version: 1 metadata: name: authentik Bootstrap labels: "true" "true" | This blueprint configures the default admin user and group, and configures them for the [Automated install]( context: username: akadmin group_name: authentik Admins email: !Env [AUTHENTIK_BOOTSTRAP_EMAIL, ""] password: !Env [AUTHENTIK_BOOTSTRAP_PASSWORD, null] token: !Env [AUTHENTIK_BOOTSTRAP_TOKEN, null] entries: - model: state: created identifiers: name: !Context group_name attrs: is_superuser: true id: admin-group - model: authentik_core.user state: created id: admin-user identifiers: username: !Context username attrs: name: authentik Default Admin email: !Context email groups: - !KeyOf admin-group password: !Context password - model: authentik_core.token state: created conditions: - !If [!Context token] identifiers: identifier: authentik-bootstrap-token intent: api expiring: false user: !KeyOf admin-user attrs: key: !Context token