import { defaultKeymap, history, historyKeymap } from "@codemirror/commands"; import { html as htmlLang } from "@codemirror/lang-html"; import { javascript } from "@codemirror/lang-javascript"; import { python } from "@codemirror/lang-python"; import { xml } from "@codemirror/lang-xml"; import { LanguageSupport, StreamLanguage, defaultHighlightStyle, syntaxHighlighting, } from "@codemirror/language"; import * as yamlMode from "@codemirror/legacy-modes/mode/yaml"; import { Compartment, EditorState, Extension } from "@codemirror/state"; import { EditorView, keymap, lineNumbers } from "@codemirror/view"; import { AKElement } from "@goauthentik/elements/Base"; import YAML from "yaml"; import { customElement, property } from "lit/decorators.js"; @customElement("ak-codemirror") export class CodeMirrorTextarea extends AKElement { @property({ type: Boolean }) readOnly = false; @property() mode = "yaml"; @property() name?: string; editor?: EditorView; _value?: string; theme: Compartment; themeLight: Extension; themeDark: Extension; @property() // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any,@typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types set value(v: any) { if (v === null || v === undefined) return; // Value might be an object if within an iron-form, as that calls the getter of value // in the beginning and the calls this setter on reset let textValue = v; if (!(typeof v === "string" || v instanceof String)) { switch (this.mode.toLowerCase()) { case "yaml": textValue = YAML.stringify(v); break; case "javascript": textValue = JSON.stringify(v); break; default: textValue = v.toString(); break; } } if (this.editor) { this.editor.dispatch({ changes: { from: 0, to: this.editor.state.doc.length, insert: textValue }, }); } else { this._value = textValue; } } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any get value(): any { try { switch (this.mode.toLowerCase()) { case "yaml": return YAML.parse(this.getInnerValue()); case "javascript": return JSON.parse(this.getInnerValue()); default: return this.getInnerValue(); } } catch (e) { return this.getInnerValue(); } } constructor() { super(); this.theme = new Compartment(); this.themeLight = EditorView.theme( { "&": { backgroundColor: "var(--pf-global--BackgroundColor--light-300)", }, }, { dark: false }, ); this.themeDark = EditorView.theme( { "&": { backgroundColor: "var(--ak-dark-background-light)", }, }, { dark: true }, ); } private getInnerValue(): string { if (!this.editor) { return ""; } return this.editor.state.doc.toString(); } getLanguageExtension(): LanguageSupport | undefined { switch (this.mode.toLowerCase()) { case "xml": return xml(); case "javascript": return javascript(); case "html": return htmlLang(); case "python": return python(); case "yaml": return new LanguageSupport(StreamLanguage.define(yamlMode.yaml)); } return undefined; } firstUpdated(): void { const matcher = window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: light)"); const handler = (ev?: MediaQueryListEvent) => { let theme; if (ev?.matches || matcher.matches) { theme = this.themeLight; } else { theme = this.themeDark; } this.editor?.dispatch({ effects: this.theme.reconfigure(theme), }); }; const extensions = [ history(), keymap.of([...defaultKeymap, ...historyKeymap]), syntaxHighlighting(defaultHighlightStyle), this.getLanguageExtension(), lineNumbers(), EditorView.lineWrapping, EditorState.readOnly.of(this.readOnly), EditorState.tabSize.of(2), this.theme.of(this.themeLight), ]; this.editor = new EditorView({ extensions: extensions.filter((p) => p) as Extension[], root: this.shadowRoot || document, doc: this._value, }); this.shadowRoot?.appendChild(this.editor.dom); matcher.addEventListener("change", handler); handler(); } }