import os import textwrap from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from orchestra.contrib.orchestration import ServiceController, replace from orchestra.contrib.resources import ServiceMonitor from . import settings class UNIXUserBackend(ServiceController): """ Basic UNIX system user/group support based on useradd, usermod, userdel and groupdel. Autodetects and uses ACL if available, for better permission management. """ verbose_name = _("UNIX user") model = 'systemusers.SystemUser' actions = ('save', 'delete', 'set_permission', 'validate_path_exists') doc_settings = (settings, ( 'SYSTEMUSERS_DEFAULT_GROUP_MEMBERS', 'SYSTEMUSERS_MOVE_ON_DELETE_PATH', 'SYSTEMUSERS_FORBIDDEN_PATHS' )) def save(self, user): context = self.get_context(user) if not context['user']: return groups = ','.join(self.get_groups(user)) context['groups_arg'] = '--groups %s' % groups if groups else '' # TODO userd add will fail if %(user)s group already exists self.append(textwrap.dedent(""" if [[ $( id %(user)s ) ]]; then usermod %(user)s --home %(home)s \\ --password '%(password)s' \\ --shell %(shell)s %(groups_arg)s else useradd %(user)s --home %(home)s \\ --password '%(password)s' \\ --shell %(shell)s %(groups_arg)s || { useradd_code=$? # User is logged in, kill and retry if [[ $useradd_code -eq 8 ]]; then pkill -u %(user)s; sleep 2 pkill -9 -u %(user)s; sleep 1 useradd %(user)s --home %(home)s \\ --password '%(password)s' \\ --shell %(shell)s %(groups_arg)s else exit $useradd_code fi } fi mkdir -p %(base_home)s chmod 750 %(base_home)s chown %(user)s:%(user)s %(base_home)s""") % context ) if context['home'] != context['base_home']: self.append(textwrap.dedent(""" if [[ $(mount | grep "^$(df %(home)s|grep '^/')\s" | grep acl) ]]; then # Accountn group as the owner chown %(mainuser)s:%(mainuser)s %(home)s chmod g+s %(home)s # Home access setfacl -m u:%(user)s:--x '%(mainuser_home)s' # Grant perms to future files within the directory setfacl -m d:u:%(user)s:rwx %(home)s # Grant access to main user setfacl -m d:u:%(mainuser)s:rwx %(home)s else chmod g+rxw %(home)s chown %(user)s:%(user)s %(home)s fi""") % context ) for member in settings.SYSTEMUSERS_DEFAULT_GROUP_MEMBERS: context['member'] = member self.append('usermod -a -G %(user)s %(member)s || exit_code=$?' % context) if not user.is_main: self.append('usermod -a -G %(user)s %(mainuser)s || exit_code=$?' % context) def delete(self, user): context = self.get_context(user) if not context['user']: return self.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ nohup bash -c 'sleep 2 && killall -u %(user)s -s KILL' &> /dev/null & killall -u %(user)s || true userdel %(user)s || exit_code=$? groupdel %(group)s || exit_code=$? """) % context ) if context['deleted_home']: self.append("mv %(base_home)s %(deleted_home)s || exit_code=$?" % context) else: self.append("rm -fr %(base_home)s" % context) def set_permission(self, user): context = self.get_context(user) context.update({ 'perm_action': user.set_perm_action, 'perm_home': user.set_perm_base_home, 'perm_to': os.path.join(user.set_perm_base_home, user.set_perm_home_extension), }) exclude_acl = [] for exclude in settings.SYSTEMUSERS_FORBIDDEN_PATHS: context['exclude_acl'] = os.path.join(context['perm_home'], exclude) exclude_acl.append('-not -path "%(exclude_acl)s"' % context) context['exclude_acl'] = ' \\\n -a '.join(exclude_acl) if exclude_acl else '' if user.set_perm_perms == 'rw': context['perm_perms'] = 'rwx' if user.set_perm_action == 'grant' else '---' elif user.set_perm_perms == 'r': context['perm_perms'] = 'r-x' if user.set_perm_action == 'grant' else '-wx' elif user.set_perm_perms == 'w': context['perm_perms'] = '-wx' if user.set_perm_action == 'grant' else 'r-x' if user.set_perm_action == 'grant': self.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ # Home access setfacl -m u:%(user)s:--x '%(perm_home)s' # Grant perms to existing and future files find '%(perm_to)s' %(exclude_acl)s \\ -exec setfacl -m u:%(user)s:%(perm_perms)s {} \\; find '%(perm_to)s' -type d %(exclude_acl)s \\ -exec setfacl -m d:u:%(user)s:%(perm_perms)s {} \\; # Account group as the owner of new files chmod g+s '%(perm_to)s'""") % context ) if not user.is_main: self.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ # Grant access to main user find '%(perm_to)s' -type d %(exclude_acl)s \\ -exec setfacl -m d:u:%(mainuser)s:rwx {} \\; """) % context ) elif user.set_perm_action == 'revoke': self.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ # Revoke permissions find '%(perm_to)s' %(exclude_acl)s \\ -exec setfacl -m u:%(user)s:%(perm_perms)s {} \\; """) % context ) else: raise NotImplementedError() def validate_path_exists(self, user): context = { 'path': user.path_to_validate, } self.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ if [[ ! -e '%(path)s' ]]; then echo "%(path)s path does not exists." >&2 fi """) % context ) def get_groups(self, user): if user.is_main: return user.account.systemusers.exclude(username=user.username).values_list('username', flat=True) return list(user.groups.values_list('username', flat=True)) def get_context(self, user): context = { 'object_id':, 'user': user.username, 'group': user.username, 'password': user.password if else '*%s' % user.password, 'shell':, 'mainuser': user.username if user.is_main else user.account.username, 'home': user.get_home(), 'base_home': user.get_base_home(), 'mainuser_home': user.main.get_home(), } context['deleted_home'] = settings.SYSTEMUSERS_MOVE_ON_DELETE_PATH % context return replace(context, "'", '"') class UNIXUserDisk(ServiceMonitor): """ du -bs <home> """ model = 'systemusers.SystemUser' resource = ServiceMonitor.DISK verbose_name = _('UNIX user disk') def prepare(self): super(UNIXUserDisk, self).prepare() self.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ function monitor () { { du -bs "$1" || echo 0; } | awk {'print $1'} }""" )) def monitor(self, user): context = self.get_context(user) self.append("echo %(object_id)s $(monitor %(base_home)s)" % context) def get_context(self, user): context = { 'object_id':, 'base_home': user.get_base_home(), } return replace(context, "'", '"') class Exim4Traffic(ServiceMonitor): """ Exim4 mainlog parser for mails sent on the webserver by system users (e.g. via PHP mail()) """ model = 'systemusers.SystemUser' resource = ServiceMonitor.TRAFFIC verbose_name = _("Exim4 traffic") script_executable = '/usr/bin/python' doc_settings = (settings, ('SYSTEMUSERS_MAIL_LOG_PATH',) ) def prepare(self): mainlog = settings.SYSTEMUSERS_MAIL_LOG_PATH context = { 'current_date': self.current_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"), 'mainlogs': str((mainlog, mainlog+'.1')), } self.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ import re import sys from datetime import datetime from dateutil import tz def to_local_timezone(date, tzlocal=tz.tzlocal()): date = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z') date = date.replace(tzinfo=tz.tzutc()) date = date.astimezone(tzlocal) return date mainlogs = {mainlogs} # Use local timezone end_date = to_local_timezone('{current_date}') end_date = int(end_date.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')) users = {{}} def prepare(object_id, username, ini_date): global users ini_date = to_local_timezone(ini_date) ini_date = int(ini_date.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')) users[username] = [ini_date, object_id, 0] def monitor(users, end_date, mainlogs): user_regex = re.compile(r' U=([^ ]+) ') for mainlog in mainlogs: try: with open(mainlog, 'r') as mainlog: for line in mainlog.readlines(): if ' <= ' in line and 'P=local' in line: username =[0] try: sender = users[username] except KeyError: continue else: date, time, id, __, __, user, protocol, size = line.split()[:8] date = date.replace('-', '') date += time.replace(':', '') if sender[0] < int(date) < end_date: sender[2] += int(size[2:]) except IOError as e: sys.stderr.write(e) for username, opts in users.iteritems(): __, object_id, size = opts print object_id, size """).format(**context) ) def commit(self): self.append('monitor(users, end_date, mainlogs)') def monitor(self, user): context = self.get_context(user) self.append("prepare(%(object_id)s, '%(username)s', '%(last_date)s')" % context) def get_context(self, user): context = { 'username': user.username, 'object_id':, 'last_date': self.get_last_date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"), } return replace(context, "'", '"') class VsFTPdTraffic(ServiceMonitor): """ vsFTPd log parser. """ model = 'systemusers.SystemUser' resource = ServiceMonitor.TRAFFIC verbose_name = _('VsFTPd traffic') script_executable = '/usr/bin/python' doc_settings = (settings, ('SYSTEMUSERS_FTP_LOG_PATH',) ) def prepare(self): vsftplog = settings.SYSTEMUSERS_FTP_LOG_PATH context = { 'current_date': self.current_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"), 'vsftplogs': str((vsftplog, vsftplog+'.1')), } self.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ import re import sys from datetime import datetime from dateutil import tz def to_local_timezone(date, tzlocal=tz.tzlocal()): date = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z') date = date.replace(tzinfo=tz.tzutc()) date = date.astimezone(tzlocal) return date vsftplogs = {vsftplogs} # Use local timezone end_date = to_local_timezone('{current_date}') end_date = int(end_date.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')) users = {{}} months = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec') months = dict((m, '%02d' % n) for n, m in enumerate(months, 1)) def prepare(object_id, username, ini_date): global users ini_date = to_local_timezone(ini_date) ini_date = int(ini_date.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')) users[username] = [ini_date, object_id, 0] def monitor(users, end_date, months, vsftplogs): user_regex = re.compile(r'\] \[([^ ]+)\] (OK|FAIL) ') bytes_regex = re.compile(r', ([0-9]+) bytes, ') for vsftplog in vsftplogs: try: with open(vsftplog, 'r') as vsftplog: for line in vsftplog.readlines(): if ' bytes, ' in line: username =[0] try: user = users[username] except KeyError: continue else: __, month, day, time, year = line.split()[:5] date = year + months[month] + day + time.replace(':', '') if user[0] < int(date) < end_date: bytes =[0] user[2] += int(bytes) except IOError as e: sys.stderr.write(e) for username, opts in users.items(): __, object_id, size = opts print object_id, size """).format(**context) ) def monitor(self, user): context = self.get_context(user) self.append("prepare(%(object_id)s, '%(username)s', '%(last_date)s')" % context) def commit(self): self.append('monitor(users, end_date, months, vsftplogs)') def get_context(self, user): context = { 'last_date': self.get_last_date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"), 'object_id':, 'username': user.username, } return replace(context, "'", '"')