"""authentik lib reflection utilities"""
from importlib import import_module
from django.conf import settings
def all_subclasses(cls, sort=True):
"""Recursively return all subclassess of cls"""
classes = set(cls.__subclasses__()).union(
[s for c in cls.__subclasses__() for s in all_subclasses(c, sort=sort)]
# Check if we're in debug mode, if not exclude classes which have `__debug_only__`
if not settings.DEBUG:
# Filter class out when __debug_only__ is not False
classes = [x for x in classes if not getattr(x, "__debug_only__", False)]
# classes = filter(lambda x: not getattr(x, "__debug_only__", False), classes)
if sort:
return sorted(classes, key=lambda x: x.__name__)
return classes
def class_to_path(cls):
"""Turn Class (Class or instance) into module path"""
return f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}"
def path_to_class(path):
"""Import module and return class"""
if not path:
return None
parts = path.split(".")
package = ".".join(parts[:-1])
_class = getattr(import_module(package), parts[-1])
return _class
def get_apps():
"""Get list of all authentik apps"""
from django.apps.registry import apps
for _app in apps.get_app_configs():
if _app.name.startswith("authentik"):
yield _app