title: Immich

<span class="badge badge--secondary">Support level: Community</span>

## What is Immich

> Immich is a self-hosted backup solution for photos and videos on mobile devices.
> -- https://immich.app/

## Preparation

The following placeholders will be used:

-   `https://immich.company` is the URL used to access the Immich instance.
-   `authentik.company` is the FQDN of the authentik install.

## authentik configuration

1. Create a new OAuth2/OpenID Provider using the following settings:
    - **Name**: Immich
    - **Authentication flow**: default-authentication-flow
    - **Authorization flow**: default-provider-authorization-explicit-consent
    - **Client type**: Confidential
    - **Client ID**: Either create your own Client ID or make a note of the auto-populated one
    - **Client Secret**: Either create your own Client Secret or make a note of the auto-populated one
    - **Redirect URIs/Origins (RegEx)**:
      _Please note that the following URIs are just examples. Be sure to include all of the domains / URLs that you will use to access Immich._
        - app.immich:/
        - https://immich.company/auth/login
        - https://immich.company/user-settings
    - **Signing Key**: authentik Self-signed Certificate
    - Leave everything else as default
2. Open the new provider you've just created.
3. Make a note of the **OpenID Configuration Issuer**.

## Immich Configuration

Immich documentation can be found here: https://immich.app/docs/administration/oauth

1. In Immich, navigate to **Administration** > **Settings** > **OAuth Authentication**
2. Configure Immich as follows:
    - **Issuer URL**: Populate this field with the `OpenID Configuration Issuer`
    - **Client ID**: Enter your Client ID from authentik
    - **Client Secret**: Enter your Client Secret from authentik
    - **Scope**: `openid email profile`