.type, 'webapp__data__contains': '"php_version":"%s"' %['php_version'], } return webapp.get_options(**kwargs) def get_fpm_config(self, webapp, context): options = self.get_options(webapp) context.update({ 'init_vars': webapp.type_instance.get_php_init_vars(merge=self.MERGE), 'max_children': options.get('processes', settings.WEBAPPS_FPM_DEFAULT_MAX_CHILDREN), 'request_terminate_timeout': options.get('timeout', False), }) context['fpm_listen'] = webapp.type_instance.FPM_LISTEN % context fpm_config = Template(textwrap.dedent("""\ ;; {{ banner }} [{{ user }}] user = {{ user }} group = {{ group }} listen = {{ fpm_listen | safe }} listen.owner = {{ user }} = {{ group }} pm = ondemand pm.max_requests = {{ max_requests }} pm.max_children = {{ max_children }} {% if request_terminate_timeout %}request_terminate_timeout = {{ request_terminate_timeout }}{% endif %} {% for name, value in init_vars.items %} php_admin_value[{{ name | safe }}] = {{ value | safe }}{% endfor %} """ )) return fpm_config.render(Context(context)) def get_fcgid_wrapper(self, webapp, context): opt = webapp.type_instance # Format PHP init vars init_vars = opt.get_php_init_vars(merge=self.MERGE) if init_vars: init_vars = [ "-d %s='%s'" % (k, v.replace("'", '"')) for k,v in init_vars.items() ] init_vars = ' \\\n '.join(init_vars) context.update({ 'php_binary_path': os.path.normpath(settings.WEBAPPS_PHP_CGI_BINARY_PATH % context), 'php_rc': os.path.normpath(settings.WEBAPPS_PHP_CGI_RC_DIR % context), 'php_ini_scan': os.path.normpath(settings.WEBAPPS_PHP_CGI_INI_SCAN_DIR % context), 'php_init_vars': init_vars, }) context['php_binary'] = os.path.basename(context['php_binary_path']) return textwrap.dedent("""\ #!/bin/sh # %(banner)s export PHPRC=%(php_rc)s export PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR=%(php_ini_scan)s export PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS=%(max_requests)s exec %(php_binary_path)s %(php_init_vars)s""") % context def get_fcgid_cmd_options(self, webapp, context): options = self.get_options(webapp) maps = { 'MaxProcesses': options.get('processes', None), 'IOTimeout': options.get('timeout', None), } cmd_options = [] for directive, value in maps.items(): if value: cmd_options.append( "%s %s" % (directive, value.replace("'", '"')) ) if cmd_options: head = ( '# %(banner)s\n' 'FcgidCmdOptions %(wrapper_path)s' ) % context cmd_options.insert(0, head) return ' \\\n '.join(cmd_options) def update_fcgid_context(self, webapp, context): wrapper_path = webapp.type_instance.FCGID_WRAPPER_PATH % context context.update({ 'wrapper': self.get_fcgid_wrapper(webapp, context), 'wrapper_path': wrapper_path, 'wrapper_dir': os.path.dirname(wrapper_path), }) replace(context, "'", '"') context.update({ 'cmd_options': self.get_fcgid_cmd_options(webapp, context), 'cmd_options_path': settings.WEBAPPS_FCGID_CMD_OPTIONS_PATH % context, }) return context def update_fpm_context(self, webapp, context): context.update({ 'fpm_config': self.get_fpm_config(webapp, context), 'fpm_path': settings.WEBAPPS_PHPFPM_POOL_PATH % context, }) return context def get_context(self, webapp): context = super(PHPBackend, self).get_context(webapp) context.update({ 'php_version': webapp.type_instance.get_php_version(), 'php_version_number': webapp.type_instance.get_php_version_number(), 'max_requests': settings.WEBAPPS_PHP_MAX_REQUESTS, }) self.update_fpm_context(webapp, context) # Fcgid context do contain special charactes replace(context, "'", '"') self.update_fcgid_context(webapp, context) return context