diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index ac162b6e..c3c19293 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -75,6 +75,30 @@ If you are planing to do some development or perhaps just checking out this proj sudo ~orchestra/django-orchestra/scripts/container/deploy.sh ``` +Fast Deployment Setup +--------------------- +To only run the python interface follow this steps: + +1. python3 -menv env-django-orchestra +2. source env-django-orchestra/bin/activate +3. echo $HOME/django-orchestra/ | sudo tee env-django-orchestra/lib/python*/site-packages/orchestra.pth +4. pip3 install -r $HOME/django-orchestra/requirements.txt +5. django-admin.py startproject panel --template="$HOME/django-orchestra/orchestra/conf/project_template" +6. python3 panel/manage.py migrate accounts +7. python3 panel/manage.py migrate +8. # Create orchestra superuser + +cat <<- EOF | python3 panel/manage.py shell +from orchestra.contrib.accounts.models import Account +if not Account.objects.filter(username="admin").exists(): +print('Creating orchestra superuser') +Account.objects.create_superuser("admin", "admin@localhost", "orchestra") +EOF + +9. python3 panel/manage.py runserver +10. open http://localhost:8000/admin + +None of the services will work but you can see the web interface License -------