diff --git a/authentik/blueprints/v1/common.py b/authentik/blueprints/v1/common.py
index 6d41ac988..997fecc6f 100644
--- a/authentik/blueprints/v1/common.py
+++ b/authentik/blueprints/v1/common.py
@@ -584,12 +584,17 @@ class EntryInvalidError(SentryIgnoredException):
     entry_model: Optional[str]
     entry_id: Optional[str]
     validation_error: Optional[ValidationError]
+    serializer: Optional[Serializer] = None
-    def __init__(self, *args: object, validation_error: Optional[ValidationError] = None) -> None:
+    def __init__(
+        self, *args: object, validation_error: Optional[ValidationError] = None, **kwargs
+    ) -> None:
         self.entry_model = None
         self.entry_id = None
         self.validation_error = validation_error
+        for key, value in kwargs.items():
+            setattr(self, key, value)
     def from_entry(
diff --git a/authentik/blueprints/v1/importer.py b/authentik/blueprints/v1/importer.py
index f2191548e..eb4942958 100644
--- a/authentik/blueprints/v1/importer.py
+++ b/authentik/blueprints/v1/importer.py
@@ -255,7 +255,10 @@ class Importer:
             full_data = self.__update_pks_for_attrs(entry.get_attrs(self._import))
         except ValueError as exc:
-            raise EntryInvalidError.from_entry(exc, entry) from exc
+            raise EntryInvalidError.from_entry(
+                exc,
+                entry,
+            ) from exc
         always_merger.merge(full_data, updated_identifiers)
         serializer_kwargs["data"] = full_data
@@ -272,6 +275,7 @@ class Importer:
                 f"Serializer errors {serializer.errors}",
+                serializer=serializer,
             ) from exc
         return serializer
@@ -300,16 +304,18 @@ class Importer:
                 return False
             # Validate each single entry
+            serializer = None
                 serializer = self._validate_single(entry)
             except EntryInvalidError as exc:
                 # For deleting objects we don't need the serializer to be valid
                 if entry.get_state(self._import) == BlueprintEntryDesiredState.ABSENT:
-                    continue
-                self.logger.warning(f"entry invalid: {exc}", entry=entry, error=exc)
-                if raise_errors:
-                    raise exc
-                return False
+                    serializer = exc.serializer
+                else:
+                    self.logger.warning(f"entry invalid: {exc}", entry=entry, error=exc)
+                    if raise_errors:
+                        raise exc
+                    return False
             if not serializer:
diff --git a/authentik/blueprints/v1/tasks.py b/authentik/blueprints/v1/tasks.py
index 194a01748..8ff86c996 100644
--- a/authentik/blueprints/v1/tasks.py
+++ b/authentik/blueprints/v1/tasks.py
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class BlueprintEventHandler(FileSystemEventHandler):
             path = Path(event.src_path)
             root = Path(CONFIG.get("blueprints_dir")).absolute()
             rel_path = str(path.relative_to(root))
-            for instance in BlueprintInstance.objects.filter(path=rel_path):
+            for instance in BlueprintInstance.objects.filter(path=rel_path, enabled=True):
                 LOGGER.debug("modified blueprint file, starting apply", instance=instance)