import logging import threading from django import db from orchestra.utils.python import import_class from . import settings from .helpers import send_report logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def as_task(execute): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """ failures on the backend execution doesn't fuck the request transaction atomicity """ db.transaction.set_autocommit(False) try: log = execute(*args, **kwargs) finally: db.transaction.commit() db.transaction.set_autocommit(True) if log.state != log.SUCCESS: send_report(execute, args, log) return log return wrapper def close_connection(execute): """ Threads have their own connection pool, closing it when finishing """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: log = execute(*args, **kwargs) except: logger.error('EXCEPTION executing backend %s %s' % (str(args), str(kwargs))) raise else: # Using the wrapper function as threader messenger for the execute output wrapper.log = log finally: db.connection.close() return wrapper def execute(operations): """ generates and executes the operations on the servers """ router = import_class(settings.ORCHESTRATION_ROUTER) scripts = {} cache = {} # Generate scripts per server+backend for operation in operations: logger.debug("Queued %s" % str(operation)) servers = router.get_servers(operation, cache=cache) for server in servers: key = (server, operation.backend) if key not in scripts: scripts[key] = (operation.backend(), [operation]) scripts[key][0].prepare() else: scripts[key][1].append(operation) # Get and call backend action method method = getattr(scripts[key][0], operation.action) method(operation.instance) # Execute scripts on each server threads = [] executions = [] for key, value in scripts.iteritems(): server, __ = key backend, operations = value backend.commit() execute = as_task(backend.execute) execute = close_connection(execute) thread = threading.Thread(target=execute, args=(server,)) thread.start() threads.append(thread) executions.append((execute, operations)) [ thread.join() for thread in threads ] logs = [] # collect results for execution, operations in executions: for operation in operations:"Executed %s" % str(operation)) operation.log = execution.log stdout = execution.log.stdout.strip() stdout and logger.debug('STDOUT %s', stdout) stderr = execution.log.stderr.strip() stderr and logger.debug('STDERR %s', stderr) logs.append(execution.log) return logs