2021-04-02 14:32:03 +00:00
import { AdminApi , EventMatcherPolicy , EventsApi , PoliciesApi } from "authentik-api" ;
import { gettext } from "django" ;
import { customElement , property } from "lit-element" ;
import { html , TemplateResult } from "lit-html" ;
import { DEFAULT_CONFIG } from "../../../api/Config" ;
import { Form } from "../../../elements/forms/Form" ;
import { ifDefined } from "lit-html/directives/if-defined" ;
import "../../../elements/forms/HorizontalFormElement" ;
import "../../../elements/forms/FormGroup" ;
import { until } from "lit-html/directives/until" ;
@customElement ( "ak-policy-event-matcher-form" )
export class EventMatcherPolicyForm extends Form < EventMatcherPolicy > {
set policyUUID ( value : string ) {
new PoliciesApi ( DEFAULT_CONFIG ) . policiesEventMatcherRead ( {
policyUuid : value ,
} ) . then ( policy = > {
this . policy = policy ;
} ) ;
@property ( { attribute : false } )
policy? : EventMatcherPolicy ;
getSuccessMessage ( ) : string {
if ( this . policy ) {
return gettext ( "Successfully updated policy." ) ;
} else {
return gettext ( "Successfully created policy." ) ;
send = ( data : EventMatcherPolicy ) : Promise < EventMatcherPolicy > = > {
if ( this . policy ) {
return new PoliciesApi ( DEFAULT_CONFIG ) . policiesEventMatcherUpdate ( {
policyUuid : this.policy.pk || "" ,
data : data
} ) ;
} else {
return new PoliciesApi ( DEFAULT_CONFIG ) . policiesEventMatcherCreate ( {
data : data
} ) ;
} ;
renderForm ( ) : TemplateResult {
return html ` <form class="pf-c-form pf-m-horizontal">
< ak - form - element - horizontal
label = $ { gettext ( "Name" ) }
? required = $ { true }
name = "name" >
< input type = "text" value = "${ifDefined(this.policy?.name || " " ) } " class = "pf-c-form-control" required >
< / a k - f o r m - e l e m e n t - h o r i z o n t a l >
< ak - form - element - horizontal name = "executionLogging" >
< div class = "pf-c-check" >
< input type = "checkbox" class = "pf-c-check__input" ? checked = $ { this.policy ? .executionLogging | | false } >
< label class = "pf-c-check__label" >
$ { gettext ( "Execution logging" ) }
< / label >
< / div >
< p class = "pf-c-form__helper-text" > $ { gettext ( "When this option is enabled, all executions of this policy will be logged. By default, only execution errors are logged." ) } < / p >
< / a k - f o r m - e l e m e n t - h o r i z o n t a l >
< ak - form - group .expanded = $ { true } >
< span slot = "header" >
$ { gettext ( "Policy-specific settings" ) }
< / span >
< div slot = "body" class = "pf-c-form" >
< ak - form - element - horizontal
label = $ { gettext ( "Action" ) }
name = "action" >
< select class = "pf-c-form-control" >
< option value = "" ? selected = $ { this.policy ? .action = = = undefined } > -- -- -- -- - < / option >
$ { until ( new EventsApi ( DEFAULT_CONFIG ) . eventsEventsActions ( ) . then ( actions = > {
return actions . map ( action = > {
2021-04-02 21:12:17 +00:00
return html ` <option value= ${ action . component } ?selected= ${ this . policy ? . action === action . component } > ${ action . name } </option> ` ;
2021-04-02 14:32:03 +00:00
} ) ;
} ) ) }
< / select >
< p class = "pf-c-form__helper-text" > $ { gettext ( "Match created events with this action type. When left empty, all action types will be matched." ) } < / p >
< / a k - f o r m - e l e m e n t - h o r i z o n t a l >
< ak - form - element - horizontal
label = $ { gettext ( "Client IP" ) }
name = "clientIp" >
< input type = "text" value = "${ifDefined(this.policy?.clientIp || " " ) } " class = "pf-c-form-control" >
< p class = "pf-c-form__helper-text" > $ { gettext ( "Matches Event's Client IP (strict matching, for network matching use an Expression Policy." ) } < / p >
< / a k - f o r m - e l e m e n t - h o r i z o n t a l >
< ak - form - element - horizontal
label = $ { gettext ( "App" ) }
name = "app" >
< select class = "pf-c-form-control" >
< option value = "" ? selected = $ { this.policy ? .app = = = undefined } > -- -- -- -- - < / option >
$ { until ( new AdminApi ( DEFAULT_CONFIG ) . adminAppsList ( ) . then ( apps = > {
return apps . map ( app = > {
return html ` <option value= ${ app . name } ?selected= ${ this . policy ? . app === app . name } > ${ app . label } </option> ` ;
} ) ;
} ) ) }
< / select >
< p class = "pf-c-form__helper-text" > $ { gettext ( "Match events created by selected application. When left empty, all applications are matched." ) } < / p >
< / a k - f o r m - e l e m e n t - h o r i z o n t a l >
< / div >
< / a k - f o r m - g r o u p >
< / form > ` ;