- Add two policy-examples for syncing discord roles to authentik groups during enrollment or authentication
- Add policy to store oauth-info and create an authentik-avatar-attribute during enrollment or authentication
This commit is contained in:
@ -154,3 +154,183 @@ return user_matched
Now bind this policy to the chosen enrollment and authentication flows for the Discord OAuth source.
### Syncing discord roles to authentik groups
Ensure that the Discord OAuth source in 'Federation & Social login' has the additional `guilds.members.read` scopes added under the 'Protocol settings'.
Create a new 'Expression Policy' with the content below, adjusting the variables where required:
#### Sync on enrollment
# To get the role and guild ID numbers for the parameters, open Discord, go to Settings > Advanced and
# enable developer mode.
# Right-click on the server/guild title and select "Copy ID" to get the guild ID.
# Right-click on the server/guild title and select server settings > roles, right click on the role and click
# "Copy ID" to get the role ID.
from authentik.core.models import Group
"<Discord Role Id>": Group.objects.get_or_create(name="<Authentik Role Name>")[0],
# Only change below here if you know what you are doing.
GUILD_API_URL = "https://discord.com/api/users/@me/guilds/{guild_id}/member"
# Ensure flow is only run during oatuh logins via Discord
if context['source'].provider_type != "discord":
ak_message(f"Wrond provider: {context['source'].provider_type}")
return False
# Get the user-source connection object from the context, and get the access token
connection = context['goauthentik.io/sources/connection']
access_token = connection.access_token
guild_member_info = requests.get(
"Authorization": "Bearer " + access_token
# Ensure user is a member of the guild
if "code" in guild_member_info:
if guild_member_info['code'] == 10004:
ak_message("User is not a member of the guild")
ak_create_event("discord_error", source=context['source'], code=guild_member_info['code'])
ak_message("Discord API error, try again later.")
return False
# Add all mapped roles the user has in the guild
groups_to_add = []
for role_id in MAPPED_ROLES:
if role_id in guild_member_info['roles']:
request.context["flow_plan"].context["groups"] = groups_to_add
return True
Now bind this policy to the chosen enrollment flows for the Discord OAuth source.
#### Sync on authentication
# To get the role and guild ID numbers for the parameters, open Discord, go to Settings > Advanced and
# enable developer mode.
# Right-click on the server/guild title and select "Copy ID" to get the guild ID.
# Right-click on the server/guild title and select server settings > roles, right click on the role and click
# "Copy ID" to get the role ID.
from authentik.core.models import Group
"<Discord Role Id>": Group.objects.get_or_create(name="<Authentik Role Name>")[0],
# Only change below here if you know what you are doing.
GUILD_API_URL = "https://discord.com/api/users/@me/guilds/{guild_id}/member"
# Ensure flow is only run during oatuh logins via Discord
if context['source'].provider_type != "discord":
ak_message(f"Wrond provider: {context['source'].provider_type}")
return False
# Get the user-source connection object from the context, and get the access token
connection = context['goauthentik.io/sources/connection']
access_token = connection.access_token
guild_member_info = requests.get(
"Authorization": "Bearer " + access_token
# Ensure user is a member of the guild
if "code" in guild_member_info:
if guild_member_info['code'] == 10004:
ak_message("User is not a member of the guild")
ak_create_event("discord_error", source=context['source'], code=guild_member_info['code'])
ak_message("Discord API error, try again later.")
return False
# Get the user's current roles and remove all roles we want to remap
new_groups = [role for role in request.user.ak_groups.all() if role not in MAPPED_ROLES.values()]
# Add back mapped roles which the user has in the guild
for role_id in MAPPED_ROLES:
if role_id in guild_member_info['roles']:
# Update user's groups
return True
Now bind this policy to the chosen authentication flows for the Discord OAuth source.
### Store oauth info in attribute and create avatar attribute from discord avatar
Ensure that the Discord OAuth source in 'Federation & Social login' has the additional `guilds.members.read` scopes added under the 'Protocol settings'.
In order to use the created attribute in authentik you will have to set authentik configuration arguments found at: https://goauthentik.io/docs/installation/configuration#authentik_avatars
Create a new 'Expression Policy' with the content below, adjusting the variables where required:
import base64
import requests
AVATAR_SIZE = "64" #Valid values: 16,32,64,128,256,512,1024
# Only change below here if you know what you are doing.
avatar_url = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/{id}/{avatar}.png?site={avatar_size}'
avatar_stream_content = 'data:image/png;base64,{base64_string}' #Converts base64 image into html syntax useable with authentik's avatar attributes feature
def get_as_base64(url):
"""Returns the base64 content of the url
return base64.b64encode(requests.get(url).content)
def get_avatar_from_avatar_url(url):
"""Returns an authentik-avatar-attributes-compatible string from an image url
return avatar_stream_content.format(base64_string=(get_as_base64(cut_url).decode("utf-8")))
user = request.user
userinfo = request.context['oauth_userinfo']
#Assigns the discord attributes to the user
user.attributes['discord'] = {
'id': userinfo['id'],
'username': userinfo['username'],
'discriminator': userinfo['discriminator'],
'email': userinfo['email'],
'avatar': userinfo['avatar'],
'avatar_url': avatar_url.format(id=userinfo['id'],avatar=userinfo['avatar'],avatar_size=AVATAR_SIZE) if userinfo['avatar'] else None,
#If the user has an avatar, assign it to the user
user.attributes['avatar'] = get_avatar_from_avatar_url(user.attributes['discord']['avatar_url'])
return True
Now bind this policy to the chosen enrollment and authentication flows for the Discord OAuth source.
Reference in a new issue