**How to use this template**: start with the markdown version of the template, either by copying the [`reference.tmpl.md`](https://github.com/goauthentik/authentik/tree/main/website/developer-docs/docs/templates) file from our GitHub repo or downloading the template file using the following command:
Edit your markdown file as you work, reading this page for the descriptions of each section. You can build out a "stub file" with just headers, then gradually add content to each section. Use screenshots sparingly, only for complex UIs where it is difficult to describe a UI element with words. Refer to our [General Guidelines](../writing-documentation#general-guidelines) for writing tips and authentik-specific rules.
Reference documentation provides details, values, syntax, etc., about specific programming elements.
The most common type of reference documentation is for REST APIs; the request syntax, a successful response, any parameters such as query, header, or request body parameters, and possible http status codes.