This commit is a hodge-podge of updates and changes to the web. Functional changes:
- Makefile: Fixed a bug in the `help` section that prevented the WIDTH from being accurately
calculated if `help` was included rather than in-lined.
- ESLint: Modified the "unused vars" rule so that variables starting with an underline are not
considered by the rule. This allows for elided variables in event handlers. It's not a perfect
solution-- a better one would be to use Typescript's function-specialization typing, but there are
too many places where we elide or ignore some variables in a function's usage that switching over
to specialization would be a huge lift.
- locale: It turns out, lit-locale does its own context management. We don't need to have a context
at all in this space, and that's one less listener we need to attach t othe DOM.
- ModalButton: A small thing, but using `nothing` instead of "html``" allows lit better control over
rendering and reduces the number of actual renders of the page.
- FormGroup: Provided a means to modify the aria-label, rather than stick with the just the word
"Details." Specializing this field will both help users of screen readers in the future, and will
allow test suites to find specific form groups now.
- RadioButton: provide a more consistent interface to the RadioButton. First, we dispatch the
events to the outside world, and we set the value locally so that the current `Form.ts` continues
to behave as expected. We also prevent the "button lost value" event from propagating; this
presents a unified select-like interface to users of the RadioButtonGroup. The current value
semantics are preserved; other clients of the RadioButton do not see a change in behavior.
- EventEmitter: If the custom event detail is *not* an object, do not use the object-like semantics
for forwarding it; just send it as-is.
- Comments: In the course of laying the groundwork for the application wizard, I throw a LOT of
comments into the code, describing APIs, interfaces, class and function signatures, to better
document the behavior inside and as signposts for future work.
* \#\# Details
web: replace lingui with lit/localize
\#\# Changes
This rather massive shift replaces the lingui and `t()` syntax with lit-localize, XLIFF, and the `msg()`
syntax used by lit-localize. 90% of this work was mechanized; simple perl scripts found and replaced
all uses of `t()` with the appropriate corresponding syntax for `msg()` and `msg(str())`.
The XLIFF files were auto-generated from the PO files. They have not been audited, and they should be
checked over by professional translators. The actual _strings_ have not been changed, but as this was
a mechanized change there is always the possibility of mis-translation-- not by the translator, but by
the script.
* web: revise lit/localize: fix two installation issues.
* web: revise localization
- Replaced all of Lingui's `t()` syntax with `msg()` syntax.
- Mechanically (i.e with a script) converted all of the PO files to XLIFF files
- Refactored the localization code to be a bit smarter:
- the function `getBestMatchLocale` takes the locale lists and a requested locale, and returns the
first match of:
- The locale's code exactly matches the requested locale
- The locale code exactly matches the prefix of the requested locale (i.e the "en" part of "en-US")
- the locale code's prefix exactly matches the prefix of the requested locale
This function is passed to lit-locate's `loadLocale()`.
- `activateLocale()` just calls `loadLocale()` now.
- `autodetectLanguage` searches the following, and picks the first that returns a valid locale
object, before passing it to `loadLocale()`:
- The User's settings
- A `?locale=` component found in ``
- The `window.navigator.language` field
- English
The `msg()` only runs when it's run. This seems obvious, but it means that you cannot cache
strings at load time; they must be kept inside functions that are re-run so that the `msg()` engine
can look up the strings in the preferred language of the user at that moment.
You can use thunks-of-strings if you really need them that way.
* Including the 'xliff-converter' in case anyone wants to review it.
* The xliff-converter is tagged as 'xliff-converter', but has been
\#\# Details
- Resolves#5171
\#\# Changes
\#\#\# New Features
- Adds a "Add an Application" to the LibraryView if there are no applications and the user is an administrator.
\#\#\# Breaking Changes
- Adds breaking change which causes \<issue\>.
\#\# Checklist
- [ ] Local tests pass (`ak test authentik/`)
- [ ] The code has been formatted (`make lint-fix`)
If an API change has been made
- [ ] The API schema has been updated (`make gen-build`)
If changes to the frontend have been made
- [ ] The code has been formatted (`make web`)
- [ ] The translation files have been updated (`make i18n-extract`)
If applicable
- [ ] The documentation has been updated
- [ ] The documentation has been formatted (`make website`)
* web: fix redundant locales for zh suite.
* web: prettier pass for locale update
* web: localization moderization
Changed the names of the lit-localize commands to make it clear they're
part of the localization effort, and not just "build" and "extract".
* web: add storybook to test components
* update transifex config
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <>
* fix package lock?
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <>
* use build not compile
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <>
* web: conversion to lit-localize
The CI produced a list of problems that I hadn't caught earlier,
due to a typo ("localize build" is correct, "localize compile" is
not) I had left in package.json. They were minor and linty, but
it was still wise to fix them.
* web: replace lingui with lit/locale
This commit fixes some minor linting issues that were hidden by a typo in package.json. The
issues were not apparently problematic from a Javascript point of view, but they pointed
to sloppy thinking in the progression of types through the system, so I cleaned them
up and formalized the types from LocaleModule to AkLocale.
* web: replace lingui with lit/localize
One problem that has repeatedly come up is that localize's templates do not produce
JavaScript that conforms with our shop style. I've replaced `build-locale` with
a two-step that builds the locale *and* ensures that it conforms to the shop style
via `prettier` every time.
* web: replace lingui with lit-locale
This commit applies the most recent bundle of translations to the
new lit-locale aspect component. It also revises the algorithm
for *finding* the correct locale, replacing the complex fall-back
with some rather straightforward regular expressions.
In the case of Chinese, the fallback comes at the end of the
selection list, which may not be, er, politically valuable
(since Taiwan and Hong Kong come before, being exceptions that
need to be tested). If we need a different order for presentation,
that'll be a future feature.
* web: replace lingui with lit/locale
Well, that was embarassing.
* web: add storybook
The delta on this didn't make any sense; putting it back causes no behavioral
* web: add Storybook
Fixed a typo in the package.json that prevented the TSC check
from passing.
* web: incorporate storybook
This commit includes a number of type and definitional changes needed to make lit-analyze pass. In
most cases, it was a matter of reassuring Lit that we were using the right type and the right type
converter, or configuring the property such that it should never be called as an attribute.
The most controversial change is adding the 'no-incompatible-type-binding' to the LIT analyzer
configuration (found in `tsconfig.json`). This "routes around" lit-analyzer not doing very well
understanding that some HTML objects can have generic property types, as long as the renderer is
configured correctly.
The 'no-missing-import: off' setting is required as lit-analyzer also does not use the tsconfig
`paths` setting correctly and cannot find objects defined via aliases.
It's a shame JSON can't support comments; these should be in the tsconfig.json file directly. As it
is, I've started a README file that includes a section to record configuration decisions.
Deleted the lingui.config file as we're not using it anymore
* ignore storybook build in git
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <>