--- title: Release 2021.4 --- ## Headline Changes - Configurable Policy engine mode In the past, all objects, which could have policies attached to them, required *all* policies to pass to consider an action successful. You can now configure if *all* policies need to pass, or if *any* policy needs to pass. This can now be configured for the following objects: - Applications (access restrictions) - Sources - Flows - Flow-stage bindings For backwards compatibility, this is set to *all*, but new objects will default to *any*. - Expiring Events Previously, events would stay in the database forever, and had to eventually be cleaned up manually. This version add expiry to events with a default timeout of 1 Year. This also applies to existing events, and their expiry will be set during the migration. - New UI While the UI mostly looks the same, under the hood a lot has changed. The Web UI is now a Single-page application based on rollup and lit-html. This has several consequences and new features, for example: - You can now see a user's OAuth Access/Refresh tokens and the consents they've given - You can now see a per-object changelog based on the model_create/update/delete events being created. - A new API Browser is available under `https://authentink.company/api/v2beta/` - Several new charts, new pages and quality-of-life improvements - Credentials of objects are no longer while editing them - Deprecated Group membership has been removed. ## Minor changes - You can now specify the amount of processes started in docker-compose using the `WORKERS` environment variable. ## Upgrading This release does not introduce any new requirements. ### docker-compose Download the latest docker-compose file from [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BeryJu/authentik/version-2021.4/docker-compose.yml). Afterwards, simply run `docker-compose up -d` and then the standard upgrade command of `docker-compose run --rm server migrate`. ### Kubernetes Run `helm repo update` and then upgrade your release with `helm upgrade passbook authentik/authentik --devel -f values.yaml`.