"""response functions from django-revproxy""" import logging from django.http import HttpResponse, StreamingHttpResponse from passbook.app_gw.proxy.utils import (cookie_from_string, set_response_headers, should_stream) #: Default number of bytes that are going to be read in a file lecture DEFAULT_AMT = 2 ** 16 logger = logging.getLogger('revproxy.response') def get_django_response(proxy_response, strict_cookies=False): """This method is used to create an appropriate response based on the Content-Length of the proxy_response. If the content is bigger than MIN_STREAMING_LENGTH, which is found on utils.py, than django.http.StreamingHttpResponse will be created, else a django.http.HTTPResponse will be created instead :param proxy_response: An Instance of urllib3.response.HTTPResponse that will create an appropriate response :param strict_cookies: Whether to only accept RFC-compliant cookies :returns: Returns an appropriate response based on the proxy_response content-length """ status = proxy_response.status headers = proxy_response.headers logger.debug('Proxy response headers: %s', headers) content_type = headers.get('Content-Type') logger.debug('Content-Type: %s', content_type) if should_stream(proxy_response): logger.info('Content-Length is bigger than %s', DEFAULT_AMT) response = StreamingHttpResponse(proxy_response.stream(DEFAULT_AMT), status=status, content_type=content_type) else: content = proxy_response.data or b'' response = HttpResponse(content, status=status, content_type=content_type) logger.info('Normalizing response headers') set_response_headers(response, headers) logger.debug('Response headers: %s', getattr(response, '_headers')) cookies = proxy_response.headers.getlist('set-cookie') logger.info('Checking for invalid cookies') for cookie_string in cookies: cookie_dict = cookie_from_string(cookie_string, strict_cookies=strict_cookies) # if cookie is invalid cookie_dict will be None if cookie_dict: response.set_cookie(**cookie_dict) logger.debug('Response cookies: %s', response.cookies) return response