"""OAuth Provider Models""" import base64 import binascii import json import time from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field from hashlib import sha256 from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type from uuid import uuid4 from django.conf import settings from django.db import models from django.forms import ModelForm from django.http import HttpRequest from django.shortcuts import reverse from django.utils import dateformat, timezone from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from jwkest.jwk import Key, RSAKey, SYMKey, import_rsa_key from jwkest.jws import JWS from passbook.core.models import ExpiringModel, PropertyMapping, Provider, User from passbook.crypto.models import CertificateKeyPair from passbook.lib.utils.template import render_to_string from passbook.lib.utils.time import timedelta_from_string, timedelta_string_validator from passbook.providers.oauth2.apps import PassbookProviderOAuth2Config from passbook.providers.oauth2.generators import ( generate_client_id, generate_client_secret, ) class ClientTypes(models.TextChoices): """<b>Confidential</b> clients are capable of maintaining the confidentiality of their credentials. <b>Public</b> clients are incapable.""" CONFIDENTIAL = "confidential", _("Confidential") PUBLIC = "public", _("Public") class GrantTypes(models.TextChoices): """OAuth2 Grant types we support""" AUTHORIZATION_CODE = "authorization_code" IMPLICIT = "implicit" HYBRID = "hybrid" class ResponseTypes(models.TextChoices): """Response Type required by the client.""" CODE = "code", _("code (Authorization Code Flow)") ID_TOKEN = "id_token", _("id_token (Implicit Flow)") ID_TOKEN_TOKEN = "id_token token", _("id_token token (Implicit Flow)") CODE_TOKEN = "code token", _("code token (Hybrid Flow)") CODE_ID_TOKEN = "code id_token", _("code id_token (Hybrid Flow)") CODE_ID_TOKEN_TOKEN = "code id_token token", _("code id_token token (Hybrid Flow)") class JWTAlgorithms(models.TextChoices): """Algorithm used to sign the JWT Token""" HS256 = "HS256", _("HS256 (Symmetric Encryption)") RS256 = "RS256", _("RS256 (Asymmetric Encryption)") class ScopeMapping(PropertyMapping): """Map an OAuth Scope to users properties""" scope_name = models.TextField(help_text=_("Scope used by the client")) description = models.TextField( blank=True, help_text=_( ( "Description shown to the user when consenting. " "If left empty, the user won't be informed." ) ), ) def form(self) -> Type[ModelForm]: from passbook.providers.oauth2.forms import ScopeMappingForm return ScopeMappingForm def __str__(self): return f"Scope Mapping '{self.scope_name}'" class Meta: verbose_name = _("Scope Mapping") verbose_name_plural = _("Scope Mappings") class OAuth2Provider(Provider): """OAuth2 Provider for generic OAuth and OpenID Connect Applications.""" name = models.TextField() client_type = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=ClientTypes.choices, default=ClientTypes.CONFIDENTIAL, verbose_name=_("Client Type"), help_text=_(ClientTypes.__doc__), ) client_id = models.CharField( max_length=255, unique=True, verbose_name=_("Client ID"), default=generate_client_id, ) client_secret = models.CharField( max_length=255, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Client Secret"), default=generate_client_secret, ) response_type = models.TextField( choices=ResponseTypes.choices, default=ResponseTypes.CODE, help_text=_(ResponseTypes.__doc__), ) jwt_alg = models.CharField( max_length=10, choices=JWTAlgorithms.choices, default=JWTAlgorithms.RS256, verbose_name=_("JWT Algorithm"), help_text=_(JWTAlgorithms.__doc__), ) redirect_uris = models.TextField( default="", verbose_name=_("Redirect URIs"), help_text=_("Enter each URI on a new line."), ) post_logout_redirect_uris = models.TextField( blank=True, default="", verbose_name=_("Post Logout Redirect URIs"), help_text=_("Enter each URI on a new line."), ) include_claims_in_id_token = models.BooleanField( default=True, verbose_name=_("Include claims in id_token"), help_text=_( ( "Include User claims from scopes in the id_token, for applications " "that don't access the userinfo endpoint." ) ), ) token_validity = models.TextField( default="minutes=10", validators=[timedelta_string_validator], help_text=_( ( "Tokens not valid on or after current time + this value " "(Format: hours=1;minutes=2;seconds=3)." ) ), ) rsa_key = models.ForeignKey( CertificateKeyPair, verbose_name=_("RSA Key"), on_delete=models.CASCADE, blank=True, null=True, help_text=_( "Key used to sign the tokens. Only required when JWT Algorithm is set to RS256." ), ) @property def scope_names(self) -> List[str]: """Return list of assigned scopes seperated with a space""" return [pm.scope_name for pm in self.property_mappings.all()] def create_refresh_token( self, user: User, scope: List[str], id_token: Optional["IDToken"] = None ) -> "RefreshToken": """Create and populate a RefreshToken object.""" token = RefreshToken( user=user, provider=self, access_token=uuid4().hex, refresh_token=uuid4().hex, expires=timezone.now() + timedelta_from_string(self.token_validity), scope=scope, ) if id_token: token.id_token = id_token return token def get_jwt_keys(self) -> List[Key]: """ Takes a provider and returns the set of keys associated with it. Returns a list of keys. """ if self.jwt_alg == JWTAlgorithms.RS256: # if the user selected RS256 but didn't select a # CertificateKeyPair, we fall back to HS256 if not self.rsa_key: self.jwt_alg = JWTAlgorithms.HS256 self.save() else: # Because the JWT Library uses python cryptodome, # we can't directly pass the RSAPublicKey # object, but have to load it ourselves key = import_rsa_key(self.rsa_key.key_data) keys = [RSAKey(key=key, kid=self.rsa_key.kid)] if not keys: raise Exception("You must add at least one RSA Key.") return keys if self.jwt_alg == JWTAlgorithms.HS256: return [SYMKey(key=self.client_secret, alg=self.jwt_alg)] raise Exception("Unsupported key algorithm.") def get_issuer(self, request: HttpRequest) -> Optional[str]: """Get issuer, based on request""" try: mountpoint = PassbookProviderOAuth2Config.mountpoints[ "passbook.providers.oauth2.urls" ] # pylint: disable=no-member return request.build_absolute_uri(f"/{mountpoint}{self.application.slug}/") except Provider.application.RelatedObjectDoesNotExist: return None def form(self) -> Type[ModelForm]: from passbook.providers.oauth2.forms import OAuth2ProviderForm return OAuth2ProviderForm def __str__(self): return f"OAuth2 Provider {self.name}" def html_setup_urls(self, request: HttpRequest) -> Optional[str]: """return template and context modal with URLs for authorize, token, openid-config, etc""" try: # pylint: disable=no-member return render_to_string( "providers/oauth2/setup_url_modal.html", { "provider": self, "authorize": request.build_absolute_uri( reverse("passbook_providers_oauth2:authorize",) ), "token": request.build_absolute_uri( reverse("passbook_providers_oauth2:token",) ), "userinfo": request.build_absolute_uri( reverse("passbook_providers_oauth2:userinfo",) ), "provider_info": request.build_absolute_uri( reverse( "passbook_providers_oauth2:provider-info", kwargs={"application_slug": self.application.slug}, ) ), }, ) except Provider.application.RelatedObjectDoesNotExist: return None class Meta: verbose_name = _("OAuth2/OpenID Provider") verbose_name_plural = _("OAuth2/OpenID Providers") class BaseGrantModel(models.Model): """Base Model for all grants""" provider = models.ForeignKey(OAuth2Provider, on_delete=models.CASCADE) user = models.ForeignKey(User, verbose_name=_("User"), on_delete=models.CASCADE) _scope = models.TextField(default="", verbose_name=_("Scopes")) @property def scope(self) -> List[str]: """Return scopes as list of strings""" return self._scope.split() @scope.setter def scope(self, value): self._scope = " ".join(value) class Meta: abstract = True # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes class AuthorizationCode(ExpiringModel, BaseGrantModel): """OAuth2 Authorization Code""" code = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True, verbose_name=_("Code")) nonce = models.CharField( max_length=255, blank=True, default="", verbose_name=_("Nonce") ) is_open_id = models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name=_("Is Authentication?") ) code_challenge = models.CharField( max_length=255, null=True, verbose_name=_("Code Challenge") ) code_challenge_method = models.CharField( max_length=255, null=True, verbose_name=_("Code Challenge Method") ) class Meta: verbose_name = _("Authorization Code") verbose_name_plural = _("Authorization Codes") def __str__(self): return "{0} - {1}".format(self.provider, self.code) @dataclass # plyint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes class IDToken: """The primary extension that OpenID Connect makes to OAuth 2.0 to enable End-Users to be Authenticated is the ID Token data structure. The ID Token is a security token that contains Claims about the Authentication of an End-User by an Authorization Server when using a Client, and potentially other requested Claims. The ID Token is represented as a JSON Web Token (JWT) [JWT]. https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#IDToken""" # All these fields need to optional so we can save an empty IDToken for non-OpenID flows. iss: Optional[str] = None sub: Optional[str] = None aud: Optional[str] = None exp: Optional[int] = None iat: Optional[int] = None auth_time: Optional[int] = None nonce: Optional[str] = None at_hash: Optional[str] = None claims: Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict) @staticmethod def from_dict(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> "IDToken": """Reconstruct ID Token from json dictionary""" token = IDToken() for key, value in data.items(): setattr(token, key, value) return token def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Convert dataclass to dict, and update with keys from `claims`""" dic = asdict(self) dic.pop("claims") dic.update(self.claims) return dic def encode(self, provider: OAuth2Provider) -> str: """Represent the ID Token as a JSON Web Token (JWT).""" keys = provider.get_jwt_keys() # If the provider does not have an RSA Key assigned, it was switched to Symmetric provider.refresh_from_db() jws = JWS(self.to_dict(), alg=provider.jwt_alg) return jws.sign_compact(keys) class RefreshToken(ExpiringModel, BaseGrantModel): """OAuth2 Refresh Token""" access_token = models.CharField( max_length=255, unique=True, verbose_name=_("Access Token") ) refresh_token = models.CharField( max_length=255, unique=True, verbose_name=_("Refresh Token") ) _id_token = models.TextField(verbose_name=_("ID Token")) class Meta: verbose_name = _("Token") verbose_name_plural = _("Tokens") @property def id_token(self) -> IDToken: """Load ID Token from json""" if self._id_token: raw_token = json.loads(self._id_token) return IDToken.from_dict(raw_token) return IDToken() @id_token.setter def id_token(self, value: IDToken): self._id_token = json.dumps(asdict(value)) def __str__(self): return f"{self.provider} - {self.access_token}" @property def at_hash(self): """Get hashed access_token""" hashed_access_token = ( sha256(self.access_token.encode("ascii")).hexdigest().encode("ascii") ) return ( base64.urlsafe_b64encode( binascii.unhexlify(hashed_access_token[: len(hashed_access_token) // 2]) ) .rstrip(b"=") .decode("ascii") ) def create_id_token(self, user: User, request: HttpRequest) -> IDToken: """Creates the id_token. See: http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#IDToken""" sub = sha256(f"{user.id}-{settings.SECRET_KEY}".encode("ascii")).hexdigest() # Convert datetimes into timestamps. now = int(time.time()) iat_time = now exp_time = int( now + timedelta_from_string(self.provider.token_validity).seconds ) user_auth_time = user.last_login or user.date_joined auth_time = int(dateformat.format(user_auth_time, "U")) token = IDToken( iss=self.provider.get_issuer(request), sub=sub, aud=self.provider.client_id, exp=exp_time, iat=iat_time, auth_time=auth_time, ) # Include (or not) user standard claims in the id_token. if self.provider.include_claims_in_id_token: from passbook.providers.oauth2.views.userinfo import UserInfoView user_info = UserInfoView() user_info.request = request claims = user_info.get_claims(self) token.claims = claims return token