import AdminPage from "./"; import { $, browser } from "@wdio/globals"; import { Key } from "webdriverio"; /** * sub page containing specific selectors and methods for a specific page */ class ApplicationsListPage extends AdminPage { /** * define selectors using getter methods */ get startWizardButton() { return $('>>>ak-wizard button[slot="trigger"]'); } get searchInput() { return $('>>>ak-table-search input[name="search"]'); } searchButton() { return $('>>>ak-table-search button[type="submit"]'); } // Sufficiently esoteric to justify having its own method async clickSearchButton() { await browser.execute( function (searchButton: unknown) { (searchButton as HTMLButtonElement).focus(); }, await $('>>>ak-table-search button[type="submit"]'), ); return await browser.action("key").down(Key.Enter).up(Key.Enter).perform(); } // Only use after a very precise search. :-) async findProviderRow() { return await $(">>>ak-provider-list td a"); } async open() { return await"if/admin/#/core/providers"); } } export default new ApplicationsListPage();