import { config } from "@goauthentik/common/api/config"; import { VERSION } from "@goauthentik/common/constants"; import { SentryIgnoredError } from "@goauthentik/common/errors"; import { me } from "@goauthentik/common/users"; import * as Sentry from "@sentry/browser"; import { Integrations } from "@sentry/tracing"; import { CapabilitiesEnum, Config, ResponseError } from "@goauthentik/api"; export const TAG_SENTRY_COMPONENT = "authentik.component"; export const TAG_SENTRY_CAPABILITIES = "authentik.capabilities"; export async function configureSentry(canDoPpi = false): Promise { const cfg = await config(); if (cfg.errorReporting.enabled) { Sentry.init({ dsn: cfg.errorReporting.sentryDsn, ignoreErrors: [ /network/gi, /fetch/gi, /module/gi, // Error on edge on ios, // /instantSearchSDKJSBridgeClearHighlight/gi, // Seems to be an issue in Safari and Firefox /MutationObserver.observe/gi, /NS_ERROR_FAILURE/gi, ], release: `authentik@${VERSION}`, integrations: [ new Integrations.BrowserTracing({ tracingOrigins: [, "localhost"], }), ], tracesSampleRate: cfg.errorReporting.tracesSampleRate, environment: cfg.errorReporting.environment, beforeSend: async ( event: Sentry.Event, hint: Sentry.EventHint | undefined, ): Promise => { if (!hint) { return event; } if (hint.originalException instanceof SentryIgnoredError) { return null; } if ( hint.originalException instanceof ResponseError || hint.originalException instanceof DOMException ) { return null; } return event; }, }); Sentry.setTag(TAG_SENTRY_CAPABILITIES, cfg.capabilities.join(",")); if (window.location.pathname.includes("if/")) { Sentry.setTag(TAG_SENTRY_COMPONENT, `web/${currentInterface()}`); Sentry.configureScope((scope) => scope.setTransactionName(`authentik.web.if.${currentInterface()}`), ); } if (cfg.capabilities.includes(CapabilitiesEnum.CanDebug)) { const Spotlight = await import("@spotlightjs/spotlight"); Spotlight.init({ injectImmediately: true }); } if (cfg.errorReporting.sendPii && canDoPpi) { me().then((user) => { Sentry.setUser({ email: }); console.debug("authentik/config: Sentry with PII enabled."); }); } else { console.debug("authentik/config: Sentry enabled."); } } return cfg; } // Get the interface name from URL export function currentInterface(): string { const pathMatches = window.location.pathname.match(/.+if\/(\w+)\//); let currentInterface = "unknown"; if (pathMatches && pathMatches.length >= 2) { currentInterface = pathMatches[1]; } return currentInterface.toLowerCase(); }