{% extends "administration/base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% load passbook_utils %} {% block content %}

{% trans 'Policy Bindings' %}

{% trans "Bind existing Policies to Models accepting policies." %}

{% if object_list %}
{% include 'partials/pagination.html' %}
{% for binding in object_list %} {% endfor %}
{% trans 'Enabled' %} {% trans 'Policy' %} {% trans 'Target' %}
{{ binding.enabled }}
{{ binding.policy }}
{{ binding.target|verbose_name }}
{% trans 'Edit' %} {% trans 'Delete' %}
{% include 'partials/pagination.html' %}
{% else %}

{% trans 'No Policy Bindings.' %}

{% trans 'Currently no policy bindings exist. Click the button below to create one.' %}
{% trans 'Create' %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}