import { MessageLevel } from "@goauthentik/common/messages"; import { ShowHintController, ShowHintControllerHost, } from "@goauthentik/components/ak-hint/ShowHintController"; import "@goauthentik/components/ak-hint/ak-hint"; import "@goauthentik/components/ak-hint/ak-hint-body"; import { AKElement } from "@goauthentik/elements/Base"; import "@goauthentik/elements/buttons/ActionButton/ak-action-button"; import { showMessage } from "@goauthentik/elements/messages/MessageContainer"; import { html, nothing } from "lit"; import { customElement, property, state } from "lit/decorators.js"; import PFPage from "@patternfly/patternfly/components/Page/page.css"; @customElement("ak-application-wizard-hint") export class AkApplicationWizardHint extends AKElement implements ShowHintControllerHost { static get styles() { return [PFPage]; } @property({ type: Boolean, attribute: "show-hint" }) forceHint: boolean = false; @state() showHint: boolean = true; showHintController: ShowHintController; constructor() { super(); this.showHintController = new ShowHintController( this, "202310-application-wizard-announcement", ); } renderHint() { return html`

Authentik has a new Application Wizard that can configure both an application and its authentication provider at the same time. Learn more about the wizard here.

{ showMessage({ message: "This would have shown the wizard", level: MessageLevel.success, }); }} >Create with Wizard
`; } render() { return this.showHint || this.forceHint ? this.renderHint() : nothing; } } export default AkApplicationWizardHint;