After working with the navigation for awhile, I realized that it's a poor map; what I really wanted was
a controller/view pair, where events flow up to the controller and then messages on "what to draw" flow
down to the view. It work quite well, and the wizard frame is smaller and smarter for it.
I've also moved the WDIO-driven tests into the 'tests' folder, because it (a) makes more sense to put
them there, and (b) it prevents any confusion about who's in charge of node_modules.
Missing: The validation is currently not working as expected, and I cannot get the backend
to give me meaningful data helping us "go back" to the field that wasn't valid. I really
don't want to put all the meaningful validation on the front-end; that's the road to -
perdition, the back-end must be usable by people less assiduous than we are.
Also: Need to make the button bar work better; maybe each panel can provide a custom button
bar if one is needed?