You can also [view a video walk-through]( of the installation process on Kubernetes (with bonus details about email configuration and other important options).
Once the installation is complete, access authentik at `https://<ingress-host-name>/if/flow/initial-setup/`. Here, you can set a password for the default akadmin user.
It is recommended to configure global email credentials as well. These are used by authentik to notify you about alerts and configuration issues. Additionally, they can be utilized by [Email stages](../flow/stages/email/index.mdx) to send verification and recovery emails.
To configure this, append this block to your `values.yaml` file:
# add this block under the `authentik:` block in your values.yaml file
# authentik:
# -- SMTP Server emails are sent from, fully optional
host: ""
port: 587
# -- SMTP credentials, when left empty, no authentication will be done
username: ""
# -- SMTP credentials, when left empty, no authentication will be done
password: ""
# -- Enable either use_tls or use_ssl, they can't be enabled at the same time.
use_tls: false
# -- Enable either use_tls or use_ssl, they can't be enabled at the same time.
use_ssl: false
# -- Connection timeout
timeout: 30
# -- Email from address, can either be in the format "foo@bar.baz" or "authentik <foo@bar.baz>"