--- title: Apple --- <span class="badge badge--primary">Support level: authentik</span> Allows users to authenticate using their Apple ID. ## Preparation :::warning An Apple developer account is required. ::: :::warning Apple mandates the use of a [registered TLD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Internet_top-level_domains), as such this source will not work with .local and other non-public TLDs. ::: The following placeholders will be used: - `authentik.company` is the FQDN of the authentik install. ## Apple 1. Log into your Apple developer account, and navigate to **Certificates, IDs & Profiles**, then click **Identifiers** in the sidebar. 2. Register a new Identifier with the type of **App IDs**, and the subtype **App**. 3. Choose a name that users will recognise for the **Description** field. 4. For your bundle ID, use the reverse domain of authentik, in this case `company.authentik`. 5. Scroll down the list of capabilities, and check the box next to **Sign In with Apple**. 6. At the top, click **Continue** and **Register**.  7. Register another new Identifier with the type of **Services IDs**. 8. Again, choose the same name as above for your **Description** field. 9. Use the same identifier as above, but add a suffix like `signin` or `oauth`, as identifiers are unique. 10. At the top, click **Continue** and **Register**.  11. Once back at the overview list, click on the just-created Identifier. 12. Enable the checkbox next to **Sign In with Apple**, and click **Configure** 13. Under domains, enter `authentik.company`. 14. Under **Return URLs**, enter `https://authentik.company/source/oauth/callback/apple/`.  15. Click on **Keys** in the sidebar. Register a new Key with any name, and select **Sign in with Apple**. 16. Click on **Configure**, and select the App ID you've created above. 17. At the top, click **Save**, **Continue** and **Register**. 18. Download the Key file and note the **Key ID**.  19. Note the Team ID, visible at the top of the page. ## authentik 20. Under _Directory -> Federation & Social login_ Click **Create Apple OAuth Source** 21. **Name**: `Apple` 22. **Slug**: `apple` 23. **Consumer Key:** The identifier from step 9, then `;`, then your Team ID from step 19, then `;`, then the Key ID from step 18. Example: `io.goauthentik.dev-local;JQNH45HN7V;XFBNJ82BV6` 24. **Consumer Secret:** Paste the contents of the keyfile you've downloaded Save, and you now have Apple as a source. :::note For more details on how-to have the new source display on the Login Page see [here](../general#add-sources-to-default-login-page). :::