diff --git a/web/xliff/zh_CN.xlf b/web/xliff/zh_CN.xlf
index a8195f8db..a6509cd47 100644
--- a/web/xliff/zh_CN.xlf
+++ b/web/xliff/zh_CN.xlf
@@ -965,16 +965,6 @@
- Due to protocol limitations, this certificate is only used when the outpost has a single provider, or all providers use the same certificate.
- 由于协议限制,只在前哨有单个提供程序,或所有提供程序都使用相同证书时才使用此证书。
- If multiple providers share an outpost, a self-signed certificate is used.
- 如果多个提供程序共享同一个前哨,则使用自签名证书。
UID start number
@@ -7547,6 +7537,42 @@ Bindings to groups/users are checked against the user of the event.
+ Use Server URI for SNI verification
+ SNI 验证时使用服务器 URI
+ Required for servers using TLS 1.3+
+ 使用 TLS 1.3+ 的服务器必需
+ Client certificate keypair to authenticate against the LDAP Server's Certificate.
+ 基于 LDAP 服务端证书进行身份验证的客户端证书密钥对。
+ The certificate for the above configured Base DN. As a fallback, the provider uses a self-signed certificate.
+ 为上方配置 Base DN 提供的证书。作为回退,提供程序使用一个自签名证书。
+ TLS Server name
+ TLS 服务器名称
+ DNS name for which the above configured certificate should be used. The certificate cannot be detected based on the base DN, as the SSL/TLS negotiation happens before such data is exchanged.
+ 上方配置证书应该使用的 DNS 名称。无法基于 Base DN 检测证书,因为 SSL/TLS 协商发生在此类数据交换之前。
+ TLS Client authentication certificate
+ TLS 客户端身份验证证书
+ Model
+ 模型
+ Match events created by selected model. When left empty, all models are matched.
+ 匹配选定模型创建的事件。如果留空,则匹配所有模型。