import { getCookie } from "../utils"; import { NotFoundError, RequestError } from "./Error"; export const VERSION = "v2beta"; export interface QueryArguments { page?: number; page_size?: number; [key: string]: number | string | boolean | undefined | null; } export interface BaseInheritanceModel { object_type: string; verbose_name: string; verbose_name_plural: string; } export class Client { makeUrl(url: string[], query?: QueryArguments): string { let builtUrl = `/api/${VERSION}/${url.join("/")}/`; if (query) { const queryString = Object.keys(query) .filter((k) => query[k] !== null) // we default to a string in query[k] as we've filtered out the null above // this is just for type-hinting .map((k) => encodeURIComponent(k) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(query[k] || "")) .join("&"); builtUrl += `?${queryString}`; } return builtUrl; } fetch(url: string[], query?: QueryArguments): Promise { const finalUrl = this.makeUrl(url, query); return fetch(finalUrl) .then((r) => { if (r.status > 300) { switch (r.status) { case 404: throw new NotFoundError(`URL ${finalUrl} not found`); default: throw new RequestError(r.statusText); } } return r; }) .then((r) => r.json()) .then((r) => r); } private writeRequest(url: string[], body: T, method: string, query?: QueryArguments): Promise { const finalUrl = this.makeUrl(url, query); const csrftoken = getCookie("authentik_csrf"); const request = new Request(finalUrl, { headers: { "Accept": "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-CSRFToken": csrftoken, }, }); return fetch(request, { method: method, mode: "same-origin", body: JSON.stringify(body), }) .then((r) => { if (r.status > 300) { switch (r.status) { case 404: throw new NotFoundError(`URL ${finalUrl} not found`); default: throw new RequestError(r.statusText); } } return r; }) .then((r) => r.json()) .then((r) => r); } update(url: string[], body: T, query?: QueryArguments): Promise { return this.writeRequest(url, body, "PATCH", query); } } export const DefaultClient = new Client(); export interface PBPagination { next?: number; previous?: number; count: number; current: number; total_pages: number; start_index: number; end_index: number; } export interface AKResponse { pagination: PBPagination; results: Array; }