import * as Sentry from "@sentry/browser"; import { Integrations } from "@sentry/tracing"; import { VERSION } from "../constants"; import { SentryIgnoredError } from "../common/errors"; import { me } from "./Users"; import { config } from "./Config"; import { Config } from "@goauthentik/api"; export const TAG_SENTRY_COMPONENT = "authentik.component"; export const TAG_SENTRY_CAPABILITIES = "authentik.capabilities"; export function configureSentry(canDoPpi: boolean = false): Promise { return config().then((config) => { if (config.errorReporting.enabled) { Sentry.init({ dsn: "", ignoreErrors: [ /network/ig, /fetch/ig, ], release: `authentik@${VERSION}`, tunnel: "/api/v3/sentry/", integrations: [ new Integrations.BrowserTracing({ tracingOrigins: [, "localhost"], }), ], tracesSampleRate: config.errorReporting.tracesSampleRate, environment: config.errorReporting.environment, beforeSend: async (event: Sentry.Event, hint: Sentry.EventHint | undefined): Promise => { if (!hint) { return event; } if (hint.originalException instanceof SentryIgnoredError) { return null; } if (hint.originalException instanceof Response || hint.originalException instanceof DOMException) { return null; } return event; }, }); Sentry.setTag(TAG_SENTRY_CAPABILITIES, config.capabilities.join(",")); if (window.location.pathname.includes("if/")) { // Get the interface name from URL const intf = window.location.pathname.replace(/.+if\/(.+)\//, "$1"); Sentry.setTag(TAG_SENTRY_COMPONENT, `web/${intf}`); } if (config.errorReporting.sendPii && canDoPpi) { me().then(user => { Sentry.setUser({ email: }); console.debug("authentik/config: Sentry with PII enabled."); }); } else { console.debug("authentik/config: Sentry enabled."); } } return config; }); }