import re import sys import textwrap from functools import partial from urllib.parse import urlparse import requests from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from orchestra.contrib.orchestration import ServiceController from . import ApacheTrafficByHost from .. import settings class WordpressMuController(ServiceController): """ Creates a wordpress site on a WordPress MultiSite installation. You should point it to the database server """ verbose_name = _("Wordpress multisite") model = 'saas.SaaS' default_route_match = "saas.service == 'wordpress'" doc_settings = (settings, ('SAAS_WORDPRESS_ADMIN_PASSWORD', 'SAAS_WORDPRESS_MAIN_URL', 'SAAS_WORDPRESS_VERIFY_SSL') ) VERIFY = settings.SAAS_WORDPRESS_VERIFY_SSL def login(self, session): main_url = self.get_main_url() login_url = main_url + '/wp-login.php' login_data = { 'log': 'admin', 'pwd': settings.SAAS_WORDPRESS_ADMIN_PASSWORD, 'redirect_to': '/wp-admin/' } sys.stdout.write("Login URL: %s\n" % login_url) response =, data=login_data, verify=self.VERIFY) if response.url != main_url + '/wp-admin/': raise IOError("Failure login to remote application (%s)" % login_url) def get_main_url(self): main_url = settings.SAAS_WORDPRESS_MAIN_URL return main_url.rstrip('/') def validate_response(self, response): if response.status_code != 200: content = response.content.decode('utf8') errors = re.findall(r'<body id="error-page">\n\t<p>(.*)</p></body>', content) raise RuntimeError(errors[0] if errors else 'Unknown %i error' % response.status_code) def get_id(self, session, saas): blog_id ='blog_id') search = self.get_main_url() search += '/wp-admin/network/sites.php?s=%s&action=blogs' % regex = re.compile( '<a href="http://[\.\-\w]+/wp-admin/network/site-info\.php\?id=([0-9]+)"\s+' 'class="edit">%s</a>' % ) sys.stdout.write("Search URL: %s\n" % search) content = session.get(search, verify=self.VERIFY).content.decode('utf8') # Get id ids = if not ids and not blog_id: raise RuntimeError("Blog '%s' not found" % if ids: ids = ids.groups() if len(ids) > 1 and not blog_id: raise ValueError("Multiple matches") return blog_id or int(ids[0]), content def create_blog(self, saas, server): if'blog_id'): return session = requests.Session() self.login(session) # Check if blog already exists try: blog_id, content = self.get_id(session, saas) except RuntimeError: url = self.get_main_url() url += '/wp-admin/network/site-new.php' sys.stdout.write("Create URL: %s\n" % url) content = session.get(url, verify=self.VERIFY).content.decode('utf8') wpnonce = re.compile('name="_wpnonce_add-blog"\s+value="([^"]*)"') try: wpnonce =[0] except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError("wpnonce not foud in %s" % content) url += '?action=add-site' data = { 'blog[domain]':, 'blog[title]':, 'blog[email]':, '_wpnonce_add-blog': wpnonce, } # Validate response response =, data=data, verify=self.VERIFY) self.validate_response(response) blog_id = re.compile(r'<link id="wp-admin-canonical" rel="canonical" href="http(?:[^ ]+)/wp-admin/network/site-new.php\?id=([0-9]+)" />') content = response.content.decode('utf8') blog_id =[0] sys.stdout.write("Created blog ID: %s\n" % blog_id)['blog_id'] = int(blog_id)'data',)) return True else: sys.stdout.write("Retrieved blog ID: %s\n" % blog_id)['blog_id'] = int(blog_id)'data',)) def do_action(self, action, session, id, content, saas): url_regex = r"""<span class=["']+%s["']+><a href=["']([^>]*)['"]>""" % action action_url =, content).groups()[0].replace("&", '&') sys.stdout.write("%s confirm URL: %s\n" % (action, action_url)) content = session.get(action_url, verify=self.VERIFY).content.decode('utf8') wpnonce = re.compile('name="_wpnonce"\s+value="([^"]*)"') try: wpnonce =[0] except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError('<body id="error-page">([^<]+)<', content).groups()[0]) data = { 'action': action, 'id': id, '_wpnonce': wpnonce, '_wp_http_referer': '/wp-admin/network/sites.php', } action_url = self.get_main_url() action_url += '/wp-admin/network/sites.php?action=%sblog' % action sys.stdout.write("%s URL: %s\n" % (action, action_url)) response =, data=data, verify=self.VERIFY) self.validate_response(response) def is_active(self, content): return bool( re.findall(r"""<span class=["']deactivate['"]""", content) and not re.findall(r"""<span class=["']activate['"]""", content) ) def activate(self, saas, server): session = requests.Session() self.login(session) try: id, content = self.get_id(session, saas) except RuntimeError: pass else: if not self.is_active(content): return self.do_action('activate', session, id, content, saas) def deactivate(self, saas, server): session = requests.Session() self.login(session) try: id, content = self.get_id(session, saas) except RuntimeError: pass else: if self.is_active(content): return self.do_action('deactivate', session, id, content, saas) def save(self, saas): created = self.append(self.create_blog, saas) if and not created: self.append(self.activate, saas) else: self.append(self.deactivate, saas) context = self.get_context(saas) context['IDENT'] = "b.domain = '%(domain)s'" % context if context['blog_id']: context['IDENT'] = "b.blog_id = '%(blog_id)s'" % context self.append(textwrap.dedent(""" # Update custom URL mapping existing=( $(mysql -Nrs %(db_name)s --execute=" SELECT b.blog_id, b.domain, m.domain, b.path FROM wp_domain_mapping AS m, wp_blogs AS b WHERE m.blog_id = b.blog_id AND AND %(IDENT)s;") ) if [[ ${existing[0]} != "" ]]; then echo "Existing blog with ID ${existing[0]}" # Clear custom domain if [[ "%(custom_domain)s" == "" ]]; then mysql %(db_name)s --execute=" DELETE FROM m USING wp_domain_mapping AS m, wp_blogs AS b WHERE m.blog_id = b.blog_id AND AND %(IDENT)s; UPDATE wp_blogs SET path='/' WHERE blog_id = ${existing[0]};" elif [[ "${existing[2]}" != "%(custom_domain)s" || "${existing[3]}" != "%(custom_path)s" ]]; then mysql %(db_name)s --execute=" UPDATE wp_domain_mapping as m, wp_blogs as b SET m.domain = '%(custom_domain)s', b.path = '%(custom_path)s' WHERE m.blog_id = b.blog_id AND AND %(IDENT)s;" fi elif [[ "%(custom_domain)s" != "" ]]; then echo "Non existing blog with custom domain %(domain)s" blog=( $(mysql -Nrs %(db_name)s --execute=" SELECT blog_id, path FROM wp_blogs WHERE domain = '%(domain)s';") ) if [[ "${blog[0]}" != "" ]]; then echo "Blog %(domain)s found, ID: ${blog[0]}" mysql %(db_name)s --execute=" UPDATE wp_domain_mapping SET active = 0 WHERE active AND blog_id = ${blog[0]}; INSERT INTO wp_domain_mapping (blog_id, domain, active) VALUES (${blog[0]}, '%(custom_domain)s', 1);" if [[ "${blog[1]}" != "%(custom_path)s" ]]; then mysql %(db_name)s --execute=" UPDATE wp_blogs SET path = '%(custom_path)s' WHERE blog_id = ${blog[0]};" fi else echo "Blog %(domain)s not found" fi fi""") % context ) def delete_blog(self, saas, server): session = requests.Session() self.login(session) try: id, content = self.get_id(session, saas) except RuntimeError: pass else: return self.do_action('delete', session, id, content, saas) def delete(self, saas): self.append(self.delete_blog, saas) def get_context(self, saas): domain = saas.get_site_domain() context = { 'db_name': settings.SAAS_WORDPRESS_DB_NAME, 'domain': domain, 'custom_domain': '', 'custom_path': '/', 'blog_id':'blog_id', ''), } if saas.custom_url: custom_url = urlparse(saas.custom_url) context.update({ 'custom_domain': custom_url.netloc, 'custom_path': custom_url.path, }) return context class WordpressMuTraffic(ApacheTrafficByHost): __doc__ = ApacheTrafficByHost.__doc__ verbose_name = _("Wordpress MU Traffic") default_route_match = "saas.service == 'wordpress'" doc_settings = (settings, ('SAAS_TRAFFIC_IGNORE_HOSTS', 'SAAS_WORDPRESS_LOG_PATH') ) log_path = settings.SAAS_WORDPRESS_LOG_PATH