--- title: Expression Policies --- The passing of the policy is determined by the return value of the code. Use ```python return True ``` to pass a policy and ```python return False ``` to fail it. ## Available Functions ### `ak_message(message: str)` Add a message, visible by the end user. This can be used to show the reason why they were denied. Example: ```python ak_message("Access denied") return False ``` import Functions from '../expressions/_functions.md' ## Variables import Objects from '../expressions/_objects.md' - `request`: A PolicyRequest object, which has the following properties: - `request.user`: The current user, against which the policy is applied. See [User](../expressions/reference/user-object.md) - `request.http_request`: The Django HTTP Request. See ([Django documentation](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/ref/request-response/#httprequest-objects)) - `request.obj`: A Django Model instance. This is only set if the policy is ran against an object. - `request.context`: A dictionary with dynamic data. This depends on the origin of the execution. - `geoip`: GeoIP object, which is added when GeoIP is enabled. See [GeoIP](https://geoip2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#geoip2.models.City) - `ak_is_sso_flow`: Boolean which is true if request was initiated by authenticating through an external provider. - `ak_client_ip`: Client's IP Address or if no IP Address could be extracted. Can be [compared](#comparing-ip-addresses), for example ```python return ak_client_ip in ip_network('') # or return ak_client_ip.is_private ``` See also [Python documetnation](https://docs.python.org/3/library/ipaddress.html#ipaddress.ip_address) Additionally, when the policy is executed from a flow, every variable from the flow's current context is accessible under the `context` object. This includes the following: - `context['prompt_data']`: Data which has been saved from a prompt stage or an external source. - `context['application']`: The application the user is in the process of authorizing. - `context['pending_user']`: The currently pending user, see [User](/docs/expressions/reference/user-object) - `context['auth_method']`: Authentication method set (this value is set by password stages) Depending on method, `context['auth_method_args']` is also set. Can be any of: - `password`: Standard password login - `app_password`: App passowrd (token) Sets `context['auth_method_args']` to ```json { "token": { "pk": "f6d639aac81940f38dcfdc6e0fe2a786", "app": "authentik_core", "name": "test (expires=2021-08-23 15:45:54.725880+00:00)", "model_name": "token" } } ``` - `ldap`: LDAP bind authentication Sets `context['auth_method_args']` to ```json { "source": {} // Information about the source used } ```