import re from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.db import models from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from orchestra.core import validators, services from orchestra.utils import tuple_setting_to_choices, dict_setting_to_choices from orchestra.utils.functional import cached from . import settings class WebApp(models.Model): """ Represents a web application """ name = models.CharField(_("name"), max_length=128, validators=[validators.validate_name]) type = models.CharField(_("type"), max_length=32, choices=dict_setting_to_choices(settings.WEBAPPS_TYPES), default=settings.WEBAPPS_DEFAULT_TYPE) account = models.ForeignKey('accounts.Account', verbose_name=_("Account"), related_name='webapps') class Meta: unique_together = ('name', 'account') verbose_name = _("Web App") verbose_name_plural = _("Web Apps") def __unicode__(self): return def get_description(self): return self.get_type_display() def clean(self): # Validate unique webapp names if self.app_type.get('unique_name', False): try: webapp = WebApp.objects.exclude(, type=self.type) except WebApp.DoesNotExist: pass else: raise ValidationError({ 'name': _("A webapp with this name already exists."), }) @cached def get_options(self): return { opt.value for opt in self.options.all() } @property def app_type(self): return settings.WEBAPPS_TYPES[self.type] def get_fpm_port(self): return settings.WEBAPPS_FPM_START_PORT + self.account_id def get_directive(self): directive = self.app_type['directive'] args = directive[1:] if len(directive) > 1 else () return directive[0], args def get_path(self): context = { 'home': self.get_user().get_home(), 'app_name':, } path = settings.WEBAPPS_BASE_ROOT % context return path.replace('//', '/') def get_user(self): return self.account.main_systemuser def get_username(self): return self.get_user().username def get_groupname(self): return self.get_username() class WebAppOption(models.Model): webapp = models.ForeignKey(WebApp, verbose_name=_("Web application"), related_name='options') name = models.CharField(_("name"), max_length=128, choices=tuple_setting_to_choices(settings.WEBAPPS_OPTIONS)) value = models.CharField(_("value"), max_length=256) class Meta: unique_together = ('webapp', 'name') verbose_name = _("option") verbose_name_plural = _("options") def __unicode__(self): return def clean(self): """ validates name and value according to WEBAPPS_OPTIONS """ regex = settings.WEBAPPS_OPTIONS[][-1] if not re.match(regex, self.value): raise ValidationError({ 'value': ValidationError(_("'%(value)s' does not match %(regex)s."), params={ 'value': self.value, 'regex': regex }), }) services.register(WebApp)