diff --git a/website/docs/flow/stages/email/index.md b/website/docs/flow/stages/email/index.md
index 836d82c8f..281b027ce 100644
--- a/website/docs/flow/stages/email/index.md
+++ b/website/docs/flow/stages/email/index.md
@@ -21,3 +21,72 @@ If you've add the line and created a file, and can't see if, check the logs usin

+### Example template
+Templates are rendered using Django's templating engine. The following variables can be used:
+- `url`: The full URL for the user to click on
+- `user`: The pending user object.
+- `expires`: The timestamp when the token expires.
+{# This is how you can write comments which aren't rendered. #}
+{# Extend this template from the base email template, which includes base layout and CSS. #}
+{% extends "email/base.html" %}
+{# Load the internationalization module to translate strings, and humanize to show date-time #}
+{% load i18n %}
+{% load humanize %}
+{# The email/base.html template uses a single "content" block #}
+{% block content %}
+ {% blocktrans with username=user.username %}
+ Hi {{ username }},
+ {% endblocktrans %}
+ |
+ {% blocktrans %}
+ You recently requested to change your password for you authentik account. Use the button below to set a new password.
+ {% endblocktrans %}
+ |
+ |
+ {% blocktrans with expires=expires|naturaltime %}
+ If you did not request a password change, please ignore this Email. The link above is valid for {{ expires }}.
+ {% endblocktrans %}
+ |
+ |
+{% endblock %}