"""passbook multi-factor authentication engine""" from inspect import Signature from django.contrib import messages from django.contrib.auth import _clean_credentials from django.contrib.auth.signals import user_login_failed from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied from django.forms.utils import ErrorList from django.shortcuts import redirect, reverse from django.utils.translation import gettext as _ from django.views.generic import FormView from structlog import get_logger from passbook.core.forms.authentication import PasswordFactorForm from passbook.core.models import Nonce from passbook.core.tasks import send_email from passbook.factors.base import AuthenticationFactor from passbook.factors.view import AuthenticationView from passbook.lib.config import CONFIG from passbook.lib.utils.reflection import path_to_class LOGGER = get_logger() def authenticate(request, backends, **credentials): """If the given credentials are valid, return a User object. Customized version of django's authenticate, which accepts a list of backends""" for backend_path in backends: backend = path_to_class(backend_path)() try: signature = Signature.from_callable(backend.authenticate) signature.bind(request, **credentials) except TypeError: LOGGER.debug("Backend doesn't accept our arguments", backend=backend) # This backend doesn't accept these credentials as arguments. Try the next one. continue LOGGER.debug('Attempting authentication...', backend=backend) try: user = backend.authenticate(request, **credentials) except PermissionDenied: LOGGER.debug('Backend threw PermissionDenied', backend=backend) # This backend says to stop in our tracks - this user should not be allowed in at all. break if user is None: continue # Annotate the user object with the path of the backend. user.backend = backend_path return user # The credentials supplied are invalid to all backends, fire signal user_login_failed.send(sender=__name__, credentials=_clean_credentials( credentials), request=request) class PasswordFactor(FormView, AuthenticationFactor): """Authentication factor which authenticates against django's AuthBackend""" form_class = PasswordFactorForm template_name = 'login/factors/backend.html' def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): kwargs['show_password_forget_notice'] = CONFIG.y('passbook.password_reset.enabled') return super().get_context_data(**kwargs) def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if 'password-forgotten' in request.GET: nonce = Nonce.objects.create(user=self.pending_user) LOGGER.debug("DEBUG %s", str(nonce.uuid)) # Send mail to user send_email.delay(self.pending_user.email, _('Forgotten password'), 'email/account_password_reset.html', { 'url': self.request.build_absolute_uri( reverse('passbook_core:auth-password-reset', kwargs={ 'nonce': nonce.uuid }) ) }) self.authenticator.cleanup() messages.success(request, _('Check your E-Mails for a password reset link.')) return redirect('passbook_core:auth-login') return super().get(request, *args, **kwargs) def form_valid(self, form): """Authenticate against django's authentication backend""" uid_fields = CONFIG.y('passbook.uid_fields') kwargs = { 'password': form.cleaned_data.get('password'), } for uid_field in uid_fields: kwargs[uid_field] = getattr(self.authenticator.pending_user, uid_field) try: user = authenticate(self.request, self.authenticator.current_factor.backends, **kwargs) if user: # User instance returned from authenticate() has .backend property set self.authenticator.pending_user = user self.request.session[AuthenticationView.SESSION_USER_BACKEND] = user.backend return self.authenticator.user_ok() # No user was found -> invalid credentials LOGGER.debug("Invalid credentials") # Manually inject error into form # pylint: disable=protected-access errors = form._errors.setdefault("password", ErrorList()) errors.append(_("Invalid password")) return self.form_invalid(form) except PermissionDenied: # User was found, but permission was denied (i.e. user is not active) LOGGER.debug("Denied access", **kwargs) return self.authenticator.user_invalid()