> wazuh is an open source Security Information and Event Management System that also has (extended) Endpoint Detection & Response (XDR) capabilities, as well as components of a Network Intrusion & Detection System (NIDS).
Now add a SAML provider - you can find the options under `Applications` -> `Providers`
Select SAML Provider and click Next
Add a descriptive name, select the appropriate Authentication/Authorization flow, adjust the ACS URL to contain the IP/hostname of your wazuh installation and add `/_opendistro/_security/saml/acs` to the end.
The last step is to select the previously created `Signing Certificate` from the dropdown list and leave the rest of the configurations as default for now.
- you need to adjust the `metadata_file` if your name differs from the one shown above/below
-`entity_id` needs to change twice, once in the `idp` section and once in the `sp` section - you can look it up in the metadata xml file - search for `entityID`
![Alt text](entityid.png)
- adapt the `kibana_url` to match your wazuh dashboard url - e.g. `https://wazuh.myhomelab.com/`
- copy/paste the `exchange_key`, you can get it from the metadata file (find the key between the `<ds:X509Certificate></ds:X509Certificate>` tags, it usually starts with MII...) - DO NOT FORGET TO PUT QUOTES AROUND THE CERTIFICATE
- make sure to adjust the ownership and access rights via the following commands:
After you save the `config.yml` you need to restart the wazuh manager and tell it to load the modified file - this can be done automagically using the `securityadmin.sh` wazuh provides with the following command:
If all goes well this shows `Done with success` in the end
### Step 7 - roles_mapping.yml
In order to map the backend roles from authentik to wazuh specific roles you need to adjust the `/etc/wazuh-indexer/opensearch-security/roles_mapping.yml`
Open the file and scroll to the following section:
![Alt text](roles_mapping.png)
under `backend_roles` add `wazuh-admin` and check that reserved is `false` + the rest looks like below:
open the wazuh dashboard - click on the downward pointing triangle next to the wazuh logo then on `Security` and `Roles mapping`.
We will now add a new role mapping - add any name + the respective Roles -> in this case administrator and add a new custom rule at the bottom that matches (`FIND`) the `user_name` to `wazuh-admin`.
### Step 10 - final step - opensearch_dashboards.yml
The last step is to adapt the `/etc/wazuh-dashboard/opensearch_dashboards.yml` and add three lines to the bottom of the file: