# GeoIP authentik supports GeoIP to add additional information to login/authorization/enrollment requests, and make policy decisions based on the lookup result. ### Configuration :::info Starting with authentik 2022.12, GeoIP is bundled and does not require any additional setup. ::: By default, the GeoIP database is loaded from `/geoip/GeoLite2-City.mmdb`. If more frequent database updates are desired, a volume can be mounted to `/geoip` to update this file externally. authentik will automatically re-load the file when it changes. ### Deactivating GeoIP If you want to disable GeoIP, you can set the path to a non-existent path and authentik will skip the GeoIP. import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs"; import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem"; <Tabs defaultValue="docker-compose" values={[ {label: 'docker-compose', value: 'docker-compose'}, {label: 'Kubernetes', value: 'kubernetes'}, ]}> <TabItem value="docker-compose"> Add the following block to your `.env` file: ```shell AUTHENTIK_EVENTS__CONTEXT_PROCESSORS__GEOIP=/tmp/non-existent-file AUTHENTIK_EVENTS__CONTEXT_PROCESSORS__ASN=/tmp/non-existent-file ``` Afterwards, run the upgrade commands from the latest release notes. </TabItem> <TabItem value="kubernetes"> Add the following block to your `values.yml` file: ```yaml authentik: events: context_processors: geoip: "/tmp/non-existent-file" asn: "/tmp/non-existent-file" ``` Afterwards, run the upgrade commands from the latest release notes. </TabItem> </Tabs> ### External updates Sign up for a free MaxMind account [here](https://www.maxmind.com/en/geolite2/signup). <Tabs defaultValue="docker-compose" values={[ {label: 'docker-compose', value: 'docker-compose'}, {label: 'Kubernetes', value: 'kubernetes'}, ]}> <TabItem value="docker-compose"> Add the following block to a `docker-compose.override.yml` file in the same folder as the authentik docker-compose file: ```yaml version: "3.2" services: server: volumes: - geoip:/geoip worker: volumes: - geoip:/geoip geoipupdate: image: "maxmindinc/geoipupdate:latest" volumes: - "geoip:/usr/share/GeoIP" environment: GEOIPUPDATE_EDITION_IDS: "GeoLite2-City GeoLite2-ASN" GEOIPUPDATE_FREQUENCY: "8" GEOIPUPDATE_ACCOUNT_ID: "*your account ID*" GEOIPUPDATE_LICENSE_KEY: "*your license key*" volumes: geoip: driver: local ``` Afterwards, run the upgrade commands from the latest release notes. </TabItem> <TabItem value="kubernetes"> Add the following block to your `values.yml` file: ```yaml geoip: enabled: true accountId: "*your account ID*" licenseKey: "*your license key*" editionIds: "GeoLite2-City GeoLite2-ASN" image: maxmindinc/geoipupdate:v4.8 updateInterval: 8 ``` Afterwards, run the upgrade commands from the latest release notes. </TabItem> </Tabs>