title: Release 2022.10
slug: "2022.10"

## Breaking changes

-   This version removes old migrations that have been replaced by squashed versions in previous versions. As such it is only possible to upgrade to this version from **2022.1** or later.
-   Several challenge components have been renamed to better match the rest of the challenges
-   The SAML Source has been updated to use connection objects instead of directly creating users.

## New features

-   Support for OAuth2 Device flow

    See more in the OAuth2 provider docs [here](../providers/oauth2/device_code). This flow allows users to authenticate on devices that have limited input possibilities and or no browser access.

-   Customizable payload for SMS Authenticator stage when using Generic provider.
-   Revamped SAML Source

    The SAML source uses connection objects and the same Flow manager as the OAuth and Plex source. Additionally error-handling has been improved.

    This also allows for mapping fields from SAML Source to users.

-   Twitch OAuth Source has been added
-   Optimised loading speed of Flows & Stages

    This affects listing Flows & Stages in the admin interface, as well as loading prompts within forms. Also the flow planning has been improved to use less queries.

-   Reduced possibility of redirect loops when using Forward auth

## API Changes

#### What's New


##### `POST` /flows/instances/import/

##### `GET` /sources/user_connections/saml/

##### `POST` /sources/user_connections/saml/

##### `GET` /sources/user_connections/saml/{id}/

##### `PUT` /sources/user_connections/saml/{id}/

##### `DELETE` /sources/user_connections/saml/{id}/

##### `PATCH` /sources/user_connections/saml/{id}/

##### `GET` /sources/user_connections/saml/{id}/used_by/

#### What's Deleted


##### `POST` /flows/instances/import_flow/

#### What's Changed


##### `GET` /core/tenants/{tenant_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Added property `flow_device_code` (string)

##### `PUT` /core/tenants/{tenant_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Added property `flow_device_code` (string)

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Added property `flow_device_code` (string)

##### `PATCH` /core/tenants/{tenant_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Added property `flow_device_code` (string)

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Added property `flow_device_code` (string)

##### `GET` /propertymappings/notification/{pm_uuid}/

###### Parameters:

Changed: `pm_uuid` in `path`

> A UUID string identifying this Webhook Mapping.

##### `PUT` /propertymappings/notification/{pm_uuid}/

###### Parameters:

Changed: `pm_uuid` in `path`

> A UUID string identifying this Webhook Mapping.

##### `DELETE` /propertymappings/notification/{pm_uuid}/

###### Parameters:

Changed: `pm_uuid` in `path`

> A UUID string identifying this Webhook Mapping.

##### `PATCH` /propertymappings/notification/{pm_uuid}/

###### Parameters:

Changed: `pm_uuid` in `path`

> A UUID string identifying this Webhook Mapping.

##### `GET` /admin/metrics/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    New required properties:

    -   `authorizations_per_1h`

    *   Added property `authorizations_per_1h` (array)

        Items (object): > Coordinates for diagrams

        -   Property `x_cord` (integer)

        -   Property `y_cord` (integer)

##### `POST` /core/tenants/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Added property `flow_device_code` (string)

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **201 Created**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Added property `flow_device_code` (string)

##### `GET` /core/tenants/

###### Parameters:

Added: `flow_device_code` in `query`

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Tenant Serializer

        -   Added property `flow_device_code` (string)

##### `GET` /core/tenants/current/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Added property `flow_device_code` (string)

##### `GET` /crypto/certificatekeypairs/

###### Parameters:

Added: `include_details` in `query`

##### `GET` /propertymappings/notification/{pm_uuid}/used_by/

###### Parameters:

Changed: `pm_uuid` in `path`

> A UUID string identifying this Webhook Mapping.

##### `GET` /root/config/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `capabilities` (array)

        Changed items (string):

        Added enum value:

        -   `can_debug`

##### `GET` /sources/oauth/{slug}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `provider_type` (string)

        Added enum value:

        -   `twitch`

##### `PUT` /sources/oauth/{slug}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `provider_type` (string)

    Added enum value:

    -   `twitch`

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `provider_type` (string)

        Added enum value:

        -   `twitch`

##### `PATCH` /sources/oauth/{slug}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `provider_type` (string)

    Added enum value:

    -   `twitch`

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `provider_type` (string)

        Added enum value:

        -   `twitch`

##### `GET` /flows/bindings/{fsb_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `stage_obj` (object)

        > Stage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PUT` /flows/bindings/{fsb_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `stage_obj` (object)

        > Stage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PATCH` /flows/bindings/{fsb_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `stage_obj` (object)

        > Stage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `POST` /sources/oauth/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `provider_type` (string)

    Added enum value:

    -   `twitch`

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **201 Created**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `provider_type` (string)

        Added enum value:

        -   `twitch`

##### `GET` /sources/oauth/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > OAuth Source Serializer

        -   Changed property `provider_type` (string)

            Added enum value:

            -   `twitch`

##### `GET` /stages/all/{stage_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/authenticator/duo/{stage_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PUT` /stages/authenticator/duo/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PATCH` /stages/authenticator/duo/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/authenticator/sms/{stage_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Added property `mapping` (string)

        > Optionally modify the payload being sent to custom providers.

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PUT` /stages/authenticator/sms/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Added property `mapping` (string)

    > Optionally modify the payload being sent to custom providers.

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Added property `mapping` (string)

        > Optionally modify the payload being sent to custom providers.

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PATCH` /stages/authenticator/sms/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Added property `mapping` (string)

    > Optionally modify the payload being sent to custom providers.

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Added property `mapping` (string)

        > Optionally modify the payload being sent to custom providers.

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/authenticator/static/{stage_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PUT` /stages/authenticator/static/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PATCH` /stages/authenticator/static/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/authenticator/totp/{stage_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PUT` /stages/authenticator/totp/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PATCH` /stages/authenticator/totp/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/authenticator/validate/{stage_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PUT` /stages/authenticator/validate/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PATCH` /stages/authenticator/validate/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/authenticator/webauthn/{stage_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PUT` /stages/authenticator/webauthn/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PATCH` /stages/authenticator/webauthn/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/captcha/{stage_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PUT` /stages/captcha/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PATCH` /stages/captcha/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/consent/{stage_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PUT` /stages/consent/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PATCH` /stages/consent/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/deny/{stage_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PUT` /stages/deny/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PATCH` /stages/deny/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/dummy/{stage_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PUT` /stages/dummy/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PATCH` /stages/dummy/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/email/{stage_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PUT` /stages/email/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PATCH` /stages/email/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/identification/{stage_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PUT` /stages/identification/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PATCH` /stages/identification/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/invitation/stages/{stage_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PUT` /stages/invitation/stages/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PATCH` /stages/invitation/stages/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/password/{stage_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PUT` /stages/password/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PATCH` /stages/password/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/prompt/stages/{stage_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PUT` /stages/prompt/stages/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PATCH` /stages/prompt/stages/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/user_delete/{stage_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PUT` /stages/user_delete/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PATCH` /stages/user_delete/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/user_login/{stage_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PUT` /stages/user_login/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PATCH` /stages/user_login/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/user_logout/{stage_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PUT` /stages/user_logout/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PATCH` /stages/user_logout/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/user_write/{stage_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PUT` /stages/user_write/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PATCH` /stages/user_write/{stage_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `POST` /flows/bindings/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **201 Created**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `stage_obj` (object)

        > Stage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /flows/bindings/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > FlowStageBinding Serializer

        -   Changed property `stage_obj` (object)

            > Stage Serializer

            -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

                Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

                New optional properties:

                -   `cache_count`
                -   `policies`
                -   `stages`

                *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

                *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

                *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /flows/executor/{flow_slug}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    Deleted 'ak-flow-sources-plex' component
    Deleted 'ak-flow-sources-oauth-apple' component
    Added 'ak-provider-oauth2-device-code' component:

    -   Property `type` (string)

        Enum values:

        -   `native`
        -   `shell`
        -   `redirect`

    -   Property `flow_info` (object)

        > Contextual flow information for a challenge

        -   Property `title` (string)

        -   Property `background` (string)

        -   Property `cancel_url` (string)

        -   Property `layout` (string)

            Enum values:

            -   `stacked`
            -   `content_left`
            -   `content_right`
            -   `sidebar_left`
            -   `sidebar_right`

    -   Property `component` (string)

    -   Property `response_errors` (object)

    Added 'ak-source-oauth-apple' component:

    -   Property `type` (string)

    -   Property `flow_info` (object)

        > Contextual flow information for a challenge

    -   Property `component` (string)

    -   Property `response_errors` (object)

    -   Property `client_id` (string)

    -   Property `scope` (string)

    -   Property `redirect_uri` (string)

    -   Property `state` (string)

    Added 'ak-source-plex' component:

    -   Property `type` (string)

    -   Property `flow_info` (object)

        > Contextual flow information for a challenge

    -   Property `component` (string)

    -   Property `response_errors` (object)

    -   Property `client_id` (string)

    -   Property `slug` (string)

    Added 'ak-provider-oauth2-device-code-finish' component:

    -   Property `type` (string)

    -   Property `flow_info` (object)

        > Contextual flow information for a challenge

    -   Property `component` (string)

    -   Property `response_errors` (object)

    Updated `ak-stage-identification` component:

    -   Changed property `sources` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Serializer for Login buttons of sources

        -   Changed property `challenge` (object)

            Deleted 'ak-flow-sources-plex' component
            Deleted 'ak-flow-sources-oauth-apple' component
            Added 'ak-source-oauth-apple' component:
            Added 'ak-source-plex' component:

##### `POST` /flows/executor/{flow_slug}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

Deleted 'ak-flow-sources-plex' component
Deleted 'ak-flow-sources-oauth-apple' component
Added 'ak-provider-oauth2-device-code' component:

-   Property `component` (string)

-   Property `code` (integer)

Added 'ak-source-oauth-apple' component:

-   Property `component` (string)

Added 'ak-source-plex' component:

-   Property `component` (string)

Added 'ak-provider-oauth2-device-code-finish' component:

-   Property `component` (string)

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    Deleted 'ak-flow-sources-plex' component
    Deleted 'ak-flow-sources-oauth-apple' component
    Added 'ak-provider-oauth2-device-code' component:
    Added 'ak-source-oauth-apple' component:
    Added 'ak-source-plex' component:
    Added 'ak-provider-oauth2-device-code-finish' component:
    Updated `ak-stage-identification` component:

    -   Changed property `sources` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Serializer for Login buttons of sources

        -   Changed property `challenge` (object)

            Deleted 'ak-flow-sources-plex' component
            Deleted 'ak-flow-sources-oauth-apple' component
            Added 'ak-source-oauth-apple' component:
            Added 'ak-source-plex' component:

##### `GET` /flows/inspector/{flow_slug}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `plans` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Serializer for an active FlowPlan

        -   Changed property `current_stage` (object)

            > FlowStageBinding Serializer

            -   Changed property `stage_obj` (object)

                > Stage Serializer

                -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

                    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

                    New optional properties:

                    -   `cache_count`
                    -   `policies`
                    -   `stages`

                    *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

                    *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

                    *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/all/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `POST` /stages/authenticator/duo/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **201 Created**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/authenticator/duo/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > AuthenticatorDuoStage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `POST` /stages/authenticator/sms/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Added property `mapping` (string)

    > Optionally modify the payload being sent to custom providers.

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **201 Created**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Added property `mapping` (string)

        > Optionally modify the payload being sent to custom providers.

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/authenticator/sms/

###### Parameters:

Added: `mapping` in `query`

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > AuthenticatorSMSStage Serializer

        -   Added property `mapping` (string)

            > Optionally modify the payload being sent to custom providers.

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `POST` /stages/authenticator/static/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **201 Created**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/authenticator/static/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > AuthenticatorStaticStage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `POST` /stages/authenticator/totp/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **201 Created**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/authenticator/totp/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > AuthenticatorTOTPStage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `POST` /stages/authenticator/validate/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **201 Created**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/authenticator/validate/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > AuthenticatorValidateStage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `POST` /stages/authenticator/webauthn/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **201 Created**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/authenticator/webauthn/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > AuthenticateWebAuthnStage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `POST` /stages/captcha/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **201 Created**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/captcha/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > CaptchaStage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `POST` /stages/consent/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **201 Created**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/consent/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > ConsentStage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `POST` /stages/deny/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **201 Created**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/deny/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > DenyStage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `POST` /stages/dummy/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **201 Created**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/dummy/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > DummyStage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `POST` /stages/email/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **201 Created**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/email/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > EmailStage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `POST` /stages/identification/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **201 Created**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/identification/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > IdentificationStage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `POST` /stages/invitation/stages/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **201 Created**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/invitation/stages/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > InvitationStage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `POST` /stages/password/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **201 Created**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/password/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > PasswordStage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/prompt/prompts/{prompt_uuid}/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `promptstage_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PUT` /stages/prompt/prompts/{prompt_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `promptstage_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stage Serializer

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `promptstage_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `PATCH` /stages/prompt/prompts/{prompt_uuid}/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `promptstage_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stage Serializer

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `promptstage_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `POST` /stages/prompt/stages/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **201 Created**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/prompt/stages/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > PromptStage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `POST` /stages/user_delete/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **201 Created**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/user_delete/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > UserDeleteStage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `POST` /stages/user_login/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **201 Created**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/user_login/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > UserLoginStage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `POST` /stages/user_logout/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **201 Created**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/user_logout/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > UserLogoutStage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `POST` /stages/user_write/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **201 Created**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        New optional properties:

        -   `cache_count`
        -   `policies`
        -   `stages`

        *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

        *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

        *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/user_write/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > UserWriteStage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `POST` /stages/prompt/prompts/

###### Request:

Changed content type : `application/json`

-   Changed property `promptstage_set` (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stage Serializer

    -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **201 Created**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `promptstage_set` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stage Serializer

        -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            New optional properties:

            -   `cache_count`
            -   `policies`
            -   `stages`

            *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

            *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

            *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

##### `GET` /stages/prompt/prompts/

###### Return Type:

Changed response : **200 OK**

-   Changed content type : `application/json`

    -   Changed property `results` (array)

        Changed items (object): > Prompt Serializer

        -   Changed property `promptstage_set` (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stage Serializer

            -   Changed property `flow_set` (array)

                Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

                New optional properties:

                -   `cache_count`
                -   `policies`
                -   `stages`

                *   Deleted property `stages` (array)

                *   Deleted property `policies` (array)

                *   Deleted property `cache_count` (integer)

## Minor changes/fixes

-   \*: improve error handling in ldap outpost, ignore additional errors
-   admin: add authorisations metric (#3811)
-   blueprints: fix error when exporting objects with lazily translated strings
-   core: fallback to empty user object for PropertyMappingEvaluator
-   core: fix messages not being shown when no client is connected
-   core: fix title in generic error template
-   crypto: fix cert_expiry not having the correct format
-   crypto: fix import_certificate checking private key as certificate
-   crypto: make certificate parsing optional for crypto api (#3711)
-   flows: always show flow inspector in debug mode, don't require admin in debug (#3786)
-   flows: improved import (show logs, improve UI) (#3807)
-   flows: optimise queries for flow and stage API endpoints
-   internal: limit body size
-   outposts/ldap: increase compatibility with different types in user and group attributes
-   providers/oauth2: add all hardcoded claims to claims_supported list
-   providers/oauth2: add device flow (#3334)
-   providers/oauth2: exclude at_hash claim if not set instead of being null
-   providers/oauth2: fix issues with es256 and add tests (#3808)
-   providers/saml: don't attempt verification of SAML request when no verification certificate is configured
-   root: add global fallback throttle
-   root: Add setting to adjust database config for pgbouncer (#3769)
-   root: decrease default token size to 60 chars for compatibility (#3710)
-   root: save email template directory in config
-   sources/oauth: add Twitch OAuth source (#3746)
-   sources/oauth: allow overriding of all scopes
-   sources/saml: improve error handling for missing assertion and missing subject
-   sources/saml: revamp SAML Source (#3785)
-   stages/authenticator_sms: make sms stage payload customisable (#3780)
-   stages/email: don't check that email templates exist on startup
-   web: use drawSelection to workaround cursor bug when using CodeMirror with ShadowDOM in firefox
-   web/\*: fix blank api drawer
-   web/admin: allow web-based sources to have empty enrollment/authentication flow
-   web/admin: rework scrolling in modals, ensure overlay covers everything
-   web/admin: set card headers and icons in card class
-   web/flows: improve display for action-showing stages
-   web/flows: update flow background
-   website/docs: add warning to trace log level

## Upgrading

This release does not introduce any new requirements.

### docker-compose

Download the docker-compose file for 2022.10 from [here](https://goauthentik.io/version/2022.10/docker-compose.yml). Afterwards, simply run `docker-compose up -d`.

### Kubernetes

Update your values to use the new images:

    repository: ghcr.io/goauthentik/server
    tag: 2022.10.1