import decimal import textwrap from orchestra.contrib.orchestration import ServiceController from orchestra.contrib.resources import ServiceMonitor from . import settings class ProxmoxOVZ(ServiceController): model = 'vps.VPS' RESOURCES = ( ('memory', 'mem'), ('swap', 'swap'), ('disk', 'disk') ) GET_PROXMOX_INFO = textwrap.dedent(""" function get_vz_info () { hostname=$1 version=$(pveversion | cut -d '/' -f2 | cut -d'.' -f1) if [[ $version -lt 2 ]]; then conf=$(grep "CID\\|:$hostname:" /var/lib/pve-manager/vzlist | grep -B1 ":$hostname:") CID=$(echo "$conf" | head -n1 | cut -d':' -f2) CTID=$(echo "$conf" | tail -n1 | cut -d':' -f1) node=$(pveca -l | grep "^\\s*$CID\\s*:" | awk {'print $3'}) else conf=$(grep -r "HOSTNAME=\\"$hostname\\"" /etc/pve/nodes/*/openvz/*.conf) node=$(echo "${conf}" | cut -d"/" -f5) CTID=$(echo "${conf}" | cut -d"/" -f7 | cut -d"\\." -f1) fi echo $CTID $node }""") def prepare(self): super(ProxmoxOVZ, self).prepare() self.append(self.GET_PROXMOX_INFO) def get_vzset_args(self, context): args = list(settings.VPS_DEFAULT_VZSET_ARGS) for resource, arg_name in self.RESOURCES: try: allocation = context[resource] except KeyError: pass else: args.append('--%s %i' % (arg_name, allocation)) return ' '.join(args) def run_ssh_commands(self, ssh_commands): commands = '\n '.join(ssh_commands) self.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ cat << EOF | ssh root@${info[1]} %s EOF""") % commands ) def save(self, vps): # TODO create the container context = self.get_context(vps) self.append(textwrap.dedent(""" info=( $(get_vz_info %(hostname)s) ) echo "Managing ${info[@]}"\ """) % context ) ssh_commands = [] vzset_args = self.get_vzset_args(context) if vzset_args: context['vzset_args'] = vzset_args ssh_commands.append("pvectl vzset ${info[0]} %(vzset_args)s" % context) if hasattr(vps, 'password'): context['password'] = vps.password.replace('$', '\\$') ssh_commands.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ echo 'root:%(password)s' \\ | chroot /var/lib/vz/private/${info[0]} chpasswd -e""") % context ) self.run_ssh_commands(ssh_commands) def get_context(self, vps): context = { 'hostname': vps.hostname, } for resource, __ in self.RESOURCES: try: allocation = getattr(vps.resources, resource).allocated except AttributeError: pass else: context[resource] = allocation return context class ProxmoxOpenVZTraffic(ServiceMonitor): model = 'vps.VPS' resource = ServiceMonitor.TRAFFIC monthly_sum_old_values = True GET_PROXMOX_INFO = ProxmoxOVZ.GET_PROXMOX_INFO def prepare(self): super(ProxmoxOpenVZTraffic, self).prepare() self.append(self.GET_PROXMOX_INFO) self.append(textwrap.dedent(""" function monitor () { object_id=$1 hostname=$2 info=( $(get_vz_info $hostname) ) cat << EOF | ssh root@${info[1]} vzctl exec ${info[0]} cat /proc/net/dev \\ | grep venet0 \\ | tr ':' ' ' \\ | awk '{sum=\\$2+\\$10} END {printf ("$object_id %0.0f\\n", sum)}' EOF } """) ) def process(self, line): """ diff with last stored state """ object_id, value, state = super(ProxmoxOpenVZTraffic, self).process(line) value = decimal.Decimal(value) last = self.get_last_data(object_id) if not last or last.state > value: return object_id, value, value return object_id, value-last.state, value def monitor(self, vps): """ Get OpenVZ container traffic on a Proxmox cluster """ context = self.get_context(vps) self.append('monitor %(object_id)s %(hostname)s' % context) def get_context(self, vps): return { 'object_id':, 'hostname': vps.hostname, } class LxcController(ServiceController): model = 'vps.VPS' RESOURCES = ( ('memory', 'mem'), ('disk', 'disk'), ('vcpu', 'vcpu') ) def prepare(self): super(LxcController, self).prepare() def save(self, vps): # TODO create the container pass