
21 lines
6.2 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Generated by Django 1.10.5 on 2017-06-25 16:41
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.db import migrations, models
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
('contacts', '0006_auto_20170625_1840'),
operations = [
field=models.CharField(blank=True, choices=[('BI', 'Burundi'), ('PN', 'Pitcairn'), ('GD', 'Grenada'), ('NF', 'Norfolk Island'), ('UM', 'United States Minor Outlying Islands'), ('KN', 'Saint Kitts and Nevis'), ('ES', 'Spain'), ('AI', 'Anguilla'), ('BJ', 'Benin'), ('BA', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina'), ('PF', 'French Polynesia'), ('AL', 'Albania'), ('ME', 'Montenegro'), ('PK', 'Pakistan'), ('IE', 'Ireland'), ('GS', 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands'), ('BV', 'Bouvet Island'), ('SV', 'El Salvador'), ('BR', 'Brazil'), ('PG', 'Papua New Guinea'), ('VG', 'Virgin Islands (British)'), ('DK', 'Denmark'), ('MV', 'Maldives'), ('JP', 'Japan'), ('BM', 'Bermuda'), ('GM', 'Gambia'), ('VC', 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines'), ('SM', 'San Marino'), ('NR', 'Nauru'), ('LA', "Lao People's Democratic Republic"), ('RO', 'Romania'), ('UZ', 'Uzbekistan'), ('CM', 'Cameroon'), ('SS', 'South Sudan'), ('BG', 'Bulgaria'), ('NL', 'Netherlands'), ('GA', 'Gabon'), ('GG', 'Guernsey'), ('MD', 'Moldova (the Republic of)'), ('MG', 'Madagascar'), ('LU', 'Luxembourg'), ('TW', 'Taiwan (Province of China)'), ('CA', 'Canada'), ('DO', 'Dominican Republic'), ('AR', 'Argentina'), ('SK', 'Slovakia'), ('CV', 'Cabo Verde'), ('OM', 'Oman'), ('ET', 'Ethiopia'), ('FI', 'Finland'), ('BW', 'Botswana'), ('KZ', 'Kazakhstan'), ('SG', 'Singapore'), ('SI', 'Slovenia'), ('US', 'United States of America'), ('LI', 'Liechtenstein'), ('PR', 'Puerto Rico'), ('EC', 'Ecuador'), ('KH', 'Cambodia'), ('BY', 'Belarus'), ('GT', 'Guatemala'), ('SA', 'Saudi Arabia'), ('ML', 'Mali'), ('YE', 'Yemen'), ('SZ', 'Swaziland'), ('CX', 'Christmas Island'), ('AO', 'Angola'), ('HM', 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands'), ('EE', 'Estonia'), ('TM', 'Turkmenistan'), ('WF', 'Wallis and Futuna'), ('LR', 'Liberia'), ('IN', 'India'), ('FM', 'Micronesia (Federated States of)'), ('IR', 'Iran (Islamic Republic of)'), ('LC', 'Saint Lucia'), ('AU', 'Australia'), ('DJ', 'Djibouti'), ('MU', 'Mauritius'), ('ZW', 'Zimbabwe'), ('SC', 'Seychelles'), ('SR', 'Suriname'), ('GI', 'Gibraltar'), ('LV', 'Latvia'), ('RE', 'Réunion'), ('PY', 'Paraguay'), ('ST', 'Sao Tome and Principe'), ('PM', 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon'), ('CW', 'Curaçao'), ('IO', 'British Indian Ocean Territory'), ('PS', 'Palestine, State of'), ('YT', 'Mayotte'), ('LT', 'Lithuania'), ('AS', 'American Samoa'), ('QA', 'Qatar'), ('LB', 'Lebanon'), ('AG', 'Antigua and Barbuda'), ('FK', 'Falkland Islands [Malvinas]'), ('FR', 'France'), ('BO', 'Bolivia (Plurinational State of)'), ('HT', 'Haiti'), ('PH', 'Philippines'), ('KG', 'Kyrgyzstan'), ('UY', 'Uruguay'), ('TJ', 'Tajikistan'), ('GY', 'Guyana'), ('FO', 'Faroe Islands'), ('CI', "Côte d'Ivoire"), ('MZ', 'Mozambique'), ('AF', 'Afghanistan'), ('CL', 'Chile'), ('JE', 'Jersey'), ('HN', 'Honduras'), ('JM', 'Jamaica'), ('MH', 'Marshall Islands'), ('KR', 'Korea (the Republic of)'), ('TZ', 'Tanzania, United Republic of'), ('PT', 'Portugal'), ('NI', 'Nicaragua'), ('HR', 'Croatia'), ('ID', 'Indonesia'), ('SY', 'Syrian Arab Republic'), ('BZ', 'Belize'), ('HK', 'Hong Kong'), ('CD', 'Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)'), ('GL', 'Greenland'), ('GB', 'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland'), ('TH', 'Thailand'), ('MK', 'Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of)'), ('TC', 'Turks and Caicos Islands'), ('TR', 'Turkey'), ('NA', 'Namibia'), ('PW', 'Palau'), ('MO', 'Macao'), ('NO', 'Norway'), ('MR', 'Mauritania'), ('JO', 'Jordan'), ('VN', 'Viet Nam'), ('SB', 'Solomon Islands'), ('GE', 'Georgia'), ('IQ', 'Iraq'), ('BD', 'Bangladesh'), ('BF', 'Burkina Faso'), ('UG', 'Uganda'), ('GH', 'Ghana'), ('MW', 'Malawi'), ('TO', 'Tonga'), ('VE', 'Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)'), ('BH', 'Bahrain'), ('KP', "Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of)"), ('LK', 'Sri Lanka'), ('GP', 'Guadeloupe'), ('AT', 'Austria'), ('MS', 'Montserrat'), ('BE', 'Belgium'), ('KE', 'Kenya'), ('GN', 'Guinea'), ('AD', 'Andorra'), ('MA', 'Morocco'), ('NG', 'Nigeria'), ('CC', 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands'), ('AM', 'Armenia'), ('BN', 'Brunei Darussalam'), ('DZ', 'Algeria'), ('PA', 'Panama'), ('CZ', 'Czech Republic'), ('CU', 'Cuba'), ('MM', 'Myanmar'), ('AZ', 'Azerbaijan'), ('SD', 'Sudan'), ('IS', 'Iceland'), ('VA', 'Holy See'), ('CY', 'Cyprus'), ('BT', 'Bhutan'), ('TN', 'Tunisia'), ('VU', 'Vanuatu'), ('TF', 'French Southern Territories'), ('IL', 'Israel'), ('TK', 'Tokelau'), ('SO', 'Somalia'), ('SX', 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)'), ('LY', 'Libya'), ('MF', 'Saint Martin (French part)'), ('CF', 'Central African Republic'), ('TL', 'Timor-Leste'), ('SJ', 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen'), ('CR', 'Costa Rica'), ('MY', 'Malaysia'), ('EG', 'Egypt'), ('BB', 'Barbados'), ('ER', 'Eritrea'), ('NU', 'Niue'), ('DE', 'Germany'), ('AX', 'Åland Islands'), ('CN', 'China'), ('DM', 'Dominica'), ('GU', 'Guam'), ('MP', 'Northern Mariana Islands'), ('VI', 'Virgin Islands (U.S.)'), ('MQ', 'Martinique'), ('TG', 'Togo'), ('MX', 'Mexico'), ('IM', 'Isle of Man'), ('RW', 'Rwanda'), ('FJ', 'Fiji'), ('TT', 'Trinidad and Tobago'), ('KI', 'Kiribati'), ('TD', 'Chad'), ('GR', 'Greece'), ('SH', 'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha'), ('UA', 'Ukraine'), ('HU', 'Hungary'), ('SL', 'Sierra Leone'), ('WS', 'Samoa'), ('IT', 'Italy'), ('BL', 'Saint Barthélemy'), ('EH', 'Western Sahara'), ('BS', 'Bahamas'), ('TV', 'Tuvalu'), ('PE', 'Peru'), ('ZA', 'South Africa'), ('NE', 'Niger'), ('MT', 'Malta'), ('CK', 'Cook Islands'), ('GQ', 'Equatorial Guinea'), ('GF', 'French Guiana'), ('NZ', 'New Zealand'), ('LS', 'Lesotho'), ('KY', 'Cayman Islands'), ('MN', 'Mongolia'), ('RU', 'Russian Federation'), ('ZM', 'Zambia'), ('AQ', 'Antarctica'), ('BQ', 'Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba'), ('CH', 'Switzerland'), ('AW', 'Aruba'), ('MC', 'Monaco'), ('KM', 'Comoros'), ('CG', 'Congo'), ('PL', 'Poland'), ('CO', 'Colombia'), ('SN', 'Senegal'), ('NP', 'Nepal'), ('RS', 'Serbia'), ('GW', 'Guinea-Bissau'), ('AE', 'United Arab Emirates'), ('NC', 'New Caledonia'), ('KW', 'Kuwait'), ('SE', 'Sweden')], default='ES', max_length=20, verbose_name='country'),