import os import textwrap from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from orchestra.contrib.orchestration import ServiceController, replace from .. import settings class MoodleMuBackend(ServiceController): """ Creates a Moodle site on a Moodle multisite installation // config.php $site_map = array( // "" => ["", ""], ); wwwroot = "https://{$site}"; $site = getenv("SITE"); if ( $site == '' ) { http_host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if (array_key_exists($http_host, $site_map)) { $site = $site_map[$http_host][0]; $wwwroot = $site_map[$http_host][1]; } elseif (strpos($http_host, '-courses.') !== false) { $site = array_shift((explode("-courses.", $http_host))); } else { $site = array_shift((explode(".", $http_host))); } } $CFG->prefix = "${site}_"; $CFG->wwwroot = $wwwroot; $CFG->dataroot = "/home/pangea/moodledata/{$site}/"; """ verbose_name = _("Moodle multisite") model = 'saas.SaaS' default_route_match = "saas.service == 'moodle'" def save(self, webapp): context = self.get_context(webapp) self.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ mkdir -p %(moodledata_path)s chown %(user)s:%(user)s %(moodledata_path)s export SITE=%(site_name)s CHANGE_PASSWORD=0 php %(moodle_path)s/admin/cli/install_database.php \\ --fullname="%(site_name)s" \\ --shortname="%(site_name)s" \\ --adminpass="%(password)s" \\ --adminemail="%(email)s" \\ --non-interactive \\ --agree-license \\ --allow-unstable || CHANGE_PASSWORD=1 """) % context ) if context['password']: self.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ mysql \\ --host="%(db_host)s" \\ --user="%(db_user)s" \\ --password="%(db_pass)s" \\ --execute='UPDATE %(site_name)s_user SET password=MD5("%(password)s") WHERE username="admin"' \\ %(db_name)s """) % context ) if context['crontab']: context['escaped_crontab'] = context['crontab'].replace('$', '\\$') self.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ # Configuring Moodle crontabs if ! crontab -u %(user)s -l | grep 'Moodle:"%(site_name)s"' > /dev/null; then cat << EOF | su %(user)s --shell /bin/bash -c 'crontab' $(crontab -u %(user)s -l) # %(banner)s - Moodle:"%(site_name)s" %(escaped_crontab)s EOF fi""") % context ) def delete(self, saas): context = self.get_context(saas) self.append(textwrap.dedent(""" rm -rf %(moodledata_path)s # Delete tables with prefix %(site_name)s mysql -Nrs \\ --host="%(db_host)s" \\ --user="%(db_user)s" \\ --password="%(db_pass)s" \\ --execute='SET GROUP_CONCAT_MAX_LEN=10000; SET @tbls = (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(TABLE_NAME) FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = "%(db_name)s" AND TABLE_NAME LIKE "%(site_name)s_%%"); SET @delStmt = CONCAT("DROP TABLE ", @tbls); -- SELECT @delStmt; PREPARE stmt FROM @delStmt; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt;' \\ %(db_name)s """) % context ) if context['crontab']: context['crontab_regex'] = '\\|'.join(context['crontab'].splitlines()) context['crontab_regex'] = context['crontab_regex'].replace('*', '\\*') self.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ crontab -u %(user)s -l \\ | grep -v 'Moodle:"%(site_name)s"\\|%(crontab_regex)s' \\ | su %(user)s --shell /bin/bash -c 'crontab' """) % context ) def get_context(self, saas): context = { 'banner': self.get_banner(), 'name':, 'site_name':, 'full_name': "%s course" %, 'moodle_path': settings.SAAS_MOODLE_PATH, 'user': settings.SAAS_MOODLE_SYSTEMUSER, 'db_user': settings.SAAS_MOODLE_DB_USER, 'db_pass': settings.SAAS_MOODLE_DB_PASS, 'db_name': settings.SAAS_MOODLE_DB_NAME, 'db_host': settings.SAAS_MOODLE_DB_HOST, 'email':, 'password': getattr(saas, 'password', None), } context.update({ 'crontab': settings.SAAS_MOODLE_CRONTAB % context, 'db_name': context['db_name'] % context, 'moodledata_path': settings.SAAS_MOODLE_DATA_PATH % context, }) return context