2015-03-01 11:56:54 +00:00

7.8 KiB

==== TODO ====

  • scape strings before executing scripts in order to prevent exploits: django templates automatically scapes things. Most important is to ensuer that all escape ' to &quot

  • Don't store passwords and other service parameters that can be changed by the services i.e. mailman, vps etc. Find an execution mechanism that trigger change_password()

  • abort transaction on orchestration when state == TIMEOUT ?

  • use format_html_join for orchestration email alerts

  • enforce an emergency email contact and account to contact contacts about problems when mailserver is down

  • add BackendLog retry action

  • webmail identities and addresses

  • use Code: for domain.refresh_serial()

  • Permissions .filter_queryset()

  • env vars instead of multiple settings files: ?

  • Log changes from rest api (serialized objects)

  • EMAIL backend operations which contain stderr messages (because under certain failures status code is still 0)

  • Settings dictionary like DRF2 in order to better override large settings like WEBSITES_APPLICATIONS.etc

  • backend logs with hal logo

  • set_password orchestration method?

  • make account_link to autoreplace account on change view.

  • LAST version of this shit

  • translations from django.utils import translation with translation.override('en'):

  • help_text on readonly_fields specialy Bill.state. (eg. A bill is in OPEN state when bla bla )

  • create log file at /var/log/orchestra.log and rotate

  • order.register_at @property def register_on(self): return

  • mail backend related_models = ('resources__content_type') ??

  • Domain backend PowerDNS Bind validation support?

  • Maildir billing tests/ webdisk billing tests (avg metric)

  • move icons to apps, and use appconfig to cleanup config stuff

  • when using modeladmin to store shit like self.account, make sure to have a cleanslate in each request?

  • jabber with mailbox accounts (dovecto mail notification)

  • rename accounts register to "account", and reated api and admin references

  • take a look icons from ajenti ;)

  • Disable services is_active should be computed on the fly in order to distinguish account.is_active from service.is_active when reactivation.

    • Perhaps it is time to create a ServiceModel ?
  • prevent deletion of main user by the user itself

  • AccountAdminMixin auto adds 'account__name' on searchfields and handle account_link on fieldsets

  • Separate panel from server passwords? Store passwords on panel? set_password special backend operation?

  • What fields we really need on contacts? name email phone and what more?

  • Redirect junk emails and delete every 30 days?

  • DOC: Complitely decouples scripts execution, billing, service definition

  • delete main user -> delete account or prevent delete main user

  • Ansible orchestration method (

  • multiple domains creation; line separated domains

  • Move MU webapps to SaaS?

  • offer to create mailbox on account creation

  • init.d celery scripts -# Required-Start: $network $local_fs $remote_fs postgresql celeryd -# Required-Stop: $network $local_fs $remote_fs postgresql celeryd

  • for list virtual_domains cleaning up we need to know the old domain name when a list changes its address domain, but this is not possible with the current design.

  • regenerate virtual_domains every time (configure a separate file for orchestra on postfix)

  • update_fields=[] doesn't trigger post save!

  • Backend optimization

    • fields = ()
    • ignore_fields = ()
    • based on a merge set of save(update_fields)
  • parmiko write to a channel instead of transfering files?

  • proforma without billing contact?

  • env ORCHESTRA_MASTER_SERVER='test1.orchestra.lan' ORCHESTRA_SECOND_SERVER='test2.orchestra.lan' ORCHESTRA_SLAVE_SERVER='test3.orchestra.lan' python test

  • Pangea modifications: domain registered/non-registered list_display and field with register link: inconsistent, what happen to related objects with a domain that is converted to register-only?

  • ForeignKey.swappable

  • Field.editable

  • ManyToManyField.symmetrical = False (user group)


  • caching based on "def text2int(textnum, numwords={}):"

  • multiple files monitoring

  • Split plans into a separate app (plans and rates / services ) interface ?

  • sync() ServiceController method that synchronizes orchestra and servers (delete or import)

  • consider removing mailbox support on forward ( instead)

  • Databases.User add reverse M2M databases widget (like mailbox.addresses)

  • Root owned logs on user's home ? yes

  • reconsider binding webapps to systemusers (pangea multiple users wordpress-ftp, moodle-pangea, etc)

  • Secondary user home in /home/secondaryuser and simlink to /home/main/webapps/app so it can have private storage?

  • Grant permissions to systemusers, the problem of creating a related permission model is out of sync with the server-side. evaluate tradeoff

  • Make one dedicated CGI user for each account only for CGI execution (fpm/fcgid). Different from the files owner, and without W permissions, so attackers can not inject backdors and malware.

  • In most cases we can prevent the creation of files for the CGI users, preventing attackers to upload and executing PHPShells.

  • Make main systemuser able to write/read everything on its home, including stuff created by the CGI user and secondary users

  • Prevent users from accessing other users home while at the same time allow access Apache/fcgid/fpm and secondary users (x)

  • public_html/webapps directory with root owner and permissions

  • resource min max allocation with validation

  • mailman needs both aliases when address_name is provided (default messages and bounces and all)

  • domain validation parse named-checzone output to assign errors to fields

  • Directory Protection on webapp and use webapp path as base path (validate)

  • User [Group] webapp/website option (validation) which overrides default mainsystemuser

  • validate systemuser.home on server-side

  • webapp backend option compatibility check?

  • admin systemuser home/directory, add default home and empty directory with has_shell on admin

  • Resource used_list_display=True, allocated_list_displat=True, allow resources to show up on list_display

  • BackendLog.updated_at (tasks that run over several minutes when finished they do not appear first on the changelist) (like celery tasks.when)

  • Periodic task for cleaning old monitoring data

  • Create an admin service_view with icons (like SaaS app)

  • Fix ftp traffic

  • Resource graph for each related object

  • Rename apache logs ending on .log in order to logrotate easily

  • multitenant webapps modeled on WepApp -> name unique for all accounts

  • webapp compat webapp-options

  • webapps modeled on classes instead of settings?

  • Service.account change and orders consistency

  • Mix webapps type with backends (two for the price of one)

  • Webapp options and type compatibility

  • SaaS model splitted into SaaSUser and SaaSSite?

Multi-tenant WebApps

  • SaaS - Those apps that can't use custom domain

  • WebApp - Those apps that can use custom domain

  • Howto upgrade webapp PHP version? <FilesMatch .php$> SetHandler php54-cgi ? or create a new app

  • prevent email addresses on contacts, enforce at least one email without

  • fcgid kill instead of apache reload?

  • username maximum as group user in UNIX

  • forms autocomplete="off"

ln -s /proc/self/fd /dev/fd

  • http-https/https-only/http-only


  • Generate a password-less ssh key, and copy it to the servers you want to orchestrate. ssh-keygen ssh-copy-id root@