English Ēńĝĺĩśĥ French Ƒŕēńćĥ Turkish Ţũŕķĩśĥ Spanish Śƥàńĩśĥ Polish Ƥōĺĩśĥ Taiwanese Mandarin Ţàĩŵàńēśē Màńďàŕĩń Chinese (simplified) Ćĥĩńēśē (śĩmƥĺĩƒĩēď) Chinese (traditional) Ćĥĩńēśē (ţŕàďĩţĩōńàĺ) German Ĝēŕmàń Loading... Ĺōàďĩńĝ... Application Àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń Logins Ĺōĝĩńś Show less Śĥōŵ ĺēśś Show more Śĥōŵ mōŕē UID ŨĨĎ Name Ńàmē App Àƥƥ Model Name Mōďēĺ Ńàmē Message Mēśśàĝē Subject ŚũƀĴēćţ From Ƒŕōm To Ţō Context Ćōńţēxţ User Ũśēŕ Affected model: Àƒƒēćţēď mōďēĺ: Authorized application: Àũţĥōŕĩźēď àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń: Using flow Ũśĩńĝ ƒĺōŵ Email info: Ēmàĩĺ ĩńƒō: Secret: Śēćŕēţ: Open issue on GitHub... Ōƥēń ĩśśũē ōń ĜĩţĤũƀ... Exception Ēxćēƥţĩōń Expression Ēxƥŕēśśĩōń Binding ßĩńďĩńĝ Request Ŕēǫũēśţ Object ŌƀĴēćţ Result Ŕēśũĺţ Passing Ƥàśśĩńĝ Messages Mēśśàĝēś Using source Ũśĩńĝ śōũŕćē Attempted to log in as Àţţēmƥţēď ţō ĺōĝ ĩń àś No additional data available. Ńō àďďĩţĩōńàĺ ďàţà àvàĩĺàƀĺē. Click to change value Ćĺĩćķ ţō ćĥàńĝē vàĺũē Select an object. Śēĺēćţ àń ōƀĴēćţ. Loading options... Ĺōàďĩńĝ ōƥţĩōńś... Connection error, reconnecting... Ćōńńēćţĩōń ēŕŕōŕ, ŕēćōńńēćţĩńĝ... Login Ĺōĝĩń Failed login Ƒàĩĺēď ĺōĝĩń Logout Ĺōĝōũţ User was written to Ũśēŕ ŵàś ŵŕĩţţēń ţō Suspicious request Śũśƥĩćĩōũś ŕēǫũēśţ Password set Ƥàśśŵōŕď śēţ Secret was viewed Śēćŕēţ ŵàś vĩēŵēď Secret was rotated Śēćŕēţ ŵàś ŕōţàţēď Invitation used Ĩńvĩţàţĩōń ũśēď Application authorized Àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń àũţĥōŕĩźēď Source linked Śōũŕćē ĺĩńķēď Impersonation started Ĩmƥēŕśōńàţĩōń śţàŕţēď Impersonation ended Ĩmƥēŕśōńàţĩōń ēńďēď Flow execution Ƒĺōŵ ēxēćũţĩōń Policy execution Ƥōĺĩćŷ ēxēćũţĩōń Policy exception Ƥōĺĩćŷ ēxćēƥţĩōń Property Mapping exception Ƥŕōƥēŕţŷ Màƥƥĩńĝ ēxćēƥţĩōń System task execution Śŷśţēm ţàśķ ēxēćũţĩōń System task exception Śŷśţēm ţàśķ ēxćēƥţĩōń General system exception Ĝēńēŕàĺ śŷśţēm ēxćēƥţĩōń Configuration error Ćōńƒĩĝũŕàţĩōń ēŕŕōŕ Model created Mōďēĺ ćŕēàţēď Model updated Mōďēĺ ũƥďàţēď Model deleted Mōďēĺ ďēĺēţēď Email sent Ēmàĩĺ śēńţ Update available Ũƥďàţē àvàĩĺàƀĺē Unknown severity Ũńķńōŵń śēvēŕĩţŷ Alert Àĺēŕţ Notice Ńōţĩćē Warning Ŵàŕńĩńĝ no tabs defined ńō ţàƀś ďēƒĩńēď - of - ōƒ Go to previous page Ĝō ţō ƥŕēvĩōũś ƥàĝē Go to next page Ĝō ţō ńēxţ ƥàĝē Search... Śēàŕćĥ... Loading Ĺōàďĩńĝ No objects found. Ńō ōƀĴēćţś ƒōũńď. Failed to fetch objects. Ƒàĩĺēď ţō ƒēţćĥ ōƀĴēćţś. Refresh Ŕēƒŕēśĥ Select all rows Śēĺēćţ àĺĺ ŕōŵś Action Àćţĩōń Creation Date Ćŕēàţĩōń Ďàţē Client IP Ćĺĩēńţ ĨƤ Tenant Ţēńàńţ Recent events Ŕēćēńţ ēvēńţś On behalf of Ōń ƀēĥàĺƒ ōƒ - - No Events found. Ńō Ēvēńţś ƒōũńď. No matching events could be found. Ńō màţćĥĩńĝ ēvēńţś ćōũĺď ƀē ƒōũńď. Embedded outpost is not configured correctly. Ēmƀēďďēď ōũţƥōśţ ĩś ńōţ ćōńƒĩĝũŕēď ćōŕŕēćţĺŷ. Check outposts. Ćĥēćķ ōũţƥōśţś. HTTPS is not detected correctly ĤŢŢƤŚ ĩś ńōţ ďēţēćţēď ćōŕŕēćţĺŷ Server and client are further than 5 seconds apart. Śēŕvēŕ àńď ćĺĩēńţ àŕē ƒũŕţĥēŕ ţĥàń 5 śēćōńďś àƥàŕţ. OK ŌĶ Everything is ok. Ēvēŕŷţĥĩńĝ ĩś ōķ. System status Śŷśţēm śţàţũś Based on ßàśēď ōń is available! ĩś àvàĩĺàƀĺē! Up-to-date! Ũƥ-ţō-ďàţē! Version Vēŕśĩōń Workers Ŵōŕķēŕś No workers connected. Background tasks will not run. Ńō ŵōŕķēŕś ćōńńēćţēď. ßàćķĝŕōũńď ţàśķś ŵĩĺĺ ńōţ ŕũń. hour(s) ago ĥōũŕ(ś) àĝō day(s) ago ďàŷ(ś) àĝō Authorizations Àũţĥōŕĩźàţĩōńś Failed Logins Ƒàĩĺēď Ĺōĝĩńś Successful Logins Śũććēśśƒũĺ Ĺōĝĩńś : : Cancel Ćàńćēĺ LDAP Source ĹĎÀƤ Śōũŕćē SCIM Provider ŚĆĨM Ƥŕōvĩďēŕ Healthy Ĥēàĺţĥŷ Healthy outposts Ĥēàĺţĥŷ ōũţƥōśţś Admin Àďmĩń Not found Ńōţ ƒōũńď The URL "" was not found. Ţĥē ŨŔĹ "" ŵàś ńōţ ƒōũńď. Return home Ŕēţũŕń ĥōmē General system status Ĝēńēŕàĺ śŷśţēm śţàţũś Welcome, . Ŵēĺćōmē, . Quick actions Ǫũĩćķ àćţĩōńś Create a new application Ćŕēàţē à ńēŵ àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń Check the logs Ćĥēćķ ţĥē ĺōĝś Explore integrations Ēxƥĺōŕē ĩńţēĝŕàţĩōńś Manage users Màńàĝē ũśēŕś Outpost status Ōũţƥōśţ śţàţũś Sync status Śŷńć śţàţũś Logins and authorizations over the last week (per 8 hours) Ĺōĝĩńś àńď àũţĥōŕĩźàţĩōńś ōvēŕ ţĥē ĺàśţ ŵēēķ (ƥēŕ 8 ĥōũŕś) Apps with most usage Àƥƥś ŵĩţĥ mōśţ ũśàĝē days ago ďàŷś àĝō Objects created ŌƀĴēćţś ćŕēàţēď Users created per day in the last month Ũśēŕś ćŕēàţēď ƥēŕ ďàŷ ĩń ţĥē ĺàśţ mōńţĥ Logins per day in the last month Ĺōĝĩńś ƥēŕ ďàŷ ĩń ţĥē ĺàśţ mōńţĥ Failed Logins per day in the last month Ƒàĩĺēď Ĺōĝĩńś ƥēŕ ďàŷ ĩń ţĥē ĺàśţ mōńţĥ Clear search Ćĺēàŕ śēàŕćĥ System Tasks Śŷśţēm Ţàśķś Long-running operations which authentik executes in the background. Ĺōńĝ-ŕũńńĩńĝ ōƥēŕàţĩōńś ŵĥĩćĥ àũţĥēńţĩķ ēxēćũţēś ĩń ţĥē ƀàćķĝŕōũńď. Identifier Ĩďēńţĩƒĩēŕ Description Ďēśćŕĩƥţĩōń Last run Ĺàśţ ŕũń Status Śţàţũś Actions Àćţĩōńś Successful Śũććēśśƒũĺ Error Ēŕŕōŕ Unknown Ũńķńōŵń Duration Ďũŕàţĩōń seconds śēćōńďś Authentication Àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń Authorization Àũţĥōŕĩźàţĩōń Enrollment Ēńŕōĺĺmēńţ Invalidation Ĩńvàĺĩďàţĩōń Recovery Ŕēćōvēŕŷ Stage Configuration Śţàĝē Ćōńƒĩĝũŕàţĩōń Unenrollment Ũńēńŕōĺĺmēńţ Unknown designation Ũńķńōŵń ďēśĩĝńàţĩōń Stacked Śţàćķēď Content left Ćōńţēńţ ĺēƒţ Content right Ćōńţēńţ ŕĩĝĥţ Sidebar left Śĩďēƀàŕ ĺēƒţ Sidebar right Śĩďēƀàŕ ŕĩĝĥţ Unknown layout Ũńķńōŵń ĺàŷōũţ Successfully updated provider. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď ƥŕōvĩďēŕ. Successfully created provider. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćŕēàţēď ƥŕōvĩďēŕ. Bind flow ßĩńď ƒĺōŵ Flow used for users to authenticate. Ƒĺōŵ ũśēď ƒōŕ ũśēŕś ţō àũţĥēńţĩćàţē. Search group Śēàŕćĥ ĝŕōũƥ Users in the selected group can do search queries. If no group is selected, no LDAP Searches are allowed. Ũśēŕś ĩń ţĥē śēĺēćţēď ĝŕōũƥ ćàń ďō śēàŕćĥ ǫũēŕĩēś. Ĩƒ ńō ĝŕōũƥ ĩś śēĺēćţēď, ńō ĹĎÀƤ Śēàŕćĥēś àŕē àĺĺōŵēď. Bind mode ßĩńď mōďē Cached binding Ćàćĥēď ƀĩńďĩńĝ Flow is executed and session is cached in memory. Flow is executed when session expires Ƒĺōŵ ĩś ēxēćũţēď àńď śēśśĩōń ĩś ćàćĥēď ĩń mēmōŕŷ. Ƒĺōŵ ĩś ēxēćũţēď ŵĥēń śēśśĩōń ēxƥĩŕēś Direct binding Ďĩŕēćţ ƀĩńďĩńĝ Always execute the configured bind flow to authenticate the user Àĺŵàŷś ēxēćũţē ţĥē ćōńƒĩĝũŕēď ƀĩńď ƒĺōŵ ţō àũţĥēńţĩćàţē ţĥē ũśēŕ Configure how the outpost authenticates requests. Ćōńƒĩĝũŕē ĥōŵ ţĥē ōũţƥōśţ àũţĥēńţĩćàţēś ŕēǫũēśţś. Search mode Śēàŕćĥ mōďē Cached querying Ćàćĥēď ǫũēŕŷĩńĝ The outpost holds all users and groups in-memory and will refresh every 5 Minutes Ţĥē ōũţƥōśţ ĥōĺďś àĺĺ ũśēŕś àńď ĝŕōũƥś ĩń-mēmōŕŷ àńď ŵĩĺĺ ŕēƒŕēśĥ ēvēŕŷ 5 Mĩńũţēś Direct querying Ďĩŕēćţ ǫũēŕŷĩńĝ Always returns the latest data, but slower than cached querying Àĺŵàŷś ŕēţũŕńś ţĥē ĺàţēśţ ďàţà, ƀũţ śĺōŵēŕ ţĥàń ćàćĥēď ǫũēŕŷĩńĝ Configure how the outpost queries the core authentik server's users. Ćōńƒĩĝũŕē ĥōŵ ţĥē ōũţƥōśţ ǫũēŕĩēś ţĥē ćōŕē àũţĥēńţĩķ śēŕvēŕ'ś ũśēŕś. Protocol settings Ƥŕōţōćōĺ śēţţĩńĝś Base DN ßàśē ĎŃ LDAP DN under which bind requests and search requests can be made. ĹĎÀƤ ĎŃ ũńďēŕ ŵĥĩćĥ ƀĩńď ŕēǫũēśţś àńď śēàŕćĥ ŕēǫũēśţś ćàń ƀē màďē. Certificate Ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē UID start number ŨĨĎ śţàŕţ ńũmƀēŕ The start for uidNumbers, this number is added to the user.Pk to make sure that the numbers aren't too low for POSIX users. Default is 2000 to ensure that we don't collide with local users uidNumber Ţĥē śţàŕţ ƒōŕ ũĩďŃũmƀēŕś, ţĥĩś ńũmƀēŕ ĩś àďďēď ţō ţĥē ũśēŕ.Ƥķ ţō màķē śũŕē ţĥàţ ţĥē ńũmƀēŕś àŕēń'ţ ţōō ĺōŵ ƒōŕ ƤŌŚĨX ũśēŕś. Ďēƒàũĺţ ĩś 2000 ţō ēńśũŕē ţĥàţ ŵē ďōń'ţ ćōĺĺĩďē ŵĩţĥ ĺōćàĺ ũśēŕś ũĩďŃũmƀēŕ GID start number ĜĨĎ śţàŕţ ńũmƀēŕ The start for gidNumbers, this number is added to a number generated from the group.Pk to make sure that the numbers aren't too low for POSIX groups. Default is 4000 to ensure that we don't collide with local groups or users primary groups gidNumber Ţĥē śţàŕţ ƒōŕ ĝĩďŃũmƀēŕś, ţĥĩś ńũmƀēŕ ĩś àďďēď ţō à ńũmƀēŕ ĝēńēŕàţēď ƒŕōm ţĥē ĝŕōũƥ.Ƥķ ţō màķē śũŕē ţĥàţ ţĥē ńũmƀēŕś àŕēń'ţ ţōō ĺōŵ ƒōŕ ƤŌŚĨX ĝŕōũƥś. Ďēƒàũĺţ ĩś 4000 ţō ēńśũŕē ţĥàţ ŵē ďōń'ţ ćōĺĺĩďē ŵĩţĥ ĺōćàĺ ĝŕōũƥś ōŕ ũśēŕś ƥŕĩmàŕŷ ĝŕōũƥś ĝĩďŃũmƀēŕ (Format: hours=-1;minutes=-2;seconds=-3). (Ƒōŕmàţ: ĥōũŕś=-1;mĩńũţēś=-2;śēćōńďś=-3). (Format: hours=1;minutes=2;seconds=3). (Ƒōŕmàţ: ĥōũŕś=1;mĩńũţēś=2;śēćōńďś=3). The following keywords are supported: Ţĥē ƒōĺĺōŵĩńĝ ķēŷŵōŕďś àŕē śũƥƥōŕţēď: Authentication flow Àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń ƒĺōŵ Flow used when a user access this provider and is not authenticated. Ƒĺōŵ ũśēď ŵĥēń à ũśēŕ àććēśś ţĥĩś ƥŕōvĩďēŕ àńď ĩś ńōţ àũţĥēńţĩćàţēď. Authorization flow Àũţĥōŕĩźàţĩōń ƒĺōŵ Flow used when authorizing this provider. Ƒĺōŵ ũśēď ŵĥēń àũţĥōŕĩźĩńĝ ţĥĩś ƥŕōvĩďēŕ. Client type Ćĺĩēńţ ţŷƥē Confidential Ćōńƒĩďēńţĩàĺ Confidential clients are capable of maintaining the confidentiality of their credentials such as client secrets Ćōńƒĩďēńţĩàĺ ćĺĩēńţś àŕē ćàƥàƀĺē ōƒ màĩńţàĩńĩńĝ ţĥē ćōńƒĩďēńţĩàĺĩţŷ ōƒ ţĥēĩŕ ćŕēďēńţĩàĺś śũćĥ àś ćĺĩēńţ śēćŕēţś Public Ƥũƀĺĩć Public clients are incapable of maintaining the confidentiality and should use methods like PKCE. Ƥũƀĺĩć ćĺĩēńţś àŕē ĩńćàƥàƀĺē ōƒ màĩńţàĩńĩńĝ ţĥē ćōńƒĩďēńţĩàĺĩţŷ àńď śĥōũĺď ũśē mēţĥōďś ĺĩķē ƤĶĆĒ. Client ID Ćĺĩēńţ ĨĎ Client Secret Ćĺĩēńţ Śēćŕēţ Redirect URIs/Origins (RegEx) Ŕēďĩŕēćţ ŨŔĨś/Ōŕĩĝĩńś (ŔēĝĒx) Valid redirect URLs after a successful authorization flow. Also specify any origins here for Implicit flows. Vàĺĩď ŕēďĩŕēćţ ŨŔĹś àƒţēŕ à śũććēśśƒũĺ àũţĥōŕĩźàţĩōń ƒĺōŵ. Àĺśō śƥēćĩƒŷ àńŷ ōŕĩĝĩńś ĥēŕē ƒōŕ Ĩmƥĺĩćĩţ ƒĺōŵś. If no explicit redirect URIs are specified, the first successfully used redirect URI will be saved. Ĩƒ ńō ēxƥĺĩćĩţ ŕēďĩŕēćţ ŨŔĨś àŕē śƥēćĩƒĩēď, ţĥē ƒĩŕśţ śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũśēď ŕēďĩŕēćţ ŨŔĨ ŵĩĺĺ ƀē śàvēď. To allow any redirect URI, set this value to ".*". Be aware of the possible security implications this can have. Ţō àĺĺōŵ àńŷ ŕēďĩŕēćţ ŨŔĨ, śēţ ţĥĩś vàĺũē ţō ".*". ßē àŵàŕē ōƒ ţĥē ƥōśśĩƀĺē śēćũŕĩţŷ ĩmƥĺĩćàţĩōńś ţĥĩś ćàń ĥàvē. Signing Key Śĩĝńĩńĝ Ķēŷ Key used to sign the tokens. Ķēŷ ũśēď ţō śĩĝń ţĥē ţōķēńś. Advanced protocol settings Àďvàńćēď ƥŕōţōćōĺ śēţţĩńĝś Access code validity Àććēśś ćōďē vàĺĩďĩţŷ Configure how long access codes are valid for. Ćōńƒĩĝũŕē ĥōŵ ĺōńĝ àććēśś ćōďēś àŕē vàĺĩď ƒōŕ. Access Token validity Àććēśś Ţōķēń vàĺĩďĩţŷ Configure how long access tokens are valid for. Ćōńƒĩĝũŕē ĥōŵ ĺōńĝ àććēśś ţōķēńś àŕē vàĺĩď ƒōŕ. Refresh Token validity Ŕēƒŕēśĥ Ţōķēń vàĺĩďĩţŷ Configure how long refresh tokens are valid for. Ćōńƒĩĝũŕē ĥōŵ ĺōńĝ ŕēƒŕēśĥ ţōķēńś àŕē vàĺĩď ƒōŕ. Scopes Śćōƥēś Select which scopes can be used by the client. The client still has to specify the scope to access the data. Śēĺēćţ ŵĥĩćĥ śćōƥēś ćàń ƀē ũśēď ƀŷ ţĥē ćĺĩēńţ. Ţĥē ćĺĩēńţ śţĩĺĺ ĥàś ţō śƥēćĩƒŷ ţĥē śćōƥē ţō àććēśś ţĥē ďàţà. Hold control/command to select multiple items. Ĥōĺď ćōńţŕōĺ/ćōmmàńď ţō śēĺēćţ mũĺţĩƥĺē ĩţēmś. Subject mode ŚũƀĴēćţ mōďē Based on the User's hashed ID ßàśēď ōń ţĥē Ũśēŕ'ś ĥàśĥēď ĨĎ Based on the User's ID ßàśēď ōń ţĥē Ũśēŕ'ś ĨĎ Based on the User's UUID ßàśēď ōń ţĥē Ũśēŕ'ś ŨŨĨĎ Based on the User's username ßàśēď ōń ţĥē Ũśēŕ'ś ũśēŕńàmē Based on the User's Email ßàśēď ōń ţĥē Ũśēŕ'ś Ēmàĩĺ This is recommended over the UPN mode. Ţĥĩś ĩś ŕēćōmmēńďēď ōvēŕ ţĥē ŨƤŃ mōďē. Based on the User's UPN ßàśēď ōń ţĥē Ũśēŕ'ś ŨƤŃ Requires the user to have a 'upn' attribute set, and falls back to hashed user ID. Use this mode only if you have different UPN and Mail domains. Ŕēǫũĩŕēś ţĥē ũśēŕ ţō ĥàvē à 'ũƥń' àţţŕĩƀũţē śēţ, àńď ƒàĺĺś ƀàćķ ţō ĥàśĥēď ũśēŕ ĨĎ. Ũśē ţĥĩś mōďē ōńĺŷ ĩƒ ŷōũ ĥàvē ďĩƒƒēŕēńţ ŨƤŃ àńď Màĩĺ ďōmàĩńś. Configure what data should be used as unique User Identifier. For most cases, the default should be fine. Ćōńƒĩĝũŕē ŵĥàţ ďàţà śĥōũĺď ƀē ũśēď àś ũńĩǫũē Ũśēŕ Ĩďēńţĩƒĩēŕ. Ƒōŕ mōśţ ćàśēś, ţĥē ďēƒàũĺţ śĥōũĺď ƀē ƒĩńē. Include claims in id_token Ĩńćĺũďē ćĺàĩmś ĩń ĩď_ţōķēń Include User claims from scopes in the id_token, for applications that don't access the userinfo endpoint. Ĩńćĺũďē Ũśēŕ ćĺàĩmś ƒŕōm śćōƥēś ĩń ţĥē ĩď_ţōķēń, ƒōŕ àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōńś ţĥàţ ďōń'ţ àććēśś ţĥē ũśēŕĩńƒō ēńďƥōĩńţ. Issuer mode Ĩśśũēŕ mōďē Each provider has a different issuer, based on the application slug Ēàćĥ ƥŕōvĩďēŕ ĥàś à ďĩƒƒēŕēńţ ĩśśũēŕ, ƀàśēď ōń ţĥē àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń śĺũĝ Same identifier is used for all providers Śàmē ĩďēńţĩƒĩēŕ ĩś ũśēď ƒōŕ àĺĺ ƥŕōvĩďēŕś Configure how the issuer field of the ID Token should be filled. Ćōńƒĩĝũŕē ĥōŵ ţĥē ĩśśũēŕ ƒĩēĺď ōƒ ţĥē ĨĎ Ţōķēń śĥōũĺď ƀē ƒĩĺĺēď. Machine-to-Machine authentication settings Màćĥĩńē-ţō-Màćĥĩńē àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń śēţţĩńĝś Trusted OIDC Sources Ţŕũśţēď ŌĨĎĆ Śōũŕćēś JWTs signed by certificates configured in the selected sources can be used to authenticate to this provider. ĵŴŢś śĩĝńēď ƀŷ ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţēś ćōńƒĩĝũŕēď ĩń ţĥē śēĺēćţēď śōũŕćēś ćàń ƀē ũśēď ţō àũţĥēńţĩćàţē ţō ţĥĩś ƥŕōvĩďēŕ. HTTP-Basic Username Key ĤŢŢƤ-ßàśĩć Ũśēŕńàmē Ķēŷ User/Group Attribute used for the user part of the HTTP-Basic Header. If not set, the user's Email address is used. Ũśēŕ/Ĝŕōũƥ Àţţŕĩƀũţē ũśēď ƒōŕ ţĥē ũśēŕ ƥàŕţ ōƒ ţĥē ĤŢŢƤ-ßàśĩć Ĥēàďēŕ. Ĩƒ ńōţ śēţ, ţĥē ũśēŕ'ś Ēmàĩĺ àďďŕēśś ĩś ũśēď. HTTP-Basic Password Key ĤŢŢƤ-ßàśĩć Ƥàśśŵōŕď Ķēŷ User/Group Attribute used for the password part of the HTTP-Basic Header. Ũśēŕ/Ĝŕōũƥ Àţţŕĩƀũţē ũśēď ƒōŕ ţĥē ƥàśśŵōŕď ƥàŕţ ōƒ ţĥē ĤŢŢƤ-ßàśĩć Ĥēàďēŕ. Proxy Ƥŕōxŷ Forward auth (single application) Ƒōŕŵàŕď àũţĥ (śĩńĝĺē àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń) Forward auth (domain level) Ƒōŕŵàŕď àũţĥ (ďōmàĩń ĺēvēĺ) This provider will behave like a transparent reverse-proxy, except requests must be authenticated. If your upstream application uses HTTPS, make sure to connect to the outpost using HTTPS as well. Ţĥĩś ƥŕōvĩďēŕ ŵĩĺĺ ƀēĥàvē ĺĩķē à ţŕàńśƥàŕēńţ ŕēvēŕśē-ƥŕōxŷ, ēxćēƥţ ŕēǫũēśţś mũśţ ƀē àũţĥēńţĩćàţēď. Ĩƒ ŷōũŕ ũƥśţŕēàm àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń ũśēś ĤŢŢƤŚ, màķē śũŕē ţō ćōńńēćţ ţō ţĥē ōũţƥōśţ ũśĩńĝ ĤŢŢƤŚ àś ŵēĺĺ. External host Ēxţēŕńàĺ ĥōśţ The external URL you'll access the application at. Include any non-standard port. Ţĥē ēxţēŕńàĺ ŨŔĹ ŷōũ'ĺĺ àććēśś ţĥē àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń àţ. Ĩńćĺũďē àńŷ ńōń-śţàńďàŕď ƥōŕţ. Internal host Ĩńţēŕńàĺ ĥōśţ Upstream host that the requests are forwarded to. Ũƥśţŕēàm ĥōśţ ţĥàţ ţĥē ŕēǫũēśţś àŕē ƒōŕŵàŕďēď ţō. Internal host SSL Validation Ĩńţēŕńàĺ ĥōśţ ŚŚĹ Vàĺĩďàţĩōń Validate SSL Certificates of upstream servers. Vàĺĩďàţē ŚŚĹ Ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţēś ōƒ ũƥśţŕēàm śēŕvēŕś. Use this provider with nginx's auth_request or traefik's forwardAuth. Only a single provider is required per root domain. You can't do per-application authorization, but you don't have to create a provider for each application. Ũśē ţĥĩś ƥŕōvĩďēŕ ŵĩţĥ ńĝĩńx'ś àũţĥ_ŕēǫũēśţ ōŕ ţŕàēƒĩķ'ś ƒōŕŵàŕďÀũţĥ. Ōńĺŷ à śĩńĝĺē ƥŕōvĩďēŕ ĩś ŕēǫũĩŕēď ƥēŕ ŕōōţ ďōmàĩń. Ŷōũ ćàń'ţ ďō ƥēŕ-àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń àũţĥōŕĩźàţĩōń, ƀũţ ŷōũ ďōń'ţ ĥàvē ţō ćŕēàţē à ƥŕōvĩďēŕ ƒōŕ ēàćĥ àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń. An example setup can look like this: Àń ēxàmƥĺē śēţũƥ ćàń ĺōōķ ĺĩķē ţĥĩś: authentik running on auth.example.com àũţĥēńţĩķ ŕũńńĩńĝ ōń àũţĥ.ēxàmƥĺē.ćōm app1 running on app1.example.com àƥƥ1 ŕũńńĩńĝ ōń àƥƥ1.ēxàmƥĺē.ćōm In this case, you'd set the Authentication URL to auth.example.com and Cookie domain to example.com. Ĩń ţĥĩś ćàśē, ŷōũ'ď śēţ ţĥē Àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń ŨŔĹ ţō àũţĥ.ēxàmƥĺē.ćōm àńď Ćōōķĩē ďōmàĩń ţō ēxàmƥĺē.ćōm. Authentication URL Àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń ŨŔĹ The external URL you'll authenticate at. The authentik core server should be reachable under this URL. Ţĥē ēxţēŕńàĺ ŨŔĹ ŷōũ'ĺĺ àũţĥēńţĩćàţē àţ. Ţĥē àũţĥēńţĩķ ćōŕē śēŕvēŕ śĥōũĺď ƀē ŕēàćĥàƀĺē ũńďēŕ ţĥĩś ŨŔĹ. Cookie domain Ćōōķĩē ďōmàĩń Set this to the domain you wish the authentication to be valid for. Must be a parent domain of the URL above. If you're running applications as app1.domain.tld, app2.domain.tld, set this to 'domain.tld'. Śēţ ţĥĩś ţō ţĥē ďōmàĩń ŷōũ ŵĩśĥ ţĥē àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń ţō ƀē vàĺĩď ƒōŕ. Mũśţ ƀē à ƥàŕēńţ ďōmàĩń ōƒ ţĥē ŨŔĹ àƀōvē. Ĩƒ ŷōũ'ŕē ŕũńńĩńĝ àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōńś àś àƥƥ1.ďōmàĩń.ţĺď, àƥƥ2.ďōmàĩń.ţĺď, śēţ ţĥĩś ţō 'ďōmàĩń.ţĺď'. Unknown proxy mode Ũńķńōŵń ƥŕōxŷ mōďē Token validity Ţōķēń vàĺĩďĩţŷ Configure how long tokens are valid for. Ćōńƒĩĝũŕē ĥōŵ ĺōńĝ ţōķēńś àŕē vàĺĩď ƒōŕ. Additional scopes Àďďĩţĩōńàĺ śćōƥēś Additional scope mappings, which are passed to the proxy. Àďďĩţĩōńàĺ śćōƥē màƥƥĩńĝś, ŵĥĩćĥ àŕē ƥàśśēď ţō ţĥē ƥŕōxŷ. Unauthenticated URLs Ũńàũţĥēńţĩćàţēď ŨŔĹś Unauthenticated Paths Ũńàũţĥēńţĩćàţēď Ƥàţĥś Regular expressions for which authentication is not required. Each new line is interpreted as a new expression. Ŕēĝũĺàŕ ēxƥŕēśśĩōńś ƒōŕ ŵĥĩćĥ àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń ĩś ńōţ ŕēǫũĩŕēď. Ēàćĥ ńēŵ ĺĩńē ĩś ĩńţēŕƥŕēţēď àś à ńēŵ ēxƥŕēśśĩōń. When using proxy or forward auth (single application) mode, the requested URL Path is checked against the regular expressions. When using forward auth (domain mode), the full requested URL including scheme and host is matched against the regular expressions. Ŵĥēń ũśĩńĝ ƥŕōxŷ ōŕ ƒōŕŵàŕď àũţĥ (śĩńĝĺē àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń) mōďē, ţĥē ŕēǫũēśţēď ŨŔĹ Ƥàţĥ ĩś ćĥēćķēď àĝàĩńśţ ţĥē ŕēĝũĺàŕ ēxƥŕēśśĩōńś. Ŵĥēń ũśĩńĝ ƒōŕŵàŕď àũţĥ (ďōmàĩń mōďē), ţĥē ƒũĺĺ ŕēǫũēśţēď ŨŔĹ ĩńćĺũďĩńĝ śćĥēmē àńď ĥōśţ ĩś màţćĥēď àĝàĩńśţ ţĥē ŕēĝũĺàŕ ēxƥŕēśśĩōńś. Authentication settings Àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń śēţţĩńĝś Intercept header authentication Ĩńţēŕćēƥţ ĥēàďēŕ àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń When enabled, authentik will intercept the Authorization header to authenticate the request. Ŵĥēń ēńàƀĺēď, àũţĥēńţĩķ ŵĩĺĺ ĩńţēŕćēƥţ ţĥē Àũţĥōŕĩźàţĩōń ĥēàďēŕ ţō àũţĥēńţĩćàţē ţĥē ŕēǫũēśţ. Send HTTP-Basic Authentication Śēńď ĤŢŢƤ-ßàśĩć Àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń Send a custom HTTP-Basic Authentication header based on values from authentik. Śēńď à ćũśţōm ĤŢŢƤ-ßàśĩć Àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń ĥēàďēŕ ƀàśēď ōń vàĺũēś ƒŕōm àũţĥēńţĩķ. ACS URL ÀĆŚ ŨŔĹ Issuer Ĩśśũēŕ Also known as EntityID. Àĺśō ķńōŵń àś ĒńţĩţŷĨĎ. Service Provider Binding Śēŕvĩćē Ƥŕōvĩďēŕ ßĩńďĩńĝ Redirect Ŕēďĩŕēćţ Post Ƥōśţ Determines how authentik sends the response back to the Service Provider. Ďēţēŕmĩńēś ĥōŵ àũţĥēńţĩķ śēńďś ţĥē ŕēśƥōńśē ƀàćķ ţō ţĥē Śēŕvĩćē Ƥŕōvĩďēŕ. Audience Àũďĩēńćē Signing Certificate Śĩĝńĩńĝ Ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē Certificate used to sign outgoing Responses going to the Service Provider. Ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē ũśēď ţō śĩĝń ōũţĝōĩńĝ Ŕēśƥōńśēś ĝōĩńĝ ţō ţĥē Śēŕvĩćē Ƥŕōvĩďēŕ. Verification Certificate Vēŕĩƒĩćàţĩōń Ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē When selected, incoming assertion's Signatures will be validated against this certificate. To allow unsigned Requests, leave on default. Ŵĥēń śēĺēćţēď, ĩńćōmĩńĝ àśśēŕţĩōń'ś Śĩĝńàţũŕēś ŵĩĺĺ ƀē vàĺĩďàţēď àĝàĩńśţ ţĥĩś ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē. Ţō àĺĺōŵ ũńśĩĝńēď Ŕēǫũēśţś, ĺēàvē ōń ďēƒàũĺţ. Property mappings Ƥŕōƥēŕţŷ màƥƥĩńĝś NameID Property Mapping ŃàmēĨĎ Ƥŕōƥēŕţŷ Màƥƥĩńĝ Configure how the NameID value will be created. When left empty, the NameIDPolicy of the incoming request will be respected. Ćōńƒĩĝũŕē ĥōŵ ţĥē ŃàmēĨĎ vàĺũē ŵĩĺĺ ƀē ćŕēàţēď. Ŵĥēń ĺēƒţ ēmƥţŷ, ţĥē ŃàmēĨĎƤōĺĩćŷ ōƒ ţĥē ĩńćōmĩńĝ ŕēǫũēśţ ŵĩĺĺ ƀē ŕēśƥēćţēď. Assertion valid not before Àśśēŕţĩōń vàĺĩď ńōţ ƀēƒōŕē Configure the maximum allowed time drift for an assertion. Ćōńƒĩĝũŕē ţĥē màxĩmũm àĺĺōŵēď ţĩmē ďŕĩƒţ ƒōŕ àń àśśēŕţĩōń. Assertion valid not on or after Àśśēŕţĩōń vàĺĩď ńōţ ōń ōŕ àƒţēŕ Assertion not valid on or after current time + this value. Àśśēŕţĩōń ńōţ vàĺĩď ōń ōŕ àƒţēŕ ćũŕŕēńţ ţĩmē + ţĥĩś vàĺũē. Session valid not on or after Śēśśĩōń vàĺĩď ńōţ ōń ōŕ àƒţēŕ Session not valid on or after current time + this value. Śēśśĩōń ńōţ vàĺĩď ōń ōŕ àƒţēŕ ćũŕŕēńţ ţĩmē + ţĥĩś vàĺũē. Digest algorithm Ďĩĝēśţ àĺĝōŕĩţĥm Signature algorithm Śĩĝńàţũŕē àĺĝōŕĩţĥm Successfully imported provider. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ĩmƥōŕţēď ƥŕōvĩďēŕ. Metadata Mēţàďàţà Apply changes Àƥƥĺŷ ćĥàńĝēś Close Ćĺōśē Finish Ƒĩńĩśĥ Back ßàćķ No form found Ńō ƒōŕm ƒōũńď Form didn't return a promise for submitting Ƒōŕm ďĩďń'ţ ŕēţũŕń à ƥŕōmĩśē ƒōŕ śũƀmĩţţĩńĝ Select type Śēĺēćţ ţŷƥē Try the new application wizard Ţŕŷ ţĥē ńēŵ àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń ŵĩźàŕď The new application wizard greatly simplifies the steps required to create applications and providers. Ţĥē ńēŵ àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń ŵĩźàŕď ĝŕēàţĺŷ śĩmƥĺĩƒĩēś ţĥē śţēƥś ŕēǫũĩŕēď ţō ćŕēàţē àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōńś àńď ƥŕōvĩďēŕś. Try it now Ţŕŷ ĩţ ńōŵ Create Ćŕēàţē New provider Ńēŵ ƥŕōvĩďēŕ Create a new provider. Ćŕēàţē à ńēŵ ƥŕōvĩďēŕ. Create Ćŕēàţē Shared secret Śĥàŕēď śēćŕēţ Client Networks Ćĺĩēńţ Ńēţŵōŕķś List of CIDRs (comma-seperated) that clients can connect from. A more specific CIDR will match before a looser one. Clients connecting from a non-specified CIDR will be dropped. Ĺĩśţ ōƒ ĆĨĎŔś (ćōmmà-śēƥēŕàţēď) ţĥàţ ćĺĩēńţś ćàń ćōńńēćţ ƒŕōm. À mōŕē śƥēćĩƒĩć ĆĨĎŔ ŵĩĺĺ màţćĥ ƀēƒōŕē à ĺōōśēŕ ōńē. Ćĺĩēńţś ćōńńēćţĩńĝ ƒŕōm à ńōń-śƥēćĩƒĩēď ĆĨĎŔ ŵĩĺĺ ƀē ďŕōƥƥēď. URL ŨŔĹ SCIM base url, usually ends in /v2. ŚĆĨM ƀàśē ũŕĺ, ũśũàĺĺŷ ēńďś ĩń /v2. Token Ţōķēń Token to authenticate with. Currently only bearer authentication is supported. Ţōķēń ţō àũţĥēńţĩćàţē ŵĩţĥ. Ćũŕŕēńţĺŷ ōńĺŷ ƀēàŕēŕ àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń ĩś śũƥƥōŕţēď. User filtering Ũśēŕ ƒĩĺţēŕĩńĝ Exclude service accounts Ēxćĺũďē śēŕvĩćē àććōũńţś Group Ĝŕōũƥ Only sync users within the selected group. Ōńĺŷ śŷńć ũśēŕś ŵĩţĥĩń ţĥē śēĺēćţēď ĝŕōũƥ. Attribute mapping Àţţŕĩƀũţē màƥƥĩńĝ User Property Mappings Ũśēŕ Ƥŕōƥēŕţŷ Màƥƥĩńĝś Property mappings used to user mapping. Ƥŕōƥēŕţŷ màƥƥĩńĝś ũśēď ţō ũśēŕ màƥƥĩńĝ. Group Property Mappings Ĝŕōũƥ Ƥŕōƥēŕţŷ Màƥƥĩńĝś Property mappings used to group creation. Ƥŕōƥēŕţŷ màƥƥĩńĝś ũśēď ţō ĝŕōũƥ ćŕēàţĩōń. Not used by any other object. Ńōţ ũśēď ƀŷ àńŷ ōţĥēŕ ōƀĴēćţ. object will be DELETED ōƀĴēćţ ŵĩĺĺ ƀē ĎĒĹĒŢĒĎ connection will be deleted ćōńńēćţĩōń ŵĩĺĺ ƀē ďēĺēţēď reference will be reset to default value ŕēƒēŕēńćē ŵĩĺĺ ƀē ŕēśēţ ţō ďēƒàũĺţ vàĺũē reference will be set to an empty value ŕēƒēŕēńćē ŵĩĺĺ ƀē śēţ ţō àń ēmƥţŷ vàĺũē () () ID ĨĎ Successfully deleted Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ďēĺēţēď Failed to delete : Ƒàĩĺēď ţō ďēĺēţē : Delete Ďēĺēţē Are you sure you want to delete ? Àŕē ŷōũ śũŕē ŷōũ ŵàńţ ţō ďēĺēţē ? Delete Ďēĺēţē Providers Ƥŕōvĩďēŕś Provide support for protocols like SAML and OAuth to assigned applications. Ƥŕōvĩďē śũƥƥōŕţ ƒōŕ ƥŕōţōćōĺś ĺĩķē ŚÀMĹ àńď ŌÀũţĥ ţō àśśĩĝńēď àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōńś. Type Ţŷƥē Provider(s) Ƥŕōvĩďēŕ(ś) Assigned to application Àśśĩĝńēď ţō àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń Assigned to application (backchannel) Àśśĩĝńēď ţō àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń (ƀàćķćĥàńńēĺ) Warning: Provider not assigned to any application. Ŵàŕńĩńĝ: Ƥŕōvĩďēŕ ńōţ àśśĩĝńēď ţō àńŷ àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń. Update Ũƥďàţē Update Ũƥďàţē Select providers to add to application Śēĺēćţ ƥŕōvĩďēŕś ţō àďď ţō àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń Add Àďď Either input a full URL, a relative path, or use 'fa://fa-test' to use the Font Awesome icon "fa-test". Ēĩţĥēŕ ĩńƥũţ à ƒũĺĺ ŨŔĹ, à ŕēĺàţĩvē ƥàţĥ, ōŕ ũśē 'ƒà://ƒà-ţēśţ' ţō ũśē ţĥē Ƒōńţ Àŵēśōmē ĩćōń "ƒà-ţēśţ". Path template for users created. Use placeholders like `%(slug)s` to insert the source slug. Ƥàţĥ ţēmƥĺàţē ƒōŕ ũśēŕś ćŕēàţēď. Ũśē ƥĺàćēĥōĺďēŕś ĺĩķē `%(śĺũĝ)ś` ţō ĩńśēŕţ ţĥē śōũŕćē śĺũĝ. Successfully updated application. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń. Successfully created application. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćŕēàţēď àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń. Application's display Name. Àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń'ś ďĩśƥĺàŷ Ńàmē. Slug Śĺũĝ Optionally enter a group name. Applications with identical groups are shown grouped together. Ōƥţĩōńàĺĺŷ ēńţēŕ à ĝŕōũƥ ńàmē. Àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōńś ŵĩţĥ ĩďēńţĩćàĺ ĝŕōũƥś àŕē śĥōŵń ĝŕōũƥēď ţōĝēţĥēŕ. Provider Ƥŕōvĩďēŕ Select a provider that this application should use. Śēĺēćţ à ƥŕōvĩďēŕ ţĥàţ ţĥĩś àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń śĥōũĺď ũśē. Select backchannel providers which augment the functionality of the main provider. Śēĺēćţ ƀàćķćĥàńńēĺ ƥŕōvĩďēŕś ŵĥĩćĥ àũĝmēńţ ţĥē ƒũńćţĩōńàĺĩţŷ ōƒ ţĥē màĩń ƥŕōvĩďēŕ. Policy engine mode Ƥōĺĩćŷ ēńĝĩńē mōďē Any policy must match to grant access Àńŷ ƥōĺĩćŷ mũśţ màţćĥ ţō ĝŕàńţ àććēśś All policies must match to grant access Àĺĺ ƥōĺĩćĩēś mũśţ màţćĥ ţō ĝŕàńţ àććēśś UI settings ŨĨ śēţţĩńĝś Launch URL Ĺàũńćĥ ŨŔĹ If left empty, authentik will try to extract the launch URL based on the selected provider. Ĩƒ ĺēƒţ ēmƥţŷ, àũţĥēńţĩķ ŵĩĺĺ ţŕŷ ţō ēxţŕàćţ ţĥē ĺàũńćĥ ŨŔĹ ƀàśēď ōń ţĥē śēĺēćţēď ƥŕōvĩďēŕ. Open in new tab Ōƥēń ĩń ńēŵ ţàƀ If checked, the launch URL will open in a new browser tab or window from the user's application library. Ĩƒ ćĥēćķēď, ţĥē ĺàũńćĥ ŨŔĹ ŵĩĺĺ ōƥēń ĩń à ńēŵ ƀŕōŵśēŕ ţàƀ ōŕ ŵĩńďōŵ ƒŕōm ţĥē ũśēŕ'ś àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń ĺĩƀŕàŕŷ. Icon Ĩćōń Currently set to: Ćũŕŕēńţĺŷ śēţ ţō: Clear icon Ćĺēàŕ ĩćōń Publisher Ƥũƀĺĩśĥēŕ Create Application Ćŕēàţē Àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń Overview Ōvēŕvĩēŵ Changelog Ćĥàńĝēĺōĝ Warning: Provider is not used by any Outpost. Ŵàŕńĩńĝ: Ƥŕōvĩďēŕ ĩś ńōţ ũśēď ƀŷ àńŷ Ōũţƥōśţ. Assigned to application Àśśĩĝńēď ţō àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń Update LDAP Provider Ũƥďàţē ĹĎÀƤ Ƥŕōvĩďēŕ Edit Ēďĩţ How to connect Ĥōŵ ţō ćōńńēćţ Connect to the LDAP Server on port 389: Ćōńńēćţ ţō ţĥē ĹĎÀƤ Śēŕvēŕ ōń ƥōŕţ 389: Check the IP of the Kubernetes service, or Ćĥēćķ ţĥē ĨƤ ōƒ ţĥē Ķũƀēŕńēţēś śēŕvĩćē, ōŕ The Host IP of the docker host Ţĥē Ĥōśţ ĨƤ ōƒ ţĥē ďōćķēŕ ĥōśţ Bind DN ßĩńď ĎŃ Bind Password ßĩńď Ƥàśśŵōŕď Search base Śēàŕćĥ ƀàśē Preview Ƥŕēvĩēŵ Warning: Provider is not used by an Application. Ŵàŕńĩńĝ: Ƥŕōvĩďēŕ ĩś ńōţ ũśēď ƀŷ àń Àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń. Redirect URIs Ŕēďĩŕēćţ ŨŔĨś Update OAuth2 Provider Ũƥďàţē ŌÀũţĥ2 Ƥŕōvĩďēŕ OpenID Configuration URL ŌƥēńĨĎ Ćōńƒĩĝũŕàţĩōń ŨŔĹ OpenID Configuration Issuer ŌƥēńĨĎ Ćōńƒĩĝũŕàţĩōń Ĩśśũēŕ Authorize URL Àũţĥōŕĩźē ŨŔĹ Token URL Ţōķēń ŨŔĹ Userinfo URL Ũśēŕĩńƒō ŨŔĹ Logout URL Ĺōĝōũţ ŨŔĹ JWKS URL ĵŴĶŚ ŨŔĹ Example JWT payload (for currently authenticated user) Ēxàmƥĺē ĵŴŢ ƥàŷĺōàď (ƒōŕ ćũŕŕēńţĺŷ àũţĥēńţĩćàţēď ũśēŕ) Forward auth (domain-level) Ƒōŕŵàŕď àũţĥ (ďōmàĩń-ĺēvēĺ) Nginx (Ingress) Ńĝĩńx (Ĩńĝŕēśś) Nginx (Proxy Manager) Ńĝĩńx (Ƥŕōxŷ Màńàĝēŕ) Nginx (standalone) Ńĝĩńx (śţàńďàĺōńē) Traefik (Ingress) Ţŕàēƒĩķ (Ĩńĝŕēśś) Traefik (Compose) Ţŕàēƒĩķ (Ćōmƥōśē) Traefik (Standalone) Ţŕàēƒĩķ (Śţàńďàĺōńē) Caddy (Standalone) Ćàďďŷ (Śţàńďàĺōńē) Internal Host Ĩńţēŕńàĺ Ĥōśţ External Host Ēxţēŕńàĺ Ĥōśţ Basic-Auth ßàśĩć-Àũţĥ Yes Ŷēś Mode Mōďē Update Proxy Provider Ũƥďàţē Ƥŕōxŷ Ƥŕōvĩďēŕ Protocol Settings Ƥŕōţōćōĺ Śēţţĩńĝś Allowed Redirect URIs Àĺĺōŵēď Ŕēďĩŕēćţ ŨŔĨś Setup Śēţũƥ No additional setup is required. Ńō àďďĩţĩōńàĺ śēţũƥ ĩś ŕēǫũĩŕēď. Update Radius Provider Ũƥďàţē Ŕàďĩũś Ƥŕōvĩďēŕ Download Ďōŵńĺōàď Copy download URL Ćōƥŷ ďōŵńĺōàď ŨŔĹ Download signing certificate Ďōŵńĺōàď śĩĝńĩńĝ ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē Related objects Ŕēĺàţēď ōƀĴēćţś Update SAML Provider Ũƥďàţē ŚÀMĹ Ƥŕōvĩďēŕ SAML Configuration ŚÀMĹ Ćōńƒĩĝũŕàţĩōń EntityID/Issuer ĒńţĩţŷĨĎ/Ĩśśũēŕ SSO URL (Post) ŚŚŌ ŨŔĹ (Ƥōśţ) SSO URL (Redirect) ŚŚŌ ŨŔĹ (Ŕēďĩŕēćţ) SSO URL (IdP-initiated Login) ŚŚŌ ŨŔĹ (ĨďƤ-ĩńĩţĩàţēď Ĺōĝĩń) SLO URL (Post) ŚĹŌ ŨŔĹ (Ƥōśţ) SLO URL (Redirect) ŚĹŌ ŨŔĹ (Ŕēďĩŕēćţ) SAML Metadata ŚÀMĹ Mēţàďàţà Example SAML attributes Ēxàmƥĺē ŚÀMĹ àţţŕĩƀũţēś NameID attribute ŃàmēĨĎ àţţŕĩƀũţē Warning: Provider is not assigned to an application as backchannel provider. Ŵàŕńĩńĝ: Ƥŕōvĩďēŕ ĩś ńōţ àśśĩĝńēď ţō àń àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń àś ƀàćķćĥàńńēĺ ƥŕōvĩďēŕ. Update SCIM Provider Ũƥďàţē ŚĆĨM Ƥŕōvĩďēŕ Sync not run yet. Śŷńć ńōţ ŕũń ŷēţ. Run sync again Ŕũń śŷńć àĝàĩń Modern applications, APIs and Single-page applications. Mōďēŕń àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōńś, ÀƤĨś àńď Śĩńĝĺē-ƥàĝē àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōńś. LDAP ĹĎÀƤ Provide an LDAP interface for applications and users to authenticate against. Ƥŕōvĩďē àń ĹĎÀƤ ĩńţēŕƒàćē ƒōŕ àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōńś àńď ũśēŕś ţō àũţĥēńţĩćàţē àĝàĩńśţ. New application Ńēŵ àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń Applications Àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōńś Provider Type Ƥŕōvĩďēŕ Ţŷƥē Application(s) Àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń(ś) Application Icon Àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń Ĩćōń Update Application Ũƥďàţē Àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń Successfully sent test-request. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ śēńţ ţēśţ-ŕēǫũēśţ. Log messages Ĺōĝ mēśśàĝēś No log messages. Ńō ĺōĝ mēśśàĝēś. Active Àćţĩvē Last login Ĺàśţ ĺōĝĩń Select users to add Śēĺēćţ ũśēŕś ţō àďď Successfully updated group. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď ĝŕōũƥ. Successfully created group. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćŕēàţēď ĝŕōũƥ. Is superuser Ĩś śũƥēŕũśēŕ Users added to this group will be superusers. Ũśēŕś àďďēď ţō ţĥĩś ĝŕōũƥ ŵĩĺĺ ƀē śũƥēŕũśēŕś. Parent Ƥàŕēńţ Attributes Àţţŕĩƀũţēś Set custom attributes using YAML or JSON. Śēţ ćũśţōm àţţŕĩƀũţēś ũśĩńĝ ŶÀMĹ ōŕ ĵŚŌŃ. Successfully updated binding. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď ƀĩńďĩńĝ. Successfully created binding. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćŕēàţēď ƀĩńďĩńĝ. Policy Ƥōĺĩćŷ Group mappings can only be checked if a user is already logged in when trying to access this source. Ĝŕōũƥ màƥƥĩńĝś ćàń ōńĺŷ ƀē ćĥēćķēď ĩƒ à ũśēŕ ĩś àĺŕēàďŷ ĺōĝĝēď ĩń ŵĥēń ţŕŷĩńĝ ţō àććēśś ţĥĩś śōũŕćē. User mappings can only be checked if a user is already logged in when trying to access this source. Ũśēŕ màƥƥĩńĝś ćàń ōńĺŷ ƀē ćĥēćķēď ĩƒ à ũśēŕ ĩś àĺŕēàďŷ ĺōĝĝēď ĩń ŵĥēń ţŕŷĩńĝ ţō àććēśś ţĥĩś śōũŕćē. Enabled Ēńàƀĺēď Negate result Ńēĝàţē ŕēśũĺţ Negates the outcome of the binding. Messages are unaffected. Ńēĝàţēś ţĥē ōũţćōmē ōƒ ţĥē ƀĩńďĩńĝ. Mēśśàĝēś àŕē ũńàƒƒēćţēď. Order Ōŕďēŕ Timeout Ţĩmēōũţ Successfully updated policy. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď ƥōĺĩćŷ. Successfully created policy. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćŕēàţēď ƥōĺĩćŷ. A policy used for testing. Always returns the same result as specified below after waiting a random duration. À ƥōĺĩćŷ ũśēď ƒōŕ ţēśţĩńĝ. Àĺŵàŷś ŕēţũŕńś ţĥē śàmē ŕēśũĺţ àś śƥēćĩƒĩēď ƀēĺōŵ àƒţēŕ ŵàĩţĩńĝ à ŕàńďōm ďũŕàţĩōń. Execution logging Ēxēćũţĩōń ĺōĝĝĩńĝ When this option is enabled, all executions of this policy will be logged. By default, only execution errors are logged. Ŵĥēń ţĥĩś ōƥţĩōń ĩś ēńàƀĺēď, àĺĺ ēxēćũţĩōńś ōƒ ţĥĩś ƥōĺĩćŷ ŵĩĺĺ ƀē ĺōĝĝēď. ßŷ ďēƒàũĺţ, ōńĺŷ ēxēćũţĩōń ēŕŕōŕś àŕē ĺōĝĝēď. Policy-specific settings Ƥōĺĩćŷ-śƥēćĩƒĩć śēţţĩńĝś Pass policy? Ƥàśś ƥōĺĩćŷ? Wait (min) Ŵàĩţ (mĩń) The policy takes a random time to execute. This controls the minimum time it will take. Ţĥē ƥōĺĩćŷ ţàķēś à ŕàńďōm ţĩmē ţō ēxēćũţē. Ţĥĩś ćōńţŕōĺś ţĥē mĩńĩmũm ţĩmē ĩţ ŵĩĺĺ ţàķē. Wait (max) Ŵàĩţ (màx) Matches an event against a set of criteria. If any of the configured values match, the policy passes. Màţćĥēś àń ēvēńţ àĝàĩńśţ à śēţ ōƒ ćŕĩţēŕĩà. Ĩƒ àńŷ ōƒ ţĥē ćōńƒĩĝũŕēď vàĺũēś màţćĥ, ţĥē ƥōĺĩćŷ ƥàśśēś. Match created events with this action type. When left empty, all action types will be matched. Màţćĥ ćŕēàţēď ēvēńţś ŵĩţĥ ţĥĩś àćţĩōń ţŷƥē. Ŵĥēń ĺēƒţ ēmƥţŷ, àĺĺ àćţĩōń ţŷƥēś ŵĩĺĺ ƀē màţćĥēď. Matches Event's Client IP (strict matching, for network matching use an Expression Policy. Màţćĥēś Ēvēńţ'ś Ćĺĩēńţ ĨƤ (śţŕĩćţ màţćĥĩńĝ, ƒōŕ ńēţŵōŕķ màţćĥĩńĝ ũśē àń Ēxƥŕēśśĩōń Ƥōĺĩćŷ. Match events created by selected application. When left empty, all applications are matched. Màţćĥ ēvēńţś ćŕēàţēď ƀŷ śēĺēćţēď àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń. Ŵĥēń ĺēƒţ ēmƥţŷ, àĺĺ àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōńś àŕē màţćĥēď. Checks if the request's user's password has been changed in the last x days, and denys based on settings. Ćĥēćķś ĩƒ ţĥē ŕēǫũēśţ'ś ũśēŕ'ś ƥàśśŵōŕď ĥàś ƀēēń ćĥàńĝēď ĩń ţĥē ĺàśţ x ďàŷś, àńď ďēńŷś ƀàśēď ōń śēţţĩńĝś. Maximum age (in days) Màxĩmũm àĝē (ĩń ďàŷś) Only fail the policy, don't invalidate user's password Ōńĺŷ ƒàĩĺ ţĥē ƥōĺĩćŷ, ďōń'ţ ĩńvàĺĩďàţē ũśēŕ'ś ƥàśśŵōŕď Executes the python snippet to determine whether to allow or deny a request. Ēxēćũţēś ţĥē ƥŷţĥōń śńĩƥƥēţ ţō ďēţēŕmĩńē ŵĥēţĥēŕ ţō àĺĺōŵ ōŕ ďēńŷ à ŕēǫũēśţ. Expression using Python. Ēxƥŕēśśĩōń ũśĩńĝ Ƥŷţĥōń. See documentation for a list of all variables. Śēē ďōćũmēńţàţĩōń ƒōŕ à ĺĩśţ ōƒ àĺĺ vàŕĩàƀĺēś. Static rules Śţàţĩć ŕũĺēś Minimum length Mĩńĩmũm ĺēńĝţĥ Minimum amount of Uppercase Characters Mĩńĩmũm àmōũńţ ōƒ Ũƥƥēŕćàśē Ćĥàŕàćţēŕś Minimum amount of Lowercase Characters Mĩńĩmũm àmōũńţ ōƒ Ĺōŵēŕćàśē Ćĥàŕàćţēŕś Minimum amount of Digits Mĩńĩmũm àmōũńţ ōƒ Ďĩĝĩţś Minimum amount of Symbols Characters Mĩńĩmũm àmōũńţ ōƒ Śŷmƀōĺś Ćĥàŕàćţēŕś Error message Ēŕŕōŕ mēśśàĝē Symbol charset Śŷmƀōĺ ćĥàŕśēţ Characters which are considered as symbols. Ćĥàŕàćţēŕś ŵĥĩćĥ àŕē ćōńśĩďēŕēď àś śŷmƀōĺś. HaveIBeenPwned settings ĤàvēĨßēēńƤŵńēď śēţţĩńĝś Allowed count Àĺĺōŵēď ćōũńţ Allow up to N occurrences in the HIBP database. Àĺĺōŵ ũƥ ţō Ń ōććũŕŕēńćēś ĩń ţĥē ĤĨßƤ ďàţàƀàśē. zxcvbn settings źxćvƀń śēţţĩńĝś Score threshold Śćōŕē ţĥŕēśĥōĺď If the password's score is less than or equal this value, the policy will fail. Ĩƒ ţĥē ƥàśśŵōŕď'ś śćōŕē ĩś ĺēśś ţĥàń ōŕ ēǫũàĺ ţĥĩś vàĺũē, ţĥē ƥōĺĩćŷ ŵĩĺĺ ƒàĩĺ. Checks the value from the policy request against several rules, mostly used to ensure password strength. Ćĥēćķś ţĥē vàĺũē ƒŕōm ţĥē ƥōĺĩćŷ ŕēǫũēśţ àĝàĩńśţ śēvēŕàĺ ŕũĺēś, mōśţĺŷ ũśēď ţō ēńśũŕē ƥàśśŵōŕď śţŕēńĝţĥ. Password field Ƥàśśŵōŕď ƒĩēĺď Field key to check, field keys defined in Prompt stages are available. Ƒĩēĺď ķēŷ ţō ćĥēćķ, ƒĩēĺď ķēŷś ďēƒĩńēď ĩń Ƥŕōmƥţ śţàĝēś àŕē àvàĩĺàƀĺē. Check static rules Ćĥēćķ śţàţĩć ŕũĺēś Check haveibeenpwned.com Ćĥēćķ ĥàvēĩƀēēńƥŵńēď.ćōm For more info see: Ƒōŕ mōŕē ĩńƒō śēē: Check zxcvbn Ćĥēćķ źxćvƀń Password strength estimator created by Dropbox, see: Ƥàśśŵōŕď śţŕēńĝţĥ ēśţĩmàţōŕ ćŕēàţēď ƀŷ Ďŕōƥƀōx, śēē: Allows/denys requests based on the users and/or the IPs reputation. Àĺĺōŵś/ďēńŷś ŕēǫũēśţś ƀàśēď ōń ţĥē ũśēŕś àńď/ōŕ ţĥē ĨƤś ŕēƥũţàţĩōń. Invalid login attempts will decrease the score for the client's IP, and the username they are attempting to login as, by one. Ĩńvàĺĩď ĺōĝĩń àţţēmƥţś ŵĩĺĺ ďēćŕēàśē ţĥē śćōŕē ƒōŕ ţĥē ćĺĩēńţ'ś ĨƤ, àńď ţĥē ũśēŕńàmē ţĥēŷ àŕē àţţēmƥţĩńĝ ţō ĺōĝĩń àś, ƀŷ ōńē. The policy passes when the reputation score is below the threshold, and doesn't pass when either or both of the selected options are equal or above the threshold. Ţĥē ƥōĺĩćŷ ƥàśśēś ŵĥēń ţĥē ŕēƥũţàţĩōń śćōŕē ĩś ƀēĺōŵ ţĥē ţĥŕēśĥōĺď, àńď ďōēśń'ţ ƥàśś ŵĥēń ēĩţĥēŕ ōŕ ƀōţĥ ōƒ ţĥē śēĺēćţēď ōƥţĩōńś àŕē ēǫũàĺ ōŕ àƀōvē ţĥē ţĥŕēśĥōĺď. Check IP Ćĥēćķ ĨƤ Check Username Ćĥēćķ Ũśēŕńàmē Threshold Ţĥŕēśĥōĺď New policy Ńēŵ ƥōĺĩćŷ Create a new policy. Ćŕēàţē à ńēŵ ƥōĺĩćŷ. Create Binding Ćŕēàţē ßĩńďĩńĝ Superuser Śũƥēŕũśēŕ Members Mēmƀēŕś Select groups to add user to Śēĺēćţ ĝŕōũƥś ţō àďď ũśēŕ ţō Warning: Adding the user to the selected group(s) will give them superuser permissions. Ŵàŕńĩńĝ: Àďďĩńĝ ţĥē ũśēŕ ţō ţĥē śēĺēćţēď ĝŕōũƥ(ś) ŵĩĺĺ ĝĩvē ţĥēm śũƥēŕũśēŕ ƥēŕmĩśśĩōńś. Successfully updated user. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď ũśēŕ. Successfully created user. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćŕēàţēď ũśēŕ. Username Ũśēŕńàmē User's primary identifier. 150 characters or fewer. Ũśēŕ'ś ƥŕĩmàŕŷ ĩďēńţĩƒĩēŕ. 150 ćĥàŕàćţēŕś ōŕ ƒēŵēŕ. User's display name. Ũśēŕ'ś ďĩśƥĺàŷ ńàmē. Email Ēmàĩĺ Is active Ĩś àćţĩvē Designates whether this user should be treated as active. Unselect this instead of deleting accounts. Ďēśĩĝńàţēś ŵĥēţĥēŕ ţĥĩś ũśēŕ śĥōũĺď ƀē ţŕēàţēď àś àćţĩvē. Ũńśēĺēćţ ţĥĩś ĩńśţēàď ōƒ ďēĺēţĩńĝ àććōũńţś. Path Ƥàţĥ Policy / User / Group Ƥōĺĩćŷ / Ũśēŕ / Ĝŕōũƥ Policy Ƥōĺĩćŷ Group Ĝŕōũƥ User Ũśēŕ Edit Policy Ēďĩţ Ƥōĺĩćŷ Update Group Ũƥďàţē Ĝŕōũƥ Edit Group Ēďĩţ Ĝŕōũƥ Update User Ũƥďàţē Ũśēŕ Edit User Ēďĩţ Ũśēŕ Policy binding(s) Ƥōĺĩćŷ ƀĩńďĩńĝ(ś) Update Binding Ũƥďàţē ßĩńďĩńĝ Edit Binding Ēďĩţ ßĩńďĩńĝ No Policies bound. Ńō Ƥōĺĩćĩēś ƀōũńď. No policies are currently bound to this object. Ńō ƥōĺĩćĩēś àŕē ćũŕŕēńţĺŷ ƀōũńď ţō ţĥĩś ōƀĴēćţ. Bind existing policy ßĩńď ēxĩśţĩńĝ ƥōĺĩćŷ Warning: Application is not used by any Outpost. Ŵàŕńĩńĝ: Àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń ĩś ńōţ ũśēď ƀŷ àńŷ Ōũţƥōśţ. Related Ŕēĺàţēď Backchannel Providers ßàćķćĥàńńēĺ Ƥŕōvĩďēŕś Check access Ćĥēćķ àććēśś Check Ćĥēćķ Check Application access Ćĥēćķ Àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń àććēśś Test Ţēśţ Launch Ĺàũńćĥ Logins over the last week (per 8 hours) Ĺōĝĩńś ōvēŕ ţĥē ĺàśţ ŵēēķ (ƥēŕ 8 ĥōũŕś) Policy / Group / User Bindings Ƥōĺĩćŷ / Ĝŕōũƥ / Ũśēŕ ßĩńďĩńĝś These policies control which users can access this application. Ţĥēśē ƥōĺĩćĩēś ćōńţŕōĺ ŵĥĩćĥ ũśēŕś ćàń àććēśś ţĥĩś àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń. Successfully updated source. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď śōũŕćē. Successfully created source. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćŕēàţēď śōũŕćē. Sync users Śŷńć ũśēŕś User password writeback Ũśēŕ ƥàśśŵōŕď ŵŕĩţēƀàćķ Login password is synced from LDAP into authentik automatically. Enable this option only to write password changes in authentik back to LDAP. Ĺōĝĩń ƥàśśŵōŕď ĩś śŷńćēď ƒŕōm ĹĎÀƤ ĩńţō àũţĥēńţĩķ àũţōmàţĩćàĺĺŷ. Ēńàƀĺē ţĥĩś ōƥţĩōń ōńĺŷ ţō ŵŕĩţē ƥàśśŵōŕď ćĥàńĝēś ĩń àũţĥēńţĩķ ƀàćķ ţō ĹĎÀƤ. Sync groups Śŷńć ĝŕōũƥś Connection settings Ćōńńēćţĩōń śēţţĩńĝś Server URI Śēŕvēŕ ŨŔĨ Specify multiple server URIs by separating them with a comma. Śƥēćĩƒŷ mũĺţĩƥĺē śēŕvēŕ ŨŔĨś ƀŷ śēƥàŕàţĩńĝ ţĥēm ŵĩţĥ à ćōmmà. Enable StartTLS Ēńàƀĺē ŚţàŕţŢĹŚ To use SSL instead, use 'ldaps://' and disable this option. Ţō ũśē ŚŚĹ ĩńśţēàď, ũśē 'ĺďàƥś://' àńď ďĩśàƀĺē ţĥĩś ōƥţĩōń. TLS Verification Certificate ŢĹŚ Vēŕĩƒĩćàţĩōń Ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē When connecting to an LDAP Server with TLS, certificates are not checked by default. Specify a keypair to validate the remote certificate. Ŵĥēń ćōńńēćţĩńĝ ţō àń ĹĎÀƤ Śēŕvēŕ ŵĩţĥ ŢĹŚ, ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţēś àŕē ńōţ ćĥēćķēď ƀŷ ďēƒàũĺţ. Śƥēćĩƒŷ à ķēŷƥàĩŕ ţō vàĺĩďàţē ţĥē ŕēmōţē ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē. Bind CN ßĩńď ĆŃ LDAP Attribute mapping ĹĎÀƤ Àţţŕĩƀũţē màƥƥĩńĝ Property mappings used to user creation. Ƥŕōƥēŕţŷ màƥƥĩńĝś ũśēď ţō ũśēŕ ćŕēàţĩōń. Additional settings Àďďĩţĩōńàĺ śēţţĩńĝś Parent group for all the groups imported from LDAP. Ƥàŕēńţ ĝŕōũƥ ƒōŕ àĺĺ ţĥē ĝŕōũƥś ĩmƥōŕţēď ƒŕōm ĹĎÀƤ. User path Ũśēŕ ƥàţĥ Addition User DN Àďďĩţĩōń Ũśēŕ ĎŃ Additional user DN, prepended to the Base DN. Àďďĩţĩōńàĺ ũśēŕ ĎŃ, ƥŕēƥēńďēď ţō ţĥē ßàśē ĎŃ. Addition Group DN Àďďĩţĩōń Ĝŕōũƥ ĎŃ Additional group DN, prepended to the Base DN. Àďďĩţĩōńàĺ ĝŕōũƥ ĎŃ, ƥŕēƥēńďēď ţō ţĥē ßàśē ĎŃ. User object filter Ũśēŕ ōƀĴēćţ ƒĩĺţēŕ Consider Objects matching this filter to be Users. Ćōńśĩďēŕ ŌƀĴēćţś màţćĥĩńĝ ţĥĩś ƒĩĺţēŕ ţō ƀē Ũśēŕś. Group object filter Ĝŕōũƥ ōƀĴēćţ ƒĩĺţēŕ Consider Objects matching this filter to be Groups. Ćōńśĩďēŕ ŌƀĴēćţś màţćĥĩńĝ ţĥĩś ƒĩĺţēŕ ţō ƀē Ĝŕōũƥś. Group membership field Ĝŕōũƥ mēmƀēŕśĥĩƥ ƒĩēĺď Field which contains members of a group. Note that if using the "memberUid" field, the value is assumed to contain a relative distinguished name. e.g. 'memberUid=some-user' instead of 'memberUid=cn=some-user,ou=groups,...' Ƒĩēĺď ŵĥĩćĥ ćōńţàĩńś mēmƀēŕś ōƒ à ĝŕōũƥ. Ńōţē ţĥàţ ĩƒ ũśĩńĝ ţĥē "mēmƀēŕŨĩď" ƒĩēĺď, ţĥē vàĺũē ĩś àśśũmēď ţō ćōńţàĩń à ŕēĺàţĩvē ďĩśţĩńĝũĩśĥēď ńàmē. ē.ĝ. 'mēmƀēŕŨĩď=śōmē-ũśēŕ' ĩńśţēàď ōƒ 'mēmƀēŕŨĩď=ćń=śōmē-ũśēŕ,ōũ=ĝŕōũƥś,...' Object uniqueness field ŌƀĴēćţ ũńĩǫũēńēśś ƒĩēĺď Field which contains a unique Identifier. Ƒĩēĺď ŵĥĩćĥ ćōńţàĩńś à ũńĩǫũē Ĩďēńţĩƒĩēŕ. Link users on unique identifier Ĺĩńķ ũśēŕś ōń ũńĩǫũē ĩďēńţĩƒĩēŕ Link to a user with identical email address. Can have security implications when a source doesn't validate email addresses Ĺĩńķ ţō à ũśēŕ ŵĩţĥ ĩďēńţĩćàĺ ēmàĩĺ àďďŕēśś. Ćàń ĥàvē śēćũŕĩţŷ ĩmƥĺĩćàţĩōńś ŵĥēń à śōũŕćē ďōēśń'ţ vàĺĩďàţē ēmàĩĺ àďďŕēśśēś Use the user's email address, but deny enrollment when the email address already exists Ũśē ţĥē ũśēŕ'ś ēmàĩĺ àďďŕēśś, ƀũţ ďēńŷ ēńŕōĺĺmēńţ ŵĥēń ţĥē ēmàĩĺ àďďŕēśś àĺŕēàďŷ ēxĩśţś Link to a user with identical username. Can have security implications when a username is used with another source Ĺĩńķ ţō à ũśēŕ ŵĩţĥ ĩďēńţĩćàĺ ũśēŕńàmē. Ćàń ĥàvē śēćũŕĩţŷ ĩmƥĺĩćàţĩōńś ŵĥēń à ũśēŕńàmē ĩś ũśēď ŵĩţĥ àńōţĥēŕ śōũŕćē Use the user's username, but deny enrollment when the username already exists Ũśē ţĥē ũśēŕ'ś ũśēŕńàmē, ƀũţ ďēńŷ ēńŕōĺĺmēńţ ŵĥēń ţĥē ũśēŕńàmē àĺŕēàďŷ ēxĩśţś Unknown user matching mode Ũńķńōŵń ũśēŕ màţćĥĩńĝ mōďē URL settings ŨŔĹ śēţţĩńĝś Authorization URL Àũţĥōŕĩźàţĩōń ŨŔĹ URL the user is redirect to to consent the authorization. ŨŔĹ ţĥē ũśēŕ ĩś ŕēďĩŕēćţ ţō ţō ćōńśēńţ ţĥē àũţĥōŕĩźàţĩōń. Access token URL Àććēśś ţōķēń ŨŔĹ URL used by authentik to retrieve tokens. ŨŔĹ ũśēď ƀŷ àũţĥēńţĩķ ţō ŕēţŕĩēvē ţōķēńś. Profile URL Ƥŕōƒĩĺē ŨŔĹ URL used by authentik to get user information. ŨŔĹ ũśēď ƀŷ àũţĥēńţĩķ ţō ĝēţ ũśēŕ ĩńƒōŕmàţĩōń. Request token URL Ŕēǫũēśţ ţōķēń ŨŔĹ URL used to request the initial token. This URL is only required for OAuth 1. ŨŔĹ ũśēď ţō ŕēǫũēśţ ţĥē ĩńĩţĩàĺ ţōķēń. Ţĥĩś ŨŔĹ ĩś ōńĺŷ ŕēǫũĩŕēď ƒōŕ ŌÀũţĥ 1. OIDC Well-known URL ŌĨĎĆ Ŵēĺĺ-ķńōŵń ŨŔĹ OIDC well-known configuration URL. Can be used to automatically configure the URLs above. ŌĨĎĆ ŵēĺĺ-ķńōŵń ćōńƒĩĝũŕàţĩōń ŨŔĹ. Ćàń ƀē ũśēď ţō àũţōmàţĩćàĺĺŷ ćōńƒĩĝũŕē ţĥē ŨŔĹś àƀōvē. OIDC JWKS URL ŌĨĎĆ ĵŴĶŚ ŨŔĹ JSON Web Key URL. Keys from the URL will be used to validate JWTs from this source. ĵŚŌŃ Ŵēƀ Ķēŷ ŨŔĹ. Ķēŷś ƒŕōm ţĥē ŨŔĹ ŵĩĺĺ ƀē ũśēď ţō vàĺĩďàţē ĵŴŢś ƒŕōm ţĥĩś śōũŕćē. OIDC JWKS ŌĨĎĆ ĵŴĶŚ Raw JWKS data. Ŕàŵ ĵŴĶŚ ďàţà. User matching mode Ũśēŕ màţćĥĩńĝ mōďē Delete currently set icon. Ďēĺēţē ćũŕŕēńţĺŷ śēţ ĩćōń. Consumer key Ćōńśũmēŕ ķēŷ Consumer secret Ćōńśũmēŕ śēćŕēţ Additional scopes to be passed to the OAuth Provider, separated by space. To replace existing scopes, prefix with *. Àďďĩţĩōńàĺ śćōƥēś ţō ƀē ƥàśśēď ţō ţĥē ŌÀũţĥ Ƥŕōvĩďēŕ, śēƥàŕàţēď ƀŷ śƥàćē. Ţō ŕēƥĺàćē ēxĩśţĩńĝ śćōƥēś, ƥŕēƒĩx ŵĩţĥ *. Flow settings Ƒĺōŵ śēţţĩńĝś Flow to use when authenticating existing users. Ƒĺōŵ ţō ũśē ŵĥēń àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩńĝ ēxĩśţĩńĝ ũśēŕś. Enrollment flow Ēńŕōĺĺmēńţ ƒĺōŵ Flow to use when enrolling new users. Ƒĺōŵ ţō ũśē ŵĥēń ēńŕōĺĺĩńĝ ńēŵ ũśēŕś. Load servers Ĺōàď śēŕvēŕś Re-authenticate with plex Ŕē-àũţĥēńţĩćàţē ŵĩţĥ ƥĺēx Allow friends to authenticate via Plex, even if you don't share any servers Àĺĺōŵ ƒŕĩēńďś ţō àũţĥēńţĩćàţē vĩà Ƥĺēx, ēvēń ĩƒ ŷōũ ďōń'ţ śĥàŕē àńŷ śēŕvēŕś Allowed servers Àĺĺōŵēď śēŕvēŕś Select which server a user has to be a member of to be allowed to authenticate. Śēĺēćţ ŵĥĩćĥ śēŕvēŕ à ũśēŕ ĥàś ţō ƀē à mēmƀēŕ ōƒ ţō ƀē àĺĺōŵēď ţō àũţĥēńţĩćàţē. SSO URL ŚŚŌ ŨŔĹ URL that the initial Login request is sent to. ŨŔĹ ţĥàţ ţĥē ĩńĩţĩàĺ Ĺōĝĩń ŕēǫũēśţ ĩś śēńţ ţō. SLO URL ŚĹŌ ŨŔĹ Optional URL if the IDP supports Single-Logout. Ōƥţĩōńàĺ ŨŔĹ ĩƒ ţĥē ĨĎƤ śũƥƥōŕţś Śĩńĝĺē-Ĺōĝōũţ. Also known as Entity ID. Defaults the Metadata URL. Àĺśō ķńōŵń àś Ēńţĩţŷ ĨĎ. Ďēƒàũĺţś ţĥē Mēţàďàţà ŨŔĹ. Binding Type ßĩńďĩńĝ Ţŷƥē Redirect binding Ŕēďĩŕēćţ ƀĩńďĩńĝ Post-auto binding Ƥōśţ-àũţō ƀĩńďĩńĝ Post binding but the request is automatically sent and the user doesn't have to confirm. Ƥōśţ ƀĩńďĩńĝ ƀũţ ţĥē ŕēǫũēśţ ĩś àũţōmàţĩćàĺĺŷ śēńţ àńď ţĥē ũśēŕ ďōēśń'ţ ĥàvē ţō ćōńƒĩŕm. Post binding Ƥōśţ ƀĩńďĩńĝ Signing keypair Śĩĝńĩńĝ ķēŷƥàĩŕ Keypair which is used to sign outgoing requests. Leave empty to disable signing. Ķēŷƥàĩŕ ŵĥĩćĥ ĩś ũśēď ţō śĩĝń ōũţĝōĩńĝ ŕēǫũēśţś. Ĺēàvē ēmƥţŷ ţō ďĩśàƀĺē śĩĝńĩńĝ. Allow IDP-initiated logins Àĺĺōŵ ĨĎƤ-ĩńĩţĩàţēď ĺōĝĩńś Allows authentication flows initiated by the IdP. This can be a security risk, as no validation of the request ID is done. Àĺĺōŵś àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń ƒĺōŵś ĩńĩţĩàţēď ƀŷ ţĥē ĨďƤ. Ţĥĩś ćàń ƀē à śēćũŕĩţŷ ŕĩśķ, àś ńō vàĺĩďàţĩōń ōƒ ţĥē ŕēǫũēśţ ĨĎ ĩś ďōńē. NameID Policy ŃàmēĨĎ Ƥōĺĩćŷ Persistent Ƥēŕśĩśţēńţ Email address Ēmàĩĺ àďďŕēśś Windows Ŵĩńďōŵś X509 Subject X509 ŚũƀĴēćţ Transient Ţŕàńśĩēńţ Delete temporary users after Ďēĺēţē ţēmƥōŕàŕŷ ũśēŕś àƒţēŕ Time offset when temporary users should be deleted. This only applies if your IDP uses the NameID Format 'transient', and the user doesn't log out manually. Ţĩmē ōƒƒśēţ ŵĥēń ţēmƥōŕàŕŷ ũśēŕś śĥōũĺď ƀē ďēĺēţēď. Ţĥĩś ōńĺŷ àƥƥĺĩēś ĩƒ ŷōũŕ ĨĎƤ ũśēś ţĥē ŃàmēĨĎ Ƒōŕmàţ 'ţŕàńśĩēńţ', àńď ţĥē ũśēŕ ďōēśń'ţ ĺōĝ ōũţ màńũàĺĺŷ. Pre-authentication flow Ƥŕē-àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń ƒĺōŵ Flow used before authentication. Ƒĺōŵ ũśēď ƀēƒōŕē àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń. New source Ńēŵ śōũŕćē Create a new source. Ćŕēàţē à ńēŵ śōũŕćē. Sources of identities, which can either be synced into authentik's database, or can be used by users to authenticate and enroll themselves. Śōũŕćēś ōƒ ĩďēńţĩţĩēś, ŵĥĩćĥ ćàń ēĩţĥēŕ ƀē śŷńćēď ĩńţō àũţĥēńţĩķ'ś ďàţàƀàśē, ōŕ ćàń ƀē ũśēď ƀŷ ũśēŕś ţō àũţĥēńţĩćàţē àńď ēńŕōĺĺ ţĥēmśēĺvēś. Source(s) Śōũŕćē(ś) Disabled Ďĩśàƀĺēď Built-in ßũĩĺţ-ĩń Update LDAP Source Ũƥďàţē ĹĎÀƤ Śōũŕćē Not synced yet. Ńōţ śŷńćēď ŷēţ. Task finished with warnings Ţàśķ ƒĩńĩśĥēď ŵĩţĥ ŵàŕńĩńĝś Task finished with errors Ţàśķ ƒĩńĩśĥēď ŵĩţĥ ēŕŕōŕś Last sync: Ĺàśţ śŷńć: OAuth Source ŌÀũţĥ Śōũŕćē Generic OpenID Connect Ĝēńēŕĩć ŌƥēńĨĎ Ćōńńēćţ Unknown provider type Ũńķńōŵń ƥŕōvĩďēŕ ţŷƥē Details Ďēţàĩĺś Callback URL Ćàĺĺƀàćķ ŨŔĹ Access Key Àććēśś Ķēŷ Update OAuth Source Ũƥďàţē ŌÀũţĥ Śōũŕćē Diagram Ďĩàĝŕàm Policy Bindings Ƥōĺĩćŷ ßĩńďĩńĝś These bindings control which users can access this source. You can only use policies here as access is checked before the user is authenticated. Ţĥēśē ƀĩńďĩńĝś ćōńţŕōĺ ŵĥĩćĥ ũśēŕś ćàń àććēśś ţĥĩś śōũŕćē. Ŷōũ ćàń ōńĺŷ ũśē ƥōĺĩćĩēś ĥēŕē àś àććēśś ĩś ćĥēćķēď ƀēƒōŕē ţĥē ũśēŕ ĩś àũţĥēńţĩćàţēď. Update Plex Source Ũƥďàţē Ƥĺēx Śōũŕćē Update SAML Source Ũƥďàţē ŚÀMĹ Śōũŕćē Successfully updated mapping. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď màƥƥĩńĝ. Successfully created mapping. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćŕēàţēď màƥƥĩńĝ. Object field ŌƀĴēćţ ƒĩēĺď Field of the user object this value is written to. Ƒĩēĺď ōƒ ţĥē ũśēŕ ōƀĴēćţ ţĥĩś vàĺũē ĩś ŵŕĩţţēń ţō. SAML Attribute Name ŚÀMĹ Àţţŕĩƀũţē Ńàmē Attribute name used for SAML Assertions. Can be a URN OID, a schema reference, or a any other string. If this property mapping is used for NameID Property, this field is discarded. Àţţŕĩƀũţē ńàmē ũśēď ƒōŕ ŚÀMĹ Àśśēŕţĩōńś. Ćàń ƀē à ŨŔŃ ŌĨĎ, à śćĥēmà ŕēƒēŕēńćē, ōŕ à àńŷ ōţĥēŕ śţŕĩńĝ. Ĩƒ ţĥĩś ƥŕōƥēŕţŷ màƥƥĩńĝ ĩś ũśēď ƒōŕ ŃàmēĨĎ Ƥŕōƥēŕţŷ, ţĥĩś ƒĩēĺď ĩś ďĩśćàŕďēď. Friendly Name Ƒŕĩēńďĺŷ Ńàmē Optionally set the 'FriendlyName' value of the Assertion attribute. Ōƥţĩōńàĺĺŷ śēţ ţĥē 'ƑŕĩēńďĺŷŃàmē' vàĺũē ōƒ ţĥē Àśśēŕţĩōń àţţŕĩƀũţē. Scope name Śćōƥē ńàmē Scope which the client can specify to access these properties. Śćōƥē ŵĥĩćĥ ţĥē ćĺĩēńţ ćàń śƥēćĩƒŷ ţō àććēśś ţĥēśē ƥŕōƥēŕţĩēś. Description shown to the user when consenting. If left empty, the user won't be informed. Ďēśćŕĩƥţĩōń śĥōŵń ţō ţĥē ũśēŕ ŵĥēń ćōńśēńţĩńĝ. Ĩƒ ĺēƒţ ēmƥţŷ, ţĥē ũśēŕ ŵōń'ţ ƀē ĩńƒōŕmēď. Example context data Ēxàmƥĺē ćōńţēxţ ďàţà Active Directory User Àćţĩvē Ďĩŕēćţōŕŷ Ũśēŕ Active Directory Group Àćţĩvē Ďĩŕēćţōŕŷ Ĝŕōũƥ New property mapping Ńēŵ ƥŕōƥēŕţŷ màƥƥĩńĝ Create a new property mapping. Ćŕēàţē à ńēŵ ƥŕōƥēŕţŷ màƥƥĩńĝ. Property Mappings Ƥŕōƥēŕţŷ Màƥƥĩńĝś Control how authentik exposes and interprets information. Ćōńţŕōĺ ĥōŵ àũţĥēńţĩķ ēxƥōśēś àńď ĩńţēŕƥŕēţś ĩńƒōŕmàţĩōń. Property Mapping(s) Ƥŕōƥēŕţŷ Màƥƥĩńĝ(ś) Test Property Mapping Ţēśţ Ƥŕōƥēŕţŷ Màƥƥĩńĝ Hide managed mappings Ĥĩďē màńàĝēď màƥƥĩńĝś Successfully updated token. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď ţōķēń. Successfully created token. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćŕēàţēď ţōķēń. Unique identifier the token is referenced by. Ũńĩǫũē ĩďēńţĩƒĩēŕ ţĥē ţōķēń ĩś ŕēƒēŕēńćēď ƀŷ. Intent Ĩńţēńţ API Token ÀƤĨ Ţōķēń Used to access the API programmatically Ũśēď ţō àććēśś ţĥē ÀƤĨ ƥŕōĝŕàmmàţĩćàĺĺŷ App password. Àƥƥ ƥàśśŵōŕď. Used to login using a flow executor Ũśēď ţō ĺōĝĩń ũśĩńĝ à ƒĺōŵ ēxēćũţōŕ Expiring Ēxƥĩŕĩńĝ If this is selected, the token will expire. Upon expiration, the token will be rotated. Ĩƒ ţĥĩś ĩś śēĺēćţēď, ţĥē ţōķēń ŵĩĺĺ ēxƥĩŕē. Ũƥōń ēxƥĩŕàţĩōń, ţĥē ţōķēń ŵĩĺĺ ƀē ŕōţàţēď. Expires on Ēxƥĩŕēś ōń API Access ÀƤĨ Àććēśś App password Àƥƥ ƥàśśŵōŕď Verification Vēŕĩƒĩćàţĩōń Unknown intent Ũńķńōŵń ĩńţēńţ Tokens Ţōķēńś Tokens are used throughout authentik for Email validation stages, Recovery keys and API access. Ţōķēńś àŕē ũśēď ţĥŕōũĝĥōũţ àũţĥēńţĩķ ƒōŕ Ēmàĩĺ vàĺĩďàţĩōń śţàĝēś, Ŕēćōvēŕŷ ķēŷś àńď ÀƤĨ àććēśś. Expires? Ēxƥĩŕēś? Expiry date Ēxƥĩŕŷ ďàţē Token(s) Ţōķēń(ś) Create Token Ćŕēàţē Ţōķēń Token is managed by authentik. Ţōķēń ĩś màńàĝēď ƀŷ àũţĥēńţĩķ. Update Token Ũƥďàţē Ţōķēń Successfully updated tenant. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď ţēńàńţ. Successfully created tenant. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćŕēàţēď ţēńàńţ. Domain Ďōmàĩń Matching is done based on domain suffix, so if you enter domain.tld, foo.domain.tld will still match. Màţćĥĩńĝ ĩś ďōńē ƀàśēď ōń ďōmàĩń śũƒƒĩx, śō ĩƒ ŷōũ ēńţēŕ ďōmàĩń.ţĺď, ƒōō.ďōmàĩń.ţĺď ŵĩĺĺ śţĩĺĺ màţćĥ. Default Ďēƒàũĺţ Use this tenant for each domain that doesn't have a dedicated tenant. Ũśē ţĥĩś ţēńàńţ ƒōŕ ēàćĥ ďōmàĩń ţĥàţ ďōēśń'ţ ĥàvē à ďēďĩćàţēď ţēńàńţ. Branding settings ßŕàńďĩńĝ śēţţĩńĝś Title Ţĩţĺē Branding shown in page title and several other places. ßŕàńďĩńĝ śĥōŵń ĩń ƥàĝē ţĩţĺē àńď śēvēŕàĺ ōţĥēŕ ƥĺàćēś. Logo Ĺōĝō Icon shown in sidebar/header and flow executor. Ĩćōń śĥōŵń ĩń śĩďēƀàŕ/ĥēàďēŕ àńď ƒĺōŵ ēxēćũţōŕ. Favicon Ƒàvĩćōń Icon shown in the browser tab. Ĩćōń śĥōŵń ĩń ţĥē ƀŕōŵśēŕ ţàƀ. Default flows Ďēƒàũĺţ ƒĺōŵś Flow used to authenticate users. If left empty, the first applicable flow sorted by the slug is used. Ƒĺōŵ ũśēď ţō àũţĥēńţĩćàţē ũśēŕś. Ĩƒ ĺēƒţ ēmƥţŷ, ţĥē ƒĩŕśţ àƥƥĺĩćàƀĺē ƒĺōŵ śōŕţēď ƀŷ ţĥē śĺũĝ ĩś ũśēď. Invalidation flow Ĩńvàĺĩďàţĩōń ƒĺōŵ Flow used to logout. If left empty, the first applicable flow sorted by the slug is used. Ƒĺōŵ ũśēď ţō ĺōĝōũţ. Ĩƒ ĺēƒţ ēmƥţŷ, ţĥē ƒĩŕśţ àƥƥĺĩćàƀĺē ƒĺōŵ śōŕţēď ƀŷ ţĥē śĺũĝ ĩś ũśēď. Recovery flow Ŕēćōvēŕŷ ƒĺōŵ Recovery flow. If left empty, the first applicable flow sorted by the slug is used. Ŕēćōvēŕŷ ƒĺōŵ. Ĩƒ ĺēƒţ ēmƥţŷ, ţĥē ƒĩŕśţ àƥƥĺĩćàƀĺē ƒĺōŵ śōŕţēď ƀŷ ţĥē śĺũĝ ĩś ũśēď. Unenrollment flow Ũńēńŕōĺĺmēńţ ƒĺōŵ If set, users are able to unenroll themselves using this flow. If no flow is set, option is not shown. Ĩƒ śēţ, ũśēŕś àŕē àƀĺē ţō ũńēńŕōĺĺ ţĥēmśēĺvēś ũśĩńĝ ţĥĩś ƒĺōŵ. Ĩƒ ńō ƒĺōŵ ĩś śēţ, ōƥţĩōń ĩś ńōţ śĥōŵń. User settings flow Ũśēŕ śēţţĩńĝś ƒĺōŵ If set, users are able to configure details of their profile. Ĩƒ śēţ, ũśēŕś àŕē àƀĺē ţō ćōńƒĩĝũŕē ďēţàĩĺś ōƒ ţĥēĩŕ ƥŕōƒĩĺē. Device code flow Ďēvĩćē ćōďē ƒĺōŵ If set, the OAuth Device Code profile can be used, and the selected flow will be used to enter the code. Ĩƒ śēţ, ţĥē ŌÀũţĥ Ďēvĩćē Ćōďē ƥŕōƒĩĺē ćàń ƀē ũśēď, àńď ţĥē śēĺēćţēď ƒĺōŵ ŵĩĺĺ ƀē ũśēď ţō ēńţēŕ ţĥē ćōďē. Other global settings Ōţĥēŕ ĝĺōƀàĺ śēţţĩńĝś Web Certificate Ŵēƀ Ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē Event retention Ēvēńţ ŕēţēńţĩōń Duration after which events will be deleted from the database. Ďũŕàţĩōń àƒţēŕ ŵĥĩćĥ ēvēńţś ŵĩĺĺ ƀē ďēĺēţēď ƒŕōm ţĥē ďàţàƀàśē. When using an external logging solution for archiving, this can be set to "minutes=5". Ŵĥēń ũśĩńĝ àń ēxţēŕńàĺ ĺōĝĝĩńĝ śōĺũţĩōń ƒōŕ àŕćĥĩvĩńĝ, ţĥĩś ćàń ƀē śēţ ţō "mĩńũţēś=5". This setting only affects new Events, as the expiration is saved per-event. Ţĥĩś śēţţĩńĝ ōńĺŷ àƒƒēćţś ńēŵ Ēvēńţś, àś ţĥē ēxƥĩŕàţĩōń ĩś śàvēď ƥēŕ-ēvēńţ. Format: "weeks=3;days=2;hours=3,seconds=2". Ƒōŕmàţ: "ŵēēķś=3;ďàŷś=2;ĥōũŕś=3,śēćōńďś=2". Set custom attributes using YAML or JSON. Any attributes set here will be inherited by users, if the request is handled by this tenant. Śēţ ćũśţōm àţţŕĩƀũţēś ũśĩńĝ ŶÀMĹ ōŕ ĵŚŌŃ. Àńŷ àţţŕĩƀũţēś śēţ ĥēŕē ŵĩĺĺ ƀē ĩńĥēŕĩţēď ƀŷ ũśēŕś, ĩƒ ţĥē ŕēǫũēśţ ĩś ĥàńďĺēď ƀŷ ţĥĩś ţēńàńţ. Tenants Ţēńàńţś Configure visual settings and defaults for different domains. Ćōńƒĩĝũŕē vĩśũàĺ śēţţĩńĝś àńď ďēƒàũĺţś ƒōŕ ďĩƒƒēŕēńţ ďōmàĩńś. Default? Ďēƒàũĺţ? Tenant(s) Ţēńàńţ(ś) Update Tenant Ũƥďàţē Ţēńàńţ Create Tenant Ćŕēàţē Ţēńàńţ Policies Ƥōĺĩćĩēś Allow users to use Applications based on properties, enforce Password Criteria and selectively apply Stages. Àĺĺōŵ ũśēŕś ţō ũśē Àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōńś ƀàśēď ōń ƥŕōƥēŕţĩēś, ēńƒōŕćē Ƥàśśŵōŕď Ćŕĩţēŕĩà àńď śēĺēćţĩvēĺŷ àƥƥĺŷ Śţàĝēś. Assigned to object(s). Àśśĩĝńēď ţō ōƀĴēćţ(ś). Warning: Policy is not assigned. Ŵàŕńĩńĝ: Ƥōĺĩćŷ ĩś ńōţ àśśĩĝńēď. Test Policy Ţēśţ Ƥōĺĩćŷ Policy / Policies Ƥōĺĩćŷ / Ƥōĺĩćĩēś Successfully cleared policy cache Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćĺēàŕēď ƥōĺĩćŷ ćàćĥē Failed to delete policy cache Ƒàĩĺēď ţō ďēĺēţē ƥōĺĩćŷ ćàćĥē Clear cache Ćĺēàŕ ćàćĥē Clear Policy cache Ćĺēàŕ Ƥōĺĩćŷ ćàćĥē Are you sure you want to clear the policy cache? This will cause all policies to be re-evaluated on their next usage. Àŕē ŷōũ śũŕē ŷōũ ŵàńţ ţō ćĺēàŕ ţĥē ƥōĺĩćŷ ćàćĥē? Ţĥĩś ŵĩĺĺ ćàũśē àĺĺ ƥōĺĩćĩēś ţō ƀē ŕē-ēvàĺũàţēď ōń ţĥēĩŕ ńēxţ ũśàĝē. Reputation scores Ŕēƥũţàţĩōń śćōŕēś Reputation for IP and user identifiers. Scores are decreased for each failed login and increased for each successful login. Ŕēƥũţàţĩōń ƒōŕ ĨƤ àńď ũśēŕ ĩďēńţĩƒĩēŕś. Śćōŕēś àŕē ďēćŕēàśēď ƒōŕ ēàćĥ ƒàĩĺēď ĺōĝĩń àńď ĩńćŕēàśēď ƒōŕ ēàćĥ śũććēśśƒũĺ ĺōĝĩń. IP ĨƤ Score Śćōŕē Updated Ũƥďàţēď Reputation Ŕēƥũţàţĩōń Groups Ĝŕōũƥś Group users together and give them permissions based on the membership. Ĝŕōũƥ ũśēŕś ţōĝēţĥēŕ àńď ĝĩvē ţĥēm ƥēŕmĩśśĩōńś ƀàśēď ōń ţĥē mēmƀēŕśĥĩƥ. Superuser privileges? Śũƥēŕũśēŕ ƥŕĩvĩĺēĝēś? Group(s) Ĝŕōũƥ(ś) Create Group Ćŕēàţē Ĝŕōũƥ Create group Ćŕēàţē ĝŕōũƥ Enabling this toggle will create a group named after the user, with the user as member. Ēńàƀĺĩńĝ ţĥĩś ţōĝĝĺē ŵĩĺĺ ćŕēàţē à ĝŕōũƥ ńàmēď àƒţēŕ ţĥē ũśēŕ, ŵĩţĥ ţĥē ũśēŕ àś mēmƀēŕ. Use the username and password below to authenticate. The password can be retrieved later on the Tokens page. Ũśē ţĥē ũśēŕńàmē àńď ƥàśśŵōŕď ƀēĺōŵ ţō àũţĥēńţĩćàţē. Ţĥē ƥàśśŵōŕď ćàń ƀē ŕēţŕĩēvēď ĺàţēŕ ōń ţĥē Ţōķēńś ƥàĝē. Password Ƥàśśŵōŕď Valid for 360 days, after which the password will automatically rotate. You can copy the password from the Token List. Vàĺĩď ƒōŕ 360 ďàŷś, àƒţēŕ ŵĥĩćĥ ţĥē ƥàśśŵōŕď ŵĩĺĺ àũţōmàţĩćàĺĺŷ ŕōţàţē. Ŷōũ ćàń ćōƥŷ ţĥē ƥàśśŵōŕď ƒŕōm ţĥē Ţōķēń Ĺĩśţ. The following objects use Ţĥē ƒōĺĺōŵĩńĝ ōƀĴēćţś ũśē connecting object will be deleted ćōńńēćţĩńĝ ōƀĴēćţ ŵĩĺĺ ƀē ďēĺēţēď Successfully updated Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď Failed to update : Ƒàĩĺēď ţō ũƥďàţē : Are you sure you want to update ""? Àŕē ŷōũ śũŕē ŷōũ ŵàńţ ţō ũƥďàţē ""? Successfully updated password. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď ƥàśśŵōŕď. Successfully sent email. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ śēńţ ēmàĩĺ. Email stage Ēmàĩĺ śţàĝē Successfully added user(s). Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ àďďēď ũśēŕ(ś). Users to add Ũśēŕś ţō àďď User(s) Ũśēŕ(ś) Remove Users(s) Ŕēmōvē Ũśēŕś(ś) Are you sure you want to remove the selected users from the group ? Àŕē ŷōũ śũŕē ŷōũ ŵàńţ ţō ŕēmōvē ţĥē śēĺēćţēď ũśēŕś ƒŕōm ţĥē ĝŕōũƥ ? Remove Ŕēmōvē Impersonate Ĩmƥēŕśōńàţē User status Ũśēŕ śţàţũś Change status Ćĥàńĝē śţàţũś Deactivate Ďēàćţĩvàţē Update password Ũƥďàţē ƥàśśŵōŕď Set password Śēţ ƥàśśŵōŕď Successfully generated recovery link Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ĝēńēŕàţēď ŕēćōvēŕŷ ĺĩńķ No recovery flow is configured. Ńō ŕēćōvēŕŷ ƒĺōŵ ĩś ćōńƒĩĝũŕēď. Copy recovery link Ćōƥŷ ŕēćōvēŕŷ ĺĩńķ Send link Śēńď ĺĩńķ Send recovery link to user Śēńď ŕēćōvēŕŷ ĺĩńķ ţō ũśēŕ Email recovery link Ēmàĩĺ ŕēćōvēŕŷ ĺĩńķ Recovery link cannot be emailed, user has no email address saved. Ŕēćōvēŕŷ ĺĩńķ ćàńńōţ ƀē ēmàĩĺēď, ũśēŕ ĥàś ńō ēmàĩĺ àďďŕēśś śàvēď. To let a user directly reset a their password, configure a recovery flow on the currently active tenant. Ţō ĺēţ à ũśēŕ ďĩŕēćţĺŷ ŕēśēţ à ţĥēĩŕ ƥàśśŵōŕď, ćōńƒĩĝũŕē à ŕēćōvēŕŷ ƒĺōŵ ōń ţĥē ćũŕŕēńţĺŷ àćţĩvē ţēńàńţ. Add User Àďď Ũśēŕ Warning: This group is configured with superuser access. Added users will have superuser access. Ŵàŕńĩńĝ: Ţĥĩś ĝŕōũƥ ĩś ćōńƒĩĝũŕēď ŵĩţĥ śũƥēŕũśēŕ àććēśś. Àďďēď ũśēŕś ŵĩĺĺ ĥàvē śũƥēŕũśēŕ àććēśś. Add existing user Àďď ēxĩśţĩńĝ ũśēŕ Create user Ćŕēàţē ũśēŕ Create User Ćŕēàţē Ũśēŕ Create Service account Ćŕēàţē Śēŕvĩćē àććōũńţ Hide service-accounts Ĥĩďē śēŕvĩćē-àććōũńţś Group Info Ĝŕōũƥ Ĩńƒō Notes Ńōţēś Edit the notes attribute of this group to add notes here. Ēďĩţ ţĥē ńōţēś àţţŕĩƀũţē ōƒ ţĥĩś ĝŕōũƥ ţō àďď ńōţēś ĥēŕē. Users Ũśēŕś Root Ŕōōţ Warning: You're about to delete the user you're logged in as (). Proceed at your own risk. Ŵàŕńĩńĝ: Ŷōũ'ŕē àƀōũţ ţō ďēĺēţē ţĥē ũśēŕ ŷōũ'ŕē ĺōĝĝēď ĩń àś (). Ƥŕōćēēď àţ ŷōũŕ ōŵń ŕĩśķ. Hide deactivated user Ĥĩďē ďēàćţĩvàţēď ũśēŕ User folders Ũśēŕ ƒōĺďēŕś Successfully added user to group(s). Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ àďďēď ũśēŕ ţō ĝŕōũƥ(ś). Groups to add Ĝŕōũƥś ţō àďď Remove from Group(s) Ŕēmōvē ƒŕōm Ĝŕōũƥ(ś) Are you sure you want to remove user from the following groups? Àŕē ŷōũ śũŕē ŷōũ ŵàńţ ţō ŕēmōvē ũśēŕ ƒŕōm ţĥē ƒōĺĺōŵĩńĝ ĝŕōũƥś? Add Group Àďď Ĝŕōũƥ Add to existing group Àďď ţō ēxĩśţĩńĝ ĝŕōũƥ Add new group Àďď ńēŵ ĝŕōũƥ Application authorizations Àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń àũţĥōŕĩźàţĩōńś Revoked? Ŕēvōķēď? Expires Ēxƥĩŕēś ID Token ĨĎ Ţōķēń Refresh Tokens(s) Ŕēƒŕēśĥ Ţōķēńś(ś) Last IP Ĺàśţ ĨƤ Session(s) Śēśśĩōń(ś) Expiry Ēxƥĩŕŷ (Current session) (Ćũŕŕēńţ śēśśĩōń) Permissions Ƥēŕmĩśśĩōńś Consent(s) Ćōńśēńţ(ś) Successfully updated device. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď ďēvĩćē. Static tokens Śţàţĩć ţōķēńś TOTP Device ŢŌŢƤ Ďēvĩćē Enroll Ēńŕōĺĺ Device(s) Ďēvĩćē(ś) Update Device Ũƥďàţē Ďēvĩćē Confirmed Ćōńƒĩŕmēď User Info Ũśēŕ Ĩńƒō Actions over the last week (per 8 hours) Àćţĩōńś ōvēŕ ţĥē ĺàśţ ŵēēķ (ƥēŕ 8 ĥōũŕś) Edit the notes attribute of this user to add notes here. Ēďĩţ ţĥē ńōţēś àţţŕĩƀũţē ōƒ ţĥĩś ũśēŕ ţō àďď ńōţēś ĥēŕē. Sessions Śēśśĩōńś User events Ũśēŕ ēvēńţś Explicit Consent Ēxƥĺĩćĩţ Ćōńśēńţ OAuth Refresh Tokens ŌÀũţĥ Ŕēƒŕēśĥ Ţōķēńś MFA Authenticators MƑÀ Àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕś Successfully updated invitation. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď ĩńvĩţàţĩōń. Successfully created invitation. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćŕēàţēď ĩńvĩţàţĩōń. Flow Ƒĺōŵ When selected, the invite will only be usable with the flow. By default the invite is accepted on all flows with invitation stages. Ŵĥēń śēĺēćţēď, ţĥē ĩńvĩţē ŵĩĺĺ ōńĺŷ ƀē ũśàƀĺē ŵĩţĥ ţĥē ƒĺōŵ. ßŷ ďēƒàũĺţ ţĥē ĩńvĩţē ĩś àććēƥţēď ōń àĺĺ ƒĺōŵś ŵĩţĥ ĩńvĩţàţĩōń śţàĝēś. Optional data which is loaded into the flow's 'prompt_data' context variable. YAML or JSON. Ōƥţĩōńàĺ ďàţà ŵĥĩćĥ ĩś ĺōàďēď ĩńţō ţĥē ƒĺōŵ'ś 'ƥŕōmƥţ_ďàţà' ćōńţēxţ vàŕĩàƀĺē. ŶÀMĹ ōŕ ĵŚŌŃ. Single use Śĩńĝĺē ũśē When enabled, the invitation will be deleted after usage. Ŵĥēń ēńàƀĺēď, ţĥē ĩńvĩţàţĩōń ŵĩĺĺ ƀē ďēĺēţēď àƒţēŕ ũśàĝē. Select an enrollment flow Śēĺēćţ àń ēńŕōĺĺmēńţ ƒĺōŵ Link to use the invitation. Ĺĩńķ ţō ũśē ţĥē ĩńvĩţàţĩōń. Invitations Ĩńvĩţàţĩōńś Create Invitation Links to enroll Users, and optionally force specific attributes of their account. Ćŕēàţē Ĩńvĩţàţĩōń Ĺĩńķś ţō ēńŕōĺĺ Ũśēŕś, àńď ōƥţĩōńàĺĺŷ ƒōŕćē śƥēćĩƒĩć àţţŕĩƀũţēś ōƒ ţĥēĩŕ àććōũńţ. Created by Ćŕēàţēď ƀŷ Invitation(s) Ĩńvĩţàţĩōń(ś) Invitation not limited to any flow, and can be used with any enrollment flow. Ĩńvĩţàţĩōń ńōţ ĺĩmĩţēď ţō àńŷ ƒĺōŵ, àńď ćàń ƀē ũśēď ŵĩţĥ àńŷ ēńŕōĺĺmēńţ ƒĺōŵ. Update Invitation Ũƥďàţē Ĩńvĩţàţĩōń Create Invitation Ćŕēàţē Ĩńvĩţàţĩōń Warning: No invitation stage is bound to any flow. Invitations will not work as expected. Ŵàŕńĩńĝ: Ńō ĩńvĩţàţĩōń śţàĝē ĩś ƀōũńď ţō àńŷ ƒĺōŵ. Ĩńvĩţàţĩōńś ŵĩĺĺ ńōţ ŵōŕķ àś ēxƥēćţēď. Auto-detect (based on your browser) Àũţō-ďēţēćţ (ƀàśēď ōń ŷōũŕ ƀŕōŵśēŕ) Required. Ŕēǫũĩŕēď. Continue Ćōńţĩńũē Successfully updated prompt. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď ƥŕōmƥţ. Successfully created prompt. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćŕēàţēď ƥŕōmƥţ. Text: Simple Text input Ţēxţ: Śĩmƥĺē Ţēxţ ĩńƥũţ Text Area: Multiline text input Ţēxţ Àŕēà: Mũĺţĩĺĩńē ţēxţ ĩńƥũţ Text (read-only): Simple Text input, but cannot be edited. Ţēxţ (ŕēàď-ōńĺŷ): Śĩmƥĺē Ţēxţ ĩńƥũţ, ƀũţ ćàńńōţ ƀē ēďĩţēď. Text Area (read-only): Multiline text input, but cannot be edited. Ţēxţ Àŕēà (ŕēàď-ōńĺŷ): Mũĺţĩĺĩńē ţēxţ ĩńƥũţ, ƀũţ ćàńńōţ ƀē ēďĩţēď. Username: Same as Text input, but checks for and prevents duplicate usernames. Ũśēŕńàmē: Śàmē àś Ţēxţ ĩńƥũţ, ƀũţ ćĥēćķś ƒōŕ àńď ƥŕēvēńţś ďũƥĺĩćàţē ũśēŕńàmēś. Email: Text field with Email type. Ēmàĩĺ: Ţēxţ ƒĩēĺď ŵĩţĥ Ēmàĩĺ ţŷƥē. Password: Masked input, multiple inputs of this type on the same prompt need to be identical. Ƥàśśŵōŕď: Màśķēď ĩńƥũţ, mũĺţĩƥĺē ĩńƥũţś ōƒ ţĥĩś ţŷƥē ōń ţĥē śàmē ƥŕōmƥţ ńēēď ţō ƀē ĩďēńţĩćàĺ. Number Ńũmƀēŕ Checkbox Ćĥēćķƀōx Radio Button Group (fixed choice) Ŕàďĩō ßũţţōń Ĝŕōũƥ (ƒĩxēď ćĥōĩćē) Dropdown (fixed choice) Ďŕōƥďōŵń (ƒĩxēď ćĥōĩćē) Date Ďàţē Date Time Ďàţē Ţĩmē File Ƒĩĺē Separator: Static Separator Line Śēƥàŕàţōŕ: Śţàţĩć Śēƥàŕàţōŕ Ĺĩńē Hidden: Hidden field, can be used to insert data into form. Ĥĩďďēń: Ĥĩďďēń ƒĩēĺď, ćàń ƀē ũśēď ţō ĩńśēŕţ ďàţà ĩńţō ƒōŕm. Static: Static value, displayed as-is. Śţàţĩć: Śţàţĩć vàĺũē, ďĩśƥĺàŷēď àś-ĩś. authentik: Locale: Displays a list of locales authentik supports. àũţĥēńţĩķ: Ĺōćàĺē: Ďĩśƥĺàŷś à ĺĩśţ ōƒ ĺōćàĺēś àũţĥēńţĩķ śũƥƥōŕţś. Preview errors Ƥŕēvĩēŵ ēŕŕōŕś Data preview Ďàţà ƥŕēvĩēŵ Unique name of this field, used for selecting fields in prompt stages. Ũńĩǫũē ńàmē ōƒ ţĥĩś ƒĩēĺď, ũśēď ƒōŕ śēĺēćţĩńĝ ƒĩēĺďś ĩń ƥŕōmƥţ śţàĝēś. Field Key Ƒĩēĺď Ķēŷ Name of the form field, also used to store the value. Ńàmē ōƒ ţĥē ƒōŕm ƒĩēĺď, àĺśō ũśēď ţō śţōŕē ţĥē vàĺũē. When used in conjunction with a User Write stage, use attributes.foo to write attributes. Ŵĥēń ũśēď ĩń ćōńĴũńćţĩōń ŵĩţĥ à Ũśēŕ Ŵŕĩţē śţàĝē, ũśē àţţŕĩƀũţēś.ƒōō ţō ŵŕĩţē àţţŕĩƀũţēś. Label Ĺàƀēĺ Label shown next to/above the prompt. Ĺàƀēĺ śĥōŵń ńēxţ ţō/àƀōvē ţĥē ƥŕōmƥţ. Required Ŕēǫũĩŕēď Interpret placeholder as expression Ĩńţēŕƥŕēţ ƥĺàćēĥōĺďēŕ àś ēxƥŕēśśĩōń When checked, the placeholder will be evaluated in the same way a property mapping is. If the evaluation fails, the placeholder itself is returned. Ŵĥēń ćĥēćķēď, ţĥē ƥĺàćēĥōĺďēŕ ŵĩĺĺ ƀē ēvàĺũàţēď ĩń ţĥē śàmē ŵàŷ à ƥŕōƥēŕţŷ màƥƥĩńĝ ĩś. Ĩƒ ţĥē ēvàĺũàţĩōń ƒàĩĺś, ţĥē ƥĺàćēĥōĺďēŕ ĩţśēĺƒ ĩś ŕēţũŕńēď. Placeholder Ƥĺàćēĥōĺďēŕ Optionally provide a short hint that describes the expected input value. When creating a fixed choice field, enable interpreting as expression and return a list to return multiple choices. Ōƥţĩōńàĺĺŷ ƥŕōvĩďē à śĥōŕţ ĥĩńţ ţĥàţ ďēśćŕĩƀēś ţĥē ēxƥēćţēď ĩńƥũţ vàĺũē. Ŵĥēń ćŕēàţĩńĝ à ƒĩxēď ćĥōĩćē ƒĩēĺď, ēńàƀĺē ĩńţēŕƥŕēţĩńĝ àś ēxƥŕēśśĩōń àńď ŕēţũŕń à ĺĩśţ ţō ŕēţũŕń mũĺţĩƥĺē ćĥōĩćēś. Interpret initial value as expression Ĩńţēŕƥŕēţ ĩńĩţĩàĺ vàĺũē àś ēxƥŕēśśĩōń When checked, the initial value will be evaluated in the same way a property mapping is. If the evaluation fails, the initial value itself is returned. Ŵĥēń ćĥēćķēď, ţĥē ĩńĩţĩàĺ vàĺũē ŵĩĺĺ ƀē ēvàĺũàţēď ĩń ţĥē śàmē ŵàŷ à ƥŕōƥēŕţŷ màƥƥĩńĝ ĩś. Ĩƒ ţĥē ēvàĺũàţĩōń ƒàĩĺś, ţĥē ĩńĩţĩàĺ vàĺũē ĩţśēĺƒ ĩś ŕēţũŕńēď. Initial value Ĩńĩţĩàĺ vàĺũē Optionally pre-fill the input with an initial value. When creating a fixed choice field, enable interpreting as expression and return a list to return multiple default choices. Ōƥţĩōńàĺĺŷ ƥŕē-ƒĩĺĺ ţĥē ĩńƥũţ ŵĩţĥ àń ĩńĩţĩàĺ vàĺũē. Ŵĥēń ćŕēàţĩńĝ à ƒĩxēď ćĥōĩćē ƒĩēĺď, ēńàƀĺē ĩńţēŕƥŕēţĩńĝ àś ēxƥŕēśśĩōń àńď ŕēţũŕń à ĺĩśţ ţō ŕēţũŕń mũĺţĩƥĺē ďēƒàũĺţ ćĥōĩćēś. Help text Ĥēĺƥ ţēxţ Any HTML can be used. Àńŷ ĤŢMĹ ćàń ƀē ũśēď. Prompts Ƥŕōmƥţś Single Prompts that can be used for Prompt Stages. Śĩńĝĺē Ƥŕōmƥţś ţĥàţ ćàń ƀē ũśēď ƒōŕ Ƥŕōmƥţ Śţàĝēś. Field Ƒĩēĺď Stages Śţàĝēś Prompt(s) Ƥŕōmƥţ(ś) Update Prompt Ũƥďàţē Ƥŕōmƥţ Create Prompt Ćŕēàţē Ƥŕōmƥţ Target Ţàŕĝēţ Stage Śţàĝē Evaluate when flow is planned Ēvàĺũàţē ŵĥēń ƒĺōŵ ĩś ƥĺàńńēď Evaluate policies during the Flow planning process. Ēvàĺũàţē ƥōĺĩćĩēś ďũŕĩńĝ ţĥē Ƒĺōŵ ƥĺàńńĩńĝ ƥŕōćēśś. Evaluate when stage is run Ēvàĺũàţē ŵĥēń śţàĝē ĩś ŕũń Evaluate policies before the Stage is present to the user. Ēvàĺũàţē ƥōĺĩćĩēś ƀēƒōŕē ţĥē Śţàĝē ĩś ƥŕēśēńţ ţō ţĥē ũśēŕ. Invalid response behavior Ĩńvàĺĩď ŕēśƥōńśē ƀēĥàvĩōŕ Returns the error message and a similar challenge to the executor Ŕēţũŕńś ţĥē ēŕŕōŕ mēśśàĝē àńď à śĩmĩĺàŕ ćĥàĺĺēńĝē ţō ţĥē ēxēćũţōŕ Restarts the flow from the beginning Ŕēśţàŕţś ţĥē ƒĺōŵ ƒŕōm ţĥē ƀēĝĩńńĩńĝ Restarts the flow from the beginning, while keeping the flow context Ŕēśţàŕţś ţĥē ƒĺōŵ ƒŕōm ţĥē ƀēĝĩńńĩńĝ, ŵĥĩĺē ķēēƥĩńĝ ţĥē ƒĺōŵ ćōńţēxţ Configure how the flow executor should handle an invalid response to a challenge given by this bound stage. Ćōńƒĩĝũŕē ĥōŵ ţĥē ƒĺōŵ ēxēćũţōŕ śĥōũĺď ĥàńďĺē àń ĩńvàĺĩď ŕēśƥōńśē ţō à ćĥàĺĺēńĝē ĝĩvēń ƀŷ ţĥĩś ƀōũńď śţàĝē. Successfully updated stage. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď śţàĝē. Successfully created stage. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćŕēàţēď śţàĝē. Stage used to configure a duo-based authenticator. This stage should be used for configuration flows. Śţàĝē ũśēď ţō ćōńƒĩĝũŕē à ďũō-ƀàśēď àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ. Ţĥĩś śţàĝē śĥōũĺď ƀē ũśēď ƒōŕ ćōńƒĩĝũŕàţĩōń ƒĺōŵś. Authenticator type name Àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ ţŷƥē ńàmē Display name of this authenticator, used by users when they enroll an authenticator. Ďĩśƥĺàŷ ńàmē ōƒ ţĥĩś àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ, ũśēď ƀŷ ũśēŕś ŵĥēń ţĥēŷ ēńŕōĺĺ àń àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ. API Hostname ÀƤĨ Ĥōśţńàmē Duo Auth API Ďũō Àũţĥ ÀƤĨ Integration key Ĩńţēĝŕàţĩōń ķēŷ Secret key Śēćŕēţ ķēŷ Duo Admin API (optional) Ďũō Àďmĩń ÀƤĨ (ōƥţĩōńàĺ) When using a Duo MFA, Access or Beyond plan, an Admin API application can be created. This will allow authentik to import devices automatically. Ŵĥēń ũśĩńĝ à Ďũō MƑÀ, Àććēśś ōŕ ßēŷōńď ƥĺàń, àń Àďmĩń ÀƤĨ àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń ćàń ƀē ćŕēàţēď. Ţĥĩś ŵĩĺĺ àĺĺōŵ àũţĥēńţĩķ ţō ĩmƥōŕţ ďēvĩćēś àũţōmàţĩćàĺĺŷ. Stage-specific settings Śţàĝē-śƥēćĩƒĩć śēţţĩńĝś Configuration flow Ćōńƒĩĝũŕàţĩōń ƒĺōŵ Flow used by an authenticated user to configure this Stage. If empty, user will not be able to configure this stage. Ƒĺōŵ ũśēď ƀŷ àń àũţĥēńţĩćàţēď ũśēŕ ţō ćōńƒĩĝũŕē ţĥĩś Śţàĝē. Ĩƒ ēmƥţŷ, ũśēŕ ŵĩĺĺ ńōţ ƀē àƀĺē ţō ćōńƒĩĝũŕē ţĥĩś śţàĝē. Twilio Account SID Ţŵĩĺĩō Àććōũńţ ŚĨĎ Get this value from https://console.twilio.com Ĝēţ ţĥĩś vàĺũē ƒŕōm ĥţţƥś://ćōńśōĺē.ţŵĩĺĩō.ćōm Twilio Auth Token Ţŵĩĺĩō Àũţĥ Ţōķēń Authentication Type Àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń Ţŷƥē Basic Auth ßàśĩć Àũţĥ Bearer Token ßēàŕēŕ Ţōķēń External API URL Ēxţēŕńàĺ ÀƤĨ ŨŔĹ This is the full endpoint to send POST requests to. Ţĥĩś ĩś ţĥē ƒũĺĺ ēńďƥōĩńţ ţō śēńď ƤŌŚŢ ŕēǫũēśţś ţō. API Auth Username ÀƤĨ Àũţĥ Ũśēŕńàmē This is the username to be used with basic auth or the token when used with bearer token Ţĥĩś ĩś ţĥē ũśēŕńàmē ţō ƀē ũśēď ŵĩţĥ ƀàśĩć àũţĥ ōŕ ţĥē ţōķēń ŵĥēń ũśēď ŵĩţĥ ƀēàŕēŕ ţōķēń API Auth password ÀƤĨ Àũţĥ ƥàśśŵōŕď This is the password to be used with basic auth Ţĥĩś ĩś ţĥē ƥàśśŵōŕď ţō ƀē ũśēď ŵĩţĥ ƀàśĩć àũţĥ Mapping Màƥƥĩńĝ Modify the payload sent to the custom provider. Mōďĩƒŷ ţĥē ƥàŷĺōàď śēńţ ţō ţĥē ćũśţōm ƥŕōvĩďēŕ. Stage used to configure an SMS-based TOTP authenticator. Śţàĝē ũśēď ţō ćōńƒĩĝũŕē àń ŚMŚ-ƀàśēď ŢŌŢƤ àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ. Twilio Ţŵĩĺĩō Generic Ĝēńēŕĩć From number Ƒŕōm ńũmƀēŕ Number the SMS will be sent from. Ńũmƀēŕ ţĥē ŚMŚ ŵĩĺĺ ƀē śēńţ ƒŕōm. Hash phone number Ĥàśĥ ƥĥōńē ńũmƀēŕ If enabled, only a hash of the phone number will be saved. This can be done for data-protection reasons. Devices created from a stage with this enabled cannot be used with the authenticator validation stage. Ĩƒ ēńàƀĺēď, ōńĺŷ à ĥàśĥ ōƒ ţĥē ƥĥōńē ńũmƀēŕ ŵĩĺĺ ƀē śàvēď. Ţĥĩś ćàń ƀē ďōńē ƒōŕ ďàţà-ƥŕōţēćţĩōń ŕēàśōńś. Ďēvĩćēś ćŕēàţēď ƒŕōm à śţàĝē ŵĩţĥ ţĥĩś ēńàƀĺēď ćàńńōţ ƀē ũśēď ŵĩţĥ ţĥē àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ vàĺĩďàţĩōń śţàĝē. Stage used to configure a static authenticator (i.e. static tokens). This stage should be used for configuration flows. Śţàĝē ũśēď ţō ćōńƒĩĝũŕē à śţàţĩć àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ (ĩ.ē. śţàţĩć ţōķēńś). Ţĥĩś śţàĝē śĥōũĺď ƀē ũśēď ƒōŕ ćōńƒĩĝũŕàţĩōń ƒĺōŵś. Token count Ţōķēń ćōũńţ Stage used to configure a TOTP authenticator (i.e. Authy/Google Authenticator). Śţàĝē ũśēď ţō ćōńƒĩĝũŕē à ŢŌŢƤ àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ (ĩ.ē. Àũţĥŷ/Ĝōōĝĺē Àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ). Digits Ďĩĝĩţś 6 digits, widely compatible 6 ďĩĝĩţś, ŵĩďēĺŷ ćōmƥàţĩƀĺē 8 digits, not compatible with apps like Google Authenticator 8 ďĩĝĩţś, ńōţ ćōmƥàţĩƀĺē ŵĩţĥ àƥƥś ĺĩķē Ĝōōĝĺē Àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ Stage used to validate any authenticator. This stage should be used during authentication or authorization flows. Śţàĝē ũśēď ţō vàĺĩďàţē àńŷ àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ. Ţĥĩś śţàĝē śĥōũĺď ƀē ũśēď ďũŕĩńĝ àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń ōŕ àũţĥōŕĩźàţĩōń ƒĺōŵś. Device classes Ďēvĩćē ćĺàśśēś Static Tokens Śţàţĩć Ţōķēńś TOTP Authenticators ŢŌŢƤ Àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕś WebAuthn Authenticators ŴēƀÀũţĥń Àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕś Duo Authenticators Ďũō Àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕś SMS-based Authenticators ŚMŚ-ƀàśēď Àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕś Device classes which can be used to authenticate. Ďēvĩćē ćĺàśśēś ŵĥĩćĥ ćàń ƀē ũśēď ţō àũţĥēńţĩćàţē. Last validation threshold Ĺàśţ vàĺĩďàţĩōń ţĥŕēśĥōĺď If any of the devices user of the types selected above have been used within this duration, this stage will be skipped. Ĩƒ àńŷ ōƒ ţĥē ďēvĩćēś ũśēŕ ōƒ ţĥē ţŷƥēś śēĺēćţēď àƀōvē ĥàvē ƀēēń ũśēď ŵĩţĥĩń ţĥĩś ďũŕàţĩōń, ţĥĩś śţàĝē ŵĩĺĺ ƀē śķĩƥƥēď. Not configured action Ńōţ ćōńƒĩĝũŕēď àćţĩōń Force the user to configure an authenticator Ƒōŕćē ţĥē ũśēŕ ţō ćōńƒĩĝũŕē àń àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ Deny the user access Ďēńŷ ţĥē ũśēŕ àććēśś WebAuthn User verification ŴēƀÀũţĥń Ũśēŕ vēŕĩƒĩćàţĩōń User verification must occur. Ũśēŕ vēŕĩƒĩćàţĩōń mũśţ ōććũŕ. User verification is preferred if available, but not required. Ũśēŕ vēŕĩƒĩćàţĩōń ĩś ƥŕēƒēŕŕēď ĩƒ àvàĩĺàƀĺē, ƀũţ ńōţ ŕēǫũĩŕēď. User verification should not occur. Ũśēŕ vēŕĩƒĩćàţĩōń śĥōũĺď ńōţ ōććũŕ. Configuration stages Ćōńƒĩĝũŕàţĩōń śţàĝēś Stages used to configure Authenticator when user doesn't have any compatible devices. After this configuration Stage passes, the user is not prompted again. Śţàĝēś ũśēď ţō ćōńƒĩĝũŕē Àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ ŵĥēń ũśēŕ ďōēśń'ţ ĥàvē àńŷ ćōmƥàţĩƀĺē ďēvĩćēś. Àƒţēŕ ţĥĩś ćōńƒĩĝũŕàţĩōń Śţàĝē ƥàśśēś, ţĥē ũśēŕ ĩś ńōţ ƥŕōmƥţēď àĝàĩń. When multiple stages are selected, the user can choose which one they want to enroll. Ŵĥēń mũĺţĩƥĺē śţàĝēś àŕē śēĺēćţēď, ţĥē ũśēŕ ćàń ćĥōōśē ŵĥĩćĥ ōńē ţĥēŷ ŵàńţ ţō ēńŕōĺĺ. User verification Ũśēŕ vēŕĩƒĩćàţĩōń Resident key requirement Ŕēśĩďēńţ ķēŷ ŕēǫũĩŕēmēńţ Authenticator Attachment Àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ Àţţàćĥmēńţ No preference is sent Ńō ƥŕēƒēŕēńćē ĩś śēńţ A non-removable authenticator, like TouchID or Windows Hello À ńōń-ŕēmōvàƀĺē àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ, ĺĩķē ŢōũćĥĨĎ ōŕ Ŵĩńďōŵś Ĥēĺĺō A "roaming" authenticator, like a YubiKey À "ŕōàmĩńĝ" àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ, ĺĩķē à ŶũƀĩĶēŷ This stage checks the user's current session against the Google reCaptcha (or compatible) service. Ţĥĩś śţàĝē ćĥēćķś ţĥē ũśēŕ'ś ćũŕŕēńţ śēśśĩōń àĝàĩńśţ ţĥē Ĝōōĝĺē ŕēĆàƥţćĥà (ōŕ ćōmƥàţĩƀĺē) śēŕvĩćē. Public Key Ƥũƀĺĩć Ķēŷ Public key, acquired from https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/v3.html. Ƥũƀĺĩć ķēŷ, àćǫũĩŕēď ƒŕōm ĥţţƥś://ŵŵŵ.ĝōōĝĺē.ćōm/ŕēćàƥţćĥà/ĩńţŕō/v3.ĥţmĺ. Private Key Ƥŕĩvàţē Ķēŷ Private key, acquired from https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/v3.html. Ƥŕĩvàţē ķēŷ, àćǫũĩŕēď ƒŕōm ĥţţƥś://ŵŵŵ.ĝōōĝĺē.ćōm/ŕēćàƥţćĥà/ĩńţŕō/v3.ĥţmĺ. Advanced settings Àďvàńćēď śēţţĩńĝś JS URL ĵŚ ŨŔĹ URL to fetch JavaScript from, defaults to recaptcha. Can be replaced with any compatible alternative. ŨŔĹ ţō ƒēţćĥ ĵàvàŚćŕĩƥţ ƒŕōm, ďēƒàũĺţś ţō ŕēćàƥţćĥà. Ćàń ƀē ŕēƥĺàćēď ŵĩţĥ àńŷ ćōmƥàţĩƀĺē àĺţēŕńàţĩvē. API URL ÀƤĨ ŨŔĹ URL used to validate captcha response, defaults to recaptcha. Can be replaced with any compatible alternative. ŨŔĹ ũśēď ţō vàĺĩďàţē ćàƥţćĥà ŕēśƥōńśē, ďēƒàũĺţś ţō ŕēćàƥţćĥà. Ćàń ƀē ŕēƥĺàćēď ŵĩţĥ àńŷ ćōmƥàţĩƀĺē àĺţēŕńàţĩvē. Prompt for the user's consent. The consent can either be permanent or expire in a defined amount of time. Ƥŕōmƥţ ƒōŕ ţĥē ũśēŕ'ś ćōńśēńţ. Ţĥē ćōńśēńţ ćàń ēĩţĥēŕ ƀē ƥēŕmàńēńţ ōŕ ēxƥĩŕē ĩń à ďēƒĩńēď àmōũńţ ōƒ ţĩmē. Always require consent Àĺŵàŷś ŕēǫũĩŕē ćōńśēńţ Consent given last indefinitely Ćōńśēńţ ĝĩvēń ĺàśţ ĩńďēƒĩńĩţēĺŷ Consent expires. Ćōńśēńţ ēxƥĩŕēś. Consent expires in Ćōńśēńţ ēxƥĩŕēś ĩń Offset after which consent expires. Ōƒƒśēţ àƒţēŕ ŵĥĩćĥ ćōńśēńţ ēxƥĩŕēś. Dummy stage used for testing. Shows a simple continue button and always passes. Ďũmmŷ śţàĝē ũśēď ƒōŕ ţēśţĩńĝ. Śĥōŵś à śĩmƥĺē ćōńţĩńũē ƀũţţōń àńď àĺŵàŷś ƥàśśēś. Throw error? Ţĥŕōŵ ēŕŕōŕ? SMTP Host ŚMŢƤ Ĥōśţ SMTP Port ŚMŢƤ Ƥōŕţ SMTP Username ŚMŢƤ Ũśēŕńàmē SMTP Password ŚMŢƤ Ƥàśśŵōŕď Use TLS Ũśē ŢĹŚ Use SSL Ũśē ŚŚĹ From address Ƒŕōm àďďŕēśś Verify the user's email address by sending them a one-time-link. Can also be used for recovery to verify the user's authenticity. Vēŕĩƒŷ ţĥē ũśēŕ'ś ēmàĩĺ àďďŕēśś ƀŷ śēńďĩńĝ ţĥēm à ōńē-ţĩmē-ĺĩńķ. Ćàń àĺśō ƀē ũśēď ƒōŕ ŕēćōvēŕŷ ţō vēŕĩƒŷ ţĥē ũśēŕ'ś àũţĥēńţĩćĩţŷ. Activate pending user on success Àćţĩvàţē ƥēńďĩńĝ ũśēŕ ōń śũććēśś When a user returns from the email successfully, their account will be activated. Ŵĥēń à ũśēŕ ŕēţũŕńś ƒŕōm ţĥē ēmàĩĺ śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ, ţĥēĩŕ àććōũńţ ŵĩĺĺ ƀē àćţĩvàţēď. Use global settings Ũśē ĝĺōƀàĺ śēţţĩńĝś When enabled, global Email connection settings will be used and connection settings below will be ignored. Ŵĥēń ēńàƀĺēď, ĝĺōƀàĺ Ēmàĩĺ ćōńńēćţĩōń śēţţĩńĝś ŵĩĺĺ ƀē ũśēď àńď ćōńńēćţĩōń śēţţĩńĝś ƀēĺōŵ ŵĩĺĺ ƀē ĩĝńōŕēď. Token expiry Ţōķēń ēxƥĩŕŷ Time in minutes the token sent is valid. Ţĩmē ĩń mĩńũţēś ţĥē ţōķēń śēńţ ĩś vàĺĩď. Template Ţēmƥĺàţē Let the user identify themselves with their username or Email address. Ĺēţ ţĥē ũśēŕ ĩďēńţĩƒŷ ţĥēmśēĺvēś ŵĩţĥ ţĥēĩŕ ũśēŕńàmē ōŕ Ēmàĩĺ àďďŕēśś. User fields Ũśēŕ ƒĩēĺďś UPN ŨƤŃ Fields a user can identify themselves with. If no fields are selected, the user will only be able to use sources. Ƒĩēĺďś à ũśēŕ ćàń ĩďēńţĩƒŷ ţĥēmśēĺvēś ŵĩţĥ. Ĩƒ ńō ƒĩēĺďś àŕē śēĺēćţēď, ţĥē ũśēŕ ŵĩĺĺ ōńĺŷ ƀē àƀĺē ţō ũśē śōũŕćēś. Password stage Ƥàśśŵōŕď śţàĝē When selected, a password field is shown on the same page instead of a separate page. This prevents username enumeration attacks. Ŵĥēń śēĺēćţēď, à ƥàśśŵōŕď ƒĩēĺď ĩś śĥōŵń ōń ţĥē śàmē ƥàĝē ĩńśţēàď ōƒ à śēƥàŕàţē ƥàĝē. Ţĥĩś ƥŕēvēńţś ũśēŕńàmē ēńũmēŕàţĩōń àţţàćķś. Case insensitive matching Ćàśē ĩńśēńśĩţĩvē màţćĥĩńĝ When enabled, user fields are matched regardless of their casing. Ŵĥēń ēńàƀĺēď, ũśēŕ ƒĩēĺďś àŕē màţćĥēď ŕēĝàŕďĺēśś ōƒ ţĥēĩŕ ćàśĩńĝ. Show matched user Śĥōŵ màţćĥēď ũśēŕ When a valid username/email has been entered, and this option is enabled, the user's username and avatar will be shown. Otherwise, the text that the user entered will be shown. Ŵĥēń à vàĺĩď ũśēŕńàmē/ēmàĩĺ ĥàś ƀēēń ēńţēŕēď, àńď ţĥĩś ōƥţĩōń ĩś ēńàƀĺēď, ţĥē ũśēŕ'ś ũśēŕńàmē àńď àvàţàŕ ŵĩĺĺ ƀē śĥōŵń. Ōţĥēŕŵĩśē, ţĥē ţēxţ ţĥàţ ţĥē ũśēŕ ēńţēŕēď ŵĩĺĺ ƀē śĥōŵń. Source settings Śōũŕćē śēţţĩńĝś Sources Śōũŕćēś Select sources should be shown for users to authenticate with. This only affects web-based sources, not LDAP. Śēĺēćţ śōũŕćēś śĥōũĺď ƀē śĥōŵń ƒōŕ ũśēŕś ţō àũţĥēńţĩćàţē ŵĩţĥ. Ţĥĩś ōńĺŷ àƒƒēćţś ŵēƀ-ƀàśēď śōũŕćēś, ńōţ ĹĎÀƤ. Show sources' labels Śĥōŵ śōũŕćēś' ĺàƀēĺś By default, only icons are shown for sources. Enable this to show their full names. ßŷ ďēƒàũĺţ, ōńĺŷ ĩćōńś àŕē śĥōŵń ƒōŕ śōũŕćēś. Ēńàƀĺē ţĥĩś ţō śĥōŵ ţĥēĩŕ ƒũĺĺ ńàmēś. Passwordless flow Ƥàśśŵōŕďĺēśś ƒĺōŵ Optional passwordless flow, which is linked at the bottom of the page. When configured, users can use this flow to authenticate with a WebAuthn authenticator, without entering any details. Ōƥţĩōńàĺ ƥàśśŵōŕďĺēśś ƒĺōŵ, ŵĥĩćĥ ĩś ĺĩńķēď àţ ţĥē ƀōţţōm ōƒ ţĥē ƥàĝē. Ŵĥēń ćōńƒĩĝũŕēď, ũśēŕś ćàń ũśē ţĥĩś ƒĺōŵ ţō àũţĥēńţĩćàţē ŵĩţĥ à ŴēƀÀũţĥń àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ, ŵĩţĥōũţ ēńţēŕĩńĝ àńŷ ďēţàĩĺś. Optional enrollment flow, which is linked at the bottom of the page. Ōƥţĩōńàĺ ēńŕōĺĺmēńţ ƒĺōŵ, ŵĥĩćĥ ĩś ĺĩńķēď àţ ţĥē ƀōţţōm ōƒ ţĥē ƥàĝē. Optional recovery flow, which is linked at the bottom of the page. Ōƥţĩōńàĺ ŕēćōvēŕŷ ƒĺōŵ, ŵĥĩćĥ ĩś ĺĩńķēď àţ ţĥē ƀōţţōm ōƒ ţĥē ƥàĝē. This stage can be included in enrollment flows to accept invitations. Ţĥĩś śţàĝē ćàń ƀē ĩńćĺũďēď ĩń ēńŕōĺĺmēńţ ƒĺōŵś ţō àććēƥţ ĩńvĩţàţĩōńś. Continue flow without invitation Ćōńţĩńũē ƒĺōŵ ŵĩţĥōũţ ĩńvĩţàţĩōń If this flag is set, this Stage will jump to the next Stage when no Invitation is given. By default this Stage will cancel the Flow when no invitation is given. Ĩƒ ţĥĩś ƒĺàĝ ĩś śēţ, ţĥĩś Śţàĝē ŵĩĺĺ Ĵũmƥ ţō ţĥē ńēxţ Śţàĝē ŵĥēń ńō Ĩńvĩţàţĩōń ĩś ĝĩvēń. ßŷ ďēƒàũĺţ ţĥĩś Śţàĝē ŵĩĺĺ ćàńćēĺ ţĥē Ƒĺōŵ ŵĥēń ńō ĩńvĩţàţĩōń ĩś ĝĩvēń. Validate the user's password against the selected backend(s). Vàĺĩďàţē ţĥē ũśēŕ'ś ƥàśśŵōŕď àĝàĩńśţ ţĥē śēĺēćţēď ƀàćķēńď(ś). Backends ßàćķēńďś User database + standard password Ũśēŕ ďàţàƀàśē + śţàńďàŕď ƥàśśŵōŕď User database + app passwords Ũśēŕ ďàţàƀàśē + àƥƥ ƥàśśŵōŕďś User database + LDAP password Ũśēŕ ďàţàƀàśē + ĹĎÀƤ ƥàśśŵōŕď Selection of backends to test the password against. Śēĺēćţĩōń ōƒ ƀàćķēńďś ţō ţēśţ ţĥē ƥàśśŵōŕď àĝàĩńśţ. Flow used by an authenticated user to configure their password. If empty, user will not be able to configure change their password. Ƒĺōŵ ũśēď ƀŷ àń àũţĥēńţĩćàţēď ũśēŕ ţō ćōńƒĩĝũŕē ţĥēĩŕ ƥàśśŵōŕď. Ĩƒ ēmƥţŷ, ũśēŕ ŵĩĺĺ ńōţ ƀē àƀĺē ţō ćōńƒĩĝũŕē ćĥàńĝē ţĥēĩŕ ƥàśśŵōŕď. Failed attempts before cancel Ƒàĩĺēď àţţēmƥţś ƀēƒōŕē ćàńćēĺ How many attempts a user has before the flow is canceled. To lock the user out, use a reputation policy and a user_write stage. Ĥōŵ màńŷ àţţēmƥţś à ũśēŕ ĥàś ƀēƒōŕē ţĥē ƒĺōŵ ĩś ćàńćēĺēď. Ţō ĺōćķ ţĥē ũśēŕ ōũţ, ũśē à ŕēƥũţàţĩōń ƥōĺĩćŷ àńď à ũśēŕ_ŵŕĩţē śţàĝē. Show arbitrary input fields to the user, for example during enrollment. Data is saved in the flow context under the 'prompt_data' variable. Śĥōŵ àŕƀĩţŕàŕŷ ĩńƥũţ ƒĩēĺďś ţō ţĥē ũśēŕ, ƒōŕ ēxàmƥĺē ďũŕĩńĝ ēńŕōĺĺmēńţ. Ďàţà ĩś śàvēď ĩń ţĥē ƒĺōŵ ćōńţēxţ ũńďēŕ ţĥē 'ƥŕōmƥţ_ďàţà' vàŕĩàƀĺē. Fields Ƒĩēĺďś ("", of type ) ("", ōƒ ţŷƥē ) Validation Policies Vàĺĩďàţĩōń Ƥōĺĩćĩēś Selected policies are executed when the stage is submitted to validate the data. Śēĺēćţēď ƥōĺĩćĩēś àŕē ēxēćũţēď ŵĥēń ţĥē śţàĝē ĩś śũƀmĩţţēď ţō vàĺĩďàţē ţĥē ďàţà. Delete the currently pending user. CAUTION, this stage does not ask for confirmation. Use a consent stage to ensure the user is aware of their actions. Ďēĺēţē ţĥē ćũŕŕēńţĺŷ ƥēńďĩńĝ ũśēŕ. ĆÀŨŢĨŌŃ, ţĥĩś śţàĝē ďōēś ńōţ àśķ ƒōŕ ćōńƒĩŕmàţĩōń. Ũśē à ćōńśēńţ śţàĝē ţō ēńśũŕē ţĥē ũśēŕ ĩś àŵàŕē ōƒ ţĥēĩŕ àćţĩōńś. Log the currently pending user in. Ĺōĝ ţĥē ćũŕŕēńţĺŷ ƥēńďĩńĝ ũśēŕ ĩń. Session duration Śēśśĩōń ďũŕàţĩōń Determines how long a session lasts. Default of 0 seconds means that the sessions lasts until the browser is closed. Ďēţēŕmĩńēś ĥōŵ ĺōńĝ à śēśśĩōń ĺàśţś. Ďēƒàũĺţ ōƒ 0 śēćōńďś mēàńś ţĥàţ ţĥē śēśśĩōńś ĺàśţś ũńţĩĺ ţĥē ƀŕōŵśēŕ ĩś ćĺōśēď. Different browsers handle session cookies differently, and might not remove them even when the browser is closed. Ďĩƒƒēŕēńţ ƀŕōŵśēŕś ĥàńďĺē śēśśĩōń ćōōķĩēś ďĩƒƒēŕēńţĺŷ, àńď mĩĝĥţ ńōţ ŕēmōvē ţĥēm ēvēń ŵĥēń ţĥē ƀŕōŵśēŕ ĩś ćĺōśēď. See here. Śēē ĥēŕē. Stay signed in offset Śţàŷ śĩĝńēď ĩń ōƒƒśēţ If set to a duration above 0, the user will have the option to choose to "stay signed in", which will extend their session by the time specified here. Ĩƒ śēţ ţō à ďũŕàţĩōń àƀōvē 0, ţĥē ũśēŕ ŵĩĺĺ ĥàvē ţĥē ōƥţĩōń ţō ćĥōōśē ţō "śţàŷ śĩĝńēď ĩń", ŵĥĩćĥ ŵĩĺĺ ēxţēńď ţĥēĩŕ śēśśĩōń ƀŷ ţĥē ţĩmē śƥēćĩƒĩēď ĥēŕē. Terminate other sessions Ţēŕmĩńàţē ōţĥēŕ śēśśĩōńś When enabled, all previous sessions of the user will be terminated. Ŵĥēń ēńàƀĺēď, àĺĺ ƥŕēvĩōũś śēśśĩōńś ōƒ ţĥē ũśēŕ ŵĩĺĺ ƀē ţēŕmĩńàţēď. Remove the user from the current session. Ŕēmōvē ţĥē ũśēŕ ƒŕōm ţĥē ćũŕŕēńţ śēśśĩōń. Write any data from the flow's context's 'prompt_data' to the currently pending user. If no user is pending, a new user is created, and data is written to them. Ŵŕĩţē àńŷ ďàţà ƒŕōm ţĥē ƒĺōŵ'ś ćōńţēxţ'ś 'ƥŕōmƥţ_ďàţà' ţō ţĥē ćũŕŕēńţĺŷ ƥēńďĩńĝ ũśēŕ. Ĩƒ ńō ũśēŕ ĩś ƥēńďĩńĝ, à ńēŵ ũśēŕ ĩś ćŕēàţēď, àńď ďàţà ĩś ŵŕĩţţēń ţō ţĥēm. Never create users Ńēvēŕ ćŕēàţē ũśēŕś When no user is present in the flow context, the stage will fail. Ŵĥēń ńō ũśēŕ ĩś ƥŕēśēńţ ĩń ţĥē ƒĺōŵ ćōńţēxţ, ţĥē śţàĝē ŵĩĺĺ ƒàĩĺ. Create users when required Ćŕēàţē ũśēŕś ŵĥēń ŕēǫũĩŕēď When no user is present in the the flow context, a new user is created. Ŵĥēń ńō ũśēŕ ĩś ƥŕēśēńţ ĩń ţĥē ţĥē ƒĺōŵ ćōńţēxţ, à ńēŵ ũśēŕ ĩś ćŕēàţēď. Always create new users Àĺŵàŷś ćŕēàţē ńēŵ ũśēŕś Create a new user even if a user is in the flow context. Ćŕēàţē à ńēŵ ũśēŕ ēvēń ĩƒ à ũśēŕ ĩś ĩń ţĥē ƒĺōŵ ćōńţēxţ. Create users as inactive Ćŕēàţē ũśēŕś àś ĩńàćţĩvē Mark newly created users as inactive. Màŕķ ńēŵĺŷ ćŕēàţēď ũśēŕś àś ĩńàćţĩvē. User path template Ũśēŕ ƥàţĥ ţēmƥĺàţē Path new users will be created under. If left blank, the default path will be used. Ƥàţĥ ńēŵ ũśēŕś ŵĩĺĺ ƀē ćŕēàţēď ũńďēŕ. Ĩƒ ĺēƒţ ƀĺàńķ, ţĥē ďēƒàũĺţ ƥàţĥ ŵĩĺĺ ƀē ũśēď. Newly created users are added to this group, if a group is selected. Ńēŵĺŷ ćŕēàţēď ũśēŕś àŕē àďďēď ţō ţĥĩś ĝŕōũƥ, ĩƒ à ĝŕōũƥ ĩś śēĺēćţēď. New stage Ńēŵ śţàĝē Create a new stage. Ćŕēàţē à ńēŵ śţàĝē. Successfully imported device. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ĩmƥōŕţēď ďēvĩćē. The user in authentik this device will be assigned to. Ţĥē ũśēŕ ĩń àũţĥēńţĩķ ţĥĩś ďēvĩćē ŵĩĺĺ ƀē àśśĩĝńēď ţō. Duo User ID Ďũō Ũśēŕ ĨĎ The user ID in Duo, can be found in the URL after clicking on a user. Ţĥē ũśēŕ ĨĎ ĩń Ďũō, ćàń ƀē ƒōũńď ĩń ţĥē ŨŔĹ àƒţēŕ ćĺĩćķĩńĝ ōń à ũśēŕ. Automatic import Àũţōmàţĩć ĩmƥōŕţ Successfully imported devices. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ĩmƥōŕţēď ďēvĩćēś. Start automatic import Śţàŕţ àũţōmàţĩć ĩmƥōŕţ Or manually import Ōŕ màńũàĺĺŷ ĩmƥōŕţ Stages are single steps of a Flow that a user is guided through. A stage can only be executed from within a flow. Śţàĝēś àŕē śĩńĝĺē śţēƥś ōƒ à Ƒĺōŵ ţĥàţ à ũśēŕ ĩś ĝũĩďēď ţĥŕōũĝĥ. À śţàĝē ćàń ōńĺŷ ƀē ēxēćũţēď ƒŕōm ŵĩţĥĩń à ƒĺōŵ. Flows Ƒĺōŵś Stage(s) Śţàĝē(ś) Import Ĩmƥōŕţ Import Duo device Ĩmƥōŕţ Ďũō ďēvĩćē Successfully updated flow. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď ƒĺōŵ. Successfully created flow. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćŕēàţēď ƒĺōŵ. Shown as the Title in Flow pages. Śĥōŵń àś ţĥē Ţĩţĺē ĩń Ƒĺōŵ ƥàĝēś. Visible in the URL. Vĩśĩƀĺē ĩń ţĥē ŨŔĹ. Designation Ďēśĩĝńàţĩōń Decides what this Flow is used for. For example, the Authentication flow is redirect to when an un-authenticated user visits authentik. Ďēćĩďēś ŵĥàţ ţĥĩś Ƒĺōŵ ĩś ũśēď ƒōŕ. Ƒōŕ ēxàmƥĺē, ţĥē Àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń ƒĺōŵ ĩś ŕēďĩŕēćţ ţō ŵĥēń àń ũń-àũţĥēńţĩćàţēď ũśēŕ vĩśĩţś àũţĥēńţĩķ. No requirement Ńō ŕēǫũĩŕēmēńţ Require authentication Ŕēǫũĩŕē àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń Require no authentication. Ŕēǫũĩŕē ńō àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń. Require superuser. Ŕēǫũĩŕē śũƥēŕũśēŕ. Required authentication level for this flow. Ŕēǫũĩŕēď àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń ĺēvēĺ ƒōŕ ţĥĩś ƒĺōŵ. Behavior settings ßēĥàvĩōŕ śēţţĩńĝś Compatibility mode Ćōmƥàţĩƀĩĺĩţŷ mōďē Increases compatibility with password managers and mobile devices. Ĩńćŕēàśēś ćōmƥàţĩƀĩĺĩţŷ ŵĩţĥ ƥàśśŵōŕď màńàĝēŕś àńď mōƀĩĺē ďēvĩćēś. Denied action Ďēńĩēď àćţĩōń Will follow the ?next parameter if set, otherwise show a message Ŵĩĺĺ ƒōĺĺōŵ ţĥē ?ńēxţ ƥàŕàmēţēŕ ĩƒ śēţ, ōţĥēŕŵĩśē śĥōŵ à mēśśàĝē Will either follow the ?next parameter or redirect to the default interface Ŵĩĺĺ ēĩţĥēŕ ƒōĺĺōŵ ţĥē ?ńēxţ ƥàŕàmēţēŕ ōŕ ŕēďĩŕēćţ ţō ţĥē ďēƒàũĺţ ĩńţēŕƒàćē Will notify the user the flow isn't applicable Ŵĩĺĺ ńōţĩƒŷ ţĥē ũśēŕ ţĥē ƒĺōŵ ĩśń'ţ àƥƥĺĩćàƀĺē Decides the response when a policy denies access to this flow for a user. Ďēćĩďēś ţĥē ŕēśƥōńśē ŵĥēń à ƥōĺĩćŷ ďēńĩēś àććēśś ţō ţĥĩś ƒĺōŵ ƒōŕ à ũśēŕ. Appearance settings Àƥƥēàŕàńćē śēţţĩńĝś Layout Ĺàŷōũţ Background ßàćķĝŕōũńď Background shown during execution. ßàćķĝŕōũńď śĥōŵń ďũŕĩńĝ ēxēćũţĩōń. Clear background Ćĺēàŕ ƀàćķĝŕōũńď Delete currently set background image. Ďēĺēţē ćũŕŕēńţĺŷ śēţ ƀàćķĝŕōũńď ĩmàĝē. Successfully imported flow. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ĩmƥōŕţēď ƒĺōŵ. .yaml files, which can be found on goauthentik.io and can be exported by authentik. .ŷàmĺ ƒĩĺēś, ŵĥĩćĥ ćàń ƀē ƒōũńď ōń ĝōàũţĥēńţĩķ.ĩō àńď ćàń ƀē ēxƥōŕţēď ƀŷ àũţĥēńţĩķ. Flows describe a chain of Stages to authenticate, enroll or recover a user. Stages are chosen based on policies applied to them. Ƒĺōŵś ďēśćŕĩƀē à ćĥàĩń ōƒ Śţàĝēś ţō àũţĥēńţĩćàţē, ēńŕōĺĺ ōŕ ŕēćōvēŕ à ũśēŕ. Śţàĝēś àŕē ćĥōśēń ƀàśēď ōń ƥōĺĩćĩēś àƥƥĺĩēď ţō ţĥēm. Flow(s) Ƒĺōŵ(ś) Update Flow Ũƥďàţē Ƒĺōŵ Create Flow Ćŕēàţē Ƒĺōŵ Import Flow Ĩmƥōŕţ Ƒĺōŵ Successfully cleared flow cache Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćĺēàŕēď ƒĺōŵ ćàćĥē Failed to delete flow cache Ƒàĩĺēď ţō ďēĺēţē ƒĺōŵ ćàćĥē Clear Flow cache Ćĺēàŕ Ƒĺōŵ ćàćĥē Are you sure you want to clear the flow cache? This will cause all flows to be re-evaluated on their next usage. Àŕē ŷōũ śũŕē ŷōũ ŵàńţ ţō ćĺēàŕ ţĥē ƒĺōŵ ćàćĥē? Ţĥĩś ŵĩĺĺ ćàũśē àĺĺ ƒĺōŵś ţō ƀē ŕē-ēvàĺũàţēď ōń ţĥēĩŕ ńēxţ ũśàĝē. Stage binding(s) Śţàĝē ƀĩńďĩńĝ(ś) Stage type Śţàĝē ţŷƥē Edit Stage Ēďĩţ Śţàĝē Update Stage binding Ũƥďàţē Śţàĝē ƀĩńďĩńĝ These bindings control if this stage will be applied to the flow. Ţĥēśē ƀĩńďĩńĝś ćōńţŕōĺ ĩƒ ţĥĩś śţàĝē ŵĩĺĺ ƀē àƥƥĺĩēď ţō ţĥē ƒĺōŵ. No Stages bound Ńō Śţàĝēś ƀōũńď No stages are currently bound to this flow. Ńō śţàĝēś àŕē ćũŕŕēńţĺŷ ƀōũńď ţō ţĥĩś ƒĺōŵ. Create Stage binding Ćŕēàţē Śţàĝē ƀĩńďĩńĝ Bind stage ßĩńď śţàĝē Bind existing stage ßĩńď ēxĩśţĩńĝ śţàĝē Flow Overview Ƒĺōŵ Ōvēŕvĩēŵ Related actions Ŕēĺàţēď àćţĩōńś Execute flow Ēxēćũţē ƒĺōŵ Normal Ńōŕmàĺ with current user ŵĩţĥ ćũŕŕēńţ ũśēŕ with inspector ŵĩţĥ ĩńśƥēćţōŕ Export flow Ēxƥōŕţ ƒĺōŵ Export Ēxƥōŕţ Stage Bindings Śţàĝē ßĩńďĩńĝś These bindings control which users can access this flow. Ţĥēśē ƀĩńďĩńĝś ćōńţŕōĺ ŵĥĩćĥ ũśēŕś ćàń àććēśś ţĥĩś ƒĺōŵ. Event Log Ēvēńţ Ĺōĝ Event Ēvēńţ Event info Ēvēńţ ĩńƒō Created Ćŕēàţēď Successfully updated transport. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď ţŕàńśƥōŕţ. Successfully created transport. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćŕēàţēď ţŕàńśƥōŕţ. Local (notifications will be created within authentik) Ĺōćàĺ (ńōţĩƒĩćàţĩōńś ŵĩĺĺ ƀē ćŕēàţēď ŵĩţĥĩń àũţĥēńţĩķ) Webhook (generic) Ŵēƀĥōōķ (ĝēńēŕĩć) Webhook (Slack/Discord) Ŵēƀĥōōķ (Śĺàćķ/Ďĩśćōŕď) Webhook URL Ŵēƀĥōōķ ŨŔĹ Webhook Mapping Ŵēƀĥōōķ Màƥƥĩńĝ Send once Śēńď ōńćē Only send notification once, for example when sending a webhook into a chat channel. Ōńĺŷ śēńď ńōţĩƒĩćàţĩōń ōńćē, ƒōŕ ēxàmƥĺē ŵĥēń śēńďĩńĝ à ŵēƀĥōōķ ĩńţō à ćĥàţ ćĥàńńēĺ. Notification Transports Ńōţĩƒĩćàţĩōń Ţŕàńśƥōŕţś Define how notifications are sent to users, like Email or Webhook. Ďēƒĩńē ĥōŵ ńōţĩƒĩćàţĩōńś àŕē śēńţ ţō ũśēŕś, ĺĩķē Ēmàĩĺ ōŕ Ŵēƀĥōōķ. Notification transport(s) Ńōţĩƒĩćàţĩōń ţŕàńśƥōŕţ(ś) Update Notification Transport Ũƥďàţē Ńōţĩƒĩćàţĩōń Ţŕàńśƥōŕţ Create Notification Transport Ćŕēàţē Ńōţĩƒĩćàţĩōń Ţŕàńśƥōŕţ Successfully updated rule. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď ŕũĺē. Successfully created rule. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćŕēàţēď ŕũĺē. Select the group of users which the alerts are sent to. If no group is selected the rule is disabled. Śēĺēćţ ţĥē ĝŕōũƥ ōƒ ũśēŕś ŵĥĩćĥ ţĥē àĺēŕţś àŕē śēńţ ţō. Ĩƒ ńō ĝŕōũƥ ĩś śēĺēćţēď ţĥē ŕũĺē ĩś ďĩśàƀĺēď. Transports Ţŕàńśƥōŕţś Select which transports should be used to notify the user. If none are selected, the notification will only be shown in the authentik UI. Śēĺēćţ ŵĥĩćĥ ţŕàńśƥōŕţś śĥōũĺď ƀē ũśēď ţō ńōţĩƒŷ ţĥē ũśēŕ. Ĩƒ ńōńē àŕē śēĺēćţēď, ţĥē ńōţĩƒĩćàţĩōń ŵĩĺĺ ōńĺŷ ƀē śĥōŵń ĩń ţĥē àũţĥēńţĩķ ŨĨ. Severity Śēvēŕĩţŷ Notification Rules Ńōţĩƒĩćàţĩōń Ŕũĺēś Send notifications whenever a specific Event is created and matched by policies. Śēńď ńōţĩƒĩćàţĩōńś ŵĥēńēvēŕ à śƥēćĩƒĩć Ēvēńţ ĩś ćŕēàţēď àńď màţćĥēď ƀŷ ƥōĺĩćĩēś. Sent to group Śēńţ ţō ĝŕōũƥ Notification rule(s) Ńōţĩƒĩćàţĩōń ŕũĺē(ś) None (rule disabled) Ńōńē (ŕũĺē ďĩśàƀĺēď) Update Notification Rule Ũƥďàţē Ńōţĩƒĩćàţĩōń Ŕũĺē Create Notification Rule Ćŕēàţē Ńōţĩƒĩćàţĩōń Ŕũĺē These bindings control upon which events this rule triggers. Bindings to groups/users are checked against the user of the event. Ţĥēśē ƀĩńďĩńĝś ćōńţŕōĺ ũƥōń ŵĥĩćĥ ēvēńţś ţĥĩś ŕũĺē ţŕĩĝĝēŕś. ßĩńďĩńĝś ţō ĝŕōũƥś/ũśēŕś àŕē ćĥēćķēď àĝàĩńśţ ţĥē ũśēŕ ōƒ ţĥē ēvēńţ. Outpost Deployment Info Ōũţƥōśţ Ďēƥĺōŷmēńţ Ĩńƒō View deployment documentation Vĩēŵ ďēƥĺōŷmēńţ ďōćũmēńţàţĩōń Click to copy token Ćĺĩćķ ţō ćōƥŷ ţōķēń If your authentik Instance is using a self-signed certificate, set this value. Ĩƒ ŷōũŕ àũţĥēńţĩķ Ĩńśţàńćē ĩś ũśĩńĝ à śēĺƒ-śĩĝńēď ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē, śēţ ţĥĩś vàĺũē. If your authentik_host setting does not match the URL you want to login with, add this setting. Ĩƒ ŷōũŕ àũţĥēńţĩķ_ĥōśţ śēţţĩńĝ ďōēś ńōţ màţćĥ ţĥē ŨŔĹ ŷōũ ŵàńţ ţō ĺōĝĩń ŵĩţĥ, àďď ţĥĩś śēţţĩńĝ. Successfully updated outpost. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď ōũţƥōśţ. Successfully created outpost. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćŕēàţēď ōũţƥōśţ. Radius Ŕàďĩũś Integration Ĩńţēĝŕàţĩōń Selecting an integration enables the management of the outpost by authentik. Śēĺēćţĩńĝ àń ĩńţēĝŕàţĩōń ēńàƀĺēś ţĥē màńàĝēmēńţ ōƒ ţĥē ōũţƥōśţ ƀŷ àũţĥēńţĩķ. You can only select providers that match the type of the outpost. Ŷōũ ćàń ōńĺŷ śēĺēćţ ƥŕōvĩďēŕś ţĥàţ màţćĥ ţĥē ţŷƥē ōƒ ţĥē ōũţƥōśţ. Configuration Ćōńƒĩĝũŕàţĩōń See more here: Śēē mōŕē ĥēŕē: Documentation Ďōćũmēńţàţĩōń Last seen Ĺàśţ śēēń , should be , śĥōũĺď ƀē Hostname Ĥōśţńàmē Not available Ńōţ àvàĩĺàƀĺē Last seen: Ĺàśţ śēēń: Unknown type Ũńķńōŵń ţŷƥē Outposts Ōũţƥōśţś Outposts are deployments of authentik components to support different environments and protocols, like reverse proxies. Ōũţƥōśţś àŕē ďēƥĺōŷmēńţś ōƒ àũţĥēńţĩķ ćōmƥōńēńţś ţō śũƥƥōŕţ ďĩƒƒēŕēńţ ēńvĩŕōńmēńţś àńď ƥŕōţōćōĺś, ĺĩķē ŕēvēŕśē ƥŕōxĩēś. Health and Version Ĥēàĺţĥ àńď Vēŕśĩōń Warning: authentik Domain is not configured, authentication will not work. Ŵàŕńĩńĝ: àũţĥēńţĩķ Ďōmàĩń ĩś ńōţ ćōńƒĩĝũŕēď, àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń ŵĩĺĺ ńōţ ŵōŕķ. Logging in via . Ĺōĝĝĩńĝ ĩń vĩà . No integration active Ńō ĩńţēĝŕàţĩōń àćţĩvē Update Outpost Ũƥďàţē Ōũţƥōśţ View Deployment Info Vĩēŵ Ďēƥĺōŷmēńţ Ĩńƒō Detailed health (one instance per column, data is cached so may be out of date) Ďēţàĩĺēď ĥēàĺţĥ (ōńē ĩńśţàńćē ƥēŕ ćōĺũmń, ďàţà ĩś ćàćĥēď śō màŷ ƀē ōũţ ōƒ ďàţē) Outpost(s) Ōũţƥōśţ(ś) Create Outpost Ćŕēàţē Ōũţƥōśţ Successfully updated integration. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď ĩńţēĝŕàţĩōń. Successfully created integration. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćŕēàţēď ĩńţēĝŕàţĩōń. Local Ĺōćàĺ If enabled, use the local connection. Required Docker socket/Kubernetes Integration. Ĩƒ ēńàƀĺēď, ũśē ţĥē ĺōćàĺ ćōńńēćţĩōń. Ŕēǫũĩŕēď Ďōćķēŕ śōćķēţ/Ķũƀēŕńēţēś Ĩńţēĝŕàţĩōń. Docker URL Ďōćķēŕ ŨŔĹ Can be in the format of 'unix://' when connecting to a local docker daemon, using 'ssh://' to connect via SSH, or 'https://:2376' when connecting to a remote system. Ćàń ƀē ĩń ţĥē ƒōŕmàţ ōƒ 'ũńĩx://' ŵĥēń ćōńńēćţĩńĝ ţō à ĺōćàĺ ďōćķēŕ ďàēmōń, ũśĩńĝ 'śśĥ://' ţō ćōńńēćţ vĩà ŚŚĤ, ōŕ 'ĥţţƥś://:2376' ŵĥēń ćōńńēćţĩńĝ ţō à ŕēmōţē śŷśţēm. CA which the endpoint's Certificate is verified against. Can be left empty for no validation. ĆÀ ŵĥĩćĥ ţĥē ēńďƥōĩńţ'ś Ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē ĩś vēŕĩƒĩēď àĝàĩńśţ. Ćàń ƀē ĺēƒţ ēmƥţŷ ƒōŕ ńō vàĺĩďàţĩōń. TLS Authentication Certificate/SSH Keypair ŢĹŚ Àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń Ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē/ŚŚĤ Ķēŷƥàĩŕ Certificate/Key used for authentication. Can be left empty for no authentication. Ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē/Ķēŷ ũśēď ƒōŕ àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń. Ćàń ƀē ĺēƒţ ēmƥţŷ ƒōŕ ńō àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń. When connecting via SSH, this keypair is used for authentication. Ŵĥēń ćōńńēćţĩńĝ vĩà ŚŚĤ, ţĥĩś ķēŷƥàĩŕ ĩś ũśēď ƒōŕ àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń. Kubeconfig Ķũƀēćōńƒĩĝ Verify Kubernetes API SSL Certificate Vēŕĩƒŷ Ķũƀēŕńēţēś ÀƤĨ ŚŚĹ Ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē New outpost integration Ńēŵ ōũţƥōśţ ĩńţēĝŕàţĩōń Create a new outpost integration. Ćŕēàţē à ńēŵ ōũţƥōśţ ĩńţēĝŕàţĩōń. State Śţàţē Unhealthy Ũńĥēàĺţĥŷ Outpost integration(s) Ōũţƥōśţ ĩńţēĝŕàţĩōń(ś) Successfully generated certificate-key pair. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ĝēńēŕàţēď ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē-ķēŷ ƥàĩŕ. Common Name Ćōmmōń Ńàmē Subject-alt name ŚũƀĴēćţ-àĺţ ńàmē Optional, comma-separated SubjectAlt Names. Ōƥţĩōńàĺ, ćōmmà-śēƥàŕàţēď ŚũƀĴēćţÀĺţ Ńàmēś. Validity days Vàĺĩďĩţŷ ďàŷś Successfully updated certificate-key pair. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē-ķēŷ ƥàĩŕ. Successfully created certificate-key pair. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćŕēàţēď ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē-ķēŷ ƥàĩŕ. PEM-encoded Certificate data. ƤĒM-ēńćōďēď Ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē ďàţà. Optional Private Key. If this is set, you can use this keypair for encryption. Ōƥţĩōńàĺ Ƥŕĩvàţē Ķēŷ. Ĩƒ ţĥĩś ĩś śēţ, ŷōũ ćàń ũśē ţĥĩś ķēŷƥàĩŕ ƒōŕ ēńćŕŷƥţĩōń. Certificate-Key Pairs Ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē-Ķēŷ Ƥàĩŕś Import certificates of external providers or create certificates to sign requests with. Ĩmƥōŕţ ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţēś ōƒ ēxţēŕńàĺ ƥŕōvĩďēŕś ōŕ ćŕēàţē ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţēś ţō śĩĝń ŕēǫũēśţś ŵĩţĥ. Private key available? Ƥŕĩvàţē ķēŷ àvàĩĺàƀĺē? Certificate-Key Pair(s) Ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē-Ķēŷ Ƥàĩŕ(ś) Managed by authentik Màńàĝēď ƀŷ àũţĥēńţĩķ Managed by authentik (Discovered) Màńàĝēď ƀŷ àũţĥēńţĩķ (Ďĩśćōvēŕēď) Yes () Ŷēś () No Ńō Update Certificate-Key Pair Ũƥďàţē Ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē-Ķēŷ Ƥàĩŕ Certificate Fingerprint (SHA1) Ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē Ƒĩńĝēŕƥŕĩńţ (ŚĤÀ1) Certificate Fingerprint (SHA256) Ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē Ƒĩńĝēŕƥŕĩńţ (ŚĤÀ256) Certificate Subject Ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē ŚũƀĴēćţ Download Certificate Ďōŵńĺōàď Ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē Download Private key Ďōŵńĺōàď Ƥŕĩvàţē ķēŷ Create Certificate-Key Pair Ćŕēàţē Ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē-Ķēŷ Ƥàĩŕ Generate Ĝēńēŕàţē Generate Certificate-Key Pair Ĝēńēŕàţē Ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē-Ķēŷ Ƥàĩŕ Successfully updated instance. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď ĩńśţàńćē. Successfully created instance. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćŕēàţēď ĩńśţàńćē. Disabled blueprints are never applied. Ďĩśàƀĺēď ƀĺũēƥŕĩńţś àŕē ńēvēŕ àƥƥĺĩēď. Local path Ĺōćàĺ ƥàţĥ OCI Registry ŌĆĨ Ŕēĝĩśţŕŷ Internal Ĩńţēŕńàĺ OCI URL, in the format of oci://registry.domain.tld/path/to/manifest. ŌĆĨ ŨŔĹ, ĩń ţĥē ƒōŕmàţ ōƒ ōćĩ://ŕēĝĩśţŕŷ.ďōmàĩń.ţĺď/ƥàţĥ/ţō/màńĩƒēśţ. See more about OCI support here: Śēē mōŕē àƀōũţ ŌĆĨ śũƥƥōŕţ ĥēŕē: Blueprint ßĺũēƥŕĩńţ Configure the blueprint context, used for templating. Ćōńƒĩĝũŕē ţĥē ƀĺũēƥŕĩńţ ćōńţēxţ, ũśēď ƒōŕ ţēmƥĺàţĩńĝ. Orphaned Ōŕƥĥàńēď Blueprints ßĺũēƥŕĩńţś Automate and template configuration within authentik. Àũţōmàţē àńď ţēmƥĺàţē ćōńƒĩĝũŕàţĩōń ŵĩţĥĩń àũţĥēńţĩķ. Last applied Ĺàśţ àƥƥĺĩēď Blueprint(s) ßĺũēƥŕĩńţ(ś) Update Blueprint Ũƥďàţē ßĺũēƥŕĩńţ Create Blueprint Instance Ćŕēàţē ßĺũēƥŕĩńţ Ĩńśţàńćē API Requests ÀƤĨ Ŕēǫũēśţś Open API Browser Ōƥēń ÀƤĨ ßŕōŵśēŕ Notifications Ńōţĩƒĩćàţĩōńś unread ũńŕēàď Successfully cleared notifications Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćĺēàŕēď ńōţĩƒĩćàţĩōńś Clear all Ćĺēàŕ àĺĺ A newer version of the frontend is available. À ńēŵēŕ vēŕśĩōń ōƒ ţĥē ƒŕōńţēńď ĩś àvàĩĺàƀĺē. You're currently impersonating . Click to stop. Ŷōũ'ŕē ćũŕŕēńţĺŷ ĩmƥēŕśōńàţĩńĝ . Ćĺĩćķ ţō śţōƥ. User interface Ũśēŕ ĩńţēŕƒàćē Dashboards Ďàśĥƀōàŕďś Events Ēvēńţś Logs Ĺōĝś Customisation Ćũśţōmĩśàţĩōń Directory Ďĩŕēćţōŕŷ System Śŷśţēm Certificates Ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţēś Outpost Integrations Ōũţƥōśţ Ĩńţēĝŕàţĩōńś API request failed ÀƤĨ ŕēǫũēśţ ƒàĩĺēď User's avatar Ũśēŕ'ś àvàţàŕ Something went wrong! Please try again later. Śōmēţĥĩńĝ ŵēńţ ŵŕōńĝ! Ƥĺēàśē ţŕŷ àĝàĩń ĺàţēŕ. Request ID Ŕēǫũēśţ ĨĎ You may close this page now. Ŷōũ màŷ ćĺōśē ţĥĩś ƥàĝē ńōŵ. You're about to be redirect to the following URL. Ŷōũ'ŕē àƀōũţ ţō ƀē ŕēďĩŕēćţ ţō ţĥē ƒōĺĺōŵĩńĝ ŨŔĹ. Follow redirect Ƒōĺĺōŵ ŕēďĩŕēćţ Request has been denied. Ŕēǫũēśţ ĥàś ƀēēń ďēńĩēď. Not you? Ńōţ ŷōũ? Need an account? Ńēēď àń àććōũńţ? Sign up. Śĩĝń ũƥ. Forgot username or password? Ƒōŕĝōţ ũśēŕńàmē ōŕ ƥàśśŵōŕď? Select one of the sources below to login. Śēĺēćţ ōńē ōƒ ţĥē śōũŕćēś ƀēĺōŵ ţō ĺōĝĩń. Or Ōŕ Use a security key Ũśē à śēćũŕĩţŷ ķēŷ Login to continue to . Ĺōĝĩń ţō ćōńţĩńũē ţō . Please enter your password Ƥĺēàśē ēńţēŕ ŷōũŕ ƥàśśŵōŕď Forgot password? Ƒōŕĝōţ ƥàśśŵōŕď? Application requires following permissions: Àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń ŕēǫũĩŕēś ƒōĺĺōŵĩńĝ ƥēŕmĩśśĩōńś: Application already has access to the following permissions: Àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń àĺŕēàďŷ ĥàś àććēśś ţō ţĥē ƒōĺĺōŵĩńĝ ƥēŕmĩśśĩōńś: Application requires following new permissions: Àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń ŕēǫũĩŕēś ƒōĺĺōŵĩńĝ ńēŵ ƥēŕmĩśśĩōńś: Check your Inbox for a verification email. Ćĥēćķ ŷōũŕ Ĩńƀōx ƒōŕ à vēŕĩƒĩćàţĩōń ēmàĩĺ. Send Email again. Śēńď Ēmàĩĺ àĝàĩń. Successfully copied TOTP Config. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćōƥĩēď ŢŌŢƤ Ćōńƒĩĝ. Copy Ćōƥŷ Code Ćōďē Please enter your TOTP Code Ƥĺēàśē ēńţēŕ ŷōũŕ ŢŌŢƤ Ćōďē Duo activation QR code Ďũō àćţĩvàţĩōń ǪŔ ćōďē Alternatively, if your current device has Duo installed, click on this link: Àĺţēŕńàţĩvēĺŷ, ĩƒ ŷōũŕ ćũŕŕēńţ ďēvĩćē ĥàś Ďũō ĩńśţàĺĺēď, ćĺĩćķ ōń ţĥĩś ĺĩńķ: Duo activation Ďũō àćţĩvàţĩōń Check status Ćĥēćķ śţàţũś Make sure to keep these tokens in a safe place. Màķē śũŕē ţō ķēēƥ ţĥēśē ţōķēńś ĩń à śàƒē ƥĺàćē. Phone number Ƥĥōńē ńũmƀēŕ Please enter your Phone number. Ƥĺēàśē ēńţēŕ ŷōũŕ Ƥĥōńē ńũmƀēŕ. Please enter the code you received via SMS Ƥĺēàśē ēńţēŕ ţĥē ćōďē ŷōũ ŕēćēĩvēď vĩà ŚMŚ A code has been sent to you via SMS. À ćōďē ĥàś ƀēēń śēńţ ţō ŷōũ vĩà ŚMŚ. Open your two-factor authenticator app to view your authentication code. Ōƥēń ŷōũŕ ţŵō-ƒàćţōŕ àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ àƥƥ ţō vĩēŵ ŷōũŕ àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń ćōďē. Static token Śţàţĩć ţōķēń Authentication code Àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń ćōďē Please enter your code Ƥĺēàśē ēńţēŕ ŷōũŕ ćōďē Return to device picker Ŕēţũŕń ţō ďēvĩćē ƥĩćķēŕ Sending Duo push notification Śēńďĩńĝ Ďũō ƥũśĥ ńōţĩƒĩćàţĩōń Assertions is empty Àśśēŕţĩōńś ĩś ēmƥţŷ Error when creating credential: Ēŕŕōŕ ŵĥēń ćŕēàţĩńĝ ćŕēďēńţĩàĺ: Error when validating assertion on server: Ēŕŕōŕ ŵĥēń vàĺĩďàţĩńĝ àśśēŕţĩōń ōń śēŕvēŕ: Retry authentication Ŕēţŕŷ àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń Duo push-notifications Ďũō ƥũśĥ-ńōţĩƒĩćàţĩōńś Receive a push notification on your device. Ŕēćēĩvē à ƥũśĥ ńōţĩƒĩćàţĩōń ōń ŷōũŕ ďēvĩćē. Authenticator Àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ Use a security key to prove your identity. Ũśē à śēćũŕĩţŷ ķēŷ ţō ƥŕōvē ŷōũŕ ĩďēńţĩţŷ. Traditional authenticator Ţŕàďĩţĩōńàĺ àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ Use a code-based authenticator. Ũśē à ćōďē-ƀàśēď àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ. Recovery keys Ŕēćōvēŕŷ ķēŷś In case you can't access any other method. Ĩń ćàśē ŷōũ ćàń'ţ àććēśś àńŷ ōţĥēŕ mēţĥōď. SMS ŚMŚ Tokens sent via SMS. Ţōķēńś śēńţ vĩà ŚMŚ. Select an authentication method. Śēĺēćţ àń àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń mēţĥōď. Stay signed in? Śţàŷ śĩĝńēď ĩń? Select Yes to reduce the number of times you're asked to sign in. Śēĺēćţ Ŷēś ţō ŕēďũćē ţĥē ńũmƀēŕ ōƒ ţĩmēś ŷōũ'ŕē àśķēď ţō śĩĝń ĩń. Authenticating with Plex... Àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩńĝ ŵĩţĥ Ƥĺēx... Waiting for authentication... Ŵàĩţĩńĝ ƒōŕ àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń... If no Plex popup opens, click the button below. Ĩƒ ńō Ƥĺēx ƥōƥũƥ ōƥēńś, ćĺĩćķ ţĥē ƀũţţōń ƀēĺōŵ. Open login Ōƥēń ĺōĝĩń Authenticating with Apple... Àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩńĝ ŵĩţĥ Àƥƥĺē... Retry Ŕēţŕŷ Enter the code shown on your device. Ēńţēŕ ţĥē ćōďē śĥōŵń ōń ŷōũŕ ďēvĩćē. Please enter your Code Ƥĺēàśē ēńţēŕ ŷōũŕ Ćōďē You've successfully authenticated your device. Ŷōũ'vē śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ àũţĥēńţĩćàţēď ŷōũŕ ďēvĩćē. Flow inspector Ƒĺōŵ ĩńśƥēćţōŕ Next stage Ńēxţ śţàĝē Stage name Śţàĝē ńàmē Stage kind Śţàĝē ķĩńď Stage object Śţàĝē ōƀĴēćţ This flow is completed. Ţĥĩś ƒĺōŵ ĩś ćōmƥĺēţēď. Plan history Ƥĺàń ĥĩśţōŕŷ Current plan context Ćũŕŕēńţ ƥĺàń ćōńţēxţ Session ID Śēśśĩōń ĨĎ Powered by authentik Ƥōŵēŕēď ƀŷ àũţĥēńţĩķ Background image ßàćķĝŕōũńď ĩmàĝē Error creating credential: Ēŕŕōŕ ćŕēàţĩńĝ ćŕēďēńţĩàĺ: Server validation of credential failed: Śēŕvēŕ vàĺĩďàţĩōń ōƒ ćŕēďēńţĩàĺ ƒàĩĺēď: Register device Ŕēĝĩśţēŕ ďēvĩćē Refer to documentation Ŕēƒēŕ ţō ďōćũmēńţàţĩōń No Applications available. Ńō Àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōńś àvàĩĺàƀĺē. Either no applications are defined, or you don’t have access to any. Ēĩţĥēŕ ńō àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōńś àŕē ďēƒĩńēď, ōŕ ŷōũ ďōń’ţ ĥàvē àććēśś ţō àńŷ. My Applications Mŷ Àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōńś My applications Mŷ àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōńś Change your password Ćĥàńĝē ŷōũŕ ƥàśśŵōŕď Change password Ćĥàńĝē ƥàśśŵōŕď Save Śàvē Delete account Ďēĺēţē àććōũńţ Successfully updated details Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď ďēţàĩĺś Open settings Ōƥēń śēţţĩńĝś No settings flow configured. Ńō śēţţĩńĝś ƒĺōŵ ćōńƒĩĝũŕēď. Update details Ũƥďàţē ďēţàĩĺś Successfully disconnected source Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ďĩśćōńńēćţēď śōũŕćē Failed to disconnected source: Ƒàĩĺēď ţō ďĩśćōńńēćţēď śōũŕćē: Disconnect Ďĩśćōńńēćţ Connect Ćōńńēćţ Error: unsupported source settings: Ēŕŕōŕ: ũńśũƥƥōŕţēď śōũŕćē śēţţĩńĝś: Connect your user account to the services listed below, to allow you to login using the service instead of traditional credentials. Ćōńńēćţ ŷōũŕ ũśēŕ àććōũńţ ţō ţĥē śēŕvĩćēś ĺĩśţēď ƀēĺōŵ, ţō àĺĺōŵ ŷōũ ţō ĺōĝĩń ũśĩńĝ ţĥē śēŕvĩćē ĩńśţēàď ōƒ ţŕàďĩţĩōńàĺ ćŕēďēńţĩàĺś. No services available. Ńō śēŕvĩćēś àvàĩĺàƀĺē. Create App password Ćŕēàţē Àƥƥ ƥàśśŵōŕď User details Ũśēŕ ďēţàĩĺś Consent Ćōńśēńţ MFA Devices MƑÀ Ďēvĩćēś Connected services Ćōńńēćţēď śēŕvĩćēś Tokens and App passwords Ţōķēńś àńď Àƥƥ ƥàśśŵōŕďś Unread notifications Ũńŕēàď ńōţĩƒĩćàţĩōńś Admin interface Àďmĩń ĩńţēŕƒàćē Stop impersonation Śţōƥ ĩmƥēŕśōńàţĩōń Avatar image Àvàţàŕ ĩmàĝē Failed Ƒàĩĺēď Unsynced / N/A Ũńśŷńćēď / Ń/À Outdated outposts Ōũţďàţēď ōũţƥōśţś Unhealthy outposts Ũńĥēàĺţĥŷ ōũţƥōśţś Next Ńēxţ Inactive Ĩńàćţĩvē Regular user Ŕēĝũĺàŕ ũśēŕ Activate Àćţĩvàţē Use Server URI for SNI verification Ũśē Śēŕvēŕ ŨŔĨ ƒōŕ ŚŃĨ vēŕĩƒĩćàţĩōń Required for servers using TLS 1.3+ Ŕēǫũĩŕēď ƒōŕ śēŕvēŕś ũśĩńĝ ŢĹŚ 1.3+ Client certificate keypair to authenticate against the LDAP Server's Certificate. Ćĺĩēńţ ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē ķēŷƥàĩŕ ţō àũţĥēńţĩćàţē àĝàĩńśţ ţĥē ĹĎÀƤ Śēŕvēŕ'ś Ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē. The certificate for the above configured Base DN. As a fallback, the provider uses a self-signed certificate. Ţĥē ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē ƒōŕ ţĥē àƀōvē ćōńƒĩĝũŕēď ßàśē ĎŃ. Àś à ƒàĺĺƀàćķ, ţĥē ƥŕōvĩďēŕ ũśēś à śēĺƒ-śĩĝńēď ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē. TLS Server name ŢĹŚ Śēŕvēŕ ńàmē DNS name for which the above configured certificate should be used. The certificate cannot be detected based on the base DN, as the SSL/TLS negotiation happens before such data is exchanged. ĎŃŚ ńàmē ƒōŕ ŵĥĩćĥ ţĥē àƀōvē ćōńƒĩĝũŕēď ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē śĥōũĺď ƀē ũśēď. Ţĥē ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē ćàńńōţ ƀē ďēţēćţēď ƀàśēď ōń ţĥē ƀàśē ĎŃ, àś ţĥē ŚŚĹ/ŢĹŚ ńēĝōţĩàţĩōń ĥàƥƥēńś ƀēƒōŕē śũćĥ ďàţà ĩś ēxćĥàńĝēď. TLS Client authentication certificate ŢĹŚ Ćĺĩēńţ àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń ćēŕţĩƒĩćàţē Model Mōďēĺ Match events created by selected model. When left empty, all models are matched. Màţćĥ ēvēńţś ćŕēàţēď ƀŷ śēĺēćţēď mōďēĺ. Ŵĥēń ĺēƒţ ēmƥţŷ, àĺĺ mōďēĺś àŕē màţćĥēď. Code-based MFA Support Ćōďē-ƀàśēď MƑÀ Śũƥƥōŕţ When enabled, code-based multi-factor authentication can be used by appending a semicolon and the TOTP code to the password. This should only be enabled if all users that will bind to this provider have a TOTP device configured, as otherwise a password may incorrectly be rejected if it contains a semicolon. Ŵĥēń ēńàƀĺēď, ćōďē-ƀàśēď mũĺţĩ-ƒàćţōŕ àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń ćàń ƀē ũśēď ƀŷ àƥƥēńďĩńĝ à śēmĩćōĺōń àńď ţĥē ŢŌŢƤ ćōďē ţō ţĥē ƥàśśŵōŕď. Ţĥĩś śĥōũĺď ōńĺŷ ƀē ēńàƀĺēď ĩƒ àĺĺ ũśēŕś ţĥàţ ŵĩĺĺ ƀĩńď ţō ţĥĩś ƥŕōvĩďēŕ ĥàvē à ŢŌŢƤ ďēvĩćē ćōńƒĩĝũŕēď, àś ōţĥēŕŵĩśē à ƥàśśŵōŕď màŷ ĩńćōŕŕēćţĺŷ ƀē ŕēĴēćţēď ĩƒ ĩţ ćōńţàĩńś à śēmĩćōĺōń. User type Ũśēŕ ţŷƥē Successfully updated license. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď ĺĩćēńśē. Successfully created license. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćŕēàţēď ĺĩćēńśē. Install ID Ĩńśţàĺĺ ĨĎ License key Ĺĩćēńśē ķēŷ Licenses Ĺĩćēńśēś License(s) Ĺĩćēńśē(ś) Enterprise is in preview. Ēńţēŕƥŕĩśē ĩś ĩń ƥŕēvĩēŵ. Cumulative license expiry Ćũmũĺàţĩvē ĺĩćēńśē ēxƥĩŕŷ Update License Ũƥďàţē Ĺĩćēńśē Warning: The current user count has exceeded the configured licenses. Ŵàŕńĩńĝ: Ţĥē ćũŕŕēńţ ũśēŕ ćōũńţ ĥàś ēxćēēďēď ţĥē ćōńƒĩĝũŕēď ĺĩćēńśēś. Click here for more info. Ćĺĩćķ ĥēŕē ƒōŕ mōŕē ĩńƒō. Enterprise Ēńţēŕƥŕĩśē Manage enterprise licenses Màńàĝē ēńţēŕƥŕĩśē ĺĩćēńśēś No licenses found. Ńō ĺĩćēńśēś ƒōũńď. Send us feedback! Śēńď ũś ƒēēďƀàćķ! Get a license Ĝēţ à ĺĩćēńśē Go to Customer Portal Ĝō ţō Ćũśţōmēŕ Ƥōŕţàĺ Forecast internal users Ƒōŕēćàśţ ĩńţēŕńàĺ ũśēŕś Estimated user count one year from now based on current internal users and forecasted internal users. Ēśţĩmàţēď ũśēŕ ćōũńţ ōńē ŷēàŕ ƒŕōm ńōŵ ƀàśēď ōń ćũŕŕēńţ ĩńţēŕńàĺ ũśēŕś àńď ƒōŕēćàśţēď ĩńţēŕńàĺ ũśēŕś. Forecast external users Ƒōŕēćàśţ ēxţēŕńàĺ ũśēŕś Estimated user count one year from now based on current external users and forecasted external users. Ēśţĩmàţēď ũśēŕ ćōũńţ ōńē ŷēàŕ ƒŕōm ńōŵ ƀàśēď ōń ćũŕŕēńţ ēxţēŕńàĺ ũśēŕś àńď ƒōŕēćàśţēď ēxţēŕńàĺ ũśēŕś. Install Ĩńśţàĺĺ Install License Ĩńśţàĺĺ Ĺĩćēńśē Internal users might be users such as company employees, which will get access to the full Enterprise feature set. Ĩńţēŕńàĺ ũśēŕś mĩĝĥţ ƀē ũśēŕś śũćĥ àś ćōmƥàńŷ ēmƥĺōŷēēś, ŵĥĩćĥ ŵĩĺĺ ĝēţ àććēśś ţō ţĥē ƒũĺĺ Ēńţēŕƥŕĩśē ƒēàţũŕē śēţ. External users might be external consultants or B2C customers. These users don't get access to enterprise features. Ēxţēŕńàĺ ũśēŕś mĩĝĥţ ƀē ēxţēŕńàĺ ćōńśũĺţàńţś ōŕ ß2Ć ćũśţōmēŕś. Ţĥēśē ũśēŕś ďōń'ţ ĝēţ àććēśś ţō ēńţēŕƥŕĩśē ƒēàţũŕēś. Service accounts should be used for machine-to-machine authentication or other automations. Śēŕvĩćē àććōũńţś śĥōũĺď ƀē ũśēď ƒōŕ màćĥĩńē-ţō-màćĥĩńē àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń ōŕ ōţĥēŕ àũţōmàţĩōńś. Less details Ĺēśś ďēţàĩĺś More details Mōŕē ďēţàĩĺś Remove item Ŕēmōvē ĩţēm Open API drawer Ōƥēń ÀƤĨ ďŕàŵēŕ Open Notification drawer Ōƥēń Ńōţĩƒĩćàţĩōń ďŕàŵēŕ Restart task Ŕēśţàŕţ ţàśķ Add provider Àďď ƥŕōvĩďēŕ Open Ōƥēń Copy token Ćōƥŷ ţōķēń Add users Àďď ũśēŕś Add group Àďď ĝŕōũƥ Import devices Ĩmƥōŕţ ďēvĩćēś Execute Ēxēćũţē Show details Śĥōŵ ďēţàĩĺś Apply Àƥƥĺŷ Settings Śēţţĩńĝś Sign out Śĩĝń ōũţ The number of tokens generated whenever this stage is used. Every token generated per stage execution will be attached to a single static device. Ţĥē ńũmƀēŕ ōƒ ţōķēńś ĝēńēŕàţēď ŵĥēńēvēŕ ţĥĩś śţàĝē ĩś ũśēď. Ēvēŕŷ ţōķēń ĝēńēŕàţēď ƥēŕ śţàĝē ēxēćũţĩōń ŵĩĺĺ ƀē àţţàćĥēď ţō à śĩńĝĺē śţàţĩć ďēvĩćē. Token length Ţōķēń ĺēńĝţĥ The length of the individual generated tokens. Can be increased to improve security. Ţĥē ĺēńĝţĥ ōƒ ţĥē ĩńďĩvĩďũàĺ ĝēńēŕàţēď ţōķēńś. Ćàń ƀē ĩńćŕēàśēď ţō ĩmƥŕōvē śēćũŕĩţŷ. Internal: Ĩńţēŕńàĺ: External: Ēxţēŕńàĺ: Statically deny the flow. To use this stage effectively, disable *Evaluate when flow is planned* on the respective binding. Śţàţĩćàĺĺŷ ďēńŷ ţĥē ƒĺōŵ. Ţō ũśē ţĥĩś śţàĝē ēƒƒēćţĩvēĺŷ, ďĩśàƀĺē *Ēvàĺũàţē ŵĥēń ƒĺōŵ ĩś ƥĺàńńēď* ōń ţĥē ŕēśƥēćţĩvē ƀĩńďĩńĝ. Create and bind Policy Ćŕēàţē àńď ƀĩńď Ƥōĺĩćŷ Federation and Social login Ƒēďēŕàţĩōń àńď Śōćĩàĺ ĺōĝĩń Create and bind Stage Ćŕēàţē àńď ƀĩńď Śţàĝē Flows and Stages Ƒĺōŵś àńď Śţàĝēś New version available Ńēŵ vēŕśĩōń àvàĩĺàƀĺē Failure result Ƒàĩĺũŕē ŕēśũĺţ Pass Ƥàśś Don't pass Ďōń'ţ ƥàśś Result used when policy execution fails. Ŕēśũĺţ ũśēď ŵĥēń ƥōĺĩćŷ ēxēćũţĩōń ƒàĩĺś. Required: User verification must occur. Ŕēǫũĩŕēď: Ũśēŕ vēŕĩƒĩćàţĩōń mũśţ ōććũŕ. Preferred: User verification is preferred if available, but not required. Ƥŕēƒēŕŕēď: Ũśēŕ vēŕĩƒĩćàţĩōń ĩś ƥŕēƒēŕŕēď ĩƒ àvàĩĺàƀĺē, ƀũţ ńōţ ŕēǫũĩŕēď. Discouraged: User verification should not occur. Ďĩśćōũŕàĝēď: Ũśēŕ vēŕĩƒĩćàţĩōń śĥōũĺď ńōţ ōććũŕ. Required: The authenticator MUST create a dedicated credential. If it cannot, the RP is prepared for an error to occur Ŕēǫũĩŕēď: Ţĥē àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ MŨŚŢ ćŕēàţē à ďēďĩćàţēď ćŕēďēńţĩàĺ. Ĩƒ ĩţ ćàńńōţ, ţĥē ŔƤ ĩś ƥŕēƥàŕēď ƒōŕ àń ēŕŕōŕ ţō ōććũŕ Preferred: The authenticator can create and store a dedicated credential, but if it doesn't that's alright too Ƥŕēƒēŕŕēď: Ţĥē àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ ćàń ćŕēàţē àńď śţōŕē à ďēďĩćàţēď ćŕēďēńţĩàĺ, ƀũţ ĩƒ ĩţ ďōēśń'ţ ţĥàţ'ś àĺŕĩĝĥţ ţōō Discouraged: The authenticator should not create a dedicated credential Ďĩśćōũŕàĝēď: Ţĥē àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ śĥōũĺď ńōţ ćŕēàţē à ďēďĩćàţēď ćŕēďēńţĩàĺ Lock the user out of this system Ĺōćķ ţĥē ũśēŕ ōũţ ōƒ ţĥĩś śŷśţēm Allow the user to log in and use this system Àĺĺōŵ ţĥē ũśēŕ ţō ĺōĝ ĩń àńď ũśē ţĥĩś śŷśţēm Temporarily assume the identity of this user Ţēmƥōŕàŕĩĺŷ àśśũmē ţĥē ĩďēńţĩţŷ ōƒ ţĥĩś ũśēŕ Enter a new password for this user Ēńţēŕ à ńēŵ ƥàśśŵōŕď ƒōŕ ţĥĩś ũśēŕ Create a link for this user to reset their password Ćŕēàţē à ĺĩńķ ƒōŕ ţĥĩś ũśēŕ ţō ŕēśēţ ţĥēĩŕ ƥàśśŵōŕď WebAuthn requires this page to be accessed via HTTPS. ŴēƀÀũţĥń ŕēǫũĩŕēś ţĥĩś ƥàĝē ţō ƀē àććēśśēď vĩà ĤŢŢƤŚ. WebAuthn not supported by browser. ŴēƀÀũţĥń ńōţ śũƥƥōŕţēď ƀŷ ƀŕōŵśēŕ. Use this provider with nginx's auth_request or traefik's forwardAuth. Each application/domain needs its own provider. Additionally, on each domain, /outpost.goauthentik.io must be routed to the outpost (when using a managed outpost, this is done for you). Ũśē ţĥĩś ƥŕōvĩďēŕ ŵĩţĥ ńĝĩńx'ś àũţĥ_ŕēǫũēśţ ōŕ ţŕàēƒĩķ'ś ƒōŕŵàŕďÀũţĥ. Ēàćĥ àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń/ďōmàĩń ńēēďś ĩţś ōŵń ƥŕōvĩďēŕ. Àďďĩţĩōńàĺĺŷ, ōń ēàćĥ ďōmàĩń, /ōũţƥōśţ.ĝōàũţĥēńţĩķ.ĩō mũśţ ƀē ŕōũţēď ţō ţĥē ōũţƥōśţ (ŵĥēń ũśĩńĝ à màńàĝēď ōũţƥōśţ, ţĥĩś ĩś ďōńē ƒōŕ ŷōũ). Default relay state Ďēƒàũĺţ ŕēĺàŷ śţàţē When using IDP-initiated logins, the relay state will be set to this value. Ŵĥēń ũśĩńĝ ĨĎƤ-ĩńĩţĩàţēď ĺōĝĩńś, ţĥē ŕēĺàŷ śţàţē ŵĩĺĺ ƀē śēţ ţō ţĥĩś vàĺũē. Flow Info Ƒĺōŵ Ĩńƒō Stage used to configure a WebAuthn authenticator (i.e. Yubikey, FaceID/Windows Hello). Śţàĝē ũśēď ţō ćōńƒĩĝũŕē à ŴēƀÀũţĥń àũţĥēńţĩćàţōŕ (ĩ.ē. Ŷũƀĩķēŷ, ƑàćēĨĎ/Ŵĩńďōŵś Ĥēĺĺō). <<<<<<< HEAD Internal application name used in URLs. Ĩńţēŕńàĺ àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń ńàmē ũśēď ĩń ŨŔĹś. Submit Śũƀmĩţ UI Settings ŨĨ Śēţţĩńĝś Transparent Reverse Proxy Ţŕàńśƥàŕēńţ Ŕēvēŕśē Ƥŕōxŷ For transparent reverse proxies with required authentication Ƒōŕ ţŕàńśƥàŕēńţ ŕēvēŕśē ƥŕōxĩēś ŵĩţĥ ŕēǫũĩŕēď àũţĥēńţĩćàţĩōń Configure SAML provider manually Ćōńƒĩĝũŕē ŚÀMĹ ƥŕōvĩďēŕ màńũàĺĺŷ Configure RADIUS provider manually Ćōńƒĩĝũŕē ŔÀĎĨŨŚ ƥŕōvĩďēŕ màńũàĺĺŷ Configure SCIM provider manually Ćōńƒĩĝũŕē ŚĆĨM ƥŕōvĩďēŕ màńũàĺĺŷ Saving Application... Śàvĩńĝ Àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń... Authentik was unable to save this application: Àũţĥēńţĩķ ŵàś ũńàƀĺē ţō śàvē ţĥĩś àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń: Your application has been saved Ŷōũŕ àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń ĥàś ƀēēń śàvēď In the Application: Ĩń ţĥē Àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń: In the Provider: Ĩń ţĥē Ƥŕōvĩďēŕ: Method's display Name. Mēţĥōď'ś ďĩśƥĺàŷ Ńàmē. Use this provider with nginx's auth_request or traefik's forwardAuth. Each application/domain needs its own provider. Additionally, on each domain, /outpost.goauthentik.io must be routed to the outpost (when using a managed outpost, this is done for you). Ũśē ţĥĩś ƥŕōvĩďēŕ ŵĩţĥ ńĝĩńx'ś àũţĥ_ŕēǫũēśţ ōŕ ţŕàēƒĩķ'ś ƒōŕŵàŕďÀũţĥ. Ēàćĥ àƥƥĺĩćàţĩōń/ďōmàĩń ńēēďś ĩţś ōŵń ƥŕōvĩďēŕ. Àďďĩţĩōńàĺĺŷ, ōń ēàćĥ ďōmàĩń, /ōũţƥōśţ.ĝōàũţĥēńţĩķ.ĩō mũśţ ƀē ŕōũţēď ţō ţĥē ōũţƥōśţ (ŵĥēń ũśĩńĝ à màńàĝēď ōũţƥōśţ, ţĥĩś ĩś ďōńē ƒōŕ ŷōũ). Custom attributes Ćũśţōm àţţŕĩƀũţēś Don't show this message again. Ďōń'ţ śĥōŵ ţĥĩś mēśśàĝē àĝàĩń. Pseudolocale (for testing) Ƥśēũďōĺōćàĺē (ƒōŕ ţēśţĩńĝ) Failed to fetch Ƒàĩĺēď ţō ƒēţćĥ Failed to fetch data. Ƒàĩĺēď ţō ƒēţćĥ ďàţà. Successfully assigned permission. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ àśśĩĝńēď ƥēŕmĩśśĩōń. Role Ŕōĺē Assign Àśśĩĝń Assign permission to role Àśśĩĝń ƥēŕmĩśśĩōń ţō ŕōĺē Assign to new role Àśśĩĝń ţō ńēŵ ŕōĺē Directly assigned Ďĩŕēćţĺŷ àśśĩĝńēď Assign permission to user Àśśĩĝń ƥēŕmĩśśĩōń ţō ũśēŕ Assign to new user Àśśĩĝń ţō ńēŵ ũśēŕ User Object Permissions Ũśēŕ ŌƀĴēćţ Ƥēŕmĩśśĩōńś Role Object Permissions Ŕōĺē ŌƀĴēćţ Ƥēŕmĩśśĩōńś Roles Ŕōĺēś Select roles to grant this groups' users' permissions from the selected roles. Śēĺēćţ ŕōĺēś ţō ĝŕàńţ ţĥĩś ĝŕōũƥś' ũśēŕś' ƥēŕmĩśśĩōńś ƒŕōm ţĥē śēĺēćţēď ŕōĺēś. Update Permissions Ũƥďàţē Ƥēŕmĩśśĩōńś Editing is disabled for managed tokens Ēďĩţĩńĝ ĩś ďĩśàƀĺēď ƒōŕ màńàĝēď ţōķēńś Select permissions to grant Śēĺēćţ ƥēŕmĩśśĩōńś ţō ĝŕàńţ Permissions to add Ƥēŕmĩśśĩōńś ţō àďď Select permissions Śēĺēćţ ƥēŕmĩśśĩōńś Assign permission Àśśĩĝń ƥēŕmĩśśĩōń Permission(s) Ƥēŕmĩśśĩōń(ś) Permission Ƥēŕmĩśśĩōń User doesn't have view permission so description cannot be retrieved. Ũśēŕ ďōēśń'ţ ĥàvē vĩēŵ ƥēŕmĩśśĩōń śō ďēśćŕĩƥţĩōń ćàńńōţ ƀē ŕēţŕĩēvēď. Assigned permissions Àśśĩĝńēď ƥēŕmĩśśĩōńś Assigned global permissions Àśśĩĝńēď ĝĺōƀàĺ ƥēŕmĩśśĩōńś Assigned object permissions Àśśĩĝńēď ōƀĴēćţ ƥēŕmĩśśĩōńś Successfully updated role. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ũƥďàţēď ŕōĺē. Successfully created role. Śũććēśśƒũĺĺŷ ćŕēàţēď ŕōĺē. Manage roles which grant permissions to objects within authentik. Màńàĝē ŕōĺēś ŵĥĩćĥ ĝŕàńţ ƥēŕmĩśśĩōńś ţō ōƀĴēćţś ŵĩţĥĩń àũţĥēńţĩķ. Role(s) Ŕōĺē(ś) Update Role Ũƥďàţē Ŕōĺē Create Role Ćŕēàţē Ŕōĺē Role doesn't have view permission so description cannot be retrieved. Ŕōĺē ďōēśń'ţ ĥàvē vĩēŵ ƥēŕmĩśśĩōń śō ďēśćŕĩƥţĩōń ćàńńōţ ƀē ŕēţŕĩēvēď. Role Ŕōĺē Role Info Ŕōĺē Ĩńƒō Create With Wizard One hint, 'New Application Wizard', is currently hidden External applications that use authentik as an identity provider via protocols like OAuth2 and SAML. All applications are shown here, even ones you cannot access. Deny message Message shown when this stage is run. Open Wizard Demo Wizard Run the demo wizard OAuth2/OIDC (Open Authorization/OpenID Connect) LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) Forward Auth (Single Application) Forward Auth (Domain Level) SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) The token has been copied to your clipboard The token was displayed because authentik does not have permission to write to the clipboard A copy of this recovery link has been placed in your clipboard The current tenant must have a recovery flow configured to use a recovery link Create recovery link Create Recovery Link External Service account Service account (internal) Check the release notes User Statistics <No name set> For nginx's auth_request or traefik's forwardAuth For nginx's auth_request or traefik's forwardAuth per root domain RBAC is in preview. User type used for newly created users. Users created Failed logins Also known as Client ID. Also known as Client Secret. Global status Vendor No sync status. Sync currently running. Connectivity 0: Too guessable: risky password. (guesses &lt; 10^3) 1: Very guessable: protection from throttled online attacks. (guesses &lt; 10^6) 2: Somewhat guessable: protection from unthrottled online attacks. (guesses &lt; 10^8) 3: Safely unguessable: moderate protection from offline slow-hash scenario. (guesses &lt; 10^10) 4: Very unguessable: strong protection from offline slow-hash scenario. (guesses &gt;= 10^10) Successfully created user and added to group This user will be added to the group "". Pretend user exists When enabled, the stage will always accept the given user identifier and continue.